"It seems that you are planning to sacrifice yourselves for righteousness." I looked at Masaga Matsumoto and his men who were blocking the front of our army and said.

Since it’s a performance, it’s natural to have a little bit of blood, otherwise, wouldn’t it be useless if it’s not touching enough? Masaka Matsumoto stood in front of me and watched me put on the face of a martyr who was about to die generously, and then said very firmly and passionately: "We are not dead, you guys don't want to take a step forward."

"Okay, very good. Since you want to be heroes, then I will satisfy you." I said looking towards and waved before. "Kill all."

"Yes." Those Japanese players who were escaping with a neat answer almost fell into a big somersault, but the people of Matsumoto Masaka seemed to be undaunted. A dam resolutely stood in front of us without a trace of shaking.

In fact, there is not much difference between the people of Masaka Matsumoto and the people of Nobunaga Oninote. The reason why Masaka Matsumoto’s team can be distinguished from those of Nobunaga Oninote. There is a reason for such a powerful fighting intent.

First, the people of Masaka Matsumoto have faith, but Nobunaga's team does not. To put it bluntly, Nobunaga Oniteda organized a group of Japanese who were tempted by profit to usurp the fruits of Matsumoto's labor, so Nobunaga's team had no fighting belief at all. They are here for profit, and once they find that they are unprofitable, they will have to pay a huge price. How can these people boost their morale? But Matsumoto Masaga's side is different. His people knew that they were fighting for the revival of Japan, and they were not looking for profit, but fame. It is their honor to win in battle; it is their ambition to lose in battle. Regardless of life or death, they have income, so they are not afraid of death.

Secondly, the people of Masaka Matsumoto have a better heart than the people of Nobuhiro Onitou. Nobunaga's men are Japanese players from various small guilds. Although they are driven by their interests to fight with Nobunaga, they actually don't have a firm belief in whether this battle can be won. Although Masaga Matsumoto has been propagating his spring theory before, that is, waiting for the Japanese battle strength to be compressed to a limit and then suddenly rebound and destroy all the Chinese power in Japan in one fell swoop to regain the whole of Japan. However, this theory belongs to Masaka Matsumoto, and Nobunaga Oni is just referring to and borrowing from Masaka Matsumoto’s arrangement. He himself has not actually figured out the core content of the plan. Those who work with him are even more so. I don't know. When we first started fighting the tailwind, everyone saw the benefits, so it was natural to say that they did not move forward courageously, but now that the offensive is frustrated, these people immediately feel lost. However, unlike them, the people of Masaka Matsumoto have a deep heart. Let’s not mention that many of Matsumoto’s elite staff were sent to him by me. Even the real Japanese, they have heard of Matsumoto’s detailed plans and arrangements, so they know the future of the battle in their hearts. What is it like. Just because they understand the future and can see the hope of expelling Chinese forces, they are different from the people of Nobunaga Onitaka. They dare to sacrifice and know what sacrifice can be exchanged for.

Thirdly, the people of Masaka Matsumoto are much more elite than the people of Nobunaga Onitou. Sometimes the superiors actually have a lot of drags, some seemingly simple things will become very troublesome to them, and some things they know they should do, but they can’t do it because of various problems. Do. Although Onité Nobunaga has basically lost his position as a leader in Japan, this loss is only a loss of trust, and it does not mean that he has been ousted. Therefore, Guishou Nobunaga is still under a lot of restraints. His forces are messy and have no genealogy. Many people are ordinary players. First, they command chaos, and second, battle strength is even. Such a super miscellaneous army can have battle strength. It's strange. But Masaga Matsumoto is different. Although he is now seeking a position, he is not yet in position, so he has a lot of things to arrange completely according to his own vision. As long as he thinks of something, he can execute it immediately, without explaining to the public or being responsible to anyone. This makes his team's execution efficiency much higher than that of Nobunaga Ghost. Besides, although Masaga Matsumoto is seemingly isolated and helpless, in fact, we are standing behind the Frost Rose League. All his strategic plans were arranged by the think tank of our Frost Rose League, which was much more reliable than Nobunaga's plan. Moreover, in addition to planning and arrangements, the strong financial resources of our guild also ensure that Matsumoto Masaga can always reap many unexpected benefits. As a result, although the number of Matsumoto Masaga’s subordinates is small, all of them can be armed to their teeth. Well-equipped, and the fighting skills have also been given special instructions. Compared with the gang of miscellaneous troops of Nobunaga Guishou, I don't know how much better.

