We are also at a loss for gold coin inquiries. After looking around for a long time, we didn’t look for the silhouette of Masaka Omatsumoto, but the rock above our heads became more and more fragmented. It's serious, and we don't know when there is a more obvious dark red line under the abyss that we can't see. Judging from the current situation, it goes without saying that the line below is also lava.

"Chairman." I was looking for the silhouette of Masaka Matsumoto when I suddenly heard Christina calling me.

"What's the matter?"

"Over there." Kristina suddenly moved towards us and pointed towards us, and following her finger, I immediately saw it and grabbed us This rock wall echoes the other side of the rock wall. However, unlike a whole rock wall on our side, there are large and small cracks on the opposite rock wall.

"The rock wall over there is going to be broken, but is there anything special about it?" I turned my head in doubt and asked Kristina. Although the collapse of the rock wall over there is also very dangerous for us, but after all, even if it is far away, even if it is dangerous, it may not really do us well, so I am curious why Christina reacted so much.

Seeing that I didn’t understand, Kristina simply chanted the incantion silently and turned over and pointed to the other side. A strong white light suddenly shot out from the tip of her finger, like a searchlight directly on the opposite rock wall. A large spot of light was projected on it.

"Damn! Everyone pays attention, run up quickly."

Before, because of the dark underneath, we didn’t see clearly, but with Kristina’s guidance, we were See it thoroughly. It turned out that the dark-looking things on the opposite rock wall were not cracks, but monsters with bodies that looked like centipede and had wings on their backs. I said why those cracks are always moving, and after doing it for a long time, they are simply living creatures.

Hearing my words, Gold Coin responded very quickly, and they quickly started running up the rock wall one by one. My own dragon tendon cable has not had time to retrieve it, and now the cable head is still nailed to the top of the rock wall far away from here, which will be just right for me to use as a traction belt for climbing. There is a pay-off device at the joint between the dragon's tendons and the Divine Dragon suit. The function of this thing is similar to a multifunctional device with two-way functions of braking and traction and stirring. I just used this thing for moderate braking and traction when I started falling to slow down, so as to achieve the effect of slow landing, and now it's time for another role to come into play. With the fast winding of the dragon's tendons, I also stood directly on the rock wall, rushing upward along the rock wall with my feet as if running on flat ground. Although gold coin they have their own methods, they are the fastest in terms of speed.

At this speed, I could be the first to rush to the top, but considering that in case the monsters are very strong...No, there will be no accidents. Those things are definitely strong. This duel scene is specifically for us to duel, and it is not a place where we can level up, so there are no wild monsters. Needless to say, the creatures below that look like centipede with wings must be the monsters spawned by the system like the crabs and dragons before, and they have only one function-to fight against us. How can such a creature be not strong?

Now the strongest one on our side is me. Although I run the fastest, I can’t leave the gold coin and they don’t care, so the only way now is to slow down and deliberately fall to the end. Give them to the queen, otherwise once they are surrounded by their strength, it is estimated that it will not be so easy to run.

I was hesitating whether to stand still and wait for Kristina and others to pass, or I took the initiative to run down, suddenly I saw a strong wind flashing next to me, and then I heard a voice shouting at me : "Boss, long spear can fly."

"What?" I didn't realize what was going on, I saw Kristina and the others riding on the guard long spear flashing from beside me. Yes, that speed is almost faster than when we fell before.

"Fuck me, this is okay?" Since Kristina and the others have run away, am I still not a fool if I leave it behind? I didn't expect long spear's jet propulsion method to fly, and it is more idiot to continue running. I didn't hesitate anymore, shaking both hands and wrists, the two cable heads embedded in the rock wall immediately bounced automatically, and then quickly retracted into my wrist under the action of the wire retractor. While retracting the dragon's tendons, I slammed the rock wall and leaped back, then opened my wings and slapped it. What just frightened me was that after the power of the jump was exhausted, I did not rise up, but started to fall down. However, my reaction was quick. I found that this wing could not produce ascent force, and I immediately understood the root cause. It seems that we did not fall because the system banned the ability to fly in this area, but restricted the way of flying. Obviously, the only thing that is ineffective is the flying method that generates updraft by waving the wings, and the jet propulsion method used by the long spears is obviously not subject to any restrictions. After understanding the reason, I no longer let myself fall down, but violently opened my wings again. The four spouts hidden under the wings spouted dazzling blue and white flames at the same time, and my whole body also jumped up suddenly. He quickly caught up with Kristina and the others and started flying upwards at the same speed as them.

