"Hey, what's the situation now?" Really red, with a large group of high level players in the guild, swayed to me with a face of unfathomable mystery, looking at the people running away frantically in front of me Russian players asked me.

"This...I don't know what the situation is now, but I know one thing is certain."


" I was so busy before!"


I shrugged helplessly, and then I started the communicator and connected to the military god’s communication network. "Hey, Military God. I think we are playing big this time!"

"I saw it."

"What should I do now?"

" Do you want to listen to my advice or the advice of your staff?"

"Tell me about it all."

"My advice is to immediately lead the whole army to chase and follow the Russians Chasing the past all the way, not only can regain lost ground, but also make it to Russia."

"So what did the staff of our guild say?"

"They said Let the whole army prepare for war and pursue a posture, but don't really catch up. The rear must quietly strengthen the defense and prepare for the Russian counterattack."

After listening to the report of the military god, I immediately fell into thought. It can be said that both methods are feasible. After all, whether it is the military god or the think tank of our guild, they are all quite outstanding decision-makers. The suggestions they gave are impossible, but it is because of them. The plans are very good, so I don’t know who to listen to.

Now the Russians are frightened by our strategic magic. In fact, they only suffered a temporary mental breakdown because of facing an invincible enemy. It was not a rational decision made by the main force of the Russian army. . If we start to launch the pursuit immediately according to the plan of the military god, then because of our continuous pressure and continuous pursuit, the Russians cannot stop to rectify the troops, so that their collapsed state will be difficult to recover, and we are just going all the way. So they drove them back to Russia. However, although this method looks good, it has many problems.

First of all, if we launch a chase immediately, it means that we will switch from a defensive state to an offensive state in an instant. At present, except for our guild, no other guild has such adjustment ability, so if we launch a chase , Then the Frost Rose Alliance is the only one who can participate in the war, and other guilds basically cannot count on it, at least for a short time. In addition, in addition to the trouble of switching between offense and defense, the pursuit battle itself is also a gamble. Because the main force of our guild has not actually reached the battlefield at this time, only some elites have arrived here. If we only launch a chase with such a few people, if the Russians have the ability to adjust their state during the movement and suddenly kill a sudden thrust, then we will face the disaster of extinction. After all, defense and offense are two concepts, and we have no problem with defense. If you want to offense, you may not be able to see enough. Finally, even if we launch a pursuit and successfully start expelling Russian players, what should we do when we arrive in Russia? The half-strike plan previously formulated is actually a large-scale annihilation plan. The goal is to consume a large amount of the Russians' vital power, so as to severely damage the strength of the Russian players so that they cannot be formed in the subsequent counter-invasion operations we launched against Russia. Effective defense. But if we start chasing now, it means that although we can drive the Russians out of the country, they cannot consume a lot of their strength. When the time comes, they enjoy defense bonuses in the country, and we want to occupy those resource areas. It will become extremely difficult.

Of course, in addition to the plan of the military god, the plan of the think tank is not perfect. The plan of the think tank is to make a fake chase, but don't really chase it. The Russians' current strength has not been damaged much, they are just scared, so if we can't press them in time to make them retreat, they should react quickly and stop to regroup. The advantage of this is that the Russians will return to the frontal battlefield again, and then we only have to lure them to advance, and everything will be back to the previous plan.

The benefits of the plan of the think tanks are obvious. The shortcomings in the plan made by the military god are just advantages in this plan. However, this plan is also flawed. When the Russians retreat, we will not pursue them, so what if they really run away?

We are not Russians, we can predict their actions, but that is only a prediction, and the ghosts know what they will actually do. If they are less courageous, even if we don't chase them, they will still run all the way back to the country to stick to it, then our plans afterwards will be all over, and the plans we have completed before will also be over.

The plan we made at the beginning when we were struggling with two-front combat was to deal with Japan first and then solve Russia. In order to extend the time of Russian invasion, we used the strategic decision of space-for-time. But the territory abandoned in this decision is not ours, but the Northern Alliance and some northern guilds. At the beginning, we persuaded them to agree to this plan on the premise that we had a plan to counterattack Russia. According to this plan, now the Northern Alliance and these small guilds have sacrificed their own interests to free up time for our guilds throughout China. , And then after attacking Russia and occupying the mining area, these guilds that made the sacrifices will receive priority compensation. This compensation is the motivation for the Northern Alliance and those small guilds that give up their own interests to do so.

