Just as the demons and I were rushing to put this guy down, it suddenly looked up to the sky and angry roar, and then suddenly the lightning flashed all over the body, black flames and luck almost It flew out like it was struck by lightning, and the other familiars nearby were all hit by the electric current before they rushed back. There was only one Brigitte, who was not afraid of thunder and lightning, leaned forward, but before she had any action, the back of the big monster in front of him suddenly shuddered, and then suddenly opened two larger transmitters and aimed them. Brigitte.

The pair of transmitters that opened behind the monster’s body is like the difference between a light private car and a large truck that pulls earth from the construction site. Even the middle structure has become a lot more complicated. The two small transmitters used to have only a red crystal in the center, but now these two large transmitters are densely packed with seventeen red crystals on each side, forming two concentric crystals on each of the two transmitters. The circle and a red dot in the center. Of course, in addition to the red crystal, there are also a lot of yellow crystals on the small transmitter, and because of its relatively large area, the total number of crystals is quite large.

As soon as I saw the two transmitters erected, I knew that the situation was critical, and I quickly informed Brigitte to move away. Fortunately, Brigitte is a constructed creature. Compared with ordinary creatures, her extreme speed is not fast, but her explosive power is quite amazing. I saw two blue ionized steam burst out of her body suddenly, and she herself jumped away several hundred meters away with a swish like a firework bomb.

Almost at the moment Brigitte successfully escaped, two beams N times thicker than before instantly swept across the area Brigitte flew over. Fortunately, Brigitte’s speed was fast enough. Otherwise, once rubbed by the two light beams, it is estimated that life will be lost. However, even though the monster failed to hit the target, it shocked us. The formidable power of the previous two rays has already surprised us. Didn't expect that is not the strongest attack. Although the two rays just didn’t hit people, I don’t know what the formidable power is, but referring to the formidable power that can shoot down the crystals holding the Holy Shield from the two rays before, if they are directly hit by these two rays, absolutely Can easily kill any creature here except Black Flame, Steel Fang and Tank.

"No, that guy's attack is too high!" Ling shouted to the demons who were about to pounce again, and then calmly commanded: "Attract it to attack quickly, with long-range attack power. Just stand farther and smash. The two who are not good at see if they can break through the chaos, and if they work, they will rush, and if they don’t work, don’t go into the war at all."

Although Ling’s words are brief, they are effective. See the shadow immediately. With her instructions, the flying birds, darts, and white waves with higher speeds all rushed up and began to interfere with the monster's sight at high speeds, and constantly created opportunities for the guy to attack them. But these three are super fast masters, one by one is as slippery as a loach, even if the big guy is there to shoot the rays around, but none of them can hit, even rubbing. It doesn't work even if you click the edge.

While the darts and long spear attract attention, the familiars who can attack from a distance are not idle, and all kinds of spells are raining on the monster. However, unlike the darts that successfully attracted the monster's firepower, the long-range attack group had very little effect. The carapace and skin on the monster don’t look very good, but the anti-magic attributes are good for terrifying. No matter what spell is thrown on it, it seems to throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea. No more text. As for Princess’s mental attack, there is no need to consider magic resistance, but it turns out that the monster’s mental resistance is also outrageous. What Princess can do is to let it appear for a few seconds, and then it will quickly become absent. recover. And the price of this loss of consciousness is that every time Princess releases a skill, it must be separated by one minute. After all, this is already a powerful skill and it is impossible to use it continuously.

Long-range attacks do not work at all. In the end, it depends on the results of us melee personnel. Taking advantage of the opportunity that Ling commanded a large number of remote attackers to launch intensive bombings, Lingling and the King, and I finally succeeded in a breakthrough to the monster's side, and then we rushed up together without waiting for the monster to recover from the continuous magic bombardment.

No matter how strong the monster's defense is, it is impossible to block the eternal attack, and as long as eternity can cut a gap and the rest is easy.

When the monster found us approaching, I had jumped on its back, and moved towards the eternity stuck on its back. The monster knew that the formidable power of the weapon that had injured it before was relatively large, so he struggled desperately to get me off his back, but neither the king nor Lingling was eating idle food. Just when the monster suddenly turned her head and was about to bite me, Lingling suddenly held up the holy sword and pulled out a two-meter-long incision on the monster’s neck from the bottom up. The green blood immediately resembled a waterfall. Squirted out.

