"Are the three right? Purple Moon, you have fallen!" When I jumped on the rock where Matsumoto Masaka was, Matsumoto Masaka was cautious. He looked carefully at the gold coin and Shadow Spring located diagonally behind him, and then said such a sentence to me.

Matsumoto's intention is of course not to insult me. After all, we are our own now, not to mention that I am his boss. There are only two situations when employees abuse Boss, one is to change jobs, and the other is to court death. Of course, Masaka Matsumoto didn't want to quit. Besides, he couldn't quit. Of course, he was not courting death. The sole purpose of speaking like this is to create an opportunity, an opportunity to stand up against me.

It is said that we and Masaka Matsumoto are simply wearing a pair of pants, so in fact, we can end the battle immediately after Kenjiro Kohato died. But this time, in addition to hitting the confidence of Japanese players, our purpose is to raise Matsumoto's position by the way, so we have to play an exhibition match with Matsumoto in the end. Of course, the purpose of raising Masaga Matsumoto is a tactical action, which cannot affect our overall strategic layout in Japan. Therefore, raising Masaka Matsumoto and Masaka Matsumoto. The final victory must be ours, otherwise it will be ours. The strategic intentions are aligned.

If you want to elevate Matsumoto's position, you must let Matsumoto's victory, but our strategic intentions determine that we need to win. The two obviously conflict. So we thought of a compromise, that is, I will fight with Masaga Matsumoto alone, and then let me defeat. Because of my status in the hearts of Japanese players, once Masaka Matsumoto defeats me, his status will definitely be greatly improved. However, as a loser, I will not be scolded, because the current situation is obvious, Matsumoto Masaka inherits as many as 21 Japanese Peak players including Onitou Nobunaga and Kohato Kenjiro. The attribute value of the expert, that is to say, even if the attribute points of this group of people are only at a normal level, the current attribute value of Masaka Matsumoto is at least 22 times that of normal players. Although Matsumoto Masaka may not be able to fully utilize the battle strength generated by this terrifying attribute point, after inheriting so many attributes, Matsumoto Masaga's strength has been greatly improved after all. Although Japanese players will be slightly concerned about Matsumoto's victory over me, but Matsumoto's victory over me after all, so the purpose of upgrading Matsumoto's status is basically achievable. As for me, because Matsumoto's strength is not normal, then my failure has become a matter of course. After all, in name, I am fighting a collection of 22 people. Even if I am defeated in such a battle, who can say anything about me?

After Masaka Matsumoto said this remark according to our arrangement, I immediately responded: "It turns out I thought that only Americans like to practice double standards. Didn't expect you Japanese also have this hobby! You have inherited the attributes of Nobunaga Onitou and 21 of them. You didn’t even mention it. You started to complain because the three of us beat one out. Your double standard is too exaggerated, right?” I’m here After saying this, Masaka Matsumoto immediately opened his mouth to retort, but I first reached out and stopped what he was about to say. "Okay, since you said that, then I don't care about you. To be honest, after doing so long in the battle strength list, I am really annoying. Expert and lonely! But just so, since you have absorbed it today The attributes of 21 of them, I think even if they may not be able to defeat me, at least it will make me feel refreshed to fight with all my strength, right? Come on. Let me see if you have inherited so many attributes and if you have a fight with me Matsumoto’s strength."

Matsumoto said with a cold laugh immediately after I finished saying: "Expert lonely? You are so embarrassed to say! Okay, since you have a tendency to be abused, then I will satisfy you. There are not many opportunities for this kind of painful world first!"

Matsumoto almost finished speaking and looked towards me at the same time, and I took the initiative to greet him and confronted Gold. Coin and Yingquan shouted: "Protect the roses, don't worry about it here."

"I guess we won't be able to control it if we want to in a short time." Gold Coin said that people had already jumped away. I found the rock where we were, and then saw her turning over in midair, with a lightly touched Heavenly Venerable sword in her hand, a giant mouse that had just jumped up was instantly opened by her, internal organs and blood sprayed in the air. Are everywhere.

