"How can I know if I don't try?" I said, putting my hand on the hilt of the light Divine Sword, and then frowned, my hand slammed, just listening to pu The sound of Divine Sword took a lot of blood and was pulled out by me.

As the Divine Sword was pulled out, all the Chinese players frowned. They felt pain for me, while the Japanese players were more excited. After all, they saw me being There are not many opportunities to do such a miserable situation.

Because of the sudden removal of the weapon inserted in the body, a lot of blood loss and the nerve disorder caused by pain, I only feel that the picture in front of me is getting darker and darker, and my legs are unconsciously out of control. I feel like I want to sit down. However, just as my knees were slightly bent and I was about to fall forward, the rose suddenly fell from behind me and embraced me from behind, and at the same time, her huge pair of white wings also covered her from behind. , Directly surrounded me and her under the pair of huge wings.

The Japanese players watching the battle screen are all nervous seeing this situation, because although they don't know what Rose is going to do, most of them know that Rose's profession is a resurrection mage. As a system, the default score is much higher than that of ordinary players, but in fact there are not many battle strength professions. The healing ability of the resurrection mage is the best among all nurse professions, if not considering the resurrection mage With terrible leveling difficulty, it is estimated that nurses from all over the world will be transferred to be resurrection wizards.

Now the Japanese players who watched the game all understand that the rose must cover me in this way to use some kind of spell for treatment, and I just said that I will no longer consider the face and use a helper to besiege Matsumoto Masaga. Although Japanese players all know that Masaka Matsumoto has inherited the attribute value of 21 people, and they did just see Masaka Matsumoto hit my screen with a few tricks, they still have no confidence in Masaka Matsumoto. . In any case, I am the number one in the world battle strength list, plus gold coin and Kristina, who are all experts on the battle strength list, even Masaga Matsumoto who inherited 21 attributes It is by no means that safe.

"Idiot, stop Purple Moon from being treated!" Seeing that Matsumoto Masaka actually stood still, some anxious Japanese players wanted to rush to help.

For those who are excited, there are naturally calm people who will help Matsumoto Masaka to vindicate. "I don't know, don't interrupt. Don't you know who the gang standing next to Purple Moon are? Now let Song this Monarch start rashly, can you just go up and say that if you get Kristina and the others take the opportunity to counterattack It’s not worth the loss. Masaka Matsumoto is also an expert in the country. Doesn’t he have more combat experience than you?"

If there is a clear refutation, I will immediately suppress those excited people. Go down. However, just after they calmed down, the mood of these people immediately became nervous again, because the huge white-winged dome that wrapped me and the rose suddenly lit up. Countless dazzling colors of brilliance are transmitted from the gaps in the feathers, turning the dome composed of feathers into a huge projection lamp.

"I rely on it, it's time-space grafting!" When seeing the rays of light shining, the crowd of Japanese players suddenly burst into such a shout.

At first, most people didn't realize what kind of skill this was, but as soon as this person shouted out, everyone immediately responded and showed a shocked expression. Although these people have basically never seen this skill, just like never seeing an atomic bomb explosion does not affect everyone’s fear of atomic bomb formidable power. Although this spatio-temporal grafting spell has seen very few people, those who know it are not. Everywhere. Because... this is a quasi-bug skill.

The abbreviation BUG originally refers to things like errors, loopholes, or negligence in the system, and quasi-BUG is naturally lower than BUG by Level 1, which is the kind you can say it is a Omission, it can also be said that it is not the kind of thing. As for this quasi-bug skill, this is actually not a system classification, but a super skill selected by some players who like to do research in the forum that has formidable power or effects close to system BUG.

All quasi-bug skills, whether it is direct Attack Type, auxiliary reinforcement or healing, all have one thing in common, that is-the effect is super strong, and it has reached almost destroying the balance of the system Point.

Currently, the quasi-BUG skills summarized in the various forums are not completely unified. Some forums are wider in scope, and some are more rigorous. However, even in the broadest quasi-bug skills list, There are no more than fifty skills on the list. As for the most rigorous quasi-bug skills list, there are only 18 skills on the list. It is very worth noting that in this most rigorous list, the time-space grafting skill is just on the list, and its ranking is as high as the fourteenth skill.

Because of this quasi-bug skill list, almost all players who like to visit the forum have heard the name of the spatio-temporal grafting skill. Although they have hardly seen this skill, they know how much the effect is. Some.

