Although we are nervous, the situation will not get better because of our nervousness. While we were thinking of a solution, those monsters had already flown near us. At this time, we can basically see the form of these little monsters in front of us. Almost exactly the same as the six big guys, these little black spots behind them are their offspring, but they are not the same size.

The six big guys with the head and the tail are almost 80 meters long, but the small things behind them are of different sizes. Some of them are as large as ten meters in length and four or five meters in height, and some are less than two meters in length and are only as high as our waist. However, these all are relatively rare sizes. The most common ones here are those with a length of more than three meters and a height of between 1.6 and 1.8 meters. This level of monsters accounts for almost 2/3/2021 of the total monster group.

As the monsters approached gradually, some messy, sharp hiss gradually appeared on our side. Although those monsters do not rely on their wings to fly and do not make the sound of a swarm of bees flying, their mouths always make two noises. Such a large group, one call and the other call, to us, it is simply a group of croaking crows.

"It seems that we are in trouble now." Christina, who had just woke up from Inverite's body, saw the monster group in front of her and knew what was going on without us having to explain. But she still asked: "How long have I been dizzy? How come there are so many monsters? Have you survived more than a dozen rounds of scene changes?"

"No, those are just gifts." Zhenhong Xiang Keli Stina gave a rough explanation of the situation in front of her, and Kristina understood what a gift was.

"What should I do now?"

"First, protect yourself. Second, find Kenjiro Kohato and kill him as soon as possible." I stretched out two fingers and said.

Christina looked around suspiciously, then looked towards me again. "But where is Kojiro Kenjiro now?"

"I didn't know where to hide when the meteorite hit."

"Isn't Matsumoto Masaka being with him?"< /p>

"Can't get in touch."

"Understood." Kristina restarted the magic wizard mode and took out her staff as she spoke. "It seems that what we can do now is to insist on living a little longer!"

"I'm afraid we can only do this." Zhenhong said as he said, he yelled: "Everyone, prepare, those monsters are going to fight Come here."

"Be careful of the big ones." Gold coin suddenly pointed at the six big guys flying in front of him and called.

As I yelled at the gold coin, I pointed to the largest monster at the front: "Black Flame." I saw the black shadow around us flashing, and the black flame leaped like a spring. After going out, he immediately wrapped the unprepared monster firmly, and then rolled and fell to the ground together.

The other five monsters didn't seem to have any sense of panic or surprise when they were attacked by their companions. They still kept their flying speed and ran into us.

Since we are relatively still in the air, the specific monsters to attack which target are completely chosen by the monsters themselves. The first target is the real red standing in the front, because we are also busy staring at the monster in front, so no one has the extra energy to pay attention to the real red situation. Everyone felt the red light flashed around us, the monster rushed past us, and the red light disappeared together. But now we don’t have time to care about what is really red. Everyone has their own busy schedule now.

After True Red was rushed away, the monster that arrived second also rushed into the crowd, but the enemy it chose was gold coin, so before it rushed over, it was given to by the sword array of gold coin It was tied like a hedgehog, and then gold coin rode his Nine-tailed Fox, chasing the monster and flew in the other direction.

Six big monsters were entangled by the black flame, one of Zhenhong and one of gold coin were taken away, and the remaining three rushed up almost indiscriminately. Before they were about to hit, I backhanded the rose back and threw it to Shadow Spring, and then pointed forward, Lilith suddenly appeared in front of the rose and the others, and was swallowed by one of the monsters, and then the monster. He turned the direction and flew in the other direction. The last two monsters ran into me and Kristina respectively. After releasing Lilith, I only came out at the last minute to send Jingjing and Lingling summon out to Kristina as personal guards, while I myself Before the other Summon Familiar, I was hit by the monster that came at me. However, after I was driven out by the monster, I still released Ling, but instead of asking her to fight for me, I sent her to Rose and Shadow Spring.

Although we shared the six big monsters in the front, the small monster group at the back is not easy to deal with. Kristina has just recovered from a coma and has not yet fully recovered. Rose is not a main combatant, and Shadow Spring is an assassination and pathfinder character. They are not suitable for this kind of large-scale melee, so I can only Let Ling go to help protect the rose. After all, Ling is the boss of my familiars. She can summon any of my attributes, props and command other familiars at will, so as long as she is there, she is basically the same as me.