After we took off and escaped, the monsters below finally moved. Before, under the light of Kristina's beam, we discovered that these guys have wings, so we are not surprised that these guys can fly to us. But there is one thing that makes us feel very depressed, that is, the system scene is obviously discriminatory. Those guys obviously only have a pair of bat-like meat wings, and that pair of wings is obviously not proportional to the size of these guys, but these centipede-like monsters actually flew like this, and the speed was unexpectedly fast.

We originally thought that at the speed of long spear, once we flew up, there would definitely be nothing to catch up with us. But after we flew for a while, gold coin inadvertently looked back and suddenly yelled: "Quickly accelerate, those things are catching up!"

When I heard gold coin yelling, I quickly looked back. After a glance, the result was also taken aback, because among the group of centipede below, there were actually two oversized individuals who were rushing towards us again at an extremely terrifying speed.

"Damn, Lipi is not like this, right? Everyone pay attention, turn on the supersonic assault, normal speed can't get rid of them!"

Kristina and the others listened to me The shouts of hurriedly launched a supersonic assault, but what didn't expect was that after we accelerated, the guys below actually started to accelerate, and the distance between us was getting closer and closer.

"Chairman, running like this is not a way!" Seeing the monster behind me getting closer and closer, a really red sound came from my earphones. Now that we have launched a supersonic assault, the speed is faster than the sound, except for the communicator, there is no way to communicate with each other by shouting.

When I heard the words really red, I was sweaty. It is said that creatures flying with wings have a speed limit. In theory, they should not catch up with long spears that enter supersonic mode, but the problem is that this is the game world. Although it is impossible in reality, in the game, nothing is impossible. of. Besides, we are in a duel scene with top difficulty. This is no longer a normal game space, so it is understandable that the law of the world has changed here.

Although I can understand the reasons for the abnormal speed of monsters, it does not mean that I am very happy that these guys can catch up with us, but now this matter is not my decision, but the system. Calculate, so it's useless even if I'm not satisfied. But now we don't want to be caught up, it's good to think of a way.

"Christina, gold coin."

"Yes." The two answered together.

"Your spell and Flying Sword can attack remotely, just form a protective wall behind us. I think they should not be able to withstand our attack and guarantee such a fast speed, right?"


"Let's try."

Although the long spear stepped on by Kristina and the others fly by the principle of jet propulsion, they are not planes, but creatures. Just like the horse will never hit a tree even if there is no rider on the back of the horse, the long spears actually don’t need humans to control their flight. Usually what we call commanding a long spear to fly is just telling them where they are going and whether they need to fly faster or slower. This is completely different from flying an airplane. So now if Kristina and Gold Coin need to turn around and attack backwards, they just need to order their long spear to follow us to fly. There is no need to be distracted while directing the long spear to fly while turning and attacking.

Under the command of gold coin, her sword array quickly ran up, rushing towards the monster group below, and then a large swath of blood exploded in the air. And Kristina’s attack arrived almost at the same time as her, but the effect was even more amazing. The big centipede chasing us was like insecticide-sprayed flies. The look of unable to withstand a single blow.

"Huh?" The two of them who found their brilliant achievements were obviously taken aback. After hearing their voices, I also looked back and was shocked.

"What's the situation?" I was surprised by the obvious lack of a large group of monsters behind. It turns out that the army is all patients who are about to fall when the wind blows, and you are like a superman yourself. Although I was slightly shocked, I was not stupid, and I reacted after just a second or two stunned. This situation is obviously not because Kristina and the others are too strong, but because the monster is too weak. "Not good, those are little monsters, and the big ones haven’t come out yet!"

When we were chased before, there were two guys in the group of little monsters who were obviously much larger than their counterparts. They The speed is also very fast. At that time, I regarded the two as adults, but now I think the situation is not like that, because the two big guys were also killed by Christina and the others like wheat. Combining the group of monsters that resembled crabs and dragons from the last time the system spawned, it seems that the following things are simply the younger brothers of the big bosses. Previously, the six big monsters also appeared with a bunch of small monsters of varying sizes, but we discovered both the big monster and the small monster at the same time, so we immediately distinguished the difference between the boss and the mobs, but Now, because the environment under the ground seam is not clear, we don't see where the monster is, which leads us to make a mistake.

Kristina and the others are not stupid. I understood it after I finished speaking, but now we have no other way but to run. As the time for us to fly upwards became longer, the surroundings suddenly lit up, and several of us rushed out of the cracks in the ground like missiles. However, as we fly up, our hearts are also lifted up.

As soon as we rushed out of the surface, beside us, less than fifty meters away from us, a large hole suddenly exploded in the ground, and then we saw a large hole with a diameter of more than fifty meters and a length of body. A huge centipede-shaped creature that is hundreds of meters away from the ground followed us into the sky.

