Matsumoto and I are both our own people anyway. Even if we fight now, we are just calling outsiders. There is basically no psychological burden for us, so we The two unconsciously became relaxed a lot, and even the apparent tongue warfare became a lot more intense. We must know that we have never had such a long conversation before to save time when dealing with Kojiro Kenjiro and others.

Although I was a lot easier, I cursed for a while, but in fact, the time for me and Matsumoto Masaka to talk was still less than two minutes. Matsumoto Masaka probably estimated that the time was almost around, so after I finished speaking, he suddenly pointed at me and said: "It's useless to say anything, let's see the real chapter under our hands."

" Okay, since you want to die quickly, I will fulfill you." Early collusion with Masaka Matsumoto, I will eternally point forward: "If you want to die, please."

"You are the one who is going to die. "Matsumoto Masaka said that his eyes closed suddenly. When he opened his eyes again, his normally normal eyes had turned into white, and he felt that his eyes were like two light bulbs. Not a normal light bulb, but a big guy at the searchlight level.

After completing the change of eyes, Masaka Matsumoto flew over to me immediately. I did not hide after Masaka Matsumoto started. Instead, I took the initiative to fly up to him. It was just the two of us. In the end, I couldn't meet in the air, because this damn top difficulty scene was even more urgent than us. Just when Masaka Matsumoto and I were about to collide with each other, the two of us suddenly felt a burst of unexplained heat on our bodies at the same time, and almost instantly, our bodies began to evaporate a lot of white smoke at the same time, and our ears seemed to be still Hearing the strange sound of thorns and thorns on the surface of the armor, it felt as if a pot of hot oil was churning.

"Damn, Microwave Well!" After a two-second pause, I suddenly reacted. We have guessed before that the system probably set up the entire planet under our feet as a duel field, so we speculated that this planet may eventually collapse, and before the planet collapses, it will definitely radiate a lot of microwave rays. In order to temporarily leak part of the radiant energy inside the planet. Needless to say the current situation, it must be that the damn radiant well just got us in. Theoretically, this thing should be able to instantly dry the lake or melt the skyscrapers into a paste, but whether it is in the Divine Domain state, I still inherited a lot of attribute points from Matsumoto Masaga, the defensive power is high. To an ridiculous degree, so even if we were directly enveloped by the microwave well, the two of us were only smoked from the surface of the armor, and there was nothing wrong with people.

When we were discussing with Matsumoto Masaka before, we also said that this planet is a duel field, so Matsumoto Masaka also knows what the microwave well is, and now I suddenly heard me call him this name. He reacted immediately. Regardless of the exhibition game now, Masaga Matsumoto turned and dashed back several tens of meters. My reaction was naturally impossible slower than Masaga Matsumoto. In fact, before he turned around, I had activated the jet thruster inherited from Asuka and jumped far away.

Although the formidable power of microwave wells is very large, the range is generally not very wide. The one that just hit us is probably a circular area between 180 and 220 meters in diameter. As long as it leaves this range, it will basically not be harmed by microwaves. But it was just this time that our bodies were already piping hot. Although the armor showed no signs of melting, I believe that it is no problem for me to fry poached eggs on the surface of the armor now.

Here we have just left the microwave well. Before we could make the next reaction, there was a sound like tearing cloth on the ground below, and then we saw the ground. The crack that came out before began to spread on the surface at a speed visible to naked eye, and larger cracks were gradually appearing in other places. The whole earth technology is instantly turned into countless pieces of fragments divided by cracks. The lava that has seeped out of the surface has already disappeared in the cracks. The area that we can see by naked eye is that a large amount of rubble is collapsing towards Those huge cracks that never seem to be able to fill.

"President, it seems that this planet has started to collapse early." Zhenhong and they quickly rushed to my side and shouted to me.

When I heard the words of true red, I first looked up at Masaka Matsumoto, who was still floating on the other side, and then said: "Everyone should be careful about environmental changes. I think even if the planet crashes, the system scene should not be the same. As for the exaggeration of killing us directly, at best, it’s more difficult to act."

