"Damn, that guy is going crazy, stop him!"

What I called was already very timely, but didn't expect that monster It's too sturdy. Immediately after I finished shouting, Mira opened her mouth and a beam of destruction hit the monster directly, and the flame engulfed him in an instant. However, before the flame exploded by the destruction ray disappeared, two white beams of light suddenly shot out from the flame, and instantly passed the distance of several hundred meters and hit Mira, who was still flying in the sky. With Mira’s scream, we saw her being bombarded by a burst of flame from in midair. Fortunately, she was in the vicinity and flew up to catch her.

Although Mira was caught by luck, the two rays below had to let us pay attention. As the ray extinguished, the flame caused by Mira below was also extinguished, but what we didn't expect was that the monster inside was not killed by Mira, it looked like it had grown up a circle. Moreover, this guy has two pairs of huge flesh wings spread out on the left and the right.

I'm pretty sure that monster didn't have such fleshy wings before, which means that this thing was either hidden by it before, or it just grew out. However, I prefer the latter kind of probability. Although it is strange to grow a pair of wings temporarily, it is better to explain than hiding a pair of wings in comparison. After all, that guy had only a pair of elytra on his back before, but now it suddenly turned into a fleshy wing. It really doesn't make sense how this changed or hidden. On the contrary, if it grows temporarily, this is not surprising, after all, there are not too few creatures that can perform rapid limb recovery in the game.

Although the thing has grown a pair of fleshy wings like a giant dragon, compared to that pair of things, we care more about the two protruding roots of the two wings on its back. Something like a satellite dish. But before we can see clearly what it is, the thing fell down like an opened scallop shell, leaving us with two not-so-obvious protrusions, and nothing special at all. .

"That should be the ray emitting device." Victoria said, floating beside me.

Ling nodded said: "I felt a strong energy fluctuation."

I was about to say something, but I was lucky but suddenly flew up and asked a little anxiously: "Master , Mira is dying!"

"What?" To be honest, I was shocked when I heard the news. Although Mila got angry attributes before, his defensive power and health have decreased. However, as a gem dragon, Mila’s defense itself is already Heaven Defying Level, even if it drops 2/3/2021 If you go down, you won't be overthrown by one move, right?

Ling was also surprised when he heard this news. "What's the matter? Is that guy's attack power so high?"

"Don't worry about this. It's important to treat her." I said, letting Xiaochun out. "Hurry up and treat Mira for a while."

Xiaochun didn't waste time, so she threw a medium-sized treatment technique to stabilize the injury first, and then began to prepare for a large-scale treatment technique. But they just started to prepare here, and the monster below moved again. As soon as I saw the situation, I quickly released the plague and asked him to take Xiaochun and Mila to fly away to heal the injuries, and then I waved my hand again, and a large swarm of summon creatures appeared in the surrounding air.

This guy is too strong in front of him, and he must have the strongest strength to have a chance of winning. So this time I put out all the suitable creatures that can summon, and then pointed to the monster below: "Come on together, kill it for me."

"All out of the way." Lingling directly put holy With one stroke of the sword, she suddenly saw the silver light flashed on her sword, and an enlarged version of the holy sword composed of rays of light was added to the whole sword in an instant. "Holy sword-Light Slash." As the skill was activated, Lingling seemed to be holding up the huge holy sword of light with great difficulty and slashed towards the monster below. The people around only felt that the rays of light around seemed to surpass the sun for a moment, and the surroundings became white, but the rays of light soon disappeared without a trace, replaced by a terrifying and harsh, sharp rubbing sound. . Everyone was shocked when they watched attentively. It turned out that Lingling's terrifying blow was actually held by the monster with the first two knife feet. That's not a big deal, just as we all noticed that Lingling's attack failed, the two circular lids on the monster's back suddenly bounced again.