The monster who eats pain doesn’t care about me on the back. He turned back to his head and swung a huge sickle-shaped forefoot, looked towards Lingling and chopped it down, but what made it didn’t expect was that its paws had just been lifted. When he got up, the heel of his paw suddenly hurt. When he turned his head, it turned out that a person in black armor ran to it and inserted a black long spear into the gap in the joints of his forelimbs. The advantage of the limbs of the arthropod structure is that the defense is relatively strong, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the joints are often much weaker than other creatures, as long as the strength is slightly greater, it is easy to break, and once a foreign body jams the shell of the joint That will cause the entire limb to be unable to stretch and contract freely. For arthropod-type limbs that have no flexibility in their limbs, this is equivalent to abolishing one of its legs.

The joint was stuck, and the monster immediately realized that it could not launch an attack unless the person on his shoulder was driven off, so it immediately gave up Lingling and bit towards the king, but there are three people on our side. , It is obviously a bit unable to keep up with the rhythm of dealing with one at a time. I didn’t bite the king here, but I suddenly felt a pain in my neck. When it bit the king, Lingling would attack Lingling. She actually went around to the other side of it. From below his neck, she pulled out another one. A lot of huge wounds have grown. What makes the monster crazy is that the blood from the wound on its neck hasn’t come out yet, and it hurts again on its back. It turns out that I have just rushed to the position where it was eternally inserted with the help of the king and Lingling. It was pulled out, and as a result, the wound was eternally driven and the monster felt another huge pain.

The monster was attacked in three places. I knew for a while that we could not attack randomly, or we would play it to death sooner or later, so after weighing it slightly, it narrowed the target to the king. After all, of the three targets on it, the king has the lowest mobility and seems to have the lowest attack power. Therefore, based on the principle of "monster without the slightest hesitation", the king is set as the first target of attack. However, what it thought was right, but it was a pity that the king was also a heroic spirit, and his combat experience was almost the same as instinct. For combatants like him, not to mention basic attack power, but his terrifying battlefield experience alone is enough to cause headaches.

Monster selected the king as the target and immediately took a bite, but the king suddenly pulled the long spear out of the monster’s joints and kicked it on the monster’s leg. The last somersault hugged in the sky and turned a dozen laps before violently stretched out and stood upright on the ground like a javelin inserted into the ground, without even shaking it.

The king jumped the monster and took a bite. But the king didn't stop. As soon as he landed, he rushed to the front of the monster and began to poke the monster in the stomach with a long spear. Although the monster has six supporting legs and two scalpel feet, it does not have eyes to assist in judging the target hidden under it, and it is not easy to step on it. In desperation, the monster has to lie down on his entire body. I hope to use his body to crush the king under his body, but it is disappointing that the king suddenly jumped forward at the moment when it lay down fiercely. Get out. This was not over yet. The king comfortably got out of the monster and turned his head and shot the monster. Although the shot was not deep, it completely angered the monster. It feels that the king is playing it, but it gets angry, and it really has no way to attack the king.

While the monster was trying to solve the king’s nasty little thing, there was a huge pain on his back and on his right neck almost at the same time. At the same time, the monster felt the fire on his back. The device seems to have been knocked out, because the energy transmission pipeline over there is obviously blocked. Here it hasn’t had time to determine the specific cause of the pain, but the king over there got to him again and waved a long spear, which was a stab. Even though the formidable power was not great, he still stabbed the monster in the neck. It’s just that the monster is depressed because it wants to control the tingling on the neck but has to withstand the cutting wound on the other side, and obviously I can’t stay on its back, otherwise it will lose its strongest attack method after a while. And when the time comes, it can only wait to be torn to pieces by our group of ants.

After I want to understand the current situation, the monster doesn't care about the actual situation anymore. It just rolls around smoothly and wants to fix the three of us once and for all. Besides, even if this big turn can't fix us all, as long as it can force me off its back, it's not bad, at least it can hold a transmitter, right? However, it immediately regretted it right after it turned over, because it was not until this time that it figured out that all of this was a conspiracy, and we deliberately forced it to turn over.

