There are super resurrection wizards like Rose. In fact, in theory, we don’t have to worry about being killed at all, because as long as there is no small probability event, Rose’s resurrection technique will generally produce a lossless resurrection.

Looking at the fallen half of Christina's body, Rose did not chase down. What needs to be resurrected is that the soul is not a body. Except for the resurrection mage and the related professionals of the Undead Department, most people cannot see the soul left behind after the death of the player. Rose simply swept around and found the soul of Kristina below us. After she released the guardian long spear and jumped up, she went directly to help Kristina resurrect.

I don’t have time to care about the success of Kristina’s resurrection, because the monster that just passed Kristina has now completely risen into the air.

This monster is slightly different from the little monsters that chased us before. Before, the little monsters looked like centipede with a pair of wings, but the creature in front of them was exactly the same as the big centipede, and there was nothing like wings on its body. However, although I didn't see the wings, this thing not only could fly, but it was also super fast. Seeing it twisted and moved quickly in the air, it looked like a water snake hunting in the water.

After killing Kristina with a single blow, the monster quickly rose into the air, and then an electric arc was lit up between its two horns again. With Kristina's experience, this time we can see that this thing has super formidable power, so it's best not to block if you can avoid it. However, although we all know that we should not hard-wire its attack, we know that we know, but we still have to block it. After all, that guy uses Thunderbolt skills! That's lightning! No matter how fast the long spear under our feet can fly to several times the speed of sound, can we still exceed the speed of light? So unless this guy's attack misses, we can't get rid of one of us.

Just when the arc on that guy's head jumped to the strongest state, an arc suddenly flew out without warning. Because we knew in advance that this guy's attack was very sharp, and we didn't have time to predict the direction of its attack, so we had to defend it with all our staff, and whoever hits the trick can only be considered unlucky.

Facts have proved that my luck always likes to go to extremes. It is either super lucky or particularly moldy. Of course, today is obviously the kind of mildew. The moment that guy released the lightning, I put the Divine Dragon shield in front of me, but following me, I felt a sudden tingling in my hand, and at the same time, the whole person was thrown away by a huge force. The shields were thrown out. It took about a second or two to stabilize my figure in the air. The Divine Dragon shield that was falling in the distance was still emitting blue smoke. Obviously, the formidable power of the attack just now almost reached the upper limit of the shield's defense.

The monster beat Kristina with a move before, didn't expect me to pick it up with a bolt of lightning, but it was all right. It was puzzled, although it was very curious about how I managed to survive, but with its wisdom, it clearly didn't have much desire for knowledge, so this guy chose a more direct response method—and made up for another lightning strike.

I used the Divine Dragon Shield to hard-wire the lightning just now, and it was already very reluctant. Suddenly there was another one and I couldn't react anyway. Although my reaction speed is the fastest among all players, no matter how fast I am, I can't play dodgeball games with Lightning!

Just when I thought I would use my body to harden the lightning this time, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of me, followed by a deafening explosion exploded in front of me, and at the same time I felt it I was knocked out by a large cluster of small objects.

"Step up, don't let it zoom in." When I was hit by those little things, I suddenly heard Rose's shout. I opened my eyes and saw the fragments flying around. They are all metal fragments, but judging from some relatively large fragments, these should be the Flying Sword of gold coin. Obviously gold coin just used part of Flying Sword in its sword array to help me block the lightning. Among the people present, she was the only one who had the ability to protect herself while taking care of others. However, the price paid by gold coin for this rescue was not small, at least the swords that protected me were completely destroyed. Although I don't know how many swords she divided into at the time, judging from the number of these fragments, there are more than two hundred. However, now is not the time to feel sorry for those swords.

Just after the rose shouted, we all understood the characteristics of that thing. Its long-range attack formidable power is very large, and it can almost kill any player except me in one hit. Although we are not yet sure about the melee formidable power of this thing, at least It shouldn't be as perverted as its long-range attack, right?

Knowing that we can’t get too far away from the thing, we rushed to the monster, but the monster probably also knew where his weakness was, so it didn’t give us a chance to get close at all, and went straight back. As soon as he moved away from us, his head began to flicker again.

"Damn, this thing is a little too cunning, right?" I couldn't help complaining when I saw the thing receding, but before I finished complaining, the lightning flashed on that guy's head again. Up. The Divine Dragon Shield had been blown away before. Although I still had a Divine Dragon Shield, it was too late to take it off temporarily, so I had to put my hands in front of my body with a bolt of lightning on the armguards on my wrists.

The bang exploded, I just felt a violent tingling sensation all over my body, and my life value went down a lot, but basically it didn't cause too much burden on my body.

"The boss is worthy of being the boss, but he was able to hold it!" Zhen Hong looked at me and praised.

