"What a perverted skill! But how much does it cost to erase Kojiro Kenjiro?" I am most concerned about the price issue, because if the price is affordable, then Erasing Kojiro Kenjiro can directly help us win the victory. Even if we don't use this skill right away, we can at least feel relieved when we use the trump card, isn't it?

Gold coin immediately shook the head when I heard my question: "No, I don’t mean to erase Kojiro Kenjiro with the highway, but erase Kojiro Kenjiro’s Space Law, or not Erase his Space Law, but simply restrict its functions."

The people present are not stupid. Hearing the words of gold coin, he immediately realized the reason why gold coin said so. Obviously, we just underestimated the amount of money that this skill will consume, so we didn't know that we would dare to erase Kohato Kenjiro with one mouthful. As the skill owner, gold coin must know how terrifying the consumption of this skill is, and she must also know that the price we cannot afford or is not worth it, so she wants to erase Kojiro Kenjiro’s Space Law, or Simply limit some of its abilities. After all, a distinctive feature of equivalent exchange skills is that the greater the damage, the greater the cost. If you only erase Kojiro Kenjiro’s skills or restrict it, then the cost will definitely be more than simply erasing Kojiro. Kenjiro is much cheaper.

"How much does it take to erase Kojiro Kenjiro?" Rose asked after thinking about it and added: "How much does it take to erase skills or make some restrictions?"

" If it is to erase Kojiro Kenjiro, it would take sixteen to 1.8 billion crystal coins."

"Sixteen to 1.8 billion?" Rose didn't show how surprised she heard this number, just After a little hesitation, he sighed: "The absolute value is not too much, but it is not cost-effective in terms of efficiency. If the Japanese have this skill, let them use so much money to erase Purple Moon to the point. I said it in the past."

As soon as Rose finished talking about gold coin, she immediately corrected: "Impossible. 1.6 billion to 1.8 billion. That is the price of Kojiro Kenjiro. How could Purple Moon boss be so cheap?"< /p>

"Have you counted how much money is needed to erase me?" I looked at gold coin in surprise and asked.

gold coin awkward said with a smile: "hehe, in fact, after acquiring this skill, I counted all the more famous people in the meeting. President, you are the number one in the world battle strength list. Naturally, the price is very high."

"How much is it?"

"89.2 billion."

"Damn, better than Xiaojiu Kenjiro is N times more!" Zhenhong sighed.

Kristina said indifferently: "Isn’t it an order of magnitude? The price is high and it’s normal."

Rose interrupted us: "Don’t talk about it. It’s far away. It seems that it’s not worth wiping off Kenjiro Kobato. With so much money, we are enough to build dozens of mobile angels for Divine Race. Yes, there is no need to waste it on Kojiro Kenjiro. Gold coin, how much does it cost to erase Kojiro's Space Attribute?"

"It needs two hundred and thirty million."


"So many?" Rose is even more surprised this time than last time. Although the value this time is not as large as the last time, compared to the last time, the data this time exceeds Rose's estimate but it is much larger, so Rose is more surprised than last time.

I probably also guessed the reason for Rose’s surprise, so I explained: "Kobato Kenjiro’s battle strength is mainly manifested in this Space Attribute. If he does not have the ability to travel through space at will, he At least half of his battle strength should be discounted. It is actually a good deal to cut half of his battle strength with just over 200 million."

"More than 200 million is a good deal?" Zhen Hong looked at in surprise. I asked.

I replied for me before I answered Rose: "Purple Moon doesn't mean that. He said that if you erase Kojiro Kenjiro from 1.6 billion to 1.8 billion, you can use only 200 million. It's really cost-effective to lose half of his battle strength. It's not that we spend more than 200 million to erase Kojiro Kenjiro's Space Attribute." Rose explained and looked towards gold coin and asked: "Right, if not all of his is erased. Space Attribute is how much does it cost to make a certain limit?"

"How do I need to limit it?" Gold coin asked: "My skill can set various requirements at will, and then the system will help me estimate the price. Different The price is also different."

After listening to the Rose, he paused for a while before saying: "If you say so, then you can't limit too much, otherwise it will definitely cost more, but we must guarantee this. This kind of restriction is enough for us to catch Kojiro Kenjiro. Husband. You are a combatant, what do you say is more useful to restrict?"

After listening to Rose’s words, I immediately said: "gold coin, check if How much does it cost to extend the preparation time of Kojiro Kenjiro's Spatial Teleportation?"

"How much do you want to extend?"

