Looking at the Japanese players and NPCs who kept running away from the front, I also gradually stopped the crazy slaughter of those people. Now scaring some people away will allow them to take more people away, and as long as the Japanese players retreat across the board, our goal will be achieved, so there is no need to chase these enemies who have already started to flee. Of course, some special characters still have to be taken care of, for example-Nobunaga Onishu.

Onihand Nobunaga was still directing the surrounding Japanese players to besiege me, but suddenly I found that those people started not to listen to him and kept running back. In a hurry, he also shot down a few. , But with little effect, the surrounding Japanese players should still run, and there is no meaning to stop at all.

Originally, Oni Shou Nobunaga was still trying to stop the Japanese players who fled, but when he greeted the players who fled, he unexpectedly came to my silhouette. at first When I was besieged by many Japanese players, I was still far away from Nobunaga Oninote, but as those Japanese players began to rout, there were no obstacles around me, so I could naturally move to Nobunaga Oninote. .

Suddenly realized that my eyes were focused on myself, Guishou Nobunaga immediately felt the cold hair all over his body stand up. Now he didn't stop the people around from escaping, but quickly turned over and jumped on a horse next to him, and even his group of men began to follow the crowd before he could greet him.

In addition to the previous members of the Sakura team, there were his diehard loyalists who were originally with Nobunaga Onishou. Just now, this group of people were busy helping Nobunaga Onishou intercept the fleeing Japan. Players, it’s strange to find that Nobunaga Onizu ran away suddenly, but they immediately understood the reason for Nobunaga Onizu’s escape as soon as they turned their eyes, so they didn’t need anyone to order, and all these guys were released immediately. His mount jumped up and moved towards Guishou Nobunaga chased after him.

In "Zero", there are two concepts with mounts and without mounts. Even if your mobility is super strong, except for individual elite-level assassins or ninjas, few people can actually hike and even the lowest. The horse is faster than the speed. Nobunaga Oni's mounts are naturally impossible, so the speed is obviously much faster than that of nearby Japanese players. When the surrounding Japanese players ran, they were overtaken by Nobunaga and others.

When those people first started to run, they were intercepted by Nobunaga and his men. This will see that Nobunaga and his men run faster than their own, and they are all angry. Pointing at Nobunaga Guishou cursed, but they saw a dark shadow flashing past them without cursing, moved towards Nobunaga Guishou and their group rushed over. At first, these people were shaken by the strong wind brought by the black shadow, but when they opened their mouths to curse, they suddenly recognized the black shadow. As a result, the curse that came to their lips suddenly got stuck in their mouths. The side never appeared again.

Of course the shadow behind is me. Although the mounts on Nobunaga and the others are not bad, there are two essential differences between them and me. First, although their mounts are not bad, they are only relative to ordinary mounts. Compared with Night Shadow, it is equivalent to the difference between a civilian sports car and a Formula 1 car. Maybe those luxurious civilian sports cars can look down upon any economical car, but compared with F1, it is an expensive toy and has no comparability at all. Second, even though Nobunaga Onihand rode their mounts, they were only riding. Nobunaga's profession is a foot combat profession. Although he can also use a mount, it is only used as a means of transportation. It has no flexibility and no speed bonus. It simply relies on the power of the mount to run. But I am different. After the establishment of the Temple of Chaos and Order, I transferred the profession of Demon Sword to Knight of Chaos, and later I was promoted to the branch of Knight of Judgment. But whether it’s ruling Knight or chaos Knight, it’s for sure that my main profession has Knight profession, and Knight’s riding skills are naturally impossible as foot combat professions, even the most common Knight will have a successful career change. Level 3 riding skills, and this Level 3 is an additional level, that is, other people's riding skills can be up to Level 20, but Knight class professions can directly upgrade the riding skills to the second level 13 without receiving any additional rewards. As for me The riding skills... Currently there are just three Level 10s. These three Level 10 are of course not included in the system. Among them, Level 20 is the default upper limit of riding skills for the regular system, and Level 3 is the Knight professional award. In addition, my ruling Knight class has two additional riding skills. , This is the second 15th level riding skills. In the end, Night Shadow, as a special type of mount, has its own Level 3 riding skills, which means that as long as an individual sits on his back, it is equivalent to having Level 3 riding skills. In addition, the saddle on the back of the night shadow is a special equipment, plus a riding level, and the Iron Palm under the feet of the night shadow is also a special equipment, plus a riding level, so that it is exactly three Level 10 riding skills.

