The sudden collapse of the atmosphere caused all of us to lose the ability to fly. We watched as a large group of us crashed to the ground with a bunch of bull-sized rats.

As soon as we were about to fall to the ground, I suddenly saw a large Flying Sword flying above my head. They first chased us, and then separated into several sword ridges. Platform. After completing the grouping, these platforms quickly flew under us and began to slow down. We immediately landed on the platform when we were falling, and then the speed of the body's falling immediately slowed down and gradually stopped falling.

Although the current atmosphere is unable to support other flying skills, we are lucky that at least the Flying Sword of gold coin can still be used. Although these platforms composed of multiple Flying Swords cannot take us to move fast, it is not a problem to support us in front of them. There is just one question that makes us a little bit entangled. This question is what on earth Matsumoto Masaka wants to do?

It is said that gold coin is now fully capable of catching Matsumoto Masaga, but the problem is that we are now watching every move by a large group of Chinese and Japanese players. It is not difficult for gold coin to manipulate Flying Sword to catch Matsumoto Masaka, but how can we make those Japanese players believe that we have no personal relationship with Matsumoto Masaka? So even if we have a way to save Matsumoto Masaga, we can’t do it right now, but if we don’t do it, and let him fall to death like this, our plan to help Matsumoto Masaga’s reputation has failed.

We are entangled in that, didn't expect this duel space unexpectedly has new changes. While Masaga Matsumoto was still struggling in the air, we suddenly felt that our feet were soft, and then everyone crossed the platform composed of Flying Sword and started free fall again.

The sudden weightlessness did not make everyone panic, but all of us turned our eyes to gold coin. And gold coin herself is now falling swayingly, but the Flying Sword under her feet barely maintains a general formation. Although it can't completely resist the weight of gold coin, it can act as a decelerating umbrella in front of her.

After discovering that we were all watching her, gold coin quickly explained in the communication channel: "There is a problem with the surrounding magic field. I can’t control the Flying Sword that leaves a certain range of my body, and even the nearby Flying Sword can control it. The power has also dropped drastically."

The words of gold coin were quickly confirmed by Kristina. Compared with the gold coin Taoist profession, Kristina's profession is pure legal profession, and the Taoist priests should be regarded as the Chinese version of Demon Sword in the strict sense, because they are very good at melee magic. Kristina’s explanation is more detailed than gold coin. According to her narrative, after the planet’s atmosphere collapsed, the planet’s magic net also collapsed.

The world in "Zero" is a world with magic, and the basis of magic is the magic net. This magic net can be understood as an atmosphere-like thing composed of basic magic power, which exists in most places in this world. The magic net is the foundation of magic, where the magic net is densely packed, the magic formidable power is large, and the magic net vacuum zone is the forbidden domain. The planet’s magic net just now obviously collapsed completely, but it’s like the surrounding planet’s atmosphere does not disappear immediately after it collapses. The collapse of the magic net does not mean that all elements will disappear immediately, but all elements. The distribution becomes extremely thin and chaotic. In such an environment, the use of various magic powers will become extremely unstable, not only the difficulty of control will be greatly increased, but also the formidable power will be greatly reduced.

Although gold coin is a Taoist priest, theoretically speaking, she uses mana instead of magic, but "Zero" is a game after all. In order to ensure the comparability between players, Taoism here is actually It is assumed that magic power is completely one kind of thing. To put it simply, they are a kind of concept, but because of the difference between Chinese and Western cultures, two names have been produced.

Now that the magic net collapses, whether it is gold coin's Taoism or Kristina's magic, it is the same situation in the end-the difficulty of casting spells increases, the formidable power decreases, and the manipulation distance becomes shorter.

Faced with the current situation, we can only resign ourselves to fate. After all, players use their power under the rules of the game. Now this scene changes the rules of the game. As a player, no matter how strong we are, can we still compete with the rules of the game? So now there is no way at all. What we can do is to wait and see if the system intends to smash us to death, or if it intends to give us a predicament first.

Soon the intention of the system was revealed. As a referee in the game, the game system generally does not directly trouble the player. Even if it sometimes seems that the system is giving players a problem, it is just creating the difficulty corresponding to the high level task, not that the system is really going to have trouble with it. Although the current scene is super high, the purpose of the system is obviously not to kill us directly, so it generally does not create a dead end. Just like now, it looks like we can't fly and we can only wait to fall to death, but in fact the system does not intend to let us die at all.

As we continued to fall, there was a sudden violent flash in the seam below us, and then the whole earth began to collapse, and at the same time we felt that the speed of our fall was actually slowing down.

"Is it my illusion or what's the matter?" Rose suddenly asked: "Are we slowing down?"

"No, we are slowing down." Shadow Spring is very sure Said: "I take the dexterous route, and I am more sensitive to environmental changes. I can feel the gravity seems to be falling."

"Gravity is falling?" Rose froze for a moment, and then suddenly realized it. Said: "Did the gravitational field of this planet also collapsed?"

