"Song this Monarch, loose this Monarch, you must trust us!" A Japanese guild president who looks very upright is now desperately explaining to Matsumoto Masaka "We are all bewitched by Nobunaga Oninote. It is really not our intention to demolish your station. We also know that your plan is better, but Nobunaga Oni's plan is clearly robbing everyone. If we do not follow along, we may not get anything in the end. As you know, the interests of so many people under us lie there. As the leaders of the guild, we cannot look at everyone’s interests. Isn't it a loss? So we..."

The guy was interrupted by Masaka Matsumoto's sudden stretched out hand before he finished speaking. "You don't need to explain to me."

"No, you don't understand." The president heard Matsumoto's words and thought that he was angry, and quickly wanted to continue to argue.

Matsumoto saw that he was so excited, and immediately stopped and said: "I don't want to talk to you now because I don't want every chairman to repeat my words, so I decided to solve the matter at once. If you really plan to follow me, then stop pestering me, immediately help me inform as many guild forces as possible, and tell them that if you want to follow me, go to my Underground City at 8 o’clock this evening. At the meeting, I will explain everything clearly with you. No one will come to see me alone before that, I will not meet anyone, and even if you find me, I will not talk to you about anything. Wait. At the end of the evening meeting, if you still want to talk to me alone, I promise to talk to you one by one. Never break your promise."

With the words of Masaga Matsumoto, the intercessing chairman and Other people nearby stopped immediately, and then collectively expressed their gratitude to Masaka Matsumoto and left Matsumoto Masaka to inform the people they were familiar with. Matsumoto Masaka also returned to his Underground City smoothly. Before the evening meeting started, he still had a lot to deal with.

Shortly after Matsumoto Masahiro returned to Underground City to arrange his evening work, three important meetings in several other places in Asia also began tensely.

This first meeting place was actually not far from the Underground City of Masaga Matsumoto, and the meeting participants basically included the presidents of all existing guilds in Japan and some idle high-end players. What they are discussing is actually very simple, that is, how to deal with themselves in the future.

"Can you tell me what should we do?" asked a long and thick president.

A thinner chairman next to him sighed: "What else can we do besides completely falling to Matsumoto Masaka? This time we have offended him miserably!"

< p>A female president immediately continued: "Who said no? If it weren’t for Masaka Matsumoto’s initiative to release a message and say that I would convene a meeting with everyone in the evening, I would be sorry, goodbye him! We did it to grab the results of Masaka Matsumoto It’s like this now. In the end, people have to come to us to deal with the aftermath. What do you think we should behave in the future?"

"It’s not necessary to completely fall to Matsumoto Masaga, I don’t think it is necessary." A high level player with a slightly pointed mouth monkey cheeks said: "Since Masaka Matsumoto wants us to meet with him at night, it is clear that he has the meaning of attracting everyone to become the overlord of Japan again. For this purpose, I think he is unlikely to do us anything. , This time he will turn a blind eye. So we can't show our timidity, we have to..."

We'll meet the five-big and three-thin chairman before he finishes saying what he said. He cursed: "Miyayota, you greedy fellow, if it weren't for you and our guilds, they wouldn't have gotten where they are now. When is this? How dare you say anything here? You really are Matsumoto Masaga Is it a soft persimmon? Or you simply want to kill us all to be reconciled? I tell you, I will not listen to any of your rhetoric anymore, and you will not appear in the sphere of influence of our Tianze Club in the future. Inside, otherwise I see you kill once."

"President Dadong, you are wrong to say that, I..."

"Miyayota, you are greedy Idiot, President Dadong is right. I believe that your lobbying has caused us a heavy loss last time. Whatever you say this time is impossible to listen to you. I propose to expel this bastard from our joint meeting immediately. . Raise your hand in agreement.” The speaker raised his hand as soon as he finished speaking, and then immediately raised a large arm next to him, and there was a pause for a second or so and more people also raised it. He raised his hand, and in the end, almost no one in the entire venue did not raise his hand except the Miyabota himself.

Seeing so many people agree to expel themselves, Gong Bao Tian couldn't sit still. He jumped up and pointed at the people present and cursed: "You bastards who are abandon one's benefactor after achieving one's goal, why didn't you come out and say these things when you divided the interests? Now that the plan fails, you just turn to me. Lai, are you too shameless?"

"You idiot, don't make noise there." An older president called to the guard at the door: "Come on, take He threw it out."

The guy named Miyabota struggled to resist as soon as the guards came to pull him, but a word from a guild leader next to him calmed him down. "Here is more than 90% of Japan's cutting-edge martial power, are you still planning to single out all of us here?" That's right. Those who can come to the meeting are either for a long time or are single-practice high-level players. None of these people have poor martial power, so if you want to resist here, it is basically equal to courting death.

