"Purple Moon, where are your troops? When will they be ready for battle?" As soon as I returned to Isengard, I was caught by a large group of people from all over China. The guild presidents were blocked. It can be said that when our guild divided its forces to deal with the Russian Divine Race and the Japanese, they were fighting the entire Russian invasion of Legion. It is no wonder that they would be anxious to get angry with such a great pressure.

Seeing this group of guild leaders seemed very excited. I had no choice but to stop and find a taller sculpture base and jump on it, and then pressed down with both hands to signal the guild leaders to be quiet. Seeing that I was about to speak, the presidents also calmed down and waited for my answer. After thinking for a while, I said, "Don’t worry, everyone. Our team is already on the way back, but after all, such a large force is impossible to be transferred back in an instant, so you must give me some time."

"Purple Moon, President Purple Moon, it’s not that we want to embarrass you, but that we can’t hold on anymore. You don’t know, the situation is very dangerous now. The Russian invasion of Legion is almost on the edge of the Yellow River. , Before this, we have never let invaders from any country enter such a core area. I am afraid that if this continues, those members of our staff who do not know the details will be incited and deceived!"

What the president said is actually the truth. In military strategy, it is not always a good thing to always move forward. Sometimes a proper strategic retreat is more important than an offensive. For example, this time we used the space-for-time strategic arrangement to cope with multi-line operations. If we did not take the initiative to retreat on a large scale like ours, but went to fight the Russians as soon as we came up, it would indeed be possible in Early-Stage. Keep the Russians out of the country. But what about afterwards? When our guild vacates its hands, we must face the Russian invaders alone. Not to mention that we have not been able to fight them, and the form of war alone is definitely not optimistic. Although the Russian army has entered the hinterland of our country, due to our arrangement, the losses of those guilds responsible for containment are actually very small. Therefore, the Russians dare not make any exaggerated strategic moves. Push forward, and all the routes we take are special passages that have been forcibly compressed by us. If we fight all the people as soon as we come up, then the now unscrupulous Russian invasion of Legion is basically impossible to go so slowly, and it is impossible to wreak havoc and exploit the resources along the way, because they are afraid that our superior forces will be affected by the division of forces. Destroy them one by one.

However, although our arrangement is correct, ordinary players may not understand these things. We are impossible to explain our strategic decisions to each player individually. From the perspective of confidentiality, they shouldn’t know this at all; from the perspective of human resources, we don’t have much time to explain to each individual the detailed content of each strategic intention; from the perspective of the differences between people, those ordinary players They are just ordinary persons, and they may simply not understand the specific meaning of these big strategic plans. Under such circumstances, we are basically impossible to tell ordinary players about our arrangements, and they will judge whether our command behavior is appropriate based on the actual changes at this stage. If we are in a strategic retreat phase, such as the current situation, and at this time, some players think that this is caused by our incompetence, and then want to overthrow us, then the matter is big. It is not that we are afraid that someone will come out to oppose us, but that we are worried that such internal friction will affect our entire external strategy.

"The president, what you said is very reasonable, and I am as anxious as you are, but our troops are really being transferred. Besides, even if I transfer the team back, I can’t just throw it away. Enter the Russian position, right? You have to give me time to adjust the troops, don’t you?"

"Of course we hope to have time for you to adjust, but we really can’t stand it anymore." Another president said anxiously: "Some of my people are already scolding us for being incompetent. If this continues, I am worried that they will not listen to me and go it alone, and I cannot tell them our plan, so ……!"

"Okay, well, I know everyone’s difficulties." I loudly said: "Do you think this is good? I will first send a part of the super elite to immediately use Transmission Formation to enter the Russians Control the area to hold their offensive pace, you go to the conference hall with me first, you can listen to our guild meeting, so that you can know our tactical arrangements. I promise to be with the guild in the shortest possible time The supervisors discuss the battle plan, and then we will immediately organize the troops and send them to the front after the decision is made. Is this okay?"

A president stood up and said: "President Purple Moon You don’t understand what we mean. We are not asking you for anything, but we are telling you the fact that we are almost unable to withstand it. What you have to do is not to explain to us, but to send troops to the front as soon as possible." The chairman turned around and said to the other guilds after speaking, “It’s not an option for everyone to be stuck here. This will only slow down the work of President Purple Moon. Everyone should listen to the arrangements of President Purple Moon. Let’s have a meeting."

"Okay." Everyone confessed the task to the accompanying guild deputies, asking them to suppress the Russians from breaking through the final line of defense. After the account was over, they were together. Following my grandiose rushed to the conference hall of our guild. Fortunately, Isinger's buildings are all repaired like a giant country, otherwise so many people really can't fit them. After the guild leaders and I all entered the conference hall, the entire conference hall was almost filled. Although Isengard’s building was large enough, this conference hall was not originally designed for large-scale meetings. Now here or Standing or sitting at least crowded five-six hundred people, but it's strange if you don't crowd.