This monster’s anti-magic attributes are almost full, which means that magic and various long-range skills have almost no effect on it, and the only way to harm it is melee combat. . But we are not stupid. Although the defensive power of this guy is not outstanding, but its carapace is too thick. Although Lingling and I both have super powerful weapons, we can’t cut into that guy with our size. The flesh. Don't look at us back and forth as if we cut the monster's body all over with bruises, but in fact, it would be the same as our fingers being cut by a knife. Do you think it hurts? Of course it hurts, but it can be held back. Do you think it will bleed? Of course it will bleed, but it's all blood under the skin. It's not life-threatening at all to look terrified. So we need an attack method that can severely inflict this guy, instead of letting Lingling and I add small wounds to it, otherwise we will not wait for the monster to hang at this speed. We will let the natural disasters created in the system scene be tossed. died.

Because of the tight time, our attack formidable power is too small, so the only attackers required by the symbols are my large monsters. However, even though I have enough large monsters to attack very sharply, the formidable power of the pair of ray cannons on the back of the monster is not covered. Being able to bombard Mira into a severely wounded and dying state, my other familiars must also be unable to withstand it, not to mention that there are two more launchers now. So we must find a way to scrap the monster's ray cannon, at least we can't let it unscrupulously fire the cannon everywhere, otherwise we will not be able to withstand it no matter how many people there are. Because of this, we came up with the method just now to force the monster to turn over with our harassment tactics. Its ray cannons are all on its back, so as long as it doesn't turn its back up, it can't fire. Now so many of us are preparing by the side. It's easy to turn it over, but it's not that easy to turn it back over again.

"It's now." The moment the monster turned over, Ling suddenly yelled, and then he saw a large group of white things suddenly fell and hit the monster. It was not easy for a monster with a full stomach to turn over. Now it was suddenly struck by a white object on its body, but it was surprised to find that the mass was actually a sticky gelatinous substance. In short, that When the thing fell on its stomach, all of its legs were glued together, making it even more difficult for the monster, who was already inconvenient to move, to turn over. However, if there is no interference, it is still very simple to reverse it with its physical activity, but it is a pity that we have all planned so well how can no one care about it and let it turn back on its own?

Just when the guy was struggling and was about to turn over, he suddenly felt the unfathomable mystery sink on his body. The body that was about to turn back finally recovered its balance and became full of legs. Looks like it.

The small dragon girl flies in the air and looks at the monster who is like a tortoise with her belly turned over and can’t turn back after shaking for a long time: "hehe, ten times Gravity Technique, how can I see you? Turn it back."

Here the monster is still struggling with his weight, and the fastest red feather has fallen to the side of the monster's head like a red lightning. Originally, seeing a Small Fox whose eyes were not as big as his own eyes, the monster hadn't reacted to him, but as the fox began to grow bigger, his mood became more and more tense.

Hong Ling landed in a miniature form and immediately began to grow bigger. In less than two seconds, she changed from a miniature fox to a one hundred meters long and looks a bit bigger than the monster. Giant Heavenly Fox. After completing the transformation, Hong Ling immediately raised one of his paws, and then only heard a squeak. Four sharp claws suddenly popped out from the tip of that shaggy paw, and then Hong Ling waved at the monster's neck. . pu' sound Four blood grooves appeared on the side of the monster's neck instantly. Different from the shallow wounds we cut out before, the four wounds made by this claw are each more than one meter wide and five meters long, and the depth is close to two meters, let alone the skin, even the flesh is torn off. Piece.

If you felt violent just because of the injured anger before, this time the monster is really mad. Although the previous kind of petty fights could kill it, it took too long. It didn't feel that it was too long for us to deal with the little things, but it's different now. Hong Ling's claw let it know that there is an existence that can severely injure it on our side.

While the monster was still struggling and did not fully recover, Hong Ling immediately grabbed the time and put his claws together, and instantly grabbed a piece of the monster’s neck, which felt like that guy’s neck. A big hole was dug. However, this is not the worst. Just as Hong Ling desperately digs the meat down, Steel Teeth also pounced from in the sky, and then stepped on the monster's stomach with a paw, biting one of the monster's legs with a big mouth, and started to work hard. The monster felt his leg was bitten and wanted to fight back, but its sharp claw stuck to the steel teeth, except for the sparks flying in all directions. As Vajra Qilin, the Indestructible Vajra Body of Steel Teeth is the Indestructible Vajra of genuine. Unless you have the ability to generate attack power that exceeds the total defensive power of Steel Teeth and more than twice the sum of health at one time, you will never break the defense, at best. With a little blood deduction, wanting other effects is basically a dream.