"Extend to two seconds, and make his teleportation possible Interrupted by an attack."

Gold coin entered the skill formula immediately after listening, and then the system gave the answer in an instant. Gold coin immediately reported after seeing the value: "It needs 3.7 million crystal coins."

Rose thought for a while and added: "Change the extension time to 1.75 seconds. Don't use that skill. The limit that can be interrupted is changed to that after Kojiro Kenjiro activates the skill, the skill will not move with him, so he cannot enter the void to complete the teleport if he is knocked out of the original position during the process of activating Spatial Teleportation. See how much it takes. "

Gold coin quickly lowered his head, and then said: "It costs two million crystal coins."

"It's still too much!" Rose frowned: "Purple Moon, look See if I can continue to reduce the requirements? Or can I find other better limits?"

I thought about it and said: "gold coin, compress the time to 1.5 seconds, and reduce the latter limit Changed to Kojiro Kenjiro before activating the skill, he must choose the crossing point. He can calculate the advance amount in the process of activating the skill, open the Spatial Teleportation point in front of him and then rush in at one time, but the spatial point cannot be moved once it is activated, unless Turn it off and reopen a new teleportation point. See how much it costs?"

"One hundred and four million crystal coins."

"It's still more, but it's acceptable. "Rose said this after thinking for a long time.

I frowned thinking about it for a long time and then suddenly thought of a more second idea: "Wait, look at the gold coin, don’t want the previous one. If you just ask Kenjiro Kojiro to send each time, just Once he determined the starting point and hour of the teleportation, there will be light and shadow effects in those two locations. How much does it cost?"

Gold coin smiled as soon as he completed the setting: "haha, this is cheap, as long as Six hundred thousand crystal coins are enough."

Rose immediately added: "What if the light and shadow effects are only displayed at the exit?"

" Then only three hundred and fifty thousand crystals Coins."

After gold coin answered, Rose immediately looked towards me and asked: "Can you catch him with only this restriction?"

I thought about it for gold Coin said: "Plus the skill I mentioned before, how much is the limit that can be set in advance but cannot be moved?"

"A total of 1.02 million."

"Just He's here." Rose made a final decision. "You use the skill right away. If you don’t have enough money, apply directly and I will pay for it."


Although the gold coin skill is a bit scary, I have to say The formidable power is definitely big enough, and the startup is almost instantaneous. Kojiro Kenjiro was pulling Matsumoto Masaka's teleportation skills to constantly change directions to escape, and suddenly he was taken aback, because he discovered that the system actually asked him to specify the start point of the teleportation.

Kojiro Kenjiro has been using the teleport skill before, but before this skill, it is only necessary to set the end point coordinates, because the starting point is where Kojiro Kenjiro himself is, so he only needs to set the end point. You can step into the space channel in one step and quickly come out from the end point, but now because of the gold coin's avenue skills, he has added a choice that must be added in advance, so Kojiro Kenjiro must set an additional coordinate for his transmission. Although this small modification is not very big, it has seriously affected the speed of Kojiro Kenjiro's setting. It turns out that as long as the target position is determined, it can be stepped over in one step. Now not only must the target position be set, the starting point must be calculated according to your current movement situation. . Kojiro Kenjiro’s head is not a computer. Naturally, this kind of coordinate calculation is not fast. In addition, he has been using it well before and now suddenly there is such a setting, so he didn’t react for a while, and as a result, his whole body stopped. For a second.

Originally, one second is not long, but it’s a pity that we are too mobile after riding a long spear, and we are not far away. This second interval is enough for us to change direction. It's near him. When Kenjiro Kohato reacted, we were already less than fifty meters away from him.

I saw Kojiro Kenjiro close at hand, and I straightened the hook and gun and prepared to attack, and Kojiro also reacted at this time and took Matsumoto Masaga a step. Stepping into the reset coordinates, what he didn't expect was that two purple space doors suddenly lit up in the sky near us as soon as he set the start and end points. Originally, the teleportation skill used by Kenjiro Kohato was started and ended, and there was no trace. We had to wait until his target location emerged each time to chase in that direction, so it was obviously faster than him but old and unable to catch up. But now it’s different, because of the skill limitation of gold coin, now Kojiro Kenjiro only needs to set the Transmission Passage every time, and we can intuitively see where his exit is, although it is still half a beat slower than him, but At least we can make an early turn before he appears, and the rest is to see who is faster.

Although I saw the exit of the space gate glowing, the distance between I and Kenjiro Kohato is now less than 50 meters. At the speed of a bird, 50 meters is a matter of tenths of a second. There is no extra time for Kenjiro Kotobumi to think, he can only pull Matsumoto Masaka and step into the space door.