"It seems that it is." My answer is not nonsense, because I have evidence. "Look below."

As I pointed, everyone looked down towards the ground, only to see that the cracked surface fragments on the ground began to show a chaotic movement direction. Ordinarily, there is a gravitational field, and the fragments should fall down after they collapse, but now some of the rocks on the ground are slowly drifting upwards, some are moving laterally, and some are rolling. I flew out on an oblique side, and occasionally I could even see two fragments of the earth's crust the size of an aircraft carrier colliding with each other at a relatively slow speed in the air, and then separated some fragments and flew out again in two directions.

Although the gravitational field collapsed, we are still falling because the gravitational pull that dragged us down has disappeared, but the inertia has not disappeared. However, because there is no gravitational force to continue the traction, and the thin air around is still somewhat resistant, our falling speed is actually slowly decreasing.

Because without the help of Flying Sword from gold coin, Masaka Matsumoto has not stopped in the air like us, so his current position is closer to the ground than us, and the falling speed is much faster than us. But probably because it was quick witted in an emergency, this kid found a way to save himself. Just when he thought he was about to fall to death, the nearby gravitational field just disappeared so that he had a little chance to breathe, and although the surrounding air was thin and unable to support flying spells, after all, the air had not completely disappeared, so in Matsumoto Masaru With He's constant use, he could somewhat control the direction of his body's fall.

It was this little control that ultimately saved Matsumoto's life because he found a stepping stone. Before that, Masaga Matsumoto was not alone in the air by the shock wave. There were also many giant rats the size of a bull who were thrown into the air with him. These things can't fly in the first place, so they will naturally fall along with Matsumoto Masaga. But Masaga Matsumoto found his hope from these guys. He controlled his effort to move to the mouse's side, and then saw the opportunity to push hard on the big mouse. In the case where gravitational force and air friction are both minimal, this kick immediately faithfully presents the principle that the role of force is mutual. Matsumoto Masaka and the mouse separated quickly in two directions, but because Matsumoto Masaka was pedaling from diagonally above, the mouse accelerated and fell down while he himself moved towards the other diagonally above. A mouse flew over.

With the initial velocity obtained from the first mouse, the following process is much simpler. With his own powerful attributes, Matsumoto's physical functions are almost stronger than Superman. After he quickly came into contact with the second mouse, he used that mouse as a springboard and jumped up again, and then he just like this one by one. Stepping on it quickly canceled out his falling speed, and even produced a little upward acceleration.

However, just when Matsumoto Masaka thought he was okay, his body suddenly began to fall again, but the acceleration was obviously not too large. At the same time, we, who were not far above Matsumoto Masaga, also saluted the gravitational field change again. The previous zero-gravity environment was obviously only a temporary phenomenon caused by the instantaneous energy release when the gravitational field collapsed. The matter in the planet still has mass, and mass is the basis of gravity. Therefore, after the energy burst, the gravity is restored again, but For unknown reasons, the recovery of this gravitational field does not seem to be complete. At least we can now clearly feel that the traction we receive has not reached the normal value, and may even be less than one-tenth of the normal gravitational force. In other words, the strength of the gravitational field here may not be as strong as the surface of the moon.

In this state of microgravity, we all successfully landed on a relatively large piece of ground debris in a very gentle state, but the trajectory of this piece of debris due to the impact between them is not Not downward, but upward, but the speed is relatively slow.

After everyone successfully found a foothold, they all began to prepare for battle. After all, we all know that if we don’t fight for a while, the system may not give us a chance to fight. The situation on our side now is that Zhenhong doesn't know where to fly by himself. The battle strength of Kristina and gold coin has dropped significantly, and the effect of True Red's resurrection technique is temporarily unknown, but it has been confirmed that the effect of the healing technique has dropped severely. Shadow Spring and I can still fight, but the formidable power of all magic skills has dropped severely, almost equal to scrap.

On the other side, Masaga Matsumoto stood alone on the surface of a small floating rock. That rock is gradually approaching the rock under our feet. Based on the current situation, the two will pass by less than three meters in a dozen seconds. However, there are hundreds of giant mice on the messy rocks near both of us. They are distributed in small groups on the suspended rocks in the vicinity, and they will jump back and forth between adjacent rocks from time to time. It seems that he is planning to come and attack us. Moreover, those rats jumping around have disturbed the surrounding rocks. After all, the gravitational field has fallen to a very weak state. Although the surrounding rocks are generally falling downwards, they seem to be in a local area. A gravity-free environment in space. Every time the rats change the rocks, some rocks will change their flight trajectory, and the surrounding rocks will collide with each other to make the environment more complicated.

"What should I do now?" Gold coin looked at me and asked.

"Does this need to be asked? Of course I rushed over." I can't help but say this. In addition to bows and arrows and throwing knives, long-range attack skills are basically magic-like skills except for magic skills. In short, they are all in an unusable category, and there is no full-time archer here. Although I have a crossbow and Shadow Spring can throw darts, they are all auxiliary combat skills, and we generally rarely use such skills. It is obviously impossible for us to fight by them now. So now the most direct and only available method for us is close hand-to-hand combat.