Ghost Nobunaga and the others want to ride ordinary mounts to compare the speed of my professional Knight riding a night shadow? That basically means that a speeding party with better car skills drove a civilian sports car against a professional driver in an F1 car. It would be weird if such a duel is not lost.

Onitsuka nobunaga and the others riding their mounts in front of them suddenly felt something wrong, because the surrounding Japanese players were gradually moving away from them. At first, Nobunaga Guishou and the others were still annoyed by the defeated soldiers in front of them, but now suddenly there was a way out in front of them, which made them feel very strange. After all, routs are usually synonymous with unorganized and undisciplined. You can't expect routs to make way for yourself because of your high level?

Because they found it strange, Nobunaga and the others looked back, but it didn’t matter if they didn’t look back. They were immediately shocked when they turned around.

"Not good, Purple Moon has caught up!" A member of the Sakura team shouted to Nobunaga Onishu.

Guishou Nobunaga is also very nervous. At this time, he doesn’t care about any image problems, and directly orders the people behind: "stop him."

The people who reminded Nobunaga of Guishou just gave a habitual report. Didn't expect Nobunaga to order them this way, and they were immediately taken aback. However, after thinking about it for a bit, these people decided to follow Guisou's letter. Long orders are better. After all, I kill them at most once. If you offend Nobunaga on the ground, they will be unlucky in the future.

The two horses running at the end in desperation immediately slowed down and tried to block my pursuit, but when they were about to start, I suddenly caught Ye Ying’s belly, Ye Ying The speed of swiftly picked up in an instant, and then rushed past the two of them. Before the two of them could make the next judgment, they found that there seemed to be some liquid flowing down their necks. They mechanically I reached out and touched it, only to find that the fingers were covered with blood. The two who reacted raised their heads and glanced at each other at the same time, and then their heads rolled off their necks, sitting on the horse without their heads, and ran forward for a while before they fell off their horses one after another. Had already chased Nobunaga Onihand, behind them, and the last man were on par.

Seeing me running next to him, the man who ran the last immediately drew a long knife from his waist and slashed at me. I just jumped up from the back of Ye Ying with my feet. Stepping on the back of the knife stabbed by the man, he jumped directly onto the back of the horse in front of him. The Japanese player on the back of the war horse suddenly felt that there were more people behind him, so he hurriedly touched the knife, but I moved faster than him. Before he could take the knife out, I directly rubbed the claw on his neck. , And then patted his head to make him fall on the horse's back, followed me directly on his back and jumped up again and jumped to the back of the ugly war beast in front. The owner of this war beast noticed my movement when I killed the person behind him, so he had put the knife in his hand long ago, and now he saw me jumping over, he immediately aimed at me and set it up. In a crosscutting posture, he prepared to use the impact of my fall to cut me in half, but unfortunately his response was good, but he underestimated my battle strength.

I was not ready to attack him when I was jumping in the air. I directly pointed my right hand at his throat, stretched out my palm, and swished a crossbow arrow directly through the Avengers. The guy's throat turned it off the mount. When he fell off the war beast, I directly erected the hook and sickle gun in my hand, and then held the gun with both hands so that the tip of the gun was pointed downwards and with the help of the falling impact, the head of the gun was penetrated into the head of the war beast. The war beast sprinting at full speed instantly lost his life. As soon as his legs were soft, a dog gnawed mud and the whole body rolled forward and fell out, and I jumped off again with the help of his tumbling force. Ye Ying, who had been running in the vicinity, saw me jumping up and immediately a dream jump appeared where I was about to fall to catch me and then accelerated and rushed forward.