In fact, the function of this spatiotemporal grafting skill is not peculiar, but the effect is a bit exaggerated. Its method of action is to instantly restore the victim to the state of full body at the moment the skill is displayed, that is, the value of life, magic power and the like are all full. Of course, if it is just such a little ability, then it can be regarded as a super healing technique at best, and it is definitely not in touch with the quasi-bug skills. In fact, replying to various attributes instantly is only its first effect. After the skill takes effect, it will continue to act on the skill target, and it will continue to be maintained. There are only three ways to make the effect of the spatiotemporal grafting skill end. One is that the skill caster voluntarily cancels; the second is that the subject dies or refuses the spell to take effect; the third is that the spell caster dies or has an insufficient health or magic value to maintain the skill. One thing to note is that this spatio-temporal graft cannot be dispelled or forcibly terminated by any dispelling or forbidden magic spell, that is, the basic impossible is interrupted. Of course, it does not mean that this skill can be continued forever, because there is still the third reason for termination that can be used.

Although the person who has been used Space-Time Grafting will immediately return to full state, they may still be injured afterwards. However, as long as the effect of the time-space grafting skill does not disappear, then this person will gain unlimited recovery ability. As long as you can't kill it in an instant, then he can immediately restore to a completely undamaged state in the next instant. Of course, this recovery is not without cost.

To put it bluntly, time-space grafting means borrowing money from the future self and borrowing the life value and magic points of the future self first. When the skill is cancelled after the battle is over, the subject will remain in a state where each attribute is only half of the normal value. No matter if you take medicine, the cultivation value will not increase until the value recovered through various efforts. It will return to normal after all the values ​​borrowed in the previous battle are offset. But generally everyone is willing to make this kind of repayment, because even if the attributes such as life and magic are only half of the normal value when they are not fighting, they actually have no effect on the game itself. Anyway, these things basically will not except when fighting. Play a role. Just be careful not to get involved in the battle again before the value is restored.

In addition, in addition to those who have used spatiotemporal grafting skills, they themselves need to borrow consumable attributes such as life and magic from the future self. This borrowing process also requires a price, and the price is to perform spatiotemporal grafting. The life and magic value of that mage is the ending method of the Third Type skill mentioned earlier.

When a player releases space-time grafting this skill, he first needs to consume a certain amount of mana to activate the skill. But compared to the recovery spell, this value is actually not too much, and it can even be said that the consumption is very small. When the skill is activated, the wizard who has released the spatiotemporal graft does not need to maintain this skill, which means that the spatiotemporal graft skill does not consume anything in a static state. However, once the player who has been cast spatiotemporal graft is injured or uses spell, then the spatiotemporal graft skill will take effect. When the subject loses health due to injury, Space-Time Grafting will borrow from him in the future to replenish the player’s health and ensure that his health is always full. When the magic player restores equivalent to 1% of the player's total health, this skill will extract a certain amount of life and mana from the player who releases the time-space graft as the interest on the loan. However, in addition to the loan ratio, the amount of withdrawal also depends on the skill level of the player who releases the spatiotemporal graft. The higher the level of the generally speaking spatiotemporal grafting skill, the lower the interest that needs to be consumed, which means that as the spatiotemporal grafting skill increases As the level rises, players who use this skill can use it more and more unscrupulously, because the cost of releasing it becomes less and less.

In addition to the characteristics of the skill itself, there is another reason why spatiotemporal grafting is classified into the category of quasi-bug skills, and that is its heterogeneity. The so-called heterogeneity means that different users and different recipients will directly affect the effect of spatiotemporal grafting. First of all, spatio-temporal grafting consumes the life and magic of the sorcerer, so the sufficiency of the health and mana of the person who casts the spatio-temporal graft has become a key indicator of the effect of this skill. After all, enough of these two values ​​means more recovery ratio, which is equivalent to a disguised increase in the life and magic value of the subject. Second, the user's skill level also determines the effect of this skill. Although the recovery speed of Level 1 spatiotemporal grafting and Level 20 spatiotemporal grafting is exactly the same, after all, Level 20 spatiotemporal grafting puts a smaller burden on the sorcerer, which increases the duration of spell in disguise. Third, because of the proportional restoration method used by the time-space grafting to restore the subject's magic power and health, the higher the subject's own magic power and health, the better the effect of the time-space grafting. After all, a person with 10,000 health and a person with 1,000 health have exactly the same cost of restoring 1% of their health, but the absolute value of health restored by the two is ten times different. So this kind of recovery will have more formidable power for people who have more life and magic.