But now the situation is different. What if the Russians go straight back to stay in the country, then what should we do? If we continue to fight in the past, in the face of the large number of defensive forces of others, plus the advantage of defending the land, how much will we have to pay to complete this invasion? When the time comes, the money earned may not be enough for war consumption, what else can be used to compensate for the losses of the Northern Alliance and those small guilds? Of course, there are more problems if you don't fight. Although we can regain the lost land and return it to the Northern Alliance and the small guilds, how exaggerated is the price of the entire relocation of the family? When people left, they left behind a whole city, but when they came back, they were piles of rubble. Who will pay for the losses? Of course, we can also be unreasonable and tell them who is responsible for the losses. If the city is lost, you will be unlucky. Who will let you be near the Russian border? But in this way, although there is no need to pay for war losses, the Chinese domestic guild alliance that we finally unified will surely be completely disintegrated. At least in the future, the Northern Alliance will definitely not cooperate with us anymore. So, this plan is actually more risky than the military god's.

Of course, the Russians may not return all the way back to the country, and we are even more than 80% sure that they will come back, but we cannot afford the 10% failure probability. Small things can be used to bet, and the national major event also dare to bet that it is the habit of the Japanese. We Chinese pay attention to Zhongzheng and peace, and stability is the first thing in everything. Pin our hopes on the Russians. We can't make this kind of gamble.

Actually, even if the Russians don’t run away, even if they come back as we hope, the future plan will be very troublesome. Before the Russians were equal to repeated victories, tempting them to go south can be said to be very simple. After all, they were arrogant soldiers at the time and it was easy to seduce them. But it's different now. Being beaten to the collapse of the entire army, such a big psychological trauma will inevitably make the battle method after the Russian invasion of Legion become cautious and careful. Even when they come back, I wonder if they still have the guts to move from the defensive area of ​​our guild. Rush over. What if they turn halfway to the defensive section of those small guilds?

"Military God."


"Immediately send the order to prepare for the pursuit."

"And then Chase or not to chase?"

"Discuss again."

"This is also OK?"

"Quickly do it."


After sending the army god, I said again: "Notify all the think tanks and the main guild leaders to connect to the communication, we will have a conference call."

"Already It’s connected."

Soon the main staff of the guild and the members of the think tanks were all connected to the communication line, and even the presidents of some major guilds were also brought into the communication range. .

"Hello everyone, I am Purple Moon, and the situation is like this now." I quickly talked about the battlefield situation and the crisis that the two decisions may bring, and then asked: "Do you think What on earth do we do?"

"Actually, I think it depends on what you think." I just opened the mouth and said as soon as I finished talking about Misty Rain: "It is said that our Northern Alliance has suffered the most this time, but President Purple Moon, I know you didn’t deliberately cheat us, so if something that you don’t want happens, I won’t take it to you. Don’t worry about that."

"Long live understanding! "

"Okay, don't be polite to me." Yanyu continued: "I still said that. Deciding which option to choose depends on your own thoughts."


"Why is my idea? This is related to the vital interests of thousands of large and small guilds across the country!"

"No, although it is directly related to our vital interests , But the decision is still yours." Yanyu said with certainty: "Since we decided to listen to you at the beginning, it is that we believe in your ability. If you do not benefit us, but make everyone suffer a loss, it is not Your fault is that we have misunderstood the person. So no matter how you decide, it is all your business. You should not consider our feelings at this time, it will affect your judgment, and if your judgment is not a natural work Right, that’s the greatest damage to our interests."

"Amidst the rain, you are forcing me!"

On the surface, the saying of Amidst seems to be supporting I am establishing my authority, but in fact he is forcing me to choose the plan of the think tank, because the plan of the military god is a conservative plan.

According to the plan of the military god, there will be no accidents. If we really decide to implement the plan, then I can actually predict the future gains and losses. There will be no surprises in the final result of this plan. It can only be a small loss or a small profit. In short, the basic High Level is in vain. Regardless of whether it is a loss or a profit, the value will be very low. In short, it is a waste of work.

Compared with the proposal of the god of war, the plan chosen by our think tank is more dangerous, but it is also more maneuverable. If you play well, the subsequent benefits will be very large. Smashed, the loss is definitely enough for us to regret that we want to commit suicide.

Misty Rain said that the Northern Alliance doesn’t care about gains and losses, but later said that if they lose something, it’s not my fault that they didn’t choose the right person. This is already telling me, in case we don’t get it this time. Enough benefits to compensate them, they won't mess with me in the future. Because the reason for their losses is that they chose the wrong boss, the mistake must be corrected. No matter who they change to or become the boss, in short, I will not be their boss anymore. This is for sure. So the words of Misty Rain are Jinli hiding needles, but actually they are forcing me to make a decision.