In fact, it’s better if Kenjiro Kojiro didn’t go in when the space door was shining, because I saw it when he discovered that the thing was shining, so I actually did it before he entered the space door. Asuka has been notified to turn.

"Flying bird. Over there."

Flying bird suddenly turned its wings, violently turning at a large angle to the direction of the space gate, and then saw him behind his wings. A few feet of orange red flames spewed from the four nozzles, and Asuka and I jumped out just like a missile.

Kobato Kenjiro just stepped out of the space door, the first action was to look back at our position, but when he turned his head, he found that I was stepping on Asuka’s back with a hook and sickle and a murderous aura. He rushed towards him and scared him nervously and opened the second Transmission Gate, but as he set the coordinates, I had already discovered a new goal. This time I didn’t need to say that Asuka immediately turned towards that position and rushed towards that position, and in order to accelerate Asuka, it turned on the afterburner that was used during supersonic assaults. Our speed was abruptly upward. Jump, almost instantly we rushed to the coordinate position.

This time, Kenjiro Kojiro, who stepped out of the space door, felt the substantive murderous aura behind him before he turned his head. He was so frightened that he simply opened the space door without even looking at it, and This time, he also learned his finesse. He is no longer flexible with me at all. Instead, he directly opened the Transmission Gate in one direction with the maximum transmission distance moved towards one direction and flees desperately. Before using this method to get rid of us, he thought of relying on steering to evade our speed advantage. Now because we can find out his teleportation target in advance, his change of teleportation has lost the previous advantage, so this guy starts to do it again. Reverted to the previous straight escape method. However, if it is useful to escape in a straight line, he will not be forced to use the change direction before, and now he changes back to the Old Fang method and naturally cannot escape from our palm.

Seeing Kenjiro Kojiro who has been a long distance away from us after several consecutive straight transmissions, I confidently said to Asuka: "open for me, open your afterburner system to catch up. "

"Then master, you have to stand firm. I'm going to do my best." Asuka said and moved towards the direction where Kenjiro Kohato was and chased up, and at the same time the four spouts on his wings spouted The color of the flame changed drastically. The original orange red flame instantly turned into a blue white flame, and many of the armor pieces on the bird's body began to deform and gradually shrink inward, even his wings began to gradually close to the body, the original level The extended wings gradually turned into the shape of a swept-wing aircraft. In order to cope with the deformation of the bird, I simply squatted down a little bit and lowered my center of gravity to ensure that the wind resistance would not affect the flying speed of the bird, and to ensure that the friction on the surface of the body was not too strong, I also opened the wings. I wrapped it into a sharp drop-shaped structure, so that the wind resistance can be further reduced, facilitating the birds to fly at full speed.

The speed of the deformed bird began to soar. Suddenly there was a bang around us. At the same time, the surrounding air was stirred up with a mist of water. Obviously we just broke through the sound barrier, but the bird’s The limit does not lie here. After the breakthrough sound barrier, Asuka has been in touch with it, saying: "Mach one...Mach two...Mach three...Start the second stage acceleration...Mach 3.5...Mach four...Mach five... …Mach 6…Turn on three stages of acceleration…Mach 7…Mach 7.5…Mach 7.5…Mach eight…"

It was originally discovered that Kenjiro Kohato changed to a straight line to run away. After the speed, Kristina and the others also launched supersonic assaults to catch up, but they were surprised that although they launched the supersonic assaults, the distance between us is getting farther and farther at an amazing speed. , As if they were not accelerating but decelerating.

True Red looked at the super flame that was ten feet long behind the bird and exclaimed: "Damn, boss, is this going to be a satellite and fly into space?"

"Can you I don't know when flying out of the planet, but the speed is definitely breaking the record. After all, everyone is a race of mounts, why is the speed difference so much?" Yingquan complained.

Kristina smiled after hearing this: "Although the president's bird is also from the long spear clan, he is a blood spur. It is the king of the long spear. Let's talk about it. , Our long spear is only the guardian of the guild, and the flight speed can only depend on their own strength. The president has the pet quota, and the pets have attribute bonuses. Naturally impossible and our guardian mention on equal terms. ."

"But this speed is too fast, right?" Zhenhong said: "This is all out of touch with us, what if Kojiro Kenjiro counterattacks? Purple Moon alone I’ll suffer from dealing with the two of them."