There were still a few large creatures running with the war beast, but after seeing me easily kill a companion, the war beasts all showed unusual fear. Although war beast is good at fighting, it can also be used as a mount, but unlike war horses, these guys have too high IQ, and things with brains generally know to be afraid, so after seeing me easily solve one of the same kind, other war beasts immediately They began to want to escape, even if the owner on their back tried hard to pull them back, they still continued to run away from the running mount group to the sides regardless.

Kimitsu Nobunaga heard the loud noise of war beast slamming from behind and looked back, but this look was frightened and almost fell off the mount, because of him. At that time I actually found that I was raising my hand and aiming at him. The Avenger sniper crossbow on my wrist is a very famous thing, not only because it is my weapon, but also because of the terrible death penalty. Although the Avenger is a metamorphic weapon with a super long range, super precision, and super fast rate of fire, these are not as famous as its three arrows of revenge. Anyone who is hit by the Arrow of Vengeance will immediately lose two levels, and they may fail when they are resurrected. If accidentally fails again, it is equivalent to losing Level 3 at once. Although it may not have a big impact on low-level players, but For high level players who are difficult to upgrade, the loss of two to Level 3 at a time is still quite serious. Besides, besides those arrows of revenge, I also have three arrows of chasing souls. In addition to the penalty of dropping the arrows of revenge from Level, that thing 3 In addition to Level 10, it also comes with automatic tracking ability. It can be said that this thing is a high level player nemesis. Unless you have the ability to shoot down the soul chaser with a weapon, don't expect to be able to hide, even if these things are missed. If you do, you will keep coming back in circles to find opportunities to attack again, and you will never stop if you don't hit the target or get shot down.

How can I not be afraid of seeing me holding the Avengers at him? But what made him even more frightened was that I happened to activate the Avengers when he was looking at me. He only saw a flash of the dragon head decoration above my wrist, and a golden light immediately moved towards him. With a loose hand, he flipped off the mount directly.

It’s not fun to fall off a horse in a high-speed running. As soon as Nobunaga hit the ground, he was crumpled into a ball by huge inertia and friction and rolled on the ground, bouncing and continuing to charge forward. There is still no intention to stop far away, but the speed has slowed down.

Seeing Nobunaga Oni's horse fall, I immediately urged Yekage to speed up to rush up, but the crowd who had been guarding Nobunaga quickly leaned towards me and tried to stop me from approaching. They have figured it out now. Onijo Nobunaga is their backer. I can only kill them once, but Onijo nobunaga can influence their future development, so even if I kill them today, they must protect Onijo nobunaga.

"Purple Moon looks at the move." A ninja who came up first learned me and jumped up from his mount. I didn't even see that a crossbow arrow pierced his throat when I raised my hand. After the incident, Yu Wei of the crossbow arrow flew out with his body upside down and fell to the ground. After a few bounces on the ground, the entity actually exceeded Nobunaga Guishou before stopping, and Ye Ying jumped up and kicked directly. Stepping on the back of that guy's abandoned mount and stepping into the soil, the huge inertia instantly caused the muscles of that mount's body to tear and shatter the skeleton, and we stepped past the encirclement and landed on the ghost hand letter. Long side. I raised the scythe gun and shot it at the confused ghost Nobunaga who was thrown down, but before the tip of the gun touched him, I saw a person suddenly flew out of the side and hugged the tip of the scythe gun. Take it crooked to one side.

Although the man succeeded in taking off the head of my gun, Eternal is not an ordinary weapon, but it carries a bunch of attack attributes. Even though the guy carefully avoided the sharp blade head, his whole body was hit by the red thunder and lightning that is above eternity. But this guy is also stiff enough. Although he was full of fire and screamed, he clung to the eternal life and did not let go. I tried to pull twice but couldn't get it out. The last time I even insisted on joining that guy. He couldn't throw him off the tip of the gun even when he lifted it up.