On the other side, Shadow Spring was not idle either. She jumped from the rock where we are. A few ups and downs on the rock in the vicinity rushed to a rock on which a few giant rats stood and those The mouse fought, and as for Kristina and Rose, the situation was almost the same on their side. Although those giant mice can't fly, they have amazing jumping ability. They are constantly jumping around and moving very fast in these groups of rocks suspended in the air. But after all, the system just wants them to cause us some trouble, and did not really intend to kill us with mice, so these mice are nothing special except for their fast speed and large numbers. At least the performance of battle strength is mediocre. So tough in the middle.

While Kristina and the others were fighting with the mouse, Matsumoto and I were already fighting. The first attacker was Masaga Matsumoto. His heavy strike speed is amazing, but it has not exceeded my reaction limit. In this kind of battle, even if I really can’t escape, he will probably slow down by himself or change the direction of the attack to make me dazzle. Past.

After running away from Matsumoto's heavy knife, I slid around behind him, and then slammed his back with a fist. Although the fists of ordinary players have no formidable power, my fists are different. You know, there are still three claws on my arm. Generally, as long as my fist hits the target, the claws will pop out quickly on the opponent's body and poke three holes out, so being punched by me is more than just getting a punch. However, Masaga Matsumoto didn’t expect to take my fist. He didn’t dodge or block it at all. Instead, he continued to rush forward with the previous strength, and then jumped up when he reached the edge of the stone platform. .

Matsumoto's goal is another rock very close to us, but compared to this big guy, the volume of that rock is less than the size of a refrigerator. After Masaka Matsumoto jumped up, I quickly followed up, and finally almost jumped out of the rock under his feet with his front and back feet. After all, Masaka Matsumoto jumped one step ahead of me. After reaching that side, he immediately turned around, then took a violent step and made a lunge. At the same time, the right hand light Divine Sword slashed across.

I can't dodge in the air, but my body can move. When Masaga Matsumoto's sword came across, I quickly rolled over in the air and kicked one foot out. Just hearing a ding sound, the back blade on the back of my calf turned directly under my feet and turned into an ice skate. Following Matsumoto's sword, it slashed directly on the blade of the ice skate.

There is a BUG in "Zero" that is not a BUG, ​​that is, the collision between weapons and weapons basically does not produce damage value, which is also the basis for the concept of barriers. For occupations like assassin, although the defensive power is pitiful, they can often fight close to the blood bull warrior in battle, relying on this weapon to block. As long as the assassins can accurately hold each other's weapons with their own weapons, no matter how weak their defenses are, the system will not calculate the damage. Of course, due to the huge gap in power, assassins generally use dodge rather than block, because in the collision between weapons and weapons, the party with the greater power can often have a retreat effect on the party with the less power. Of course, I am not an assassin with low power, and Masaka Matsumoto is not a blood warrior, but because Masaka Matsumoto has inherited a lot of attribute points, his current power has actually surpassed me by a lot.

The Chinese and Japanese players watching the game only saw the ice skates under my feet and the Divine Sword of Masaka Matsumoto slammed into each other, and then I saw my whole body as if stepping on Masaka Matsumoto’s sword like skating. I slid towards Matsumoto Masaga with the blade, and a string of gorgeous fire stars was drawn between the ice skates under my feet and the light Divine Sword.

Seeing me stepping on Matsumoto's sword and rushing in front of him, the Japanese players watching the game unconsciously held their breath and became worried for Matsumoto's. However, just when I stepped on Matsumoto Masaka’s sword to the end of the blade and squatted down on one leg, and the other leg swept towards Matsumoto Masaka’s throat, Matsumoto Masaka directly lifted the other leg. Like a ballerina, I came to a standing position. The raised leg supported the leg I swept across.