Because of the above three bottoms, the people of Masaka Matsumoto are not afraid of death at all. They know why they fought and what benefits they can get after the war. Anyway, there is no loss for them to drop Level 1. It's strange that they would be afraid in such a situation.

Now the fighting between China and Japan are the troops of our Frost Rose League and Masaka Matsumoto. One is morale like a rainbow, and the other is fierce and unafraid of death. These two armies collided together. , That scene can be described as shocking. For the sake of confidentiality and for the sake of realism, neither Matsumoto nor Masakah told our subordinates that the place is actually our own, so people on both sides are fighting for spare no effort. Almost as soon as the Vanguard Teams on both sides collided together, the front line was immediately full of flesh and blood. Since both sides are elites, there is no such situation that one side quickly defeats the other side. The people on both sides pay together, and at first they can rely on skills to fight, and after the crowd becomes a group, they will not care about skills or skills. . Hugging your waist, pinching your neck, picking your eyes, biting your nose, all the messy tricks came out. Although the tricks are not beautiful, it does not affect the bloody level of the battle at all. On the contrary, because the personnel of both sides are mixed together, our division cannot provide remote support, so the battle has become a completely hand-to-hand battle. The scene can be said to be bloody and bloody. Later, many people who watched the video said that this is a real battlefield. There is no magic, no equipment, and some are just blood and soul.

However, although the interception forces led by Masaka Matsumoto fought very tragically and tragically, they were few people after all, and although they were elite, we were not a miscellaneous army, so the battle did not last too long. The time is over, but this time still allows our pursuit troops to successfully evacuate the gang of Nobunaga Guishou. Now, even if our people are chasing forward, it doesn't make much sense anymore.

Although the people on both sides fought horribly, Masaka Matsumoto and I did not participate in the war, but stood face-to-face like this all the time. The combatants on both sides also knew each other about our two leaders, so we all avoided the area near us tacitly, which prevented Masaga Matsumoto and I from fighting from beginning to end.

Seeing all the dead men nearby, Masaka Matsumoto did not show any sadness or unhappiness, but looked at me and laughed. "Hahahaha...Purple Moon, you lost."

Many people did not respond to these words at the time, because on the surface, the current situation is that the Japanese army has ripped off. The entire army was annihilated, and the victory seemed to have nothing to do with Matsumoto Masaga anyway. But what surprised them was my helpless shook the head replied: "Matsumoto Masaka, you are an individual, but it is a pity that our position is hostile. But don't be too proud, and soon, we will meet again. "

Masaga Matsumoto smiled and replied: "When you settle the polar bear, I will let you know how much you have lost today."

"No, it's not loss, but Put it here for you temporarily, I haven't got what I want yet." After I finished speaking, I suddenly turned around and waved to the people of the Frost Rose League. "Go."

No one was depressed. All the units of the Frost Rose League on the entire battlefield, whether they were players or NPCs, all turned around and followed me and began to retreat, and Masaka Matsumoto He looked enviously at us going away. After a long time, he turned around and said to the air behind him: "How long are you going to watch there?"

"Do you know we haven't left?" Masa Matsumoto Suddenly, a space gate opened up beside He, and Onitou Nobunaga, Kohato Kenjiro, Guren Phoenix, and several heads of Japanese guilds stepped out one after another.