"Damn, it turns out that the Lord is here!"

"Everyone is scattered." As I shouted, the monster turned his head and followed it There was a burst of electric light on the two antennae-like tentacles above the head, and a blue thunderbolt suddenly broke away from the monster's antennae and flew towards us. Although I shouted quickly, the final result was not too good. Kristina was pierced by a flash of lightning. In an instant, the entire upper body was exploded into powder, and the lower body, which had lost important organs, rolled down from the back of the long spear and fell into the abyss below.

Second kill. Kristina, who was ranked fourth in the world battle strength list in her full body state, was actually seconded. Even if Kristina is not good at defense, even if it was unexpected at the time, and even if there are various excuses, it is after all the battle strength ranking fourth! Actually a trick was seconded? What kind of attack power is needed to do this?

"President, don't be in a daze, save people." At this time, Yingquan was the fastest to respond. She shouted and pulled us back from shock.

I quickly opened the door of the earth, immediately pulled the rose out, and pointed to the half of Kristina's body that had not disappeared from my sight, and said, "Help me."

Kristina had already been bombarded with half of her body, so it was said to be dead. But who is Rose? She is the resurrection mage. There are only two resurrection wizards in the whole world that are higher than Rose, and those two people’s resurrection skills are not as high as Rose. In addition, Rose’s body relies on the Frost Rose League’s strong financial resources and even buys and snatches special equipment, we can It is no exaggeration to say that the rose is the number one person resurrection mage in the whole world.

The death penalty setting of the game "Zero" is a bit strange. Although most people think that its setting is similar to that of a normal game, it's level 1 after death, but it's simply not like that. Strictly speaking, the death penalty in "Zero" should be two levels at a time, not Level 1 as most people think. The reason why many people acquiesce in losing the Level 1 setting is because of the existence of the profession of resurrecting the mage.

After the last system upgrade of "Zero", the soul of the dead player after death is set to a selectable state, that is, after death, the player can choose to stay on the battlefield in the form of soul or be directly teleported back The nearest or resurrection hall that meets the system rules. However, no matter if you choose to be teleported, but to stay, you won't be able to go to the resurrection mage to help you transform your soul to resurrect you. In this process, there is a problem of success rate. If the resurrection is successful, the death penalty will be halved, that is, only Level 1 will be dropped, and if the resurrection fails, then the full penalty must be accepted, that is, two levels will be dropped directly. However, because the profession of the resurrection mage is almost a full-time nurse, the battle strength is often weaker than that of professional priests, so people who practice the resurrection mage are simply as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. In addition to the big guild, there will be plans to fund certain people. To practice this profession, independent players generally would not choose this profession. Because of this, most players go to the resurrection hall to find the system resurrection mage, and the failure rate of the system resurrection mage is relatively low, so many people choose to forget the fact that death will drop two levels, but think that once Only drop Level 1. After all, except for some unlucky ones, most of them will only drop Level 1 every time they die.

However, although this probability is small, it cannot be said that this penalty rule does not exist anymore. However, compared to the penalty rule of losing two levels at a time, there is actually another rule that can die without losing levels.

I said before that the system resurrection mage’s resurrection technique fails. The probability is very low, but similarly, they will not have higher level things with stable technology, so if you look for them, you can guarantee that they will generally not be directly. Two levels are lost, but it is impossible to avoid punishment. However, the resurrection mage profession among players is different. Although the failure rate of the player's resurrection technique is surprisingly high when the skill level and character level are very low, the situation will be completely reversed in the later stage. When the character level of a resurrection mage exceeds level 900 and other resurrection skills have reached Level 20, his resurrection art will automatically evolve into a level 1 high level resurrection art. Although this high level resurrection technique also has the probability of resurrection failure, the biggest difference between it and the general resurrection technique is that in addition to the probability of failure, the high level resurrection technique also has an explosion probability. Once it breaks out, the result is that not only does it not need to lose two levels, but it also does not even use Level 1. It can be completely exempted from the death penalty, just like you didn't die at all. Moreover, because the resurrection mage among the players can go with the army and does not always squat in the resurrection hall, theoretically the high level resurrection mage among the players can resurrect the dead players in situ. If you cooperate with a little luck, even Can make a person appear immortal. That is, you have just been hacked to death, and the resurrection mage behind will immediately help you resurrect, and then you are lucky with the explosive resurrection technique, and then there is no punishment, and all the external conditions are full. This result is not so much a self-control, it is better to say It is appropriate to wait until a full rest treatment comes. After all, some poisons or curses cannot be dispelled, but death can dispel most of the negative states except for a few curses, so this kind of unpunished resurrection is theoretically more powerful than top-level healing techniques. If you are lucky enough to be resurrected without damage even after seven or eight deaths, then I guess your enemy must be crazy. As soon as you cut you down, you get up again, and then go on with him lively dragon and animated tiger like a okay person, so much tossing and tossing, no one can stand it!