Looking at the guy who got in the way was dragged out, the older president who had called the guard stood up and said, "What we are going to discuss now is not actually how to decide the camp. I believe everyone present here should know that as long as they are not idiots, we have no other way out except for following Masaga Matsumoto with all our heart. The summoning of everyone here before is nothing more than asking everyone to unify their calibre in advance so that they can work together in the future. We strive for the best interests, nothing more. If anyone is still looking to play with Matsumoto Masaga, then please leave here now, you no longer need to participate in this meeting."

"That's good." A guild leader who looked like a wealthy person stood up wearing a gorgeous Battle Armor and said: "All of you here are smart people. I believe you know better than me why we came here. Loyalty and honor. , Social Virtue, that's all nonsense. There is only one word in the eyes and heads of those of us-benefit. Regardless of your current views on Matsumoto Masaka, it doesn't matter whether you worship him or hate him. The key is that he can lead us to victory and earn more benefits for us, so I decided to tie myself to Masaka Matsumoto’s war chariot and make a fortune with him. If anyone does not want to get rich, please leave silently. , But if anyone wants to stand in front of us, then don’t blame me for being impolite."

When I heard this president, many people present were slightly nodded unconsciously, Obviously they all agreed with this theory.

With the words of the president and the words of the older person at the bottom, the discussion that followed became quicker and more fruitful. Everyone pieced together all kinds of ideas and plans to perfect their profit division plan, hoping to get more benefits from the meeting with Matsumoto Masaka in the evening without offending Matsumoto Masaka again. After all, they owe too much to Masaka Matsumoto.

Originally, these people's interests are supreme, and they don't care about who they owe or what they owe. Anyway, as long as they are good for themselves, it is absolutely safe for them to offend others no matter how much they do. But although their thoughts are darker, their brains are not stupid. Masaga Matsumoto and I have shown various tug-of-wars in terms of personal strength, tactical arrangements and even strategic layout, which all illustrate Matsumoto's wisdom and ability. How can such a person let others take advantage? Before they took advantage of Matsumoto Masaga’s gambling, it turned out that Matsumoto Masaka’s plan was simply perfect to the point where it could not be modified anywhere, so they wanted to usurp Matsumoto Masaga’s plan except for the whole thing. You won't get anything except smash. In order not to happen again, they had to follow in the footsteps of Masaka Matsumoto, even if they were to make a low voice to Masaka Matsumoto, even if they had to let Masaka Matsumoto have the greatest benefit first, it would be at no cost. .

While this group of guild leaders are meeting, in a small village with a high concealment in another deep mountain in Japan, Nobunaga Onishu is also having a meeting. Of course, unlike the guild leader meeting with high level players, where there are nearly a thousand people, the meeting on Nobunaga's side seems much more deserted, and except for the guy Kenjiro Kohato who is still following him, he Nobunaga couldn't find an expert with a name that could be called in Japan at all. It can even be said that there is only one stick left beside him, shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

"President, what shall we do in the future?" a player asked Nobunaga Guishou with a sad face.

Onitou Nobunaga hasn’t answered yet, another player immediately suggested: “Why don’t we go to the meeting of Masaka Matsumoto at night? Even if we offend him, Masaka Matsumoto needs Stance, It shouldn't be to kill us to the last one. As long as we lower our posture, I believe we can still get something, at least we will not be completely disintegrated, right?"

As soon as the guy finished speaking, the guy sitting next to Guisou Nobunaga, who looked fierce at first glance, stood up and pointed at the guy and cursed: "Nara Shinsuke, if you're scared, just get out of here. Go to Matsumoto Masaka and be your watchdog. Don't lose our face here!"

Being scolded by this guy, Nara Shinsuke became popular. He yelled back in a louder voice. "You idiot, you know meet force with force. We used to be iron blocks. It didn't matter if we hit an egg or a stone. It was hard. But now we have this layer of egg shells. Have to be hard. You are happy to put all of our family property all right and wrong, right? You said I was a softie, I think you are a fool. If I were a softie, when so many people withdrew just now, I I just ran with them. What can stay is not for the sake of our guild? I’m advising the chairman. You idiot knows to be hard, and you have the ability. Masaka Matsumoto is gone, so we will all hang in with you in the future, can you?"

The guy with the rectum became dumb after being yelled at by Nara Shinsuke. He was only momentarily angry just now. Standing up and venting, it is indeed such a thing when I think about it now. He couldn't beat Matsumoto Masaka, and their guild could no longer fight against Matsumoto Masaka's forces. In this case, there were only two choices. Either completely give up his dignity and go to Masaga Matsumoto, from then on being a running dog for others, charging at the forefront, and at the end of the battle, they will gnaw the remaining rotten bones. Or just be harder and go it alone. However, in the first article, although droughts and floods guarantee income, but the pay is large and the return is small, it is estimated that there will be no more days in this life. As for the second method, I don’t know if the return is, but the effort will definitely not be much smaller than the first, and it will even be more difficult. But there is one advantage of going it alone, that is, there is hope for re-development in the future, but this hope is basically the same illusory as winning the lottery.