Masaga Matsumoto did not answer Kenjiro Kohato’s question directly. Instead, he turned and walked back while saying: "Look at your helmet!"

" Helmet?" Kojiro Kenjiro looked suspiciously at Masaga Matsumoto, who was gradually leaving them and walking backwards. After a while, he took the helmet off his head suspiciously, but he just took off the helmet before it was too late. Looking through it, I heard a click, and suddenly felt the power loose in my hand, and the helmet was broken into hundreds of fragments and scattered all over the ground.

Kojiro Kenjiro’s helmet suddenly shattered and shocked everyone around him. The president of one of the big guilds looked at the fragments all over the floor in surprise and asked Kojiro Kenjiro. "What's going on?"

Kobato Kenjiro himself was also stunned looking at his empty hands and the debris all over the floor. As for the chairman's question, he seemed to have not heard it at all. After a long time, Honglian Phoenix was the first to react and said, "Purple Moon is still the Purple Moon that is the number one in the world... We are too far apart from him!"

"What? Could it be that? Purple Moon ......?" Although Nobunaga Guishou didn't finish his question, the meaning was already clear.

Guren Phoenix nodded said: "Although I’m not sure, I did see Purple Moon looking at us intentionally or unintentionally when talking with Matsumoto Masaka, and he His hand seemed to move, but I didn’t see him making any attacks at all. But judging from what Matsumoto Masaka said earlier, Purple Moon should have done it, and Matsumoto Masaka should have seen Purple Moon’s actions. ."

"But aren't we in a subspace state?" Kenjiro Kobumi asked unbelievably. "Even though we were defeated in that duel space before, Purple Moon is not terrifying that way!"

"No, he is terrifying that way." Another president said: "You were in When they were in the duel space, Purple Moon was suppressed by the system, and you all have attributes improved. It can be said that the gap between the two sides in attribute was forcibly filled by the system. But you still lost, which only shows that Purple Moon His battle awareness and battle experience are far above yours. Now that you have left that duel space, your battle attributes have returned to normal levels. The gap between Purple Moon and yours is immediately opened, so he can be completely undetected by us. It’s not strange to attack you in the subspace under the circumstances."

"But if he can really do this, why didn't he just kill me?" Kojiro Kenjiro still refused. Believe.

Gulian Phoenix explained angrily: "He didn’t do it because he thought it was unnecessary. At that time, our people had already run away. Even if he killed a few of us, it wouldn’t make much sense. He ordered it at the time. Breaking your helmet is purely a demonstration. He is warning us that he not only knows that we are eavesdropping, but also has the ability to kill us. As for not killing us, this is also a warning. He is posing and telling us that he even I don’t even bother to do it with us. The strength of Purple Moon is really too terrifying!"

"I'm not afraid of his strength." Another Japanese guild leader said, "Anyway, he There is only one person, no matter how strong he is, he can’t rely on one person to fight against our entire Japan. What I really worry about is Purple Moon’s intelligence. Compared with him, we are almost like idiots being played around by him. I’m really starting now. I regret that I didn't follow the plan of Song this Monarch!"

"What do you mean?" On hearing this, Nobunaga was immediately unhappy. This action was arranged by him, and these presidents were also doing ideological work one by one. People now say that they regret not acting according to the original plan. Isn't that the same as saying that Nobunaga Oni Shounaga harmed them?

Damn the longevity aura, and a president next to him immediately said: "Don't be angry, you are the least qualified to get angry now. The plan is messed up, and our strength is also a heavy loss. We don’t know if Matsumoto’s plan is feasible or not, but your plan is not feasible but it has been verified. For this bad operation, we not only lost a lot of battle strength and materials, but more importantly, we lost it. The trust of Japanese players in us. This loss is what I am most saddened!"

"Yes!" The president who spoke before said: "A few of the staff members in the meeting asked me not to I mixed up with this thing, but I was still moved by Guishou-kun’s words, and turned out to be like this. I really have no face to go back to see them now!"