Many of the leaders of the guilds present were entering the conference hall of our guild for the first time. As soon as they entered, Lima was dumbfounded.

"Damn, this is the conference hall?" A president stroked the wall made of black liquid crystals and rubies, and the saliva almost flowed down, and there are not a few people nearby with similar expressions. . After all, Isinger’s original decoration style is indeed a bit too luxurious, but this luxury is not the shiny and high-profile luxury like a palace, but a kind of black and dark red as the main tone, the lines are majestic and majestic. The luxury with a strong glamorous atmosphere. To be honest, this decoration style is not liked by everyone, because it is too cold. In such an environment, many people will unconsciously make their faces very serious, and you may even feel that as long as you are joking here, you will feel repelled by the surrounding environment. Some people have poor psychological endurance. When people stare at a certain building or sculpture for a long time, they may even have a breathless sense of depression. If I have to find a more vivid metaphor for this style, then I think it is like a huge haunted European-style cluster of palaces, cold and cruel in luxury, this is the central idea that Isinger wants to express. It is also the main reason why most people don't like its architectural style.

Although the presidents in the city have seen Isinger’s architectural style for a long time, now this Conference Hall is after all the administrative center of our guild and the public facilities open to the outside world. Naturally it is incomparable. At least in other places, we can't use blood diamonds and black liquid crystals to stick to the wall. We still don't have the money to that extent.

I didn’t pay too much attention to the sighs and surprises of the presidents. Although the first time I took guests to my site, it was polite to introduce someone to visit, but we are really in a hurry. , So I didn't bother with that effort. Besides, this is a secret area of ​​our guild. It would be nice to bring them in, and there is no need to talk to others.

After entering the hall, I walked directly to the throne of mine and sat down, and then stretched out my hand to press on the table in front of me, and the door of the room closed automatically, followed by a loud boom. A steel gate suddenly fell from the top of the door and completely closed the door. I started talking while those guild leaders were still studying why the door suddenly closed.

"Okay, the meeting will begin now." I said, raising my head and shouting above my head: "Military God, project me the War Zone map."

Just listen to the four corners of the bang room. Five small doors were opened on the roof at the center of the room at the same time, and then five diamond-shaped octagonal water crystal pillars descended from those five holes, followed by each water crystal pillar suddenly lit up, five scattering lines It quickly shot into the air in the middle of the room to form a three-dimensional Earth, followed by that Earth quickly zoomed in and gathered in the area controlled by the Russians in northern China. Next, this area was cut out separately and quickly turned into a horizontally expanded map. Finally, amidst the surprised cries of those listening chairpersons, the horizontally expanded map turned out to have a height difference like a sand table. The entire War Zone All of the terrain is simulated, and the control area of ​​all influence is marked with color.

Although they were surprised at what was in front of them, those guild leaders knew that our guild was in a meeting now. They were just listening, so they didn’t interrupt, but although they didn’t say anything, they were I'm thinking about waiting for the future, must find the opportunity to ask if this item is available for sale.

"Boss, doesn't the current form look very good?" Zhen Hong said while looking at the map in front of her.

I slightly nodded and said: "If the format is good, the guild leaders will not be so anxious. Now our main elite troops have returned, it depends on how we use them. But our strength Do you have any statistics comparing the strength of the Russians?"

Rose immediately said: "There have been statistics. The god of war, show the strength of the Russians." Suddenly there was a three-dimensional map in the center of the conference hall. There are many more abstract military signs, and each military sign has a line pointing to a comment. From this, you can clearly understand the specific positions and numbers of the high level arms and large corps of all Russians.

"This is..." I suddenly found that the data shown on this graph is not the same as the data I have seen before, but that data is the data we used against the Russian Divine Race, not Now, then I reacted and looked at the introduction map in surprise and asked: "Could it be that the Russians have increased their troops during this time?"

"It is indeed an increase in troops." Rose introduced "The Russians added an established hybrid Legion from the mainland during the time we were entangled in Japan. According to our reconnaissance force observation, it is possible that this mixed Legion brought some kind of secret member into our country. ."

"Secret members? Are you referring to special creatures?"

"Not necessarily fighting creatures, but it will greatly increase the Russians’ battle strength or weaken ours. battle strength, and according to the analysis of the guild’s think tank, this reinforcement Legion is probably not used for battle."

"Then what are they doing?"

"Escort that Secret creature."