With Ling protecting the rose, I can concentrate on dealing with the monster in front of me. Although this guy knocked me out from a distance, in fact I was not knocked into the air, but kept in front of my head by it. Originally, it swallowed me in one bite like the companion who swallowed Lilith before, but my reaction was super fast. The moment it opened its mouth and was about to bite me, it covered eternity on its hands and feet, and then stepped on it with both feet. On its lower gum, his hands are against its upper teeth.

After biting me, the monster kept trying to bite me to death, but I just resisted its upper and lower teeth to fight against it, and the guy used a lot of strength to fight me. Seeing back and forth, there is no way to kill me. Although that guy looks like an Insect creature, his fighting instinct is not low at all. After he found that he couldn't bite, he began to shake his head desperately, trying to threw me from the state of being erected in his mouth. away Come and take another bite. But I don’t think it’s worse. The moment it opened its mouth and shook its head, I deformed the eternity again and turned it into a two-pointed stick that stood in that guy’s mouth like a toothpick, and it bit out hopefully. Not only did he not kill me when I went down, he let out a scream in pain, and a lot of green blood spurted out of its upper and lower jaws.

"You can't bite anymore, can't you? It's me." Seeing that monster couldn't close his mouth and bit me because of pain, I took the eternity directly and jumped into its throat. . Of course, I did not intend to commit suicide, but to kill this guy from the inside. In fact, there is generally no defensive power in the belly of a creature. What really needs attention is to be bitten when passing through its mouth. Once it enters its internal organs, it basically depends on how you toss. . Of course, the above experience is only suitable for players who have super defenses and super weapons like me, because there are many large monsters that have strong acid materials in their stomachs. If your defense is too low, you may not be able to wait for you in its stomach. If you do damage, you will be digested first. In addition, the belly of some creatures is tenacious and slippery. If there is no sharp weapon like Eternity, once it is swallowed into the belly, even if it can't digest you for a while, you will still be unable to get out.

Slid down the guy's throat all the way into its belly, and then I found myself entering a relatively large space. This place is surrounded by tenacious fleshy walls, with only one entrance and one exit. Of course, under normal circumstances, what comes in will turn into a pile of digested semi-melted food mixing liquid when it goes out, but I obviously don’t want to be one of them, so I directly swept a whirlwind around my body. , And then Yinyue appeared in this ugly stomach instead of Purple Moon.

This kind of disgusting place is one minute and I don’t want to stay too much, so as soon as the conversion was completed, I immediately pointed the staff forward and said: "Sun Fireball." pu' sound A white Fireball suddenly appeared in front of me, and then struck the monster's stomach with lightning speed across a distance of several meters.

The monster that swallowed me had already turned around and flew towards Rose and Shadow Springs, but when they were preparing to deal with the monster, it flew well and its body suddenly twitched. , And at the same time unfathomable mystery let out a scream, then rolled over from Rose and the others, completely misaligned.

The monster tried to restore balance many times after rushing over his head, but its body suddenly twitched every once in a while, and then unfathomable mystery lost its balance. After tossing several times in a row, the guy's mouth even started to emit black smoke, and at this time in the guy's stomach...

"cough cough cough... vomit..." I As he waved his hand to the black smoke in front of him, he coughed and complained: "This guy is really not an Earth creature. It smells so unpleasant when it is cooked, vomit, I really want to vomit! Forget it, let me make a hole and go out!" As I said that, I tried to stand up and pointed the staff forward: "Flame Dragon jet." With a whirr, dozens of burning dragon-shaped flames flew out from the tip of the staff, and then hit the previous one. The black area that was scorched by me. The Fire Dragon instantly penetrated the monster’s stomach wall as if hitting a cracker, and then went all the way outward along the hole, first burning through a few unknown internal organs, and then hitting the monster’s stomach, and finally He opened a hole directly in his side and jumped out.

The monster who was struggling in the sky suddenly had a big hole on the side of the belly of the unfathomable mystery. A string of flames spurted out of it, and then I saw the flames coming from that hole. It came out, and the monster was planted from the sky in black smoke with its snout and the hole in its stomach.

"Fix one."

"It should be two." Lilith's voice suddenly appeared behind me, but when I looked back, I only saw a big monster floating above me. There, if it weren't for the half of Lilith's body protruding from the monster's forehead, I would almost be ready to attack.

"How about? Is there something worth using about the genes of this thing?"

Lilith was nodded with excitement. "Sure enough, the more diverse the species, the more useful it is to me. This thing is obviously an alien creature, and its genetic arrangement is completely different from ours. I found a lot of good things in it. If you look at the attribute now, You will find that your strength and agility attributes have been greatly improved. Oh, yes, I also found a very good derivative on this thing."

