The first full-scale confrontation between Masaka Matsumoto and I actually produced such a result, the jaws of the players on both sides almost fell off. They were not amazed at our evenly matched, but were completely shocked by our destructive power. You know that the broken stone is not much smaller than the aircraft carrier. It was actually shattered by the aftermath of our attack. How much destructive power is this?

Matsumoto Masaga, who was blasted down by me, went all the way down, hitting two huge floating rocks one after another before being finally caught in the middle of the third rock. On the other side, I was blasted high in the sky by Masaga Matsumoto, first hit a rock and flew to the top, then stopped, and then I started to fall again. Although the gravitational field in the vicinity is very low, compared to Masaka Matsumoto, who is falling down, it is cheaper for me to fly up. Gravity is constantly slowing me down, so I am bearing the impact force. I take advantage of it.

Matsumoto Masaga, embedded in the third rock, struggled a few times to get up from the rock, but after several attempts, he couldn't shake it. Slightly angry, he suddenly white light flashed his whole body, and then the rock that stuck him burst. Matsumoto Masaga ejected from the rock like a missile and shot directly towards a nearby rock. When he was about to run out, his feet were a little on the rock, and the whole person immediately accelerated again and jumped upwards.

Looking at Masaka Matsumoto bouncing back and forth, I was not idle either. Looking at a few small rocks nearby, I reached out and pointed at the rock, and then quickly turned my finger in the direction of Masaka Matsumoto. The rocks that I pointed at seemed to be suddenly pushed by someone and violently turned towards moved towards Matsumoto Masaga and flew away at high speed.

When the rocks flew near Matsumoto Masaka, he was actually not far away from me. Looking at the rock flying at high speed, Masaga Matsumoto slammed on the last rock, and his whole body immediately bounced up. The first flying rock directly collided with the rock he had just taken off and both blew into it. Fragments in the sky, and Masaga Matsumoto casually swung his horizontal sword, cutting off the second flying rock, and then passing through the gap left by the second rock breaking, directly flying the third rock and finally rushing to me In front of.

As soon as the two of us touched in the air, our swords interlaced. After only hearing the sound of impact, the speed of the two of us instantly increased to a state where we could not see clearly. The people watching the game only watched. When two vague light clusters, one white and one purple, were facing each other in the air, occasionally some fire stars splashed around between the light clusters, but the silhouette was not visible at all.

Because the two of us had nowhere to work in the air, the light group we were in was hitting lower and lower, and finally landed on a rock passing below us. But what surprised the players who watched the game was that the two of us had just landed on that rock, and the rock immediately disintegrated into countless fragments moved towards and flew away.

After passing through that rock, Masaga Matsumoto and I continued to fall, and then when everyone thought we were going all the way into the abyss, a dazzling flash of light burst out between us, and followed We saw the two of us quickly separated and flew out to both sides and each found a rock and stood on it.

Before we were fighting too intensely. The outsiders couldn't see it clearly. Now we stopped and everyone knew how intense the fight was between us. I saw that Masaga Matsumoto's originally white face had a large black footprint, and the Emperor of Light Battle Armor on his body was also covered with large and small cuts. What’s even worse is that Masaka Matsumoto is desperately holding his side waist at this time, because there is a very obvious big incision on his left waist. The outside is blood red, and blood leaks from it from time to time. It looks quite Horrible look.

Matsumoto's injury was so serious that the Japanese players off the court were shocked, but when they saw my situation, they laughed instead. Because compared to Masaka Matsumoto, although I am not too embarrassed, there is a white long sword stuck in my stomach.

"I said, why didn't I see Masaka Matsumoto's sword? It turned out to be inserted in Purple Moon!" A Japanese player suddenly realized.

Yes, I am wearing a long sword on my stomach now, and this sword is the light Divine Sword of Masaka Matsumoto. Although I am currently using the combined state, Purple Moon’s Divine Dragon armor is not pure black because it is fused with the Silver Moon’s vow suit, but overall the armor in the same state is still dark in color, while the light Divine Sword, a dazzling weapon like a fluorescent tube, is even more visually impact when inserted into my body.