"What are you afraid of?" Rose said: "Anyway, Masaka Matsumoto is ours, can he really fight Purple Moon? I suspect that it’s at best fighting Purple Moon’s demon. How can Kojiro Kenjiro treat Purple Moon alone? Besides, although we were thrown away a long way, it’s just a relatively long distance. At our speed, time is actually It didn’t take much. As long as they stopped for more than ten seconds, we would catch up. Purple Moon is also number one in the battle strength list anyway, so it won’t make anyone lose one move, right?"

What Rose said is right. After being chased and desperate, Kojiro Kenjiro immediately used his own transmission advantage without considering inertia to perform a reverse transmission. At this time, Asuka’s speed has increased to 8.5 times the speed of sound. It’s not easy to stop, but I only need to catch Kenjiro Kohato, so I saw the latest teleportation outlet near us. When I came out, I immediately jumped away from Asuka's back, and at the same time my wings slammed to slow down.

The terrifying inertia brought by eight times the semisonic speed made me feel a piercing pain at the moment the wings were opened, because I felt like the wings on my back were about to be torn off. , That kind of impact almost tears my body apart. However, the tremendous pain also brought some results. At least I forcibly reduced my speed at a distance that was almost impossible, and it happened that when I rushed to the exit of that space, Kenjiro Kohato got through it. come out.

Kojiro Kenjiro was stunned as soon as he emerged from the space door, because he thought I must have rushed over now, didn’t expect that I would suddenly appear in front of him. Ten meters away, and was hitting him at a very fast speed. Almost before Kenjiro Kohato could react, I made a sideways movement in the air, and then slammed into Kenjiro Kohato's chest with a thick shoulder. Just listening to the pu' sound, Kojiro Kenjiro was knocked out with blood spurting out, but it was obvious to me.

Although I spread my wings and slowed down just now, but eight and a half times the speed of sound does not stop when I stop. The effort I have made is nothing more than that I didn’t stop before Kenjiro Kojiro left the space channel. I just rushed over my head, not to say that my speed really slowed down completely. In fact, when I hit Kojiro Kenjiro, my speed was at least one-times the speed of sound to two-times the speed of sound. At this speed, let alone humans, I would have to hit me even if the dragon was in front. However, Kojiro Kenjiro is also lucky. At least he still has the attributes left by the members of the Sakura team on his body.

After knocking Kojiro Kenjiro into the air, I immediately exchanged a glance with Masaga Matsumoto, and then quickly pointed at him. A dozen spatial exits spread out in an instant. Fortunately, they all came out in a hurry. Among them, Xiaosan and Crystal took the lead and immediately entangled Masaka Matsumoto. Other familiars watched Matsumoto Masaka and the two dragons in the periphery, but they were not busy intervening. This arrangement can prevent outside Japanese players from discovering that Masaka Matsumoto and we have an affair, and on the other hand, it can also ensure that Masaka Matsumoto and my pets maintain a state of not losing or losing. In short, it is good. No harm.

Actually, it is not all my familiars that surround Matsumoto Masaka. There are so many of my familiars. Of course, it is impossible to send them to deal with Matsumoto Masaka. At least a few people have to be left to deal with Kenjiro Kojiro. Okay.

Although Kenjiro Kojiro who was knocked out by me was hurt, he knew that he could not fight with me now, otherwise he would be finished immediately, so he immediately wanted to start teleporting to escape, but Just when he was about to set the teleportation coordinates, he suddenly found a beautiful woman standing opposite him smiling at him. The next second he felt as if his head had been hit with a hammer, and the whole head was instantly It became a mass of paste, and Venus appeared straight ahead.

Looking at Princess Kenjiro Koba who fell from in midair, she immediately turned around and made a V gesture at me. "It's done."

"Others, don't keep your hands, get rid of him right away."

"Divine Lightning shines." Brigitte first moved towards Kenjiro Kohato Dive down, and then saw a fierce thunder and lightning from the golden turntable behind her, and then gathered a huge electric pillar with a diameter of more than two meters and directly hit Kojiro Kenjiro's body, instantly exploding it with blue smoke all over the body. Straight forward, the whole person also moved towards the ground as if they had lost consciousness and fell down.

Seeing Kojiro Kenjiro falling down, Ling immediately shouted to the next finger: "Catch up, don’t stop attacking."

"Divine Domain——completely fit." I suddenly turned The eternal pointing towards the sky in his hand, the silhouette of the nearby demon pets were all sucked onto me and merged into one person. Masaga Matsumoto was fighting with my demon. He didn't expect to fight and suddenly found that the enemy was gone. Then I saw that I actually activated the Divine Domain skill.