"What kind of derivative?"


"That's it." The body of the big monster suddenly moved, it turned it over, and then stretched out a side leg to show me. I saw a long oval pale-yellow crystal on that leg. I turned my head and looked at it and found that this monster seemed to have this thing on each leg.

"What is this?"

"Gravity control system." Lilith replied: "This thing is a space creature. It does not belong to a certain planet, but is between the planet and the planet A special species that swept between. This crystal-like thing is actually a gravitational control system that can change the magnitude and direction of the gravitational force received by its body."

"It depends on this in space Travel?"

"No, this gravitational control system is just a flight system used in the planet's gravitational circle. It also has a more powerful current jet propulsion structure. That is the space flight system. This is the space flight system. Guys usually look for that kind of larger meteorite in space, and then drill a hole in the meteorite, then it will apply a directional force to the meteorite to make it fly in a certain direction, and then it will be in a semi-dormant state. Cultivate in a meteorite and reproduce a next generation from time to time. So when it reaches the next planet that can be used as a target, it should have a group of offspring. If that planet has more powerful creatures, it will hide in that planet first Get up, and wait for the population to be large enough before launching a counterattack to consume the entire planet. If the opponent planet has no defensive power, they will start to erode the planet resources wildly and reproduce wildly as soon as they land."

"Throughout. Locust theory." I glanced at the monster body that Lilith had devoured and said: "You have absorbed its genes now, and what are you still keeping this shell for?"

"This is for deception." Lilith replied: "After devouring the monster's body, I discovered that this creature originally distinguished itself from enemy by visual appearance. That is to say, as long as I bear such a shell, then I don't have to worry about being attacked by those little things."

"That's okay? Then if I go to kill a few small ones and take their shells off and put them on my body, wouldn't I be able to wander around in their tribe without being attacked?"

"That's not the case." Lilith said: "This kind of deception is only useful for those silly insects. For example, the few we just killed belong to the adult body. This kind of big guy has Intellectual, so you won’t be deceived by pure appearance. And, if you’re not busy, it’s best to help Heiyan get rid of the big one below. That guy is the ancestor of this group of guys, including the two we just killed. All the insects here are descendants of that one. It can use a telepathy-like ability to remotely control the small insect and act according to its will. If we can’t get rid of it as soon as possible, in case it orders the small insect to attack us, even if we do it. Put on their shells, and those small insects will continue to attack us."

"Understood, the big one is the boss. "

"That's right. So it must be killed first. "

I nodded and said: "Well, you go to protect Rose and the others, I will deal with that monster. Said and I said to Ling Summon again: "Follow me, and hand it over to Lilith for now." "

"Understood. "Ling quickly flew to my side, then grabbed my hand and dived down with me to the ground.

It turned out that none of the things that came out of the sea of ​​silence were not abnormal. Black flames entangled it. The biggest monster smashed into the hot lava from a height of nearly a thousand meters, and there was nothing wrong, and he was fighting with the guy. However, the monster is not a normal character, and it fell into the lava. Can fight Black Flame without any injury at all.

"Yeyue, a large area petrification technique. "As soon as I saw the following situation, Ling immediately gave Yeyue out to Summon. I didn't expect Ling to react so fast, but I didn't stop it, because Ling didn't do this, I planned to do it, but the reaction was not as fast as hers. That's it.

As soon as Yeyue appeared, the goggles blocking her eyes bounced automatically, and then she saw her pupils flash, and a large area of ​​nearly a kilometer below us instantly disappeared. It solidified into rock again. Lava itself is the product of melting rock. Yeyue can turn into rock even people. It is really a piece of cake to turn lava back into rock.

There are places after the ground is petrified. The black flame with the help and the monster immediately fought more fiercely. The two monsters were entangled and twisted and rolled back and forth. The monster wanted to get himself out of the black flame, but all its limbs Surrounded by black flames, all kinds of sharp parts have no space to move, and there is no threat at all. Originally, its head is free, but the black flame's head is fine, and then the two monster heads So I played the game where you bite me and I gnaw your mouth, and it turns out that they are both in vain. Heiyan’s attack power is very strong, but snakes are not a species that is good at biting. Things are really not their specialty. Even though they seem to have bitten a lot of small holes in the monster, they have no real effect at all. The monster’s teeth are very good, and they are used to biting and attacking, but in front of Black Flame. , The monster suddenly felt helpless, because Heiyan’s scales are not only smooth and can be used as a mirror, but also hard and scary. No matter how hard the monster bites, even his teeth are about to burst, but he can’t shake the black. The scales of the inflammation are a little bit.