I just finished speaking and something went wrong here. We were all suspended in midair at first. The moment I finished speaking, Zhen Hong suddenly screamed, and then the whole person fell down thinking about the surface.

"Hello? What's the matter?" I bowed my head in surprise and shouted at Zhenhong, but before she could answer, I suddenly felt the feeling of weightlessness, and then I started to move towards It fell down, and Kristina and the others near me also fell down.

"Is there anything wrong? What's the situation?" Gold coin yelled while turning his head down, and beside her, we were all the same as her. Starting from the sudden drop of true red, our flying ability seems to have a problem, no matter how we flap our wings, we can’t fly, and what’s worse is that the surrounding gravitational field seems to be problematic, no matter how we control our body, we can’t maintain it. Balance, always in the gravitational field that changes the direction and size, we will go up and down for a while, but there is no way to find a stable posture anyway.

Although we are all falling, I took the time to glance at Masaga Matsumoto, and found that he is not much better than us, but it may be related to his way of flying, he can actually barely Maintain balance, but the body is still falling.

Although our current altitude is very high, everyone knows that it takes a long time to fly from bottom to top to climb to high altitude, but falling from the sky is much faster. It took more than a minute before and after we fell all the way from high altitude to the height of the ground. However, although we have fallen to the height of the surface, we did not fall to the ground, because now the ground has been split into pieces of varying sizes, and more areas are full of large cracks with no bottom. All of us are lucky, or we have good control. In short, with our efforts, everyone at least broke a crack instead of directly hitting a rock. But it’s obviously not a good thing to keep falling like this. After all, the crack impossible really has no bottom. At least we know that the bottom of it is either a rock or a lava. At our current speed, no matter what it is, it’s no good to hit it anyway. .

Just after we fell continuously for more than two minutes, I suddenly found that the side was no longer an inaccessible crack, but a slope with a certain slope, although the angle of the rock slope was at least Eighty degrees, but it’s better than being all around.

"Attention everyone, grab the rock on the side and find a way to slow down." After I shouted, I said to Rose again: "Rose, you are ready, I will open the door of the earth to let you go in and hide temporarily. Click."

Rose nodded said that she understood, and then I opened the door of the earth under Rose's body and let her fall directly in. Because I opened the gate horizontally with the ground, the direction of gravity will change after the rose fell into the gate, so that she would not directly hit and die on the ground of the mother earth’s garden, but would be there. The garden rushed far away at a horizontal speed. With Rose’s reaction ability, this horizontal landing shouldn’t be a problem.

The reason why only roses are allowed to enter the gate of the earth is because the space inside the gate of the earth belongs to the mother of the earth. It's okay for me to go in and out by myself, but to let others in, theoretically I have to greet the Mother of the Earth first. It is already a violation of the rules to rashly put Rose in alone. If you put other people in it, then when the time comes, it will be hard to plead. If there is only Rose alone, at least I can apologize to the Mother of the Earth afterwards. I believe the Mother of the Earth shouldn't mind.

Without the existence of the weakest battle strength of the rose, the rest of us immediately began to show our skills and leaned against the rock wall next to it.

It’s different from when we just lost our flight control ability. Although we still can’t fly now, the surrounding gravitational field seems to have stabilized. At least we can control the balance of our body more easily. . Looking at the rapidly moving surface of the rock wall, I directly raised my hand to aim at the rock wall and moved both hands at the same time. I only listened to the pu' sound. The two dragon tendons were launched at the same time, and then I only heard the ding sound of the two cables at the same time. Nailed into the rock wall. Of course, I don't dare to tighten the dragon's tendons rashly at this time. Let’s not say whether the cable head can hold the strength of my whole person falling. Even if the cable head can hold it, I guess my own arm can’t hold it. When the time comes, either the cable head is pulled off or my arm is pulled off. In short, I can't stop it. However, of course the ziplines nailed into the rock wall were not shot for nothing. Just after they were nailed into the rock wall, I immediately controlled the cable take-up device of the dragon's tendons and started to slow down with a relatively gentle force.