Matsumoto Masaga, who discovered that I was in the Divine Domain state, was taken aback for a moment, and then he spotted Kenjiro Kojiro who was planting to the ground while swirling while smoking. At this time, different discussions with Masaga Matsumoto also knew that I was going to make a killer move against Kojiro Kenjiro, but his current status is not good, so he still swooped at me decisively and made a pose to stop me. Rescue Kenjiro Kohato's posture. Of course, he won't really save Kenjiro Kohato, and I obviously wasn't the one who followed him.

Just when Masaka Matsumoto swooped down and was about to catch up with me, I had completed the fit, and then I suddenly turned in the air and turned my head and feet up, and then I set my wings. Four flat jets suddenly spread out under my pair of wings that originally only had metal feathers. Following Masaga Matsumoto, I saw red light flashed. My whole body was moved towards Kenjiro Kohato underneath and swooped down, like a meteorite. That speed is almost no idea how many times faster than him.

Actually, I think the biggest advantage of my Divine Domain combination skill is not to accumulate the attribute points between me and the familiars, but I can borrow all the special attributes that participate in the combination. This attribute can be the opponent's skill or the opponent's physical characteristics, and of course the system attribute can also be inherited. Although the wings that I spread when I dived down just now were my own wings, the jet port hidden under the wings that Masaka Matsumoto saw was inherited from Asuka. This thing is as easy to use as a rocket booster. It can help me accelerate or decelerate instantly, much faster than flying with my wings.

Matsumoto Masaka had already rushed to my back, didn’t expect that I suddenly spewed out four flames and swooped down at Kenjiro Kohato. He was afraid of being burned so that he suddenly slowed down and protected him with his hands. Head and face, it turned out that the good thing was burned by the tail flame of the jet engine, but this injury is obviously not worth mentioning to Matsumoto Masaka. After flashing through the flames, Masaka Matsumoto immediately released a white light bomb at me as if he was going to make the most final effort, but he had already shouted to me in the crystal communicator before he released it: "I I’m going to launch a light bomb at you. When I called to flash, you just swung your wings to the left and flashed over.”

I heard Matsumoto’s reminder and didn’t answer him. , First, there is no time now, secondly, I know he must know that I heard it. Sure enough, as I dived down, Masaka Matsumoto's reminder came from the earphones: "Flash." Almost as soon as I heard the sound, I suddenly retracted my wings and shook my body, and then I saw a white light. The bullet passed over from my side.

After flashing the light bullet, I immediately re-opened my wings and opened the afterburner again, and the speed increased sharply and caught up with the light bullet. The eternal hook and sickle in my hand flashed and directly cut the light bullet in two halves, and then I rushed through the divided light bullets at lightning speed and rushed towards Kenjiro Kojiro below.

Just now since I was knocked out of the space channel, Kenjiro Kojiro was dumbfounded by a series of continuous blows, until later he was completely fainted by a lightning strike, but after all his attributes are relatively powerful. Woke up soon.

The coma state of the player in the game does not actually cause the player to coma in reality. This so-called coma is actually a special state forced by the system just like poisoning. The system will not directly faint the real player in order to stun the characters in the game. Then, would anyone dare to play "Zero"? This so-called coma actually encloses the player's consciousness in a Black Space. During the coma, the player just cannot control his character and can see and hear nothing. It is not that the player is really dizzy. In this process, although the player himself cannot manipulate his character and cannot feel any situation around the character, there is one thing he can do, that is, think about the situation that may be encountered after waking up and prepare in advance.

Kojiro Kenjiro fell down before he was knocked unconscious, so he knew before waking up that he would definitely be careful of being thrown to death, so the first thing he did when he regained consciousness Just glanced down to determine how high you are from the lava sea below. However, after looking down and finding that the height was still high, he immediately turned the target to me, but what made him didn't expect was that he just turned around and found that I had actually rushed in front of him. The panicked Kojiro Kenjiro almost subconsciously activated the Transmission Passage, but maybe because he was too nervous, he actually forgot that the current transmission needs to set two coordinates to proceed. As a result, he set the exit after another one. I forgot to set the entrance. According to the automatic default setting of system, the result of him not setting the entrance is that the entrance is based on the position half a meter in front of his current coordinates. The entrance is set based on the coordinates, and because Kojiro Kenjiro is actually falling down with his back, his entrance is actually The upper part is set on top of his head. Kojiro Kenjiro can't fly, how can he walk into the Transmission Gate above his head while he is falling? However, he was considered good luck this time, and he was wrong. Although he himself failed to enter the Transmission Passage, he ran into me, who was catching up later.