It's useless if this guy is always holding on to eternity, but now they are all around, and I don't have so much time to play tug-of-war with him. Just when I was about to draw my gun for the third time, the people behind finally arrived. A Japanese warrior slashed directly on the handle of the eternal hook, and then flipped his wrist, and the long knife slid up along the eternal barrel. As he cuts upwards like this, I must cut into my hand in the end, forcing me to let go of eternity.

As soon as I let go, a Japanese warrior next to him immediately ran into Yekage's side with a shield. Ye Ying quickly turned around and drew a beautiful U-shape with his neck down. The sharp horn of his head immediately cut off the man’s legs, and the guy immediately threw himself in front of us. Ying was neighing as the person stood up and then stomped violently. Two hooves accurately stomped on the back of the guy's head and vest, instantly crushing his chest cavity and bursting his head together.

It’s not finished after trampling this guy to death, Ye Ying simply stepped on that guy’s corpse and lifted off the ground at a fixed point and kicked the eternal guy who just forced me to let go of the eternal kicked flying, Then I stretched out my hand to catch the eternal spear tail with a fierce twitch. The Japanese warrior holding the eternity was completely charred at this time. As soon as I tried hard, his body immediately shattered, along with some unburnt parts. With the red light, his body exploded into a pile of fly ash, and eternity was in my hands again.

Seeing that I regained eternity again, other Japanese players did not give up. A Japanese player holding a big knife similar to Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade was kicked off by stepping on his companion bravely. The corpse jumped up, brandished a big knife, and slashed at my forehead.

Looking at the big knife that was smashed from above, I immediately tried to pick it up in the air with a hook and sickle. After all, although his knife is not small, it does not yet have my hook and sickle. It’s long, but I found it hard to lift the head of the gun. At this time, I didn’t have time to study why the gun couldn’t move. I just pinched my wrist, and the tail section of the hook and sickle gun immediately broke a two-inch long one. Cut it down, the cut-off eternal moment turned into a liquid state and flew to my left hand like lightning, and then the eternally transfigured liquid immediately covered my entire palm and became a layer of eternity. The protective layer. After completing the protection of my left hand, I simply stretched out my left hand and caught the big knife that was smashed by the head. The Japanese warrior was held in the air by me with the knife and couldn't fall down. In his surprised and horrified gaze, I suddenly tried hard, and only heard a crisp sound of Ping, my five fingers penetrated the blade and penetrated into the body of the knife, and then the front half of the whole big knife was completely shattered and turned into A bunch of debris.

The blade broke, and the warrior who lost its support immediately looked towards the ground and fell, but I didn't give him a chance at all. There was no time just now, and now I finally have time to take a look at the hook and sickle gun on the right hand. As a result, when I turned my head, I saw two weapons stuck on my hook and sickle, and since the opponent stuck behind the blade of the gun, Eternal did not cut off their weapons.

Seeing clearly the reason why the hook and sickle gun is stuck, I simply flipped my wrist, and the hook and sickle on the hook and sickle immediately turned and swept one of the weapons and cut it off from the blade. After two breaks, the other person alone could not hold down my strength at all. I slammed hard, and that person flew out with the person and the weapon, and then I held the hook and sickle gun directly from the right to the left. Cut the falling warrior into two pieces, and then turn the wrist again, the hook and sickle flipped and wrapped the upper body of the guy and pulled it to the right side, and smashed the guy whose weapon had been cut off to the ground again.

Originally, the nearby Japanese players saw Nobunaga Oni's fall and wanted to come and help, but when I saw that I chopped melons and vegetables, I usually put all the defenders of Nobunaga down, scared. They all retreated all of a sudden, even the people who ran from behind consciously bypassed the area where we were fighting. Most people were afraid to enter my attack range to help, because they all knew that they would fight me the most. It can only stop one move and it will be finished.