The above is actually the situation when the high level resurrection art is Level 1. Although the skill level of players who practice the resurrection mage profession continues to rise, the failure rate of this high level resurrection art will continue to decline and the burst rate will also be Gradually rise. When the high level resurrection technique exceeds Level 10, the failure rate will disappear. That is to say, either level 1 will be killed or resurrected directly without damage. When this level reaches Level 20, the probability of non-destructive resurrection will reach 100%. Eighty, that is, five people are resurrected, four are lossless, and one only drops Level 1. Generally speaking, it’s pretty good to be able to do this, but who is Rose? She is my wife, the purse of the Frost Rose Alliance. Can the equipment on her body be comparable to the resurrected mage offered by those small guilds? Therefore, Rose’s skill level is not Level 20. Although the system restricts all skills to Level 20 at most, the system does not limit the upper limit of skills. In other words, although your skill proficiency can only be upgraded to Level 20 through continuous training, you can consider other methods to exceed this limit.

There are two ways to limit the breakthrough. Method 1: Obtain system bonus skill points. The skill upgrade points awarded by the system can be added to any skill unconditionally, including Level 20 skills that are already full. Method two, get equipment with skill points. There are a small amount of equipment in "Zero" that can be added with skill points. Although the equipment with the resurrection technique alone is not easy to find, there are still more equipment with one plus one for all skills, at least not for us in the Frost Rose League. Too rare.

Before this, Rose has received two skill points awarded by the system. They are all special tasks done by high-level personnel in my guild to help her, so Rose’s high-level resurrection technique is a basic skill. That is, Level 12 is two levels more than the average person. In addition, Rose also has a ring with all skills plus one and a bracelet with non-Attack Type skills plus one. In addition, the staff she currently uses is a resurrection mage conversion equipment, which comes with high level resurrection skills plus three. , It’s the high level Divine Item. These three pieces of equipment provide a total of five skill levels, plus Rose’s original two Level 12 skills, which means a total of two Level 17 skills.

What is the effect of the high level resurrection technique of Level 17? The effect is that there is a 93% probability that there will be a lossless resurrection, and only a 7% probability that it will drop Level 1. This kind of resurrection technique even said to ordinary players that it was simply abnormal. Think about it, if you can take the rose with you every day, it means that you will be killed 100 times before losing Level 7. How terrifying is such a resurrection efficiency?

In fact, other guilds also know how powerful a resurrected mage like Rose is in the later stage. They don’t want a super nurse like this. After all, a nurse like Rose can be said to be portable. Bring God. However, thinking about it, they couldn't cultivate such a resurrected mage at all.

First of all, although the resurrection of the mage profession is not a hidden profession, it is not something that everyone can choose. The remaining players who can choose this profession account for only 20% of the total. The number of speaking of which is quite a lot, but there are restrictions later. After choosing the resurrected mage, you need to train the character level, which is relatively simple. Although the battle strength of the resurrection mage is not strong, people can get the EXP upgrade by healing the damage to the companion. Besides, relying on the team to level up, it is not difficult for any guild to bring up the level of the resurrection mage. However, the character level is easy to practice, and the skill level can be troublesome.

The only way to upgrade skills in "Zero" is to use multiple functions, and it must be successfully used to have EXP. Regarding the skill of resurrection, that is, the resurrection mage must use the resurrection technique on the dead player, and the resurrection must be successful. But the problem is that the resurrection technique is used to kill players, but when the skill level is low, the failure rate of the resurrection technique is astonishing. If you fail to practice the Fireball Technique, at worst you will lose some mana points. For the big guild, buying more mana potions will quickly pile up your skill level. But how does this resurrection technique stack up? Let the player go to the wild to send to death, and then let the resurrection mage help him resurrect his level? You fail two levels at a time, what are you doing? Taking a step back, even if someone agrees to die and let the resurrection mage level up, but with the poor success rate of low-level resurrection art, how many levels does the opponent have to lose before he can practice his skill level? Anyway, I know that if I do this at my current level, even if I die back to Novice Village, there will be no resurrection mage capable of high level resurrection. Someone who likes to take advantage of loopholes may ask. A high level player loses a lot when he dies, can't it be practiced by a low-level player? Anyway, it’s easy for players of more than 20 levels to level up. Find an expert to bring a few Level 20 newcomers and instantly brush them up to three Level 10, and then ask them to train the skill proficiency for the resurrected mage after they die, so that they will repeatedly feed the resurrected mage to the resurrected mage. , Isn’t it possible to quickly cultivate a high level resurrection mage?