Although the monster's counterattack failed to hurt Gangfang a single bit, Gangfang seemed to be angry. I saw him biting the first long leg to support the body on the right side of the monster, and then desperately pulling it down, but in the end he didn't wait for the steel teeth to pull that leg down, until the carapace on the monster's leg topped first. Can't help it. Hearing a click, I saw Gangfang's mouth suddenly and successfully closed together, and the monster's leg was instantly broken into three pieces, and the bitten limbs broke away from the monster directly and fell off.

"The Trailblazer." Seeing such a good opportunity, Ling immediately pointed to the wound on the broken leg of the monster. The Trailblazer was directly released by Fenglong from in midair, and then it was like a high platform diving. Generally, the severed limbs moved towards monster are pierced. Although strictly speaking of which Pioneer is an underground creature, there is no rule saying that it cannot appear in the sky, so Ling just threw him from the in midair directly.

Without the protection of the carapace, the flesh of the monster is not as hard as the soil. Since the pioneers can crawl through holes in the hard rock and mud, is it not easy and easy to make holes in monster flesh? After being caught by the steel teeth, the Blazers were immediately squeezed into the wounds of the monster by the steel, and then the Blazers quickly broke through the monster’s flesh like digging a hole underground and drilled in. Of course, the monster was also struggling desperately during the period, but at this time My other large monsters have also come down. With so many creatures coming together, plus ten times the gravity, even if it is injected with chicken blood, don't expect to turn it over again.

Originally, the monster also had a Thunder Attribute that can be used to expel close creatures, but now it’s not that you don’t want to use it, but you can’t use it at all. As for the reason...Look at Ling and Xiaochun all the time It's clear if the air is not involved in the attack. Light and Darkness attribute are high level elements. They are composed of low-level elements such as Wind, Thunder, soil, and water. In other words, when you control both light and dark elements at the same time, you indirectly control all elements in the air. Now Xiaochun and Ling have jointly deployed a large-scale array of tranquility, directly turning the nearby area into a standard forbidden domain. The monster is not an electric eel. Its lightning is magic and not instinct. So it can’t be used in the forbidden domain. You can only watch so many creatures press it on the ground and let the pioneers drill everywhere in it. The painful hovered between life and death is totally unable to resist.

I probably realized that I was not saved. The monster was decisive enough. In the end, I couldn’t do it. I forcibly opened the launcher on my back and launched it under me. The result was naturally It was blasted to ashes, but the results were not small. At least my familiars who surrounded it were also injured a lot. Fortunately, there are two super nurses, Xiaochun and Rose, who are injured. What at worst is nothing more than a waste of magic power.

After killing this big BOSS, I took the demons to kill the little monsters in the sky again. While we killed this big guy, several other big monsters were also killed one after another, and now all that is left is the bunch of little things. Although there are a lot of these little things, but no matter how many mobs don't have a BOSS, they are also little ones, and they don't pose any threat at all. However, when we were planning to reduce the number of mobs first, the ground underneath went wrong again. I saw that the ground that had been completely covered by lava suddenly a loud explosion sound spouted up a huge lava column several kilometers high. To say that this kind of lava pillar was originally quite scary, but after experiencing the previous volcanic group eruption, we can be considered to have adapted to this change. However, the current outbreak is obviously a bit different from the previous one.

The lava that sprayed to a height of more than a kilometer did not always maintain the shape of the lava column, but began to fall back quickly when it reached the apex, and the lava on the ground also began to erupt toward the position of the lava column. Gathered quickly. At the beginning, there was a lava pillar blocking it, but we couldn’t see it. When the lava pillar fell, we discovered that there was a huge crack of more than ten meters wide and 100 meters long on the ground. All the nearby lava flowed towards this crack. Disappeared quickly in that seemingly endless ditch.

We were wondering, and suddenly we heard a scream, Ling who flew beside me suddenly screamed, and then she quickly opened the shield and flew towards me. . When I caught Ling, I realized that her right half of her arm was almost cooked through. Not only was the surface blackened, but it also exuded a slight smell of meat. You know that Ling Ke is a dark Goddess, even if he is not a melee person, he is always a god, right? What can roast half of a god's arm unconsciously?