At this time, almost half of the dazzling light Divine Sword penetrated into my body, and the tip of the sword appeared more than half a foot long from behind. This penetration depth is definitely a serious injury. Although Masaga Matsumoto defeated me once before on the surface, and Masaga Matsumoto today also received additional attribute support, the Japanese players off the field still didn’t have much hope that Masaga Matsumoto could beat me, so now When they saw that I was badly injured, it was as if I had accidentally won the lottery. Their excitement can only be described as madness.

"It's weird." Just as most Japanese players were celebrating happily, some discordant sounds suddenly came out from the Japanese players' camp. Although those people are distributed in different positions of the Japanese player camp, the speed and way of speaking are exactly the same. I saw those people in the vicinity saying in the puzzled eyes of the players: "Matsumoto Masaka-kun has beaten Purple Moon like that? Why doesn't he have a smile on his face?"

The exit immediately attracted the attention of all Japanese players. Even though the number of those who spoke was relatively small, most people did not hear them immediately, but it quickly attracted the attention of all Japanese players under the word of mouth. .

As a Japanese player in mind Archfiend, those who can kill me should naturally be excited, but Masaka Matsumoto’s performance is obviously abnormal, and because of everyone’s admiration for heroes, Masaka Matsumoto’s This anomaly quickly spread to the Japanese players who watched the game.

Actually, the person who just said these words is not a Japanese player with strong observation ability, but the trust we arranged to Matsumoto Masaka, which is our person. Naturally, these people said this for no reason. They were able to spread the news so neatly and within roughly the same amount of time, of course, because we were instructed. As for the purpose of this behavior, naturally it is to attract Japanese players to pay attention to our next performance.

Human beings are curious about knowledge. To the advantage, this is called hobby-exploring and seeking knowledge, but to the worst, it means listening to gossip. Although Masaka Matsumoto and I can also enhance the image of Masaka Matsumoto by fighting, this way of actively instilling ideas is far less effective than using gossip to let others explore the ideas we want to convey. good. Therefore, we decided to raise the interest of those Japanese players who watched the game, so that they could study our intentions. Of course, letting them research also has to give them some clues, right? So we started acting.

"haha cough..." I pushed up the mask and laughed hard, and then squirted blood out of my mouth, but I insisted on saying, "It seems that I have inherited that. Multiplayer attributes are somewhat useful, at least you are much better than before."

"No, I'm not as good as you." Masaga Matsumoto said in a tranquil voice very much.

I covered the wound with one hand and wiped the blood from my mouth with one hand and said: "What are you humble? You inherited the attributes of so many people. If you are not as good as me, then you are not a waste?"< /p>

"No, I'm not talking about this." Masaka Matsumoto said that he was deeply sighed at this point, and then he said: "Even if the attributes I inherited are doubled, and I will kill you all here. In the duel space, what then? The confrontation between Japanese players and Chinese players will still be defeated. We will eventually subdue our country, and you will become the winner. As the guild leader who led the Chinese players to conquer Japan thoroughly, I don’t I believe you will have no extra rewards, but what about me? Even if I defeat you ten times, one hundred times, what about it?" Masaka Matsumoto shook his head and looked up to sky and heave a deep sigh again. "Sometimes I really envy you."

"There are so many people who envy me. You are not the only one."

"No, what I envy is not your strength, but It’s the group of subordinates around you.” As Matsumoto said, he glanced at gold coin and Kristina, and then continued: “I have been thinking sometimes, if the original final plan was not interrupted by my stepping down. , What would it look like!"

When Masaka Matsumoto revealed the final plan, the Japanese players outside the court all began to ask each other in doubt, but of course everyone was totally confused about it. Know, because this plan simply doesn't exist. However, a plan that does not exist can sometimes play an unexpected role.

I looked at Matsumoto Masaka after speaking and said, "To be honest, I was shocked when I knew your plan. If it is really carried out by you, then The current strength comparison between China and Japan is really hard to say. But..." At this point, I deliberately stopped, and the ears of the Japanese players outside the court were all pricked up, for fear of missing a word. I guessed that the attention of the Japanese players had been concentrated, and then I said, "Fortunately, your plan ended up miscarriage. Speaking of which I am grateful for the kid Nobunaga Oni Shounaga?"