Because the monster’s launch process has been hidden in the flame just now, we did not see clearly what the lid is, but this time we did. The shape of that thing is indeed a bit like a satellite receiving antenna, but it is not thin, on the contrary it feels quite thick. The outside of that thing is a whole hard shell, and when it falls down, the hard shell will completely protect it, making it highly resistant to damage. But when it is erected, the soft part that was originally covered will be exposed. But I'm not sure whether this part is soft or not, because it looks like some kind of crystalline structure. Its main body is disc-shaped, but the surface is not smooth, but is composed of many concentric circles in a circle. These concentric rings are all made of light pink transparent crystals, and there are exactly eight golden highlights on each ring, and since the positions of the highlights on each ring are the same, it looks good It is as if there are eight light bands on the entire disk leading to the center of the circle. However, at the center of this huge disk is not the same pink crystal as the outside, but a rather dazzling scarlet crystal, but at this time this crystal and those golden spots are gradually lighting up, and more and more There is a bright trend, and there are countless white or golden light particles in the nearby air that are converging towards the red crystal in the center at a very fast speed. This process seems to be...

"Not good, Lingling will get out of the way, it's about to launch!"

It's probably because I called it too late, in short, Lingling Did not react in time. But not everyone at the scene did not react, at least Jingjing reacted. At the moment when the red crystals in the center of the two transmitters on the monster's back had obviously begun to radiate beams outward, Jingjing suddenly inserted between Lingling and the monster, and then put her Holy Shield in front of her and brought herself and Lingling together. Protected behind him.

As soon as Jingjing was in place, the two transmitters on the monster's back finally shot out two huge white beams of light almost the same diameter as those two transmitters, which blasted Mira down compared to before. At that time, the two light beams seemed to be stronger. It is estimated that Mira’s attack just now was not entirely useless, at least she successfully affected the monster’s transmit power.

Different from Mira, this time Jingjing directly withstood the full version of Monster's ray cannon strikes at close range, and it seems that Monster has exerted a lot of effort this time. I saw that the two light beams slammed into Jingjing's shield, and then spread out like a high-pressure water column hitting a rock, and at the same time, a dazzling burst of flashing light burst out.

We all didn't expect Jingjing to go up at the last minute, but this does not hinder our response speed. The moment the beam hit Jingjing's shield, I moved.

"His grandfather, dare to touch Lao Tzu’s favorite, I cut your ray cannon." As I said, I transformed the eternity in my hand into a special long spear, and then instantly I became a werewolf and injected all my magic power into my right arm, and used my greatest strength to project eternity on the transmitter on the back of the monster.

My power is already terrifying, and now I’m using my full strength, that power is even more frightening. Besides, Eternal can actually fly by itself. The reason why I threw it out was just to give it a starting speed. With the joint efforts of me and Eternal, the long spear changed by eternity shot in front of the monster almost instantly, and then the eternity, which was driven by high-speed rotation due to the special structure, penetrated into it like a missile. Among them, then I saw a large piece of green muscle and carapace fragments suddenly burst out from behind the emitter corresponding to the beam, and Eternal directly penetrated through the pile of fragments, and then plunged into the monster's back again. He inserted into the one third at one breath and stopped completely.

It’s probably because the speed was so fast that it didn’t start to feel pain and scream until Eternal was completely stuck on the monster’s back, but its transmitter reacted very quickly. The ray output stopped at the moment of breakdown.

Although I failed to destroy the other monster launcher with this blow, it can no longer guarantee the accuracy of the other launcher even if it hurts. The ray hitting the Jingjing shield immediately changed its direction and shot into the air, frightening the others on our side and flew to both sides to avoid the ray.

Although Jingjing has survived the ray attack with the strength of the Divine Shield, the cost is not small. After the rays stopped, Jingjing's whole body and shield were steaming, and she felt as if she was about to be cooked, and Jingjing also fainted suddenly after turning her head back and showing Lingling a smile. Fortunately, Lingling was by her side, hugged her and flew away from the monster, otherwise, it would be a waste of money for that guy. However, even if Lingling didn't save Jingjing, it might be out of time for a while.

It’s probably because of my own mouthful that my current situation was caused. I was lucky to be the first to pounce on the monster after the monster’s rays stopped, and then it didn’t matter how it tasted. It's weird, opening his mouth is a bite on the monster's neck and bites desperately.

The monster quickly turned his head back and prepared to take a bite under the pain, but the black inflammation that rushed up again before it bite wrapped its head, so it couldn’t get lucky if it wanted to bite. Talking about it.

Seeing that the monster is controlled again, our side is no longer polite, the demons swarmed up and vowed to tear this guy alive. It’s just that we didn’t expect that this guy can break out again after all this.

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