"Everyone, be careful, there are enemies attacking us."

"No...not an enemy..." Ling endured the pain and said, "It's a ray, an invisible radiation."

"Invisible radiation?" I was taken aback when I heard Ling's words, and then almost threw Ling out in shock. "You mean...?"

Ling nodded said: "Probably so."

The rose quickly flew over and healed Ling's burns while asking: "What are you doing? What are you talking about?"

Although Rose is also a person with high IQ, after all, everyone has their own field of specialisation. No matter how smart she is, she has something that she is not good at. Now the knowledge in this area is that she is not good at it. good at. But now is really not the time to literate her, so I simply introduced: "We suspect that the crack in the underground should pass through the mantle, which means that the entire crust is cracked."

"Crust Cracking? Doesn't it mean that the core layer of the planet is exposed?" Although Rose doesn't understand this aspect, she still has common sense, so when we talk about it, she understands it.

I nodded proved Rose’s conjecture. "It seems that what we had previously guessed is not bad. This planet is part of the scene. Now it is about to collapse. The cracking of the ground is only the first part. Then there will be a lot of dangerous radiation leaking from the center of the earth, and the space will Full of radioactive material, and the lava will flow back to the ground first, and then periodically erupt. If the erupted lava can seal the gap like blood clotting, then the planet can be saved, but if the lava is not cooled fast enough, it can’t plug the gap. Then the lava will gradually melt the surface of the planet, and the gravitational field of the entire planet will be disordered, and the planet will begin to collapse and decompose. Of course, in reality, this process may take several days to completely end, but this is a game and it is difficult to guarantee that the game system is not. I will change some rules according to my needs, so this crash process may be very fast."

"How fast?"

"Fifteen minutes, or half an hour, who knows Well? It depends on the mood of the system. Maybe it will give us a supernova big bang in the next second. Who said that the main system is the omnipotent Sovereign in the game world?"

"No way , We can’t sit and wait like this.” Rose said: “Once the planet disintegrates, the atmosphere will collapse immediately. Although we have helmets with breathing function, that thing is filtered and ventilated under water, not oxygen. Time We will all be suffocated here for a long time!"

"No, you won’t, and I won’t." I said, "My helmet is not an air filter but a completely autonomous oxygen supply, so Even entering a vacuum environment has no effect on me. Besides, even if the planet collapses, the atmosphere around the planet may not completely disappear immediately. This process should take a long time. Anyway, don’t worry about being suffocated instantly. But you’re sure It’s not suitable for fighting in such an environment. No, when the time comes, you all hide in the gate of the earth, and I will handle the battle alone."

"Since I can enter the earth Why do you hide from the gate of the gate?" Zhenhong suddenly interrupted: "We will assume that we are diving, and we will enter the gate of the earth to get our breath later."

"Eh, that's the same. Ah.” Gold coin said: “A better warrior helmet can usually carry oxygen for half an hour. Even if we don’t have so many high level goods, the average warrior helmet can provide at least ten minutes of oxygen, right? Here is a long-term battle with Kenjiro Kohato? It’s only then how long the entire planet is about to collapse. If we can’t get Kenjiro Kohato within an hour, I might explode if we press this galaxy. We definitely won’t survive anyway. It’s been so long."

"So what are you waiting for? Quickly find Kenjiro Kohato and the others Solve the battle! "

Thinking of this, I quickly connected to Masaga Matsumoto's communication. "Where are you?" "

"I don't know! "Matsumoto's voice sounded quite panting, and it seems that he is not too relaxed now. He paused for a while before continuing to replied: "I know we are being caught by a large group of small crabs that look like crossed crabs. Surrounded by monsters, there are monsters everywhere, and I can't see things far away at all! "

"Are you in the monster pile?" "After I said that, I looked at the mobs that are still fighting with my demons, but looking ahead, all those covering the heavens, shielding the sun are these little monsters, and I can’t see Masaka and Matsumoto at all. The silhouette of Kojiro Kenjiro. "You try to put a big light and shadow effect, I can't see where you are at all! "

"Okay, look carefully. "Matsumoto Masaka said and activated the skills, and everyone around me and I were staring at the sky in front of me nervously, for fear of missing Matsumoto Masaka's signal. Just a few seconds later, I suddenly saw that I was very close to us. There was a group of monsters in a dense area. A group of white light suddenly shot out, but the rays of light didn’t last long. It just flashed and was extinguished, but the sky was obscured by the smoke clouds from the previous volcanic eruption. As a result, the light intensity on the surface is now very low, and the flashes are very eye-catching in this somewhat dim environment.