However, although most people walked around, just like in this world there will always be good people and bad people, heroes and cowards are two kinds of people who will never disappear. Although there are a bit more cowards among Japanese players, we can't just think that there are no heroes among them, such as the guy who would rather be burned to death before clinging to eternity.

Seeing that Nobunaga's guards are finished, several brave Japanese players finally rushed up with the courage, even though they knew they were not my opponents, even though they knew they even had The guards who were killed were like them, but they still rushed up. But it is a pity that although these guys are commendable in spirit, reality is reality and will not change because of human will. I glanced at the few people who rushed up and didn't bother to take care of them. I waved my hand and immediately a row of Death God guards blocked them all.

Although I have sent out the Death God guards in the previous battle, the Death God guards are not invincible. After fighting for so long, they died a lot, and now what I release is The summon number of new Death God guards has just been restored, but the number is relatively small, but it is definitely enough to block these ordinary players.

Although the group of guards of Nobunaga Onitou could not stop me, their sacrifice at least bought time for Nobunaga Onitou, allowing him to get up from the ground. The dizzy ghost Nobunaga got up and got up. The first thing he did was to look for me, and found that I jumped off the mount and walked towards him. After that, the kid turned around and ran away in shock. Arrogant. Think about how high-spirited and vigorous this guy Nobunaga Guishou was when he first debuted? Although he has never defeated me since then, he has never been afraid of me at all. He is always fighting with me tenaciously, but this time he is completely frightened. They were not able to win under the superior conditions in the duel space. Even a madman like Nobunaga Onihand would not be able to adapt to such a blow for a while, so now he has nothing to think about except for running. Dare to think about it.

Looking at the hands and feet of the ghost hand Nobunaga, who was stumbling forward and fleeing, I didn't stride to catch up at all. Instead, I walked towards him with a step by step diagonally across the hook and sickle gun. There were also a few brave men who saw Guishou Nobunaga being driven by me like this, so they rushed up to stop me, but these people are just ordinary players, and none of them can fight with me. No matter what weapon they use, or how they rush over, I'm just one action anyway: swing the gun-close the gun, and the enemy falls.

"Okay, enough, I really can't stand it anymore." Just as I was getting closer to Nobunaga Guishou to start, a silhouette suddenly appeared between me and Nobunaga Guishou. I blocked it.

I also stopped when I saw the person coming, and then pushed the mask up and watched him laugh. "You are really brave! These guys have ostracized you, so you are still willing to stand up for them?"

The visitor is not someone else, it is Matsumoto Masaga. As for the reason... just because I just found out that killing Guisou Nobun is far less useful than letting Matsumoto Nobunaga save him, because Guisou Nobunaga has been scared by me now. Killing him will not increase his fear, but will reduce his fear. Our fears. It's like a commonly used technique in torture interrogation, using words or actions to let the victim know the torture and pain he is going to suffer, but don't really destroy his body, so as to produce the greatest mental pressure. After all, the human body has an upper limit, so the pain that the body can convey to the brain always has an upper limit, but the spirit does not have an upper limit, so that the other person’s psychology is feared, and then let him imagine the consequences of this torture and the effect. Often more effective than torturing him. The same is true for Nobunaga Onitou now. I keep oppressing him in this way to attack his psychology and make him truly fear me from the heart, but as long as I really kill him, maybe he will be afraid at the time, but he will soon figure out a lot after he is resurrected. Things and learn from it, that is not the result I hope to see.