Seeing that the two big guys are inseparable, I don’t want to rush in, so I have to take out Victoria summon and give one of the two giant beasts. The arrow of destiny.

Victoria pulled off her bow of destiny immediately after receiving my order. Golden's arrow of destiny passed through the huge Wheel of Fate and first moved towards the monster and flew over. Then I saw Victoria report to me apologetically: "Master, this time I made a mistake! "

"What attribute did you get?" "

"Born. "

The birth attribute can resurrect a corpse that has been killed in battle for less than ten minutes. Speaking of which is a pretty good attribute, but its characteristic is that it is only effective for dead creatures, but not for living creatures. Function. Although it is a beneficial attribute, it has no attribute for healing or hurting. In short, it has no other use except for resurrection.

I just nodded when I heard Victoria’s report. "Not bad. It's not bad if you don't get an enhanced attribute. "

Victoria’s arrow of destiny speaking of which formidable power is great, but it’s a bit unreliable, and often has some oolong incidents. But fortunately, this time I just got a useless attribute. , It’s not bad or not.

The first arrow didn’t make much difference, and Victoria soon shot an arrow of destiny against Heiyan. This time it’s normal, but it’s not too much. A good attribute, because what you get is a health attribute. This attribute is a very good attribute when the black inflammation is dying. After all, a health attribute can eliminate all negative states and restore a lot of health. Basically I can rebirth for half a reincarnation. However, it is obviously useless to draw this attribute now. There is no negative state in Black Yan's body. Although his health is dissatisfied, it only loses less than one-twentieth. Not making up is actually meaningless. But in any case, it's better to make up a little bit than not to make up.

Seeing that her two arrows didn't have any real effect, Victoria was also depressed. Although she was a victory. Goddess, but in fact the ability to manipulate luck is really not very good. However, although Victoria’s skills are not the Grand Guardian risk, it can really give people a little surprise once in a while. For example, when you are prepared with the mentality of nine deaths and still alive When challenging a super boss, Victoria’s skill suddenly got the Death Attribute from the lottery, and the BOSS was given a second in an instant. At that moment, people with bad heart and brain blood vessels could laugh at themselves. In fact, in my heart What I hope most is one day when Victoria is fighting against Great God Tian Zhao, she suddenly hit the lottery to give the sky to the second. I wonder if the Japanese players present at the time will be surprised to commit suicide by abdomen.

< p>The two arrows didn't help much. Next, I simply summoned all the familiars that were suitable for participating in the war and asked Victoria to make up an arrow, and then let whoever got the attribute was good. This Wheel of Victoria Although of Fate is not reliable, it has a certain degree of control after all, so in most cases you can still get a better attribute. Besides, there are so many of us, try one's luck will always have one or two luck Huh?

The fate of this circle is drawn down, and the final result is not bad, but now there are not many familiars suitable for battle in this world’s apocalyptic scene, so I took most of the familiars again. Going back, only Lucky and Mira are left.

Lucky guy really deserves to give him up on me The name, that is really lucky, I directly drew a joy attribute, the effect is that the full attribute is increased by 20%. With the attributes that are not low in luck, an increase of all attributes by 20% can definitely pose a serious threat to that monster.

The attribute that Mira has drawn is not a good attribute, but the attribute sometimes depends on who it is attached to and what it was like at the time. Originally, Mira got the angry attribute, which can reduce the target's health and defensive power by 50%, double the endurance consumption, and double the probability of failure to release various skills. It can be said that such an attribute is not a good attribute at all, but the full effect of the angry attribute is more than that. Under the premise of weakening the defense value and life force, the attribute also has a certain strengthening effect. It can not only make the creature that draws the angry attribute gain three times the normal value of attack power and agility, but also can increase the formidable power of the creature's various skills to three times the normal value. That is to say, the angry attribute will transform the person who draws it into the attribute distribution method of the assassin type personnel, making you an extreme type of personnel with super high offensive power and death at the touch of a touch.

Originally, Mira, as a material dragon, was a creature that mainly relied on hand-to-hand combat, but now that she has such an attribute, I simply left her as a fort. After all, Mira’s destruction ray was originally amazing for formidable power. