Of course, Masaka Matsumoto knew that he had no chance of winning, but the Japanese players outside the field believed that Masaka Matsumoto had a chance. So when I said this, the Japanese players on the scene Immediately the collective entered a state of declining morale.

"Purple Moon, I know you are very strong, but I didn’t plan to wait for death. You have the ability to use it together, so you don’t have to pose to scare me. Those little tricks are possible for Nobunaga ghosts It works, I won’t be fooled by you."

"Very well, then let us see what we are doing." As I said, I suddenly jumped up from the rock on which I was standing and turned towards Masaga Matsumoto. Pounced, and Masaga Matsumoto immediately started and collided with me in the air. At the moment when the two of us were about to crash into a pile, my entire silhouette flashed, and then I saw a dense blade light burst out from the surrounding area, and Matsumoto Masaka entered the attacking state almost in sync with me. It's just that his sword shadow is white and mine is dark red.

Two clusters of dense blade light and sword shadows in the air quickly collided and burst into a loud noise. At the same time, gold coin and Kristina, who were located nearby, were not idle. Taking advantage of the strength of the rock in the vicinity, a few ups and downs arrived near us, and then gold coin swung the Heavenly Venerable sword directly and acted as the Swordsman to join the battle group.

The Japanese players who watched the game saw our two fight one out and immediately complained, but we couldn't hear it in the duel space, so it didn't affect us at all. Moreover, amidst the noise of those Japanese players, Kristina and Shadow Spring also arrived one after another. Kagequan was faster, and first jumped to the vicinity of Masaka Matsumoto and I, and then after I and Masaka Matsumoto had a sword fight, both sides decisively rushed forward to make up for Matsumoto Masaka. Although Masaga Matsumoto reacted super fast and didn't let Kagequan's dagger get close, he also lost the opportunity to restore his balance. He had just pushed Kagequan back when I came up again.

Seeing me rushing up again, Masaka Matsumoto immediately took out a desperate style of play, no longer caring about my attacks, and pierced my chest with a fierce sword. The observers on both sides only saw two groups of blood in the battle group flying up at the same time, and then saw Masaga Matsumoto and I each clutching their wounds and flying back, but our injuries were different. The sword that I attacked Matsumoto Masaka did not completely hit, because Matsumoto Masaka’s final counterattack affected my attack angle, so I only cut a huge wound on Matsumoto’s chest. Although it is not fatal, look. It looks pretty scary. However, compared with him, my side is oozing, because the Divine Sword was actually worn on my body again, and this time it passed directly through my heart.

Originally, Japanese players thought that I was going to be finished this time, because even if the time was grafted, the breakdown of the heart is a critical strike, so theoretically the person who was attacked should be on the spot. Just hang up. But what disappointed the Japanese players was that I just fell back for a bit and immediately raised my hand and shot a zip line to hook a rock passing by, and then I took advantage of the force and flew up to Matsumoto Masaka’s place again. That rock, and after landing, I didn't show any pause, so I rushed up with the sword directly in my chest.

Kojiro Kenjiro, who was watching the game in the rest space, couldn’t help but yelled at me, “Isn’t Purple Moon a human? Why can I move my heart after being beaten? This is the formidable of the quasi-bug skills. Power? The effect of spatiotemporal grafting is a bit too exaggerated, right?"

"No, it is not the reason for spatiotemporal grafting." Although Guishou Nobunaga's character is not good, his combat experience is not good after all. Few, so you can see the reason at a glance. "The spatiotemporal graft is just a factor. The reason Purple Moon is okay is because of his Divine Domain status."

"Can Purple Moon get the Immortal Body after entering the Divine Domain status?"

"That's not it, but Purple Moon himself said just now that he can borrow the characteristics of the familiar to fight. I think this borrowed characteristic is not limited to the combat aspect. The reason why Purple Moon's heart is now penetrated and not killed is probably because He inherited the physical characteristics of his Fire Essence spirit king?"