When I heard Rose's answer, my brow frowned. "What kind of creatures are so strong that they need a Legion to escort them?"

"We don't know about this." Rose explained, "That or that group of creatures have been installed in a supercar On a large transport vehicle, and the ice-bound Banshee himself has been escorting the vehicle personally. We have sent high level players many times to try to forcibly enter but were blocked by her."

I thought for a while and said: "Since you don’t know what’s installed, let’s just leave it alone. Let’s work out our deployment plan. After the team is in place, I will go and see for myself what’s installed in the car. The ice-bound Banshee can block it. The detective who lives in our guild, she won’t even be able to stop me, right?"

"Of course." Sumei said, "Brother Purple Moon, you are the strongest in our guild." Spear, it’s not an exaggeration to say that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, so you not only have to see what’s in the car, but also has a more important task."

" Say."

"Military God." Su Mei looked towards the map in front and shouted.

"Understood." The military quickly enlarged the map again, and then marked several red dots on it and listed some pictures and text information for each red dot. "President, what you see now is the five elite combat teams of Russians. Although these people are not many, their overall battle strength is extremely strong and they cooperate with each other and cannot be killed alone. Because you participated in the Divine Race against Russia and against Japan. The battle has taken away the high-end martial power of our guild, so we can't mobilize our forces to deal with these five elite combat teams. Many of our lines of defense were breached by them."

" I understand. After reading the contents of the car, I can go and beat the five combat teams one by one to the ground, right?"

"You don't have to be responsible for it." So Mi said, "Really. The red elder sister and the gold coin elder sister are responsible for leading the main guild to fight, so they can’t help, but Kristina’s elder sister should be able to take charge of the two groups. If Hong Yue brings a few mobile angels for Divine Race, she should You can also handle one group, Purple Moon big brother, you only need to deal with two groups."

"No, I'm in charge of three groups. Hong Yue won't join the battle anymore."

" Why?" Hong Yue finally got a chance to play. I didn't expect me to dismiss her immediately, which made her quite depressed.

I looked at Hong Yue and said, "You are Vice-President, and you have to be there when I am away. If all the leaders of such a big guild run away, who will make the decision in case of emergency? Even if there are no emergencies, it is very busy just to command a war normally. How can we all go?"

"Well then!" Hong Yue heard what I said made sense, so he didn’t do it anymore. insist.

"Then, the assault mission is clear, what about the battle plan?"

Su Mei said: "We have actually planned the battle plan."

"What kind of arrangement?"

"It is not surprising to say it, it is a very simple strategy-half-way strike."

"You want Russia Does anyone cross the Yellow River?" I asked Su Mei looking at it in surprise.

"Yes." Su Mi replied: "Although our elite has returned, the number of Russians is really a bit high, so I think the plan made before is no longer suitable for the current situation. . If we and the Russians start a decisive battle immediately, although we can win, but our losses will be very large. Besides, we have a plan to counterattack Russia to obtain their land. If we run out of strength in this 1st stage Now, what about the follow-up tasks?"

"That's what I said. So what is the specific opinion of your think tank?"

"The plan is like this..."

The plan that Somei and the others researched is actually not too complicated. There are two main points. One is to mix the elite troops of our guild into the combat teams of other Chinese guilds, and then divide this strengthened interception force into two halves to block the Russians’ left and right wings respectively, forcing them to choose to move forward or Back. Of course, the Russians worked hard to break into the hinterland of our country. Of course, it is impossible to run back unfathomable mystery without catching anything, so they will definitely move forward, and there is only a yellow river in front of them.

To allow the Russians to cross the Yellow River, of course, they cannot rely on the blocking of the left and right wings, because then the trap would be too obvious. So while blocking the left and right wings, we must also select the super elite with the strongest battle strength in the guild to block the front of the Russians. The reason why the strongest personnel need to be sent here is because this frontal battlefield requires precise control. On the one hand, we must make the Russians feel the pressure to make them think that their front and two wings have been stubbornly blocked, so that they will not see that we are tempting them to move forward. In addition, although we want to block the front of the Russians, we must allow them to move forward, so this blocking force must be controlled. If the blocking battle is too hard, it might really beat the Russians away. It’s too weak and it’s easy for them to perceive this as a trap. Therefore, only the experts with the strongest battle strength can afford this positive. After all, these experts’ Individual combat strength is relatively strong, whether it is attacking or retreating, the rhythm switching will be much faster than the average player, so that we can control the rhythm of the battlefield.

After listening to Sumei’s report, I immediately said: "The plan is good, then follow this plan? We are short on time and can’t delay."

"Yes, there is another You need to be responsible for the matter, Purple Moon," Su Mi said suddenly.

"What's the matter?"

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