In addition to not wanting Nobunaga's fear to disappear, my other purpose is to make Nobunaga dependent on Matsumoto. That's right, it's dependence. Although Nobunaga Onite and Masaka Matsumoto have been at odds, this is indeed an opportunity. As long as Matsumoto Masaka saves Nobunaga Oninote this time, he will be impressed by Masaga Matsumoto in the depths of his memory when Oninote Nobunaga's mentality is most vulnerable, although this impression may not immediately change the ghost. The relationship between Nobunaga and Masaga of Matsumoto, but it will affect Nobunaga's behavior with unnoticeable influence, so that he will eventually give up confronting Masaka Matsumoto and be completely convinced and even worship Matsumoto Masaga. Wait until then Masaka Matsumoto Technology will no longer deliberately improve their position in the mind of Japanese players, and they will be able to easily lead players throughout Japan.

Masika Matsumoto stood in front of the frightened Oni Shou Nobunaga and said to me, "Purple Moon. I admit that we failed this time, and it was a complete failure, but we will not give up, we The great Yamato nation is impossible to be conquered. You can snatch our land, and you can dig away our resources, but our spirit cannot be conquered. As long as we are still there, as long as the soul of our warrior is still there, We can certainly drive you out of our land."

"So? Do you want me to give up hunting you down?"

"No." Masaka Matsumoto Firmly said: "This is not for you, but for the warriors of the tens of thousands of Yamato nations." Speaking of this, Masaka Matsumoto suddenly raised his lamp-like light Divine Sword to the surrounding loudly said : "Listen to all Japanese players, leave here immediately. I will lead my people to stay for you. Don’t stop, run backwards. How much can be removed. We will win one day."

Matsumoto's declaration was almost like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of all the Japanese players present. These people stopped almost at the same time, turned and bowed to Matsumoto, and then ran away in tears. stand up. It was not tears of sadness or fear, but regret. It was regret that they had not listened to Matsumoto's words before and made a good plan for a big counterattack into what it is now. Tens of millions of Japanese players lost their helmets and abandoned their armors. This result was not because of Nobunaga's bewitching, not because of someone's instigation, but because of their own greed. Yes, because of greed, in order to divide so much benefit, for so little advantage, let alone the benefit, now I am afraid that I don't even know whether the next counterattack can be launched.

With infinite regret, these Japanese players and NPC troops retreated back together, but a strangely winding human wall was left on the battlefield. These people are obviously different from those who retreated. Although their numbers are small, they are fully equipped and energetic. However, even the elite is useless now, because they are too few in number. The thin winding line on the battlefield is only two or three people thick. It is not even a line of defense because it is so thin. However, it was this line of defense that blocked our army from pursuing it, not because of their battle strength, but because of their spirit.

Of course, the above are all superficial articles. No matter how great the spirit is, it can make people explode, and no matter how strong it is, it is still a human being. He can't become a superman. This person from Masaka Matsumoto, let alone blocking our army, just wants to delay a little bit. It is probably a dream. The reason why we stopped here is entirely because I let Rose bring a group of high level players who know the inside story forcibly. The team was suppressed. There are my people on both sides of the battlefield. Isn’t it simple to show something to others?

Actually, I am now letting the men of Masaka Matsumoto show this kind of spirit and it is not purely acting. We also have a deeper purpose to awaken the fighting heart of Japanese players. To cheer them up. Yes, it is to cheer them up and give them confidence. Someone may ask, haven't you been hitting the confidence of the Japanese before? Why do we need to build their confidence now? In fact, this question couldn't be simpler. Whether it is to dampen their confidence or build confidence, it is for our benefit. In the past, the confidence of the Japanese was attacked so that they would not be blindly arrogant to launch a counterattack in advance, but now they are given confidence because the previous goal has been achieved, the Japanese are already retreating, and we still need them to be destroyed in the future. Later, Matsumoto Masaga led a counterattack and "snaked back" control of Japan from our hands. After they completed this 1st Step, Matsumoto Masaga had to lead Japanese players to serve us as pawns. We are fighting against other countries. If the confidence of Japanese players is lost now, what if they dare not enter the counterattack later? Even if they participate, if they lack confidence when they fight in other countries, their battle strength will also decrease. Isn't that tantamount to affecting our interests? Therefore, in order for our future pawns to be able to move forward bravely, we must regain their confidence now.

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