Rose's health is not much. This is her weakness, but her magic value is not low at all. After all, the resurrection mage is also a legal profession, and the magic value is impossible too low. As for the skill level... Rose's spatiotemporal grafting skill is currently at Level 18. Although it is not at full level, it is not far off, so Rose's skill can definitely persist for a long time in terms of the continuity of spatiotemporal grafting. Finally, the third factor that affects the formidable power of space-time grafting is my own life and magic value. Are my health and mana low? Obviously not low, not to mention that I am now in the Divine Domain state, and all the attributes of the familiars have been superimposed on me. Although my status cannot be 100% inherited like Masaka Matsumoto inherited the attributes of Onitou Nobunaga, but even if I only inherit half of it, this value is definitely not low. Now Rose uses spatiotemporal grafting on me, then equivalent to is spatiotemporal grafting on my physical state, and in this state, my life and magic are all astronomical values. Otherwise, with the attack power inherited by Masaka Matsumoto, it won't kill me if I stabbed me in front of you, right?

As the Japanese players who watched the game guessed the skills used by Rose, their hearts became more and more tense. It may be a character issue, or it may be a cultural issue. Anyway, Japanese players have always had a more obvious characteristic-they like extremes. I said before in the lava channel that the Sakura team participating in the battle is obviously different from ours. Our team is a team with a clear division of labor and a clear hierarchy. In our team, there are both dexterous assassins who are good at quick assaults like Shadow Springs, and super attackers like Zhenhong who do not consider defense issues at all; there are both gold coin and all-round attackers who can attack all kinds of spells, and there are also A magic fort like Christina who is good at suppressing firepower. Of course, the most prominent thing on our side is that there are full-scale assault fighters like me who can hardly find weaknesses, and fully-assisted logistics personnel like Rose who hardly participate in direct combat. It can be said that just a few of us have already taken all the professions except the archer series of professions, and even if it is the lack of archer professions, we can also use other things to make up for it, so our professional composition is basically It is comprehensive. However, there is a huge difference from ours, the Sakura team don't talk about long-range offense, short-range defense and blood supplementation. They almost don't even have a division of battle. The 22 people in the entire team, including Masaka Matsumoto, are all attackers. Even if there are a few ninjas who can order healing skills, they are all at the level of a slapstick. At best, they can be regarded as a battlefield rescuer. I want to be like Rose. Comparable to professional nurses in specialized hospitals, it's not worth mentioning at all.

Originally, this kind of professional composition cannot be said to be a shortcoming. After all, although this distribution reduces the overall strength of the team, the super assault power and the super high damage output of Early-Stage can also be used. Said it is an advantage. As for which is better, it is actually impossible to talk about it, because the battlefield situation is always changing rapidly, and the right one is the best. No professional combination can be regarded as the absolute best. I can only say Which type of battle is suitable for which match. However, the current situation is that Masaka Matsumoto has become a person, and he has almost no treatment or any auxiliary means except taking medicine, but I have received the super support of Rose. In this case, it is almost certain that Masaga Matsumoto will suffer. After all, everyone can see that Masaka Matsumoto's damage output is not enough to kill me in seconds, and I can't lose absolute death as long as I am protected by time-space grafting. Then there are only three situations in which to continue fighting in this situation. Either Masaka Matsumoto polishes the life or magic value of the rose to make my spatiotemporal graft invalid, or I polish Masaka Matsumoto to death. As for the last one, that is that this duel scene mutates first to kill one of us. Of course, in contrast, Japanese players think that the second and third type probability is relatively large. As for the probability that Matsumoto Masaka polishes the life and magic of the rose...not that there is no, but it is very small. For ordinary people, this kind of probability is quite big, but it is me who Matsumoto wants to deal with! Masaga Matsumoto was able to hurt me and it made those Japanese players excited and unexpected. He wanted to repeatedly hit me and use up the magical power and health of Rose. This is basically a fantasy story.

At the time when many Japanese players were nervous and desperate, new changes finally took place on the battlefield. Masaka Matsumoto suddenly shot at the time when everyone didn't expect, and the time he chose was not the time when I was wrapped in the huge wings, but the moment when the rose opened the wings and released me intact, and His target was not me at all, but the rose behind me.