Suddenly a pulling force came from the two straight ziplines, and I followed me and moved towards the rock wall because of the combined action of gravity and pulling force. I had been prepared for a long time and raised my legs to aim at the direction of the rock wall. Now as soon as my body was swung over, I immediately stretched my feet and pressed them accurately on the rock wall. But I didn't keep stepping on the rock wall, but quickly released it with a single tap. After all, I'm falling too fast now. If I keep stepping on it, I will definitely be turned over by the friction of the rock wall. When the time comes, it will be bad if my body rolls on the rock wall.

Not bad, the first contact was very successful. My feet lightly tapped on the rock wall to make my body rebound slightly, and then I was pulled by the traction force again to tap the rock wall again. After five or six taps in a row, I felt a significant drop in speed. After I felt that the speed was almost under control, I slammed my legs firmly on the rock wall the next time I hit the rock wall. Accompanied by the tremendous pressure on my legs and a bang, my two boot tips pulled out two big ditches on the rock wall in an instant, and a large amount of rubble splashed out from my feet, hitting me. There was a jingle on his helmet. However, although my legs were numb due to this contact method, my falling speed was indeed declining at a very fast rate. After seeing that the speed has further decreased, I simply bounced the claws out of both hands, and then carefully brought it into contact with the rock wall. When the six claws touched the rock wall, the Six Paths fire star was pulled out on the rock surface. At the same time, my hands felt a violent tremor, but fortunately, the vibration was not very strong. I pressed the claws hard. After entering the rock, the speed of the body quickly dropped to a state where the wall can be seen clearly.

Relying on the friction of the rock, I finally managed to fix myself on a section of the rock wall after about three and a half minutes after falling, but at this time I almost can’t see the sky above my head. This can be seen The location is actually very deep from the surface.

While I stabilized myself, others were busy slowing down for myself. Relying on her sword array, gold coin kept making stepping stones for herself to reduce her falling speed to a controllable range, and finally she used a few swords to fly under her to completely support herself.

True Red's deceleration method is more violent. She blasted her fist directly into the rock wall, and then completely stopped herself. Of course, her method requires inhuman power and extremely terrifying destructive power to achieve it, so most people certainly cannot imitate it. However, although a bit more violent, I have to admit that her method is the fastest to decelerate. At least after everyone stops, her position which is obviously much higher than us can explain the problem.

As a mage, Kristina’s deceleration method certainly cannot be as violent as True Red. She uses a different way of deceleration, which is to constantly use a static force field against the rock above her head. This static force field skill is actually a kind of auxiliary spell. Most Mage players are accustomed to using this skill to grab things, because this trick can quickly catch something far away from you in front of you. Of course, the shortcomings of this skill are also obvious, that is, the strength is a little bit small, and it can't grasp things that are too heavy. But now it is more suitable for slowing down. After Kristina kept using a static force field on the rock above her head, it was equivalent to that someone was constantly pulling her up. Although she couldn't stop her once or twice, she naturally slowed down when the number of times increased. . But as the speed dropped to within the controllable range, Kristina simply used a feather fall technique in conjunction with a small tornado to stop herself.

The last remaining person is our weak shadow fountain. But speaking of slowing down this time, her movements are actually the most beautiful. It’s different from our tool spell. People use nothing. They just step on the rock wall and slide down the rock wall like surfing, occasionally flashing over the rock wall with a few beautiful rolls. The rising rock finally waited for the speed to drop almost, she used her dagger into the rock wall and completely fixed herself on the rock wall. At this time, her position was actually higher than mine. It can be seen that this deceleration method is indeed very good. Of course, the reason for her lighter weight cannot be ruled out. After all, her assassin is much lighter than us in heavy armor.

"Huh? Where is Masaka Matsumoto?" As soon as we stopped the gold coin, we looked around and asked.

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