As a fighter, the flexibility of the body is a very important thing. Before Kenjiro Kohato was still alive, he inherited the attributes of almost ten people, which was terrifying in terms of numerical values ​​alone. But he is still not my opponent, not because his attributes are not high enough, but because he can't make difficult moves like Matsumoto Masaga. Although the physical flexibility of the characters in the game is set to be very high, people are inertial after all. Actions that you can't do in reality are rarely done in the game. Even if you do it, it will appear rigid and rigid due to the forcible control of your body. When Matsumoto Masaka first took refuge in us, he had already come to China in reality. I am proud of the direct contact between him and me. In reality, Zhuozhi made some small adjustments to his body. Although I did not use Longyuan’s biotechnology, at least Matsumoto’s training was able to fully play the game under my oppressive training. The physical advantage of the inner character is over. It's absolutely impossible to change to the former Matsumoto Masaga like this one-word cheating in a standing posture.

The sweeping leg was framed, and I didn't stop at all, and I jumped off Matsumoto Masaka's sword with a backflip directly with the help of the impact of the two legs. Masaka Matsumoto took the opportunity of my somersault to land and my footing was not stable, and immediately slashed the erected leg forward and down. I didn't wait to land and then took an somersault back. Originally, I got out of the attack range after two consecutive backflips on flat ground, but the problem is that it's not flat ground. I was already standing on the edge of the rock under my feet when I flipped over the sword of Masaga Matsumoto just now, and when I flipped it over, I flew directly out of the range of the rock.

Looking at me being forced by Matsumoto Masaga’s foot on the air, many Japanese players who watched the game couldn’t help but yelled hello, and Matsumoto Masaga took the opportunity of turning my head over. The run-up jumped up from the rock, and while holding the sword in both hands, he struck me in the air with a sword.

"Kill him!" The Japanese player who saw this scene couldn't help but yell again. Now I am in midair, and I can't fly at all. It is said that I can't avoid the sword of Masaga Matsumoto anyway. However, just as the Japanese players yelled in excitement, I suddenly raised my hand and shot a dragon tendon at a rock above my head. The cable head with the barb stinged into the rock and stuck automatically. At the same time, the cable retractor on my wrist began to quickly retract the cable. I quickly flew upwards under the traction of the cable, and Matsumoto As a result, the sword that Zhengga was inevitable to win also threw away and slipped past my feet. Seeing this situation, the Japanese players who had previously shouted to kill me also sighed together. But even though they wanted me to be killed by Masaga Matsumoto, they also knew that I was the number one in the world after all, and it was not so easy to deal with, so they just felt sorry for Masaka Matsumoto's blow to the air, and they did not complain. After all, even if they were replaced, the sword would not touch me.

With the help of the dragon's tendons, I quickly pulled myself onto the rock above my head. I immediately turned over and stood on the surface of the rock with my feet, but I was actually standing upside down on top of my head. It's under the rock, but because the gravity is not obvious here, it doesn't feel uncomfortable to hang there.

Matsumoto Masaga, who was pierced with a sword below, was not idle either. There happened to be a continent flying over in front of him, and on its surface there was a large plane that exceeded the area of ​​the football field. After Matsumoto fell on it, he immediately raised his head and looked towards my direction. At this time, I had already jumped off the rock just now and dived towards him.

Looking at me swooping down, Masaka Matsumoto immediately raised the Divine Sword in his hand in a pose that was a bit close to swinging a softball, and then saw his sword start to rise. Layers of white flames have a tendency to burn more and more vigorously. Although the magic power in this space is not stable now, but also not to say that the magic is completely out of order, at least it can produce a little effect in a relatively close situation. Besides, Masaka Matsumoto has inherited so many attribute values, even if the magic is weakened, the formidable power will not be too low.

Seeing this situation, I quickly turned the eternity into a sword shape, and then saw a purple black hell flame on the surface of the eternity, and finally the magic flame was fully extended. Kai wrapped my whole person in. The players outside only saw me in the form of a huge purple Fireball swooping down in midair, and Matsumoto Masaga on the ground also violently swung the Divine Sword out of my hand just before I was about to contact him. The two top Divine Items slammed into each other, and a shock wave of horror erupted in an instant. Just listening to a loud explosion sound, the giant rock at the feet of Masaga Matsumoto couldn't bear our two forces from breaking into two pieces, but Masaga Matsumoto was directly blasted from the fractured rock by my strength. But I'm not much better. The sword that Masaka Matsumoto swung up was too powerful, and I flew straight into the sky like a softball hitting a home base.

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