After listening to my words, Masaka Matsumoto immediately made a wry smile, and then shook the head said with a bitter smile: "It's all past, don't mention it."

Although Masaga Matsumoto and I only mentioned it to the point, this has only increased the interest of Japanese players. Although Masaga and I didn't say anything that seemed useful on the surface, the meaning in these words was actually very clear. As long as the Japanese players are not too stupid, they can sum up two key points: First, Matsumoto Masaka had a large-scale battle plan before he stepped down, and this plan has been proved by me to be very harmful to Chinese players; second, This huge plan that was proven formidable power was destroyed by Nobunaga Onishu.

Although the plan that Masaka Matsumoto and I said does not exist at all, what does it matter? Can Nobunaga Onitou be able to get Masaka Matsumoto to come out to clarify? Or can he find someone to help him prove it? Matsumoto and I have already said that the plan was aborted. Since it has not been implemented, it means that the executive does not know the content of the plan. As long as Matsumoto Masaga insists that there is indeed this plan, and anyone who stands up and says he does not know this plan, Matsumoto Masaka can ask him loudly: "Why do I tell you my secret plan? How old are you? "Of course, Nobunaga Onizu can also use Matsumoto's plan with no proof to convince others that there was no such plan at the beginning, but Matsumoto really can't find anyone to prove it?

Since Masaga Matsumoto was the head of a Japanese player, he must have a large group of people following his command. During that period, Masaka Matsumoto was impossible to explain anything to these people. Now Masaka Matsumoto only needs to say that those things are part of the plan. He did not mention the overall plan in order to keep it secret. Who can say that Masaka Matsumoto? Isn't it for congratulations? What's more, he is not alone with Matsumoto Masaka now. The helpers we arranged for him are all reliable Japanese players. Just choose a few of them and help Matsumoto Masaka prove that they have been in contact with this. Plan, then would anyone doubt Matsumoto Masaga? Besides, even if you step back ten thousand steps, even if Matsumoto Masaka cannot prove that the plan exists, what about it? The Japanese player is not a judge. Will they investigate this matter in the root? Obviously not. The majority of Japanese players will only know that there is such a thing. As for whether they believe it or not, because their personal opinions and positions are different, there will definitely be differences. But regardless of believing or not, these people have such a knot in their hearts, can they trust Guishou Nobunaga unreservedly again?

It is very difficult for a person to build a good reputation, but it is too easy to destroy it. Although there is a saying that rumors stop with the wise, unfortunately there are more fools in this world, so the formidable power of rumors should never be underestimated. It seems that many people say that they do not believe in Ghost God, but they still maintain a minimum of respect for Ghost God. According to this group of people, even though I am basically convinced that there is no Ghost God in this world, I am afraid that there is no such thing, so I maintain a little respect. If there is a Ghost God, I will not be caught They are difficult. This is a psychology of succumbing to rumors. Now those Japanese players who know about this will say they don’t believe it, but in their hearts they will definitely think, “Although I don’t know if that’s true, it’s always good to guard against some ghosts, or Nobunaga. If one day he gets scammed, he will help him count the money stupidly."

"Slander, this is slander." When many Japanese players are in doubt, a ghost letter in a special space But it is flies into a rage. Although Nobunaga and the others have already died, the duel space will not send the combatants out until the duel is completely over. Even those who have died in the battle must wait for the duel in the rest space attached to the duel space. Finish. Of course, this space can actually observe the fighting situation in the duel space, but this is like watching TV at home, which is one-way viewing, and there is no way to influence the people in the duel space.

When I heard Masaka Matsumoto and I play up this non-existent plan, Nobunaga Onishu immediately went crazy. He is not stupid, of course he knows what will happen to him once this matter spreads. Even if others don't believe it, it is always a stain to his reputation, and it is still the kind of stain that will never be wiped clean.