Many people have thought of this method, and many people have actually used it. However, it turns out that since the main system of "Zero" has a thinking beyond humans, it must also think of loopholes that humans can think of. So people simply do not simply calculate the skill proficiency based on the number of successful resurrections, but calculate the skill proficiency based on the EXP recovered after the resurrection. This method is actually an alternative application of the performance-based wage system used by companies in reality, but in reality, how much profit you make is linked to your salary. In the game, how much EXP and resurrection that may be lost are recovered by the resurrection technique. The proficiency is linked. If you successfully resurrect a level one thousand player, and you successfully resurrect a Level 20 player, it is completely the difference between heaven and earth, so it’s not impossible to mix proficiency with low-level newcomers, but the premise is that you have Resurrect each of these dozens of newcomers hundreds of billions of times. If you don’t get tired, you can work against the system. It takes a little longer to level up.

In fact, these are just some of the problems. After all, as long as you have perseverance, it is not impossible to get your proficiency to Level 20. However, training to twenty is not all. You know that the level 20 nondestructive resurrection success rate is only 80%. If you want a higher resurrection success rate, it still depends on equipment and free skill points. However, since the main system is so smart that it can only plug loopholes based on human psychology, it naturally knows that these equipment cannot be flooded. Therefore, whether it is free skill points or equipment with resurrection skills, it is not something ordinary people can get. Skill proficiency can also be slowly improved by diligence and perseverance, but the equipment and free skill points that increase the skill level are different, and that thing simply cannot be obtained by hard work. This is the same as winning the lottery. Luck is often more important than hard work.

Speaking of which Rose can have today's resurrection power is entirely because of my number of demons. In fact, the real difficulty of honing the proficiency of the resurrection technique is all in the front part. As the level gradually increases, the success rate of the resurrection technique will gradually rise, that is, the more you get to the back, the better you can practice. And as the resurrection skill level of the resurrection mage increases, more and more people will voluntarily resurrect them. At the beginning, the failure rate expert is not willing, as long as the resurrection skill level is up, once the resurrection success rate approaches or equals the NPC resurrection mage, the player is usually still willing to resurrect the player’s resurrection mage. After all, the resurrection of the NPC resurrection mage is not free. Yes, they have to collect money. Although the player's resurrection of the mage is not necessarily free, it will not exceed the system NPC, right? Besides, if people really dare to exceed the price of system NPC, it must be that their resurrection technique is higher than the success rate of system NPC resurrection, so even if it costs a lot of money, most people will definitely prefer to find this kind of high insurance resurrection mage, after all. Everyone's EXP is not for nothing. Who doesn't want to lose Level 1? As for Rose, this is actually my little secret.

Rose’s previous resurrection skills have a high failure rate like others, and it is difficult to upgrade. But then it happened that my familiars gradually increased, and we accidentally discovered that the original player's familiars can also be resurrected by resurrection, and the rewards and punishments are exactly the same. Originally, even if the familiar could use the resurrection technique, I wouldn't let the familiar sacrifice in vain to train Rose, after all, the level of the familiar was not for nothing. However, because my familiars are generally top-level creatures with super-high ranks, for a long time, my level limited the level of the familiars, so that they could not advance to the level when their EXP was full. In this case, the familiars are the same whether they die or die anyway, so I will let the familiars send them to death once to practice skills for Rose. Anyway, their level is suppressed by me and can't rise up. The EXP gained is not wasted. It's better to practice the skills for Rose.

Because of this method of mine, Rose has survived the most difficult period of primary level skills. After Rose’s resurrection failure rate drops to the level of the system NPC, she doesn’t need herself. To find her, others often take the initiative to send her to the door to find her resurrected. Later, because of the management of the Frost Rose League’s economic affairs, Rose rarely helped people resurrect, but her skill level was already quite high at this time, so many people still rely on the relationship to find a way to find Rose to resurrect. As a result, Rose’s skills are unconsciously. He has reached the high level of resurrection, Level 20 is full. Finally, we saw that she was so high level anyway. We simply clenched the teeth to help her take a few tasks and get some equipment. As a result, Rose was armed and became the first resurrection mage in the game. Later in the meeting, someone joked that one of our husbands and wives specializes in killing people and the other specializing in saving people. It is completely a combination of angels and demons. In fact, they don’t know that Rose’s psychology is much more evil than me. Although I kill people everywhere, I am an executor and all the ideas come from Rose, so she is actually more evil than me.

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