Seeing our Kojiro Kenjiro who suddenly appeared in the gap, his whole body was shaken. It was not that he was afraid of us, but that the situation made him a little desperate. Endless monsters plus my Archfiend, the things that Kojiro Kenjiro least want to see are now all gathered together.

"long time no see..."

"A ghost wants to see you!" After Kojiro said, he suddenly pulled Matsumoto Masaga next to him from the encirclement of the monsters. Flashed out. This kid is not stupid. They are not much stronger than us now, and there are so many monsters nearby that are making trouble. If he doesn’t run, then they will have to be killed by me and one of the monsters sooner or later. Anyway, staying here is just waiting for death and not running. That's a fool.

I was stunned to see that Kenjiro Kohato was so shameless and saw me running, but after thinking about it, I also understood the current situation. He really didn’t make sense to stay and meet with us. force, but it’s his business to run, we still have to chase.

"gold coin."

"Understand." Hearing my shout, gold coin didn't stop at all. He directly waved his hands forward, and the ten thousand swords around her The big formation immediately whizzed and flew up, and instantly shot down all the little monsters in front of it.

"It's over there." Gold coin found the target immediately after clearing the little monsters to be really red, but didn't expect Kenjiro Kotoburi to reach a teleportation more than a hundred meters In addition, this distance is a bit far, at least not suitable for us to launch an attack without moving.

"Walk around, we are crowded." Rose immediately called out as soon as she saw the situation. Everyone understood the current situation, so as soon as Rose finished shouting, we shouted and all rushed up.

Kojiro Kenjiro just finished the teleportation and found that we were catching up, so this kid started teleporting again and again. His transmission interval is very short, and the next transmission can be launched almost as soon as it is transmitted, and the maximum distance of each transmission is definitely more than 200 meters, so in general, his way of moving through transmission The speed is still quite fast. After all, continuous transmission like him can be understood as running forward at a step of 200 meters. Even if it is converted into a positive space, the speed concept exceeds at least 200 meters per second. However, Kojiro Kenjiro ran fast, but we chased faster. My Asuka, even if everyone’s guardian long spear flies at more than 200 meters per second, we would have surpassed him if it weren’t for Kojiro’s teleportation to change direction and altitude at will. But chasing and running like this is obviously not the answer. We rode a long spear, and the straight-line speed was obviously much faster than Kojiro Kenjiro, so he couldn't leave us anyway. But because his movement has no regularity at all, we can't catch him either. This has caused both of us to be in a stalemate. If we don’t consider external factors, we have to wait until Kojiro Kenjiro’s mana is exhausted and cannot be teleported or our long spear reaches the endurance limit and can’t fly to end the pursuit, but in that case this time It's too long. If we run around the world with Kenjiro Koba who doesn't mind chasing in the ordinary game space, we will just take him anyway. But the problem is that now we are trapped in this damn duel space, and we may face the crash of the planet at any time. Such an environment is really not suitable for us to play a marathon chase. If we don't want to be killed by the system, we must first kill Kenjiro Kohato. If we continue to chase, we won't be able to hold on to the system. The system will definitely kill us first.

"Kristina. Is there a way to block his teleportation ability?"

"No." Kristina shook her head and said: "Kojiro Kenjiro's teleportation skills seem to be Given the power of law by the system, what I can do is to prevent him from teleporting within my domain, but I can’t do it if I want to restrict his teleportation."

"You others Can people have no way?"

"I think I might have a way." Gold coin said suddenly.

"Do you have a way?" I looked at gold coin in surprise and waited for her answer.

Gold coin hesitated and said: "Actually, I am still in this state and it is still not my strongest mode."

"What? Do you still have hidden capabilities that haven't been activated?" Hong looked at gold coin in surprise and asked. "Everyone is a national weapon holder. You have too many skills, right?"

Gold coin some people didn't know whether to cry or laugh and said: "Actually, this skill is mine. One of the abilities, but it's basically a waste skill."

I didn't wait for gold coin to explain, I nodded and said: "Needless to say, it must be the equivalent exchange skill of system, right? "

Gold coin is nodded again. "It's because this is an equivalent exchange skill, so I haven't shown it."

The skills in "Zero" can be roughly divided into three types in terms of release restrictions. first is a common skill. This category has the largest number of skills, and the various skills we usually use more than 90% belong to this category. The second type of classification is the state restriction class. This type of skill often requires specific conditions to be released, such as requiring the player to maintain full life force, or a near-death state. In short, there are certain restrictions and cannot be used casually. The third type of skills is somewhat similar to second, but not limited by status, but limited by time. For example, my decision barrier is a typical type of skill. This skill usually limits the number of times it can be used per day, or how long it takes to use it every two times. In short, there is a time limit that cannot be used casually.