When Kojiro Kenjiro heard about the Fire Essence spirit, he immediately remembered. "You're talking about the guy named Ivoryt who looks like a robot?"

"Yes. I heard that that thing is a constructed creature, and the body is modular. There is no heart. Such vital parts, as long as the head is not destroyed, you can continue to fight, and after being injured, the battle strength will not be reduced due to pain or other reasons. Look at the current Purple Moon, there is no way of injury, if it is not the attribute of that thing in him I don’t believe that he is so good."

Although Guishou Nobunaga said that there was a jealous element in it, but he had to say that his guess was quite accurate. I did inherit the attributes of Inverite. Ivorite itself is a construct creature, and there is actually no strong connection between the various limbs of the construct creature, and the loss of the Avatar body structure does not affect other parts. For a constructed creature, there are actually only two things that are really important-the power core and the soul module. The core of power is the Source of Life that constructs organisms, which is a bit similar to the heart, but the position is not in the position of the human heart, but may exist in any position depending on the design. Although I have inherited the attributes of Ivorite, I am not really constructing a creature, so there is no power core in my body. Precisely because of this, I am actually one less important than Ivorite. As for the soul module, this thing is where the soul of the constructing creature, equivalent to the human brain, although I also don't have this key component, but my brain does exist, so my real weakness is actually only one head.

As Nobunaga and the others were guessing my attributes, the battle between me and Kristina and the others to besie Matsumoto Masaga has also entered a fever pitch. As a result of changing injuries with me before, although Masaga Matsumoto succeeded in pushing me back, he also paid the price of being cut across his chest. For the so-called loss of step, Matsumoto Masaka's chest was cut by me, and his movements were naturally affected. At this time, Kagequan suddenly leaned forward again and pierced Matsumoto's liver with a knife, and Matsumoto's right hand immediately stretched Kagequan's wrist. Although I lost my main weapon because Divine Sword was still stuck on me, Masaka Matsumoto left his hand free. In fact, the palm is more suitable than the sword in intercepting short weapons. However, when Masakaichi Matsumoto stretched out his hand to support Kageizumi's wrist, he suddenly felt the sound of breaking wind behind him. Of course, it wasn't exactly what he felt, but he heard the gold coin reminder from the headset. Then Masaka Matsumoto showed a swift response and slammed his head to avoid gold coin's clever sword, but when he tried to turn around to meet gold coin, Kagequan tried to break free from his palm and continued to stab. As a result, he had to squeeze Shadow Spring's wrist with one hand, while the other hand turned to block the sword of gold coin. As a result, although Masaga Matsumoto held the sword of the gold coin and controlled Kagequan’s wrist at the same time, he turned into a shape with a wide open chest. Two hands were stretched out on the left and right of the body, each holding a weapon, completely Unable to recover. And at this time, I, who was still wearing a sword on my chest, suddenly stuck it up and holding the Eternal Sword was a straight stab. Although Masaka Matsumoto clearly saw me stabbing him with a sword, he couldn't move at all, because his left and right hands were controlled. At this time, no matter which side he withdrew, he had to hit a hit, so he could only Watching me stabbed out with a sword. However, at the last moment, he reluctantly slid his body, and Eternal was a little bit slanted. Eternal, which should have penetrated directly from the bottom of his throat, passed directly through his shoulder blades.

Ordinarily, if Nobunaga Guishou was beaten so badly in front of so many people, he would have been scolded to death long ago. However, although Masaga Matsumoto is now pierced by my shoulder blades, Japanese players have shown a considerable understanding of his situation. It is not because Matsumoto Masaka is popular, but because Matsumoto Masaka plays more well. Just now, when we were injured and attacked by us, all the Japanese players saw clearly that Masaka Matsumoto's left and right hands were restrained, and could only watch the painful expression that I pierced his shoulder blades but couldn't avoid it. Because of this expression and the situation at the time, many Japanese players realized that this was not because Matsumoto's strength was not good, but because he alone could not deal with three people at the same time, so most Japanese players chose to understand Matsumoto's loss.