In order to save money, we asked gold coin to activate the Heavenly Dao skill and only asked Kenjiro Kohato’s Transmission Passage. The exit position will glow, which means that we still can’t see the entrance. As a result, I was very unlucky. One end of it slammed into the entrance of the passage, and then emerged from the exit set by Kenjiro Kohato.

Originally, the exit set by Kojiro Kenjiro was below him, but now I got in. As a result, I ran from in front of him to behind him like Space Jump. He is back to back.

As soon as I came out, I was stunned at the same time as Kojiro Kenjiro, because we both found out that each other was missing at the same time, and then we both thought about the truth of the matter almost at the same time, and then we turned around at the same time. At the same time, the shocked opponent was found.

"Damn it!" Kojiro Kenjiro cursed secretly, then he immediately turned around and slashed at me, and I reacted the same way as him, but I just took the hook directly. Poke the sickle upward. At this time, we can see the advantages of the weapon leader. Although we are very close, there is actually more than two meters between us. At the current falling speed of Kojiro Kenjiro, it will take at least a second after he hits me, but my hook is more than three meters long, and it hits directly in front of him, scaring Kojiro quickly. One turned over and slapped my gun to catch up and barely escaped my stabbing, but he also paid a heavy price in order to escape the blow.

After I found him out of my hook and sickle, I threw Eternal without even thinking about it, and then the claws popped out with both hands, and my left hand held the knife of Kojiro Kenjiro, right hand With a punch on his side waist, the three sharp claws pu' sound were all pierced into the stomach of Kenjiro Kohato, and then in his surprised eyes, my finger moved, and I heard only a piercing sound, which was already pierced. The half-foot-deep claws actually went up again, and now they simply passed through his stomach and protruded from the other side of his waist. Kojiro Kenjiro didn't react until this time, looked at me in surprise, then moved his mouth and spit a mouthful of blood again.

For Kojiro Kenjiro, I didn’t intend to let him go. I turned my wrist and tore the wound bigger, then quickly withdrew my elbow, but before I could pull out the blade, I tried again. Stabbed it in. Kojiro Kenjiro also noticed that I was planning to kill him. So he didn’t care about the pain, so he threw the blade that was being held up and drew a spare knife from his body and cut it at my right hand, trying to force me to stop, but he didn’t expect his this blade. Before cutting it down, I heard a burst of wu wu flashing past us, and it was not until the sound of the wind had passed for more than half a second that Kenjiro Kojiro realized that his arm lost consciousness. He turned his eyes and immediately found that his hand was holding a long knife away from him, and what made him even more alarmed was that he saw a dozen rotating knife wheels floating in the air. It wasn't until this time that Kenjiro Kohato realized that I just didn't give up eternity at all, but felt that long weapons were not suitable for this battle method, so I took the initiative to throw eternity into a knife-wheel assisted attack.

Although I thought of the reason, it was too late at this time. With my three blade claws on his stomach and the lack of an arm, Kenjiro Kohato has no power to fight back at all. As the second whistling wind blew, the remaining arm of Kojiro Kenjiro also flew out, and at the same time I bent my knees and kicked Kojiro's stomach and removed the claw completely from his stomach. Pulled out. However, my claws are not as smooth as Japanese swords. Although my claws have a smooth front edge, but the back is all serrated edges. Pulling it out will not be much better than a hook. Hato Kenjiro's intestines were pulled out with a mess of internal organs.

When the players in the appearance battle see this scene, it is a reaction to have nothing common with each other. The Japanese players sighed collectively, while the Chinese players rejoiced. Of course, the above situation is only the reaction of most people. In the experts of both sides, this situation is reversed. The expert among the Japanese players rejoiced, while the expert among the Chinese players was extremely frustrated. It is not something else that makes the expert and ordinary players react differently, but Masaga Matsumoto, who is putting on a regretful expression in the sky. You must know that in Japan, only Masaga Matsumoto is left, which means that all the attributes of the previous members of the Sakura team have now been concentrated on Masaka Matsumoto. How strong is such a high attribute value? Moreover, compared to the newly famous and scared witless Kenjiro Kohato, Masaga Matsumoto, who has beaten me in a head-on confrontation. Although only once, it shows that Masaga Matsumoto has the strength close to me, and now he has inherited so many attributes. Isn't that a name...?

Because of this speculation, the reactions of high-end and low-end players

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