The above three skills have actually accounted for more than 99% of the total number of skills in "Zero", but if you want to rank all the skills in "Zero" with a formidable power index , Even if the total damage output of the first three skills is tied together, it may not be able to keep up with the fourth category, because the skills of the fourth category are the equivalent exchange skills that gold coin just wanted to use.

The main reason why these skills are called equivalent exchange skills is that these skills follow the principle of equivalent exchange, and you will have to pay much for how much damage you output. For example, the strongest and most abnormal skill I have-Absolute Order. This skill has never been used once since I learned it. The reason is not that the skill is not powerful, but because it is too expensive. The Absolute Order skill can completely destroy everything within a radius of two kilometers from the center of me in an instant. Whether it is a lifeform or a non-lifeform, it will be completely broken into elementary particles in this attack, which means that as long as I activate this Skills, probably even bacteria and viruses can't survive within a radius of two kilometers. Moreover, although this absolute destruction range is only a two-kilometer radius, it is as if the explosion radius of a nuclear weapon is only several hundred meters, but the destruction radius can often exceed tens of kilometers. Although my skill can only bombard the material within a two-kilometer radius. As elementary particles, the damage range caused by the blast wind is far more than two kilometers. However, although this skill looks amazing on the surface formidable power, the cost is equally amazing. Absolute Order does not consider any situation every time it is activated, and directly deducts me 100 levels. In other words, at my current level, I will become a zero-level rookie after using it twenty times. Who would dare to use such skills indiscriminately?

Although the skill of gold coin may not be at the cost of EXP or level, I believe that no matter what the price is, it is not affordable for ordinary people, otherwise gold coin will not bear it until now and tell us.

"What exactly do your skills consume?" Rose asked suddenly.

Gold coin thought for a long time before replied: "It costs money."

"What? Skills to spend money?" Zhenhong looked at gold coin in an incredible way and asked: "You There is such a skill?"

Gold coin was a little frustrated and said: "What can I do? Do you think I want to? Since I got this skill, I have not dared to use it once, because it is too expensive. It’s money. The damn main system, this Miss’s double S-Rank task, which was so difficult to complete, gave me an opportunity to extract super skills. It actually gave me such a tasteless skill."

"Your skill How about formidable power?" I asked directly.

"As long as you have enough money, it is definitely destroying heaven extinguishing earth type. It is said that you can stand on Earth and blast off the moon at maximum output."

"What?" Hearing the answer from gold coin, my foot was crooked and I almost didn't turn off the bird's back. This skill formidable power is too abnormal, right? Can the moon be blasted off by standing on the surface of Earth? Isn't it a planet destroyer?

Looking at our big reaction, gold coin reluctantly added: "That's just a pie drawn by the system. Although in theory this skill does have such a large damage output, the premise is that you have to have it. Enough money is enough. Last time I secretly calculated that all the money we have earned since the establishment of the Frost Rose League is just enough to support me using the most powerful mode of this skill to release an attack."

"Damn, so much money?" I sighed in surprise, and then asked: "But then again, what kind of skill are you?"

"This The name of the skill is Dao'."

"Just one word?"

"Yes. Just one word." Gold coin explained: "In fact, this Tao is the ultimate of Immortal Technique. Form, but it is also the largest form of formidable power. Isn’t there a Taoist saying called Three Thousand Great Dao? My skill includes more than 3,000 kinds of Law Power, so it’s called Dao. Its characteristic is that it doesn’t use energy attacks. , But to erase the existence of a thing from the law, so that it loses the support of existence and disappears completely in this world. In addition, it is said that this erasure skill can also erase the memory of material existence by the way. For example, if I really do it The moon is erased, then all the NPCs in the game world will tell you that in this world there is no moon. Of course, the player’s memory will not be affected."

Rose asked: "Then what if you erase Kojiro Kenjiro's existence?"

"He will disappear completely. As soon as my skills are activated, he will be forcibly kicked offline, and he will be online next time. Even his character’s information would disappear, and he himself deleted the character Kenjiro Kohato. He had to rebuild his account to get this character again, and the new account would become a Level 1 rookie."

"What a perverted skill! But how much does it cost to erase Kojiro Kenjiro?"

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