As my sword pierced Matsumoto's scapula, I immediately moved upwards. The eternal sharp blade immediately cut off Matsumoto's scapula, and the scapula broke immediately. As a result, Masaka Matsumoto's right hand lost its power. Kagequan felt the resistance on his wrist disappear and immediately held the other hand on the end of the dagger and pressed it down. With the power of both hands, he finally succeeded in inserting the pen into Matsumoto's chest cavity. The continuously injured Masaka Matsumoto's body immediately became soft due to the pain, and Gold Coin shook his Heavenly Venerable sword violently as a result. Accompanied by a scream, Masaka Matsumoto's left arm flew directly into the air.

Speaking of which has a lot of actions. In fact, the series of attacks just now lasted less than two seconds in total, and just as Matsumoto's arm was just flying, I slammed to Matsumoto's When he leaned on his body, his shoulders pressed against Matsumoto's chest and gave a fierce force, just listening to the peng sound. Matsumoto's whole body flew out as if hit by a Mercedes-Benz train.

Looking at Masaka Matsumoto being hit three times in a row and then being hit again, the Japanese players who watched the game were all nervous, but their nervousness did not change the ending of Masaka Matsumoto. , Because it was arranged by us in advance. Just after Masaka Matsumoto was knocked out, a red silhouette suddenly fell in the sky, and the silhouette was almost invisible at high speed. Everyone only saw a red line suddenly falling from the sky and directly hitting Matsumoto Masaka, and it was not until the silhouette hit Matsumoto Masaka that they could see that the person was the real red that had disappeared for a long time.

In fact, the red has arrived long ago, but I used the communication crystal to tell her not to rush down, so she has been using the flying rocks to stay in the air and didn't jump off directly. Just now, after we decided on Matsumoto's death method, Zhenhong received the notification that she would complete the final blow, and then this scene happened.

The real red on Masaga Matsumoto's body was violently gathered together without a pause, and then suddenly swung out, with the terrifying golden heavy fist exploded at the moment Matsumoto Masaka hit. A huge golden beam of light with a diameter of more than ten meters fell straight from the in midair to the ground and shattered all the things in the way down like a laser technique, and finally hit the depths of the earth to see it completely. It's over if you don't see it.

With this super shocking blow, the environment around us also changed immediately. We who were standing on the surface of the rock suddenly felt that the pressure under our feet disappeared, and then followed ourselves to float up unfathomable mystery, and then we saw the ground below suddenly moved upwards. The rocks that had been at the height of the earth's surface are now all floating back and forth. Root missiles generally moved towards high altitude, and the ground below is gradually shattering into more fragments and flying upward together. Obviously, the collapse of this planet has entered the final stage. However, just when the planet was about to end, we suddenly felt our feet sink, and the whole person's body was tilted, if it weren't for a quick reaction, we would just fall directly to the ground.

After being down-to-earth, we immediately noticed the changes in the surrounding environment. The rubble flying around has completely disappeared, replaced by a small room with a very primordial style. The four walls of the room are exactly the same on three sides. The rock does not even have a window. The ground and walls under the feet are also the same style, even the roof. The only difference in the whole room is the wall we are facing, where a rare beast made of stone is carved. It looks like a lion, but it is different because there is an extra on the lion’s head. It was an eye, and it was still an erect and bloodshot eye. Although the eyeball and the lion are both carved in stone, it can be seen from its appearance that the eyeball is very incompatible with the lion's body, and it feels like a parasite is attached to the lion's forehead.

While we were watching this stone lion there, the whole wall suddenly moved. The eyes of the stone lion suddenly lit up, emitting dazzling red rays of light, and then the stone lion began to all around from the eyes and gradually restored the state of the biological body, just like Yeyue’s petrification technique. The reverse operation is the same.