"If you have time to praise me, it's better to shoot that thing down." I looked at it and said angrily. Although the lightning didn't kill me just now, it was a matter of time before I was killed if I hit it like this. With that thing's offensive power, as long as I get hit three to four times, I might be finished.

Zhenhong just made a joke with me, so she rushed up while I was talking, and also yelled to gold coin by the way: "Use your sword array to break it. Block it for me."

"Understood." Gold coin squatted and patted the body of the long spear under his feet. The long spear immediately leaned his body and began to climb high. Almost over the top of the monster's head, gold coin waved with one hand, and the sword array that had just been recovered by her hulled and spread again, instantly covering a large piece of sky above the monster's head under the sword array.

Seeing that gold coin succeeded in occupying the commanding heights, Zhenhong immediately shouted: "Squeeze it down."

Gold coin did not answer Zhenhong's words, but directly turned over the Palm made a fist, and the sword array originally scattered in the sky immediately gathered in the middle, and instantly nailed the back of the monster to the grass. Those Flying Swords are too small for the monster's body, and the flying Sword's blades are all inserted into the monster's body at the moment it hits the monster. Only a sword hilt is exposed outside, so it looks like that monster. A layer of fine hair has grown on the body surface. However, although the length of this sword may not be lethal compared to the size of the monster, the Flying Sword of gold coin is a Magical Artifact after all, and their attack power is not calculated solely based on physical damage. Immediately after the monster was nailed all over by the sword array, it uttered a terrible scream. At the same time, its body instinctively began to fly down, hoping to avoid the pain on its back. However, just as it flew down, the real red rushed up.

The golden light flashed all over the body of Zhenhong who rushed to the bottom of the monster, and finally all gathered on her fist, followed by a bottom-up punch that saw Zhenhong fiercely. "Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist Ultimate Profound Truth Fourth Style-Rising Dragon." With the activation of True Red's skills, we only saw True Red turning into a huge Divine Dragon with golden light all over the body, and then facing the fall. The monster rushed up, then hit the lower end of the monster's head, and then flew high into the sky against the monster.

"My god! Real red. Is this going to send that monster into space?"

I watched the real red gradually going away and suddenly heard something like this With a sigh, I turned around and realized that it was Kristina.

"Are you okay?"

"Of course, don’t see who made the shot?" Rose proudly showed off, and then looked up gradually before I could reply. The Golden Dragon that was far away from our sight said: "Do you know the specific effect of the red trick? She won't really send that thing all the way to space like this?"

"That won't be enough "I shook my head and said: "I only know a little bit about the true red skill. It seems that there should be a fixed damage output, and then it will send the enemy to a high altitude, and then there should be a post move. She is such a big one. Wei Heavenly Dragon Fist Ultimate Profound Truth Fourth Style seems to be an overused cohesive trick. It seems to be fighting at a super high altitude in the back."

"Why fly so high?" Chris Dina asked when she looked up at the Golden Dragon, who was almost out of sight.

I also shook the head and said: "I don't know the specific situation, anyway, really red seems to say that she has an advantage at super high altitude, as for what advantage I don't know."

< p>As Zhenhong took the monster away by himself, we also became idle. Of course, we are not free now. Although the long spear can't fly in the super-high altitude where oxygen is thin, we can't help Zhenhong, but we can't be idle now, at least we have to find the missing Matsumoto Masaga. However, after searching around for a long time, we finally had to rely on the communication channel to contact Masaga Matsumoto, because he could not be seen in sight.

"Hey, where are you, Masaka Matsumoto?"

"I'm underground." Masaka Matsumoto's answer was not only super fast, but also a little panting. It sounds like his current situation doesn't seem to be very good either.

"What's your voice? Did you meet a monster?"

"It's a monster, and there are many. You don't believe me, I'm fighting a group of mice!"


"It looks like a field mouse, but the size of a buffalo is close to an adult. It has longer limbs than a normal mouse. It is good at jumping and has a fast attack speed. It is the most annoying It’s that these guys are Earth Element creatures, and they don’t use spell defenses much worse than Miss Christina!"

"Do you know where you are now? We think of a way to meet first, and then we I strayed into the strange group while pretending to be looking for you and helped you share a part?"

"I don't know where I am!" Matsumoto Masaka seemed to have thought of something after speaking, so he quickly added: "But I can be sure that I am not far from you."

"Why are you not far from us? Are we in the sky!"

"Heaven?" Matsumoto Masaka was stunned. one time. "Didn't you fall into the cracks like me?"

"We did fall in 3 minutes ago, but just after stopping, we were driven out by a group of flying centipedes. One minute ago, we met a big guy who was more than 200 meters long. He used lightning to attack from a long distance, and Kristina was beaten as soon as she came up."

"Kristina Na was stunned? What kind of attack power is this? I..." At this point, Masaka Matsumoto stopped suddenly, and then exclaimed excitedly: "Haha, I found the exit, wait for me."