"You don't need to think about joining Masaga Matsumoto." Just as the members were thinking, Kenjiro Kohato suddenly spoke. "I have discussed with Oni-kun before, and we plan to develop independently. Even if we don’t take advantage of Matsumoto's east wind, we will not completely die out."

Onishou Nobunaga said nodded. : "Yes, this is the result of our discussion. I hope everyone can support us."

"Chairman, I don’t support you. It’s just that I want to hear you explain why you do this? I I always feel this is very dangerous." Nara Shinsuke asked.

After listening to Nara's question, everyone else also looked towards Nobunaga Onishu. Obviously everyone wanted to know the answer. Nobunaga Onita looked at their expressions and knew that it would be impossible not to explain it, so he said, "Actually, I hesitated at first, but later I figured it out. Although Matsumoto Masakah showed benevolence outside, but I never believe that he really doesn’t care about us cheating him. He just doesn’t have a good reason to act on us directly, it’s not that he really doesn’t hate us. So, once we really take refuge in Matsumoto Masaga, I think Although he will definitely accept us to show his tolerance, he will definitely play against us secretly. On the one hand, he constantly assigns us difficult tasks, uses us as cannon fodder to consume our strength, and on the other hand, the distribution of benefits In terms of what we got is absolutely the least, we may even do nothing, so there is no way out with Masaka Matsumoto."

"Will it be better for us to do it ourselves?"


"I can’t say it’s better, I can only say it’s nine deaths and still alive. No, it’s not that serious." Nobunaga thought for a while before continuing: "We don’t go to Matsumoto Masaka , Then he can’t directly order us to do what to do. Of course, he can use national justice to suppress us, but we have offended all the guilds in Japan this time, so we don’t have to think about image issues at all. To be nice, we are the hob meat right now. As long as we are rogues to the end, Masaka Matsumoto has nothing to do with us. No matter how rogue we are, we are still Japanese after all, and he can’t directly attack us. When they fight back against the Chinese, We can follow them. Although we are not in a unified command, the battle strength of Kenjiro Kohato and I are still there. With your efforts, it should still be possible to hit the next two small cities. And no matter how we fight, after all, It is rebelling against the Chinese, so other Japanese guilds should not embarrass us too much, so that we can at least get a certain amount of living space after the war. As for future development, I think if there are two small cities, at least we It's not worse than it is now, right?"

Listening to Nobunaga's explanation, everyone around was in a state of thinking, but as long as they figured it out, they should all accept Nobunaga. After all, this plan is currently the most beneficial way for them. Of course, this is only what they think. If they knew about the relationship between Masaka Matsumoto and me, they would definitely not consider this plan.

Onitsuka nobunaga’s meeting and those of the Japanese chairpersons’ meetings were held in Japan at the same time, and the Chinese region naturally couldn’t be idle. Our main battle strength was attracted by the Russian Divine Race, and the counterattack plan launched by Nobunaga Onihand once again delayed the return of our elites, leading to the rapid progress of the Russian Expeditionary Force’s invasion. Although we have used various tactics, including the exchange of space for time, the tactics are only auxiliary means after all. We can't replicate the ancient zither strategy of empty city strategy like Zhuge Wuhou. Therefore, the interception plan With the huge gap in the number and quality of personnel, there was simply no progress other than slowing down the speed of the Russian invasion.

However, things are different now. The Russian Divine Race has been settled, and the crazy Japanese counterattack has been stopped by our thunder. After we free our hands, we are not afraid of the Russians at all. After all, no matter whether it is high-end martial power or the number of personnel, we are not inferior to them. Previously, multi-line operations dispersed the power. Now it is our turn to clenched fists and beat people.

Of course, at least one has to coordinate the offensive strategy before beating someone. After all, the Russian army has invaded the hinterland of our country too deeply. The biggest problem in fighting on the land of our country is that we will pay for all the battlefield damage, so we must plan the details. Of course, in addition to the detailed arrangements for this battle, Rose has a bigger plan, which is to counter-invade Russia.

The so-called internal wall loss and external wall repair, since the Russian invasion caused us internal losses, why can't we break into Russian territory to make up for this loss? It is important to know that Russia’s areas close to Chinese territory are basically no man’s land. Not only are they large in size, they are also easy to seize, and the benefits are huge. Now we have both strength and excuses. I'm so sorry if we don't bite a piece of meat from that gang of polar bears with such a good opportunity.

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