In fact, to be honest, Nobunaga's anger itself has no confidence, because he himself doesn't know whether such a plan really exists. When Masaka Matsumoto was in power, Nobunaga Oni was just a nobody. Why did he inform a soldier like him of a plan made by the commander-in-chief of players all over the country? So, no matter whether such a plan existed at the beginning, Nobunaga Onishu would definitely not know. The reason that Nobunaga Onitou is mad now is not because he feels that Masaka Matsumoto has fabricated such a fictitious plan to frame him, but is angry that Masaka Matsumoto actually said such things at this time.

Because Nobunaga Impossible knew the original plan, so Nobunaga felt that even if he really broke the plan, he can't be blamed, after all, he didn't deliberately sabotage it. But Masaga Matsumoto is now telling the matter on this occasion, that is, he is clearly beating Nobunaga Demon in the face, which is deliberately to make him stink.

What Onitou Nobunaga thought of Guren Phoenix and Kojiro Kenjiro obviously also thought about it, but similar to Onitou Nobunaga, the group of Japanese players waiting in the rest space were all originally A nobody in obscurity. Regardless of whether such a plan existed in the first place, no one would know about it anyway. But Masaga Matsumoto's intention to combat Nobunaga's popularity was seen by everyone, and they also believed oneself infallible to find the motive for Masaga Matsumoto to do so.

Guren Phoenix comforted the thunderous ghost hand Nobunaga: "Don’t be angry, Matsumoto Masaga can be forgiven for destroying your image like this."

" Can it be forgotten?" Guishou Nobunaga became even more mad when he heard this. He pointed to the synchronized picture in the resting space and asked: "What kind of love does he have, and what is the reason?" Speaking of which is indeed the first thing we offended Masaka Matsumoto. It is already polite for him to retaliate against you like this."

"He is still polite? When he says this, I will have to Don’t mix in Japan?"

Guren Phoenix explained: "Kenjiro was right, we really got it off. Matsumoto Masaka’s plan was to wait until the Chinese destroy us. Later, with the help of the system’s counterattack protection time, the Chinese were driven out of Japan in one fell swoop, but we suddenly launched a counterattack ahead of schedule after Matsumoto Masaga arranged everything. This is equivalent to Matsumoto Masaga’s hard work to plant a piece of Fruit Tree. , But in the end we rushed to pick the fruit in front of him. We picked the fruit when we picked it, but when we picked the fruit we ran into a wild beast, and you called Matsumoto Masakato to save us, you said Can he be happy in his heart? He grows the fruit. We grab the fruit faster than him. When we are in trouble, we think of him. Anyone has to get angry. To put it in a conscience, Matsumoto Masakah will ruin your reputation. , At least he came when we were desperate by Zi**."

"So I deserve to be discredited by him?"

Honglian Phoenix shook his head and said: "Although you can't say that you deserve it, we really don't have a stand to stand up and resist. So you don't expect to take this shit bowl away, and you can't prove your innocence. Honestly, Matsumoto Masaka uses this Instead, I feel relieved that I can retaliate against you."

"Just don't worry about that?" Nobunaga Guishou almost didn't let Guren Phoenix carry it on his back.

Guren Phoenix turned a blind eye to Nobunaga Oni’s anger. She still explained to herself: “With Matsumoto’s strength, it’s a trivial matter to trouble us. He was suffocated. The tone must be vented. This time he used this on the surface method to vent it, it’s better than hacking you behind his back, right?" When explaining, I suffocated my breath and prepared to wait for Guren Phoenix to refute her as soon as he shut up, but after listening to Guren Phoenix's words, I had to suppress my breath. He also knew in his heart that what Guren Phoenix said was correct. Matsumoto's anger in his heart must be vented, and it is better to vent like this now than to be stunned by his back! After all, bright spears are easy to hide, and then the dark arrows are not sure what the result will be.