"Okay, well, it's all my fault Is it all right?" Nobunaga Guishou burst out suddenly. He roared furiously: "If the battle fails, you will know that you have to put the blame on me. Where did you go before? If this plan is successful, will I take it alone? Why didn't you say that the plan had loopholes? Why didn't I see you come out and say that there was a problem with the plan during the battle result distribution meeting? Was this plan decided by me alone? You have always commanded the troops in your hands. Have I issued an order to them? Now that you’ve messed up, you’ll know to talk to me? Why did you go early?"

The sudden outbreak of Nobunaga on the ground will stun the few guild leaders present, but then they don’t He did not refute Nobunaga Onitou, but after looking at each other collectively bowed to Nobunaga Onitou, and then one of the more prestigious presidents said on behalf of others: "We acknowledged that we were blinded by interests. I lost my eyes, but now I woke up from the dream, and it was awakened by the Chinese with a big loud slap. The hot pain on this face we endured, who made us blindfolded by benefits? But now this left face is already There is a slap print, and we don’t want to add another one on the right. We have accepted your help to us in the past, and we will not shirk anything we need in the future, but for now...Please forgive us that we can’t follow you anymore.” said The chairmen of the guilds present here collectively bowed to Nobunaga Oni Tei, and then before the surprised Oni Tei Nobunaga reacted, they all chased Masaga Matsumoto and ran out, waiting for Oni Tei Nobunaga. Nobunaga responded when he returned and wanted to stop them, those people had already run away.

"I...you..." Looking at the backs of the guild leaders who are far away, Nobunaga Guishou felt that he was ten years old suddenly. Now he finally realized the feeling he had imposed on Masaka Matsumoto at the beginning, the feeling of falling from the clouds to hell-it's really harder than death!


Gulian Phoenix just said three words and was stopped by Guishou Nobunaga's hand. He sat down on the ground, lowered his head and looked at the ground, then raised a hand and waved to Guren Phoenix. "No need to explain to me, I understand, you can go."

Guren Phoenix gave Nobunaga a complicated look after hearing Nobunaga's words, but she didn't Explain something, but decisively turned and chased Matsumoto Masaga.

Guishou Nobunaga let Guren Phoenix go out of a momentary frustration, and he knew he couldn't keep Guren Phoenix. Unlike ordinary women, Guren Phoenix is ​​a very ambitious woman. She is not something that the ghost hand Nobunaga can keep. However, even though he was clear in his heart, seeing that Guren Phoenix had left him without the slightest hesitation, Nobunaga Guishou still felt very sad. However, after feeling sad for a long time, he suddenly discovered that there was a pair of legs standing beside him. He looked up with a slightly surprised look towards the owner of those legs.

"Kenjiro? Why are you...?"

Before Kojiro Nobunaga asked, he looked up at the sky and said, "I don't know. Ordinarily I should abandon it. You went to Matsumoto this Monarch. Originally, I followed you just to find a backer, but now you obviously don’t meet this requirement. But I don’t know why, I always feel that I and Matsumoto Masaka are not the same. So I was hesitant too."

If Masaga Matsumoto and I are here now, and hear Kenjiro Kohato say such a sentence, I will be surprised to praise Kenjiro Kohato’s instincts, but we It's not here now, and Oniji Nobunaga doesn't understand the key, so Kojiro Kenjiro's decision is naturally not applauded.

As our super undercover agent sent to Japan, Masaga Matsumoto is naturally impossible with the authentic Japanese player Kenjiro Kohato. Therefore, Kenjiro Kohato’s instincts are too accurate, but it’s a pity that he is just instinct. Shang felt that he was not in tune with Masaga Matsumoto and could not find the key, so he also missed the opportunity to reveal the big secret of this day. As for Masaga Matsumoto himself, he is now busy dealing with a bunch of new brothers who begged to mix with him.

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