It took only a few seconds before and after that lion became a living body, and then jumped off the wall. Rose and I took the weapons in our hands almost instantly. The suppression we received from the moment we entered this room has completely disappeared. Not only have all the injuries on our body automatically recovered, but even the Divine Dragon Shield that I lost before has returned, so we can say that we have entered the peak state.

Originally, we thought the lion would attack as soon as it came out. Who knew it didn’t do anything to us after it jumped down. Instead, it squatted down like a big dog, and then it opened its mouth. Speaking.

"Hello victors, I am the guardian beast at the bottom of this duel scene, that is, the overall boss of this scene. Don't be nervous, the duel is over, so I won't take the initiative to attack you. "

"Then what do you mean by getting us here?" The really red hot temper made her react quickly. Although the words are not tactful enough, what she asked is indeed what we want to know of.

The guy who claims to be the boss of the bottom of the game heard the real red question and immediately replied: "I didn’t send you here, I don’t have the ability. It’s the main system that sent you over. Whenever a duel is conducted in this top difficulty duel space, and the total battle strength of both sides reaches a certain value, the final winning team will be sent here first."

"Then we are here. What are we going to do? And when can we return to normal space?" I asked this because I was really anxious. The previous battle between us and Nobunaga Onited was a high-end duel to determine whether the Japanese players had a chance of winning this counterattack. Therefore, both Japanese and Chinese players took the initiative to stop the battle to watch the result of our duel, and prepare to wait for us to finish the fight. Do further action. But now the duel is over, and we did get the victory, but Oni Te Nobunaga and the others were teleported back, but we were stuck here. What do you think the players outside would think? I don’t know how the Chinese players reacted, but I very much doubt that the Japanese players might think that we are all trapped here, and then they will report a fluke and not consider the strength of the two sides and want to take advantage of our return. Let's talk about it first. The Japanese have always had the habit of going to extremes and gambling with the future. This time it is estimated that there will be no exceptions. As long as they have a little chance of winning, they dare to gamble.

Probably knowing that we are in a hurry to leave, the lion is not nonsense, and it is directly replied: "My task is to ask you if you are willing to participate in the next scene battle test, if you are willing If you do, you can stay and fight with me, and then help test whether the follow-up development of this scene is appropriate. Of course, this is a voluntary test. If you refuse, you will be immediately sent back to the place where you came in, and even if you participate in the test, You can also interrupt the test at any time and return to where you came from. But don’t rush to refuse, because I haven’t said the reward for this test. If you can pass this test, then I will become the favorite of those who pass. And this The test is conducted in a single person. If you agree, you will be tested separately. Everyone who passes can get a familiar with exactly the same as me."

"Then I will not participate." Real red refused to be super direct. "I can only receive the favorite of the god Dragon Clan, otherwise it will affect the battle strength."

Gold coin is also nodded and said: "I can only receive the favorite of Demon and Divine Beast Race, you obviously don't Counting this category, so I won’t participate."

Rose also followed: "I’m not a main fighter, and I can’t make it through, so I quit."

"Then you three What about one?" The lion asked, looking at me, Kristina and Shadow Spring.

"I'll forget it." Shadow Spring also shook the head. "I'm assassin, my ability is too single, not suitable for this kind of testing work."

Kristina looked at me and then at Rose, and Rose probably guessed what she meant. He immediately said: "You don't think about external issues. As long as one of us goes out, we can live in the town. Even if you stay for the test, it won't affect the subsequent battle."

Rose’s words, Kristina, immediately looked like nodded, but I reached out to stop it. "I haven't asked you what kind of creature you are? Without knowing your abilities, we can't confirm whether you have enough value to be worth fighting for. Just looking at your appearance like a lion, there is really nothing worth noting. Where is it!"

"No, the lion you see is not me." The lion stunned us with a mouth.

"This is not you? Where are you?"

"I am here."

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