While Onitou Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix were discussing Matsumoto’s revenge, I was also talking with Matsumoto about Onitou Nobunaga, but Onisou Nobunaga and Hong Ren Phoenix is ​​speculating on the motives of Masaka Matsumoto, and we are wiping man Nobunaga in partnership. As for this method... It's actually very simple, one praise and one derogation will do. Because of the antagonism between me and Japanese players, the more I praise Onitou Nobunaga, the worse his image in mind among Japanese players. As for Masaka Matsumoto, it is obviously not appropriate for him to belittle Onijo Nobunaga directly, but when I talk about the various "goods" of Onijo Nobunaga, he can basically achieve it as long as he pretends to be speechless. My purpose is. Anyway, most of the Japanese players' understanding of Oninote Nobunaga is obtained indirectly through others, and there are only a small number of people who really stay with Oninote Nobunaga every day. So Matsumoto and I planted these things for Nobunaga Onitou. Except for a small group of people, most Japanese players don't have much discrimination. Besides, Masaka Matsumoto and I didn't talk about anything specific, but just talked about some ambiguous conceptualizations. Even if someone really wants to find out the bottom line, I guess they can’t start.

"Anyway, Nobunaga Oni is always my Yama and warrior, Purple Moon, so please don't provoke our relationship anymore." Before I talked about Nobunaga Oni's problem. It was almost after Masaka Matsumoto said such a sentence. Of course, Masaka Matsumoto didn't really want to vindicate Nobunaga, he just picked himself up with this. Just now I kept saying that Oninote Nobunaga is "good", and Masaka Matsumoto looked like he couldn't cope with it, which is tantamount to tacitly accepting Oninote Nobunaga's shortcomings. Now Masaka Matsumoto suddenly came out with such a sentence. Not only will it not make people think that Nobunaga's problem is false, but it can prove that there is a problem with Nobunaga on the side. That is why Matsumoto Masaka had to end this. topic. Moreover, what Matsumoto Masakah said can also prove his greatness by the way. After all, most Japanese players can guess that Nobunaga Onishou is the fruit of his labor at Kuro Matsumoto Masaga this time, so at this time Matsumoto's ability to speak for Nobunaga Onishou is considered to be a moral retribution.

"Okay, your internal unity is your business, but we must win this duel today."

"Do you want to win?" Matsumoto Masaga did With a very dismissive look, he said: "You look like this, I really want to know how you can win?"

"Of course I learned your method." Answered Masamoto Matsumoto It was not me who congratulated me, but the gold coin that suddenly jumped from above to a rock near us. Masaga Matsumoto immediately pretended to be a startled and looked around the surrounding situation, and made the fact that he had just discovered that Kristina and the others had surrounded him. Of course, in fact, Matsumoto Masaka actually knew that everyone had come, but he couldn't say it.

In the battle just now, Masaka Matsumoto used his light Divine Sword to poke me across. This is basically a victory for me, so the 1st Step we planned has been completed. The next thing we need to do is to plan the Second Step, that is, to complete our strategic goal-kill Matsumoto Masaga to get the final victory. Of course, in order to ensure the glorious effect of Matsumoto's defeat, I cannot kill him alone. However, in fact, I really can't kill Masaga Matsumoto alone now. In fact, the battle just now was not entirely a fake fight, because I knew that Matsumoto Masaka had a very strong battle strength after acquiring the inherited attribute, so when I first started fighting with him, we didn't even keep hands. We just want to test whether Masaga Matsumoto has beaten me in this state. However, the facts have proved that even if I am strong, there are limits. After inheriting the attributes of 21 people, Masaka Matsumoto’s battle strength has far surpassed me, unless there are two or three people who are about the same as me. Siege Matsumoto Masaga together, otherwise it is impossible to defeat him. "Zero" pays more attention to fighting skills, it is still a game, once the attribute value is high to a certain level, the effect of single force subduing will appear, and now Matsumoto Masaga is almost in such a state.

"They actually have too many people and less bullies." The Japanese players who watched the game after seeing Masaka Matsumoto were surrounded all cried out nervously. I have to say that there are still a lot of people who use double standards to judge things. Anyway, the Japanese players who watch the game are basically such people. Otherwise, how could a group of experts in their country surround me? Less?

Although Masaga Matsumoto knows that he should be generous and righteous in the next step, he still has to say the scene, and he must say it heroically. So he first glanced at us who surrounded him with a scornful look, and then asked me disdainfully: "Do you think that you can defeat me with 21 attributes?"< /p>

"How can I know if I don't try?"

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