"Over there. "Gold coin apparently also noticed the flash, and immediately yelled, pointing to it.

"Rushing over. "As I said, I summoned Asuka back and jumped up. But this time I did not lie on Asuka's back, but stepped on Asuka's back like a skateboard. The slung body was carried behind the back and rushed forward. The reason for flying out with such a windy shape is not because I want to be cool, but because there are monsters everywhere in front, otherwise we simply don’t expect to rush. In the past. Asuka’s flying skills are really good, but that’s only relative to the huge space in the air. Now the density of the monster in front has almost reached the point where there is only one monster in a few cubic meters, and the distance between monsters and monsters is often the same. Less than two meters away, the flying birds in such a narrow area are definitely dangerous even if they pass through the past. It's better to sacrifice a little speed and let me stand on it and see one cut one to be safe.

The current flying birds He has evolved various body structures that work with me. When I lie on his back, he has a body depression that can wrap me in to prevent me from being sucked out by the wind, and when I stand on his back, There are also two depressions on his body that just fit my boots into the grooves to ensure that I will not be thrown out during high-speed maneuvers. Of course, this groove is not completely useful. I must also ensure that I actively cooperate with the birds. Flying attitude, otherwise even if the card slot is not loose, the pulling force of the bird turning is enough to make me and the bird lose balance, when the time comes hitting the monster is not fun. Don’t talk about the monsters at the speed of the bird There is a hard shell on my body, even if I hit the soft water surface, it’s enough to kill a person.

As soon as I stood up, Asuka immediately turned on its jet, and I just felt my body was violently turned on. Pull it back, if I hadn't had my two feet now in a half lunge, I would have brought it down, but I just stabilised myself with the force of my legs. Wait until the speed of the bird is fully lifted and entered After flying at a constant speed, I feel better, but it’s also thanks to Asuka’s lack of full strength. Now this speed is only a small part of Asuka’s normal speed, not even the speed of sound. After all, I’m not in line with the air after standing on him. Dynamic structure, it is hard to fly quickly, and secondly, it is not safe. The wind resistance when I stand as a person is not small, maybe it can blow us away.

After going out, Zhenhong all summoned out their guardian long spear and jumped on it. Our Frost Rose League is good. All official members have guardian creature long spear, basically all members can fly, and the speed of long spear Basically, it’s slower than missiles, and ordinary flying creatures can’t compete with them. How about our guild is the most mobile guild in the world?

I stood on Asuka’s back with the gun and rushed in first The monster group, my familiars knew that I was rushing over, so they gave up a way out in advance, and then saw a white light flashed by. The few monsters in front of them blocked the way and banged long after we flew past. In midair exploded in half, and the monster behind it exploded like a chain reaction. There was no exception at all. The big BOSS let us get rid of, this kind of mobs really doesn't play a substantial role except making trouble.

With me opening the road ahead, plus gold coin’s ten thousand swords sweeping a fish that escaped the net, we instantly pierced a hole in the center of the monster group and rushed all the way to Masamoto Matsumoto. Congratulations on where they are.

I can't see clearly from the distance before, and when we get closer, we understand why we can't find Kenjiro Kojiro and the others. It turns out that the monsters here have gathered into a spherical structure to block them all in the middle. Although Kojiro Kenjiro can teleport, there are monsters everywhere here. Once he teleports a monster, he surrounds it once. Later, he doesn't bother to teleport again. As a result, the monster made dumplings as soon as they got more. Although our eyesight is good, no one has long perspective eyes, so the "dumpling stuffing" of them is actually normal if we can't find them.

Kojiro Kenjiro and Matsumoto Masaga were working hard to resist these little monsters, but suddenly they found that a white light flashed across the edge of the monster group surrounding them, and then the entire encirclement immediately seemed to have been bitten. Apple is also missing a corner. Seeing this scene, Kojiro Kenjiro was immediately happy, because he thought that someone had come to save him, but the reality was cruel to him, the gap was indeed broken, but it was not the savior that appeared but me.

"haha, I finally found you!"

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