Seeing the target pointed by the beam of Matsumoto Masaga, many Japanese players all applauded in unison. "It's Matsumoto this Monarch! Really rich experience." This is the voice of many Japanese players, because they think Matsumoto Masaga has found the key to the problem. Space-time grafting itself is a quasi-bug skill. After using it on me, it seems that it is almost unsolvable. However, after all, the basis of space-time grafting is not me, but the roses of time-space grafting, so Matsumoto directly gave up. Attacked me and made Rose the main target. This choice can be said to include incomparable combat intuition, but the result is not good.

Matsumoto Masaka was originally ours, he greeted us before the attack, how can the attack effect be good?

Just when the light beam emitted by Masaka Matsumoto came directly, I suddenly raised Eternal in my hand, and the beam directly hit Eternal and was bounced back. Masaka Matsumoto swiftly blocked the light beam again, and then jumped directly in front of me, staggered and slapped the rose with a palm. I reacted as soon as Matsumoto Masaka came to me, reached out and pulled Rose, turned and pulled her into his arms, and then threw her out again with the help of the power of the turn. Of course, the direction I throw is not littering, because the gold coin is in that direction.

Matsumoto Masaka saw that the rose was sent out and immediately hit the back of my head with a punch. I instantly turned around and raised my hand to block Matsumoto Masaka’s fist, but Matsumoto Masaka took the opportunity to change my fist into a grasp. , He grasped it in my hand, and then his hand fell along my hand, and directly grabbed the light Divine Sword that I was holding in my hand.

Before I pulled out the Divine Sword, I kept holding it and didn’t throw it out. Although this kind of high level Divine Item can’t be changed by holding it in my hand, but as long as I don’t let it go Matsumoto Masaga couldn't take it back, so I kept holding it and deliberately weakened Matsumoto Masaga's battle strength.

Matsumoto Masaka, who grabbed the sword, didn’t bother me too much. He directly raised his leg and kicked my stomach. I quickly raised my leg and kicked him against him. Then the two of them He immediately flew out in two directions, and eventually landed on a floating rock.

"Really didn't expect your adaptability to be so strong, so you can adapt to the inherited attributes so quickly. It seems that you can't be serious."

"Everyone knows the truth. Say?" Masaga Matsumoto deliberately taunted.

"Then I will let you see what strength is." My silhouette disappeared from the rock I was standing just now as my last word fell. The next second I was almost The teleportation speed appeared beside Matsumoto Masaka, and at the same time, an eternally fierce sword in his hand struck Matsumoto Masaka's neck diagonally.

Matsumoto saw the eternity that I had cut and immediately raised the Divine Sword to block, but my body suddenly disappeared again before the two swords touched, and the next second Matsumoto suddenly felt A fierce pain came from behind him. After he jumped out and landed on another stone, he touched his hand and found that there was a huge wound on his back. Although he knows what skills I use, he still has to pretend to be ignorant and question me: "Why do you suddenly become so fast?"

"You should know the answer yourself."

Of course, I didn't say this to let Masaka Matsumoto guess the answer, because he already knew that I wanted to let Japanese players outside guess. Sure enough, after I asked, those Japanese players also started to think. Although not everyone can think of the reason, there are so many Japanese players watching the game, and there are always a few who can think of the reason, and after they explain it, others will understand it.

In fact, the origin of this attribute is really simple, but many people are trapped by inertial thinking. My Divine Domain and body seem to have superimposed some of the attributes of the familiar onto my body, but in fact, in addition to their attributes, there is also their special ability. To put it bluntly, I inherited the attributes while also inheriting their specialties. I have used Asuka's jet thruster when the atmosphere collapsed before, which shows that I can show the special ability of the familiar. So, based on this, it is not surprising that I can use the speed of light of a dart. Of course, this so-called speed of light movement is not really able to fight at the speed of light all the time, but point-to-point movement at the speed of light. After all, my nerve reaction speed simply cannot keep up with the rhythm of the body when moving at the speed of light, except before moving. First look at the target point I hope to reach and then move. I can't change the movement posture during the movement, because the process is so fast that I have no time to control it. Of course, although this is an incomplete movement at the speed of light, it is the speed of light after all. It can be said that compared to Kojiro Kenjiro's previous teleportation skills, my advantage of moving at the speed of light might be even greater.

After many Japanese players knew the answer, Masaka Matsumoto suddenly enlightened and exclaimed: "Can you use the speed of light movement of your little monster?"

"Yes. I can indeed use the speed of light to move, and I can also use the special ability of other familiars. Do you think you have a chance of winning against me like this?"

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