< p> Following the words of Masaga Matsumoto, we suddenly noticed a white light flashing through a crack not far below our feet. Because we had prepared in advance, we almost all saw the light.


"Go and help."

At my call, everyone swooped down on the long spear, but just When we just rushed to the vicinity of the big crack, a terrifying shock wave suddenly spread under the ground, which instantly lifted all of us out of the crack together, and even the one who just ran out of the rock wall. Masaga Matsumoto was blown out like a large group of giant mice.

According to our condition, there is nothing at worst when being blown into the air. It's like you throw a healthy bird out of an airplane. It's certainly not a big deal to it. It can fly anyway. You just need to turn a few somersaults to get the balance. However, when we desperately controlled the balance and commanded the long spear under our feet to start, an accident happened.

I am now in the Divine Domain state, so I am flying by myself, but because my wings have lost their function, I actually rely on jet engines to provide power for flying like everyone else. It's just that Rose and the others are standing on the long spear and let the long spear take them to fly, and I inherited Asuka's jet engine and flew by myself. However, just as we just regained our balance and prepared to fly, everyone had problems at the same time. I vigorously prepared to fly forward, but I did not feel any thrust from my back. At the same time, I saw two fire stars from the jet propulsion port of the long spear at the foot of the rose in front, and then came out again. There was a large cloud of light green smoke, and then the rose fell down with her long spear.

In fact, it was not only the rose that fell. To be precise, everyone at the scene was falling, including Masaga Matsumoto and the group of mice.

Mouse can't fly, it goes without saying. Matsumoto Masagamoto was able to fly when he arrived, but he didn't know how to do it now and seemed to be restricted. The people on our side originally discovered that the long spear jet can fly, but suddenly all of them fail. Because I am different from Rose and the others, I use the jet combustion chamber to fly by myself, so I can intuitively feel that the jet thruster itself is fine, but it did not catch fire when I ignited it just now. Although I can't see the situation behind myself, judging from the green smoke from the long spear of the rose, it should be the same situation behind me.

In the past, we did special experiments when we studied the flying principle of long spear. When long spear is flying, it actually sprays a liquid fuel into the combustion chamber on the wings, combines it with oxygen in the air, and explodes in the combustion chamber, and then ejects the high-pressure airflow generated by the explosion from the back of the combustion chamber. Propelling. This process is actually very simple, but there are two points worth noting. First, the fuel injected in the combustion chamber is a dark green viscous liquid, and when it is injected into the combustion chamber, it will be atomized. This is a bit like a fuel injector in a car engine. But just now I clearly saw the green atomized fuel sprayed from behind the long spear of the rose, which means that the thing was sprayed out without exploding at all. The second and most critical point to note is that this atomized liquid fuel is actually very easy to ignite, as long as a small fire star can detonate it instantly. However, just now, I clearly saw the long spear of the rose spout a ball of fire star from the combustion chamber, but the fuel came out with the fire star. What does this show? This shows that the flammable and explosive atomized fuel does not burn when it is ignited.

What situation may cause an atomized fuel that is easy to explode to not explode when there is a fire? Two possibilities. 1. The warmth is too low to meet the basic temperature requirements for chemical reactions. Second, the lack of reaction materials.

Now the temperature around us is not low at all, on the contrary, it is quite hot. After all, the lava is sprayed everywhere after the ground cracks. It is strange that it is not hot. That is to say, the first probability does not exist. As for the lack of raw materials for the reaction... The reaction materials needed for this liquid to burn and explode are itself and oxygen. If there are no reaction materials, there is only one possibility.

"Damn, the atmosphere has collapsed this week!" Rose's voice suddenly rang in our communication channel, and this is exactly what I just guessed. The previous shock wave should be a sign of the collapse of the atmosphere, which means that we should now be in a state of very low air density. After all, the collapse of the atmosphere will not eject all the gases in an instant, but will make them diffuse a little bit. This process takes time, but it will not be very long. But that is not the issue we need to care about now. What we need to care about now is how to make ourselves fall to death without paying attention.

The thin atmosphere means that apart from jet power, all other flight capabilities will be unavailable. This also includes magic. Although magic flying does not require air to generate buoyancy, all flying spells are basically Wind Element, and another name for Wind Element is Qi. Qi element, Qi element, then you have to have air to have Qi element magic! Now that the air is gone, what kind of air magic are you talking about? As for flapping wings to fly, this also requires air. After all, wings are flying by the wind. If there is no air, don't expect to fly regardless of how you flap your wings. As for the jet power, this could have been used. After all, human spacecraft also use jet thrusters to fly in space, but their rockets and space shuttles have their own oxidants. But we don't! Long spear uses jet power, yes, but we don’t have oxygen cylinders. How do you make the combustion chamber of long spear ignite?

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