"Since you are going to be close, let's rely on us." After Yingquan said to me, he turned to look at gold coin and asked: "Are you good at melee?"

"Just kidding. I'm also a warrior after taking off the daoist robe, okay?" Gold coin said confidently.

After listening to Yingquan, he looked up and down the Heavenly Venerable suit of gold coin, and then said: "You are not a daoist robe. You are not afraid to run out if you take it off?"

Gold coin's Heavenly Venerable suit because she is a female, so she has self-adjusted according to her body shape. Now it looks like a little daoist robe, it looks like the short Little Pi grass of a fashion girl, and it's still relatively The sexy kind. But it's a joke, gold coin does hide a highly sensitive warrior's body under the beautiful skin. Although Taoist priests often use Taoism to fight, their ability to fight in close combat is not bad at all. Whoever wants to use Taoist priests as a mage should be prepared for bad luck.

Under Kagequan’s joke, the gold coin jumped off the rock under our feet and rushed towards Masaga Matsumoto, and Kagequan jumped right there. I turned back to Kristina and said, "You protect the rose." Then I jumped over.

The current Kristina is not unable to use magic, but the formidable power of magic drops drastically as soon as she is out of the body, so she cannot perform long-range attacks. Originally, if Kristina’s magic power was close to the battle skill, it happened to be very difficult to deal with, but now we and Matsumoto Masaka are not really fighting. If Kristina rushes up, it will be a little bit of despise Matsumoto Masaka. We can't achieve our goal of emphasizing Matsumoto's battle strength. So I finally decided to let Kristina protect Rose, which was actually an excuse for not participating in the war.

Matsumoto Masaga knew our arrangement from the communication crystal as early as when he fell on the rock, so he didn’t rush to see the three of us jumping over until the gold coin rushed over. In front of him, he raised the sword that he had already held in his hand to meet the Heavenly Venerable sword of gold coin.

The Heavenly Venerable sword in the hands of gold coin and the light Divine Sword in the hands of Masaka Matsumoto are not ordinary goods, but the classification of the Heavenly Venerable sword belongs to the thorn sword, which is relatively light and relatively flexible. , And the light Divine Sword in the hands of Masaka Matsumoto is close to the style of the Western Knight sword, belonging to the heavy sword, not only can stab but also chop. The two swords showed their respective characteristics as soon as they touched each other in the air.

As soon as the gold coin sword was leaned on Matsumoto's sword, she immediately felt a huge force. She knew that she would definitely not be able to fight Matsumoto's strength, so her wrist became weak. Instead of fighting hard with Masaga Matsumoto, the whole person slid to the side and crouched down under Masaga Matsumoto’s armpits. At the same time, her Heavenly Venerable sword was also tilted backwards, following Masaka Matsumoto’s light Divine Sword. At an angle, he rubbed Matsumoto's body and swept forward. As long as Matsumoto's reaction is a little slower, this sword will have to be swept over him, but Matsumoto has received my special training, and his fighting skills are also good. He directly brings the sword to the side, relying on the light of Divine Sword. The weight advantage hardly pressed the Heavenly Venerable sword of gold coin and bypassed his body.

This time was only half a second before and after the short confrontation, because the speed was too fast, many people didn’t see what was going on, but those who could see it kept sighing that Matsumoto’s and gold coin’s skills were too good. Great, if they themselves must be over on the spot. In fact, what they didn't know was that Masaka Matsumoto and Gold Coin had known each other a long time ago, otherwise they would not dare to do this kind of close combat. To be honest, no one of the people at the scene has enough reaction speed to play live performances. What they can do is to discuss the attack method in advance, so that they can do it with a good idea. "Cooperate with tacit understanding."

Although it was a fake game, the Chinese and Japanese players who watched the game didn't know it, so they still watched with keen interest pleasure. Just like the fighting scenes in movies are often very visually impactful, the more fake they are, the more beautiful they are, the more you can see them. Because both sides have used tricks, you can play tricks to your heart's content. Some fancy tricks that you don’t dare to use in real battles. On the contrary, the clock is very relaxed and casual, and the people watching the game next to it will naturally look more energetic. Of course, you have to pay attention to this kind of fake fight, otherwise the expert can still see something when the fake fight is too fake.

Matsumoto Masaka and Gold Coin came here as soon as they separated Shadow Spring. Compared with Gold Coin, she has lower power, but faster speed. Masaga Matsumoto had not formally played against Kageizumi before, and saw that she was a little nervous, not because she was afraid that she would not be able to fight, but because she was afraid that she would not be able to play well. But Kageizumi didn't have as much scrupulousness as Matsumoto Masaga. She knew that with Matsumoto Masaga's current attributes, it would not be easy for her to kill Matsumoto Masaga, so she was able to let go of her hands and feet instead. But now only the two sides tried first, so she didn't get too entangled with Matsumoto Masaga, and she separated again after just touching it.

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