"Amidst the rain, what you said is really realistic." Rose suddenly interrupted: "Well, everyone, don't play dumb riddles here, everyone on the line except us from the Frost Rose League. They are all the leading figures of the major guilds. Everyone is sensible. Going around will only waste our time. Let’s make it clear now that you want us to take a gamble, don’t you?"

"Okay, sister-in-law is also a fair and reasonable character." The president of a large guild called the Dark Alliance said: "Since everything is so straightforward, then I also say what I mean. First. This plan didn’t make a profit. If you really follow that, it means you’re doing nothing in the later stage. I don’t know what others think. Anyway, I will definitely withdraw early after knowing it. Then if others are the same as me, the result will be the collapse of the alliance. When it becomes white, the troops are disbanded in advance, and afterwards, it is estimated that it will be difficult for your Frost Rose League to bring everyone together."

"Sorry, can we discuss it with the guild?" The voice came in suddenly.


After obtaining permission, Somei immediately spoke to the military gods: "Military god, open an independent channel for the conference staff of our guild, temporarily shield others Signal."

"It's done."

"OK." Su Mei said: "Now only our own people are here. I was inspired by the words of the boss of the dark alliance just now. I always felt that the military god’s plan was flawed, but I couldn’t find the problem. Now I finally figured out what was wrong."

Until we asked, the military god suddenly intervened. Li Jin said: "I also know where my problem lies. I previously ignored the relationship between domestic guilds. I planned strategic deployment in the manner of the country’s subordinate military, but the domestic guilds did not They cannot cooperate tacitly like the armies. In the army, even if you know that you are cannon fodder, a certain unit will still sacrifice for the victory of the overall battle. But we are now in a guild alliance, and there are benefits. When the time comes, everyone can twist into a rope. Once the benefits disappear and there are losses, the alliance will immediately collapse. There is no cohesion between us, and it is impossible to sacrifice the partial to achieve the whole. So..."

"So the plan is denied , Military God, you immediately begin to calculate the feasible plan of Somei and their plan. I ask you to fill in the blanks in the plan in the shortest time. We need a comprehensive and detailed plan."

"In the calculation, please Wait a moment.” After a pause for more than a minute, the military god opened the mouth and said again: “The result is out. The initial plan of the think tank is about 83%, if I make micro-operation adjustments. The pace of warfare, and the use of President Purple Moon’s super-strike ability as a means of suppression, has a success probability of over 97%."

"Such a high success rate should be sufficient." I asked: " What are the details of the plan?"

"There is a big discrepancy between the revised plan and the plan of the think tank, and the previous plan for crossing the river cannot be borrowed. In addition, according to this plan, our guild may need Increase investment, and in order to ensure post-war interests, we may have to expand the area of ​​occupation of Russia."

"That is to make the whole plan bigger?"

" Not only will it become bigger, the content of the plan will also be more complicated, and there will be more things involved, and as the planning time becomes longer, we may need to use some unconventional means."

"What is meant by Use unconventional means?" Zhen Hong asked.

"First of all Isinger must join the war, and secondly we need foreign aid."

"Foreign aid?" I curiously asked: "The nation's military strength is here, so what else is there? Foreign aid?"

"Because the soldiers all over the country are here, I said it was foreign aid rather than internal personnel."

"You mean Divine Race?" I Not stupid, of course I immediately guessed what the military god was talking about when he said that.

Sure enough, the military god immediately confirmed my guess. "No matter what method you use, you must let some of the Divine Race participate in the battle. You don’t have to use the Divine Race’s name, as long as you second part of their power. In addition, if possible, it’s better to use the Ring of Discipline. ."

"No, the ring of commandments cannot be moved." I had a fight with the Divine Races because of the distribution of the interests of the Russian Divine Race. Give up the management of the ring of discipline as a threat to persecute all parties Divine Race. If we propose to use the Ring of Discipline, it will not only be a question of slapped ourselves, it will make us lose our position. When the time comes, even if we win the battle against Russia, the cheap ones are For other Chinese guilds we do, we ourselves have to bear the extortion from Divine Race. So the Ring of Discipline is now the nuclear weapon on the shelf. Just put it there to frighten people, and if it is launched, it will cause trouble for yourself.

"It doesn't matter if the ring of commandment can't be moved. What about Divine Race?"

"Divine Race can be considered. They didn't have a good time with me before, this may be looking for I have a chance to repair the relationship with us. If this happens, I will take the initiative to find them, I should be able to obtain a certain amount of military power based on an understanding. But do you think it is better for ordinary arms or high level armed forces?"

"A top martial power with a deterrent effect is needed, but the quantity is not a problem."

"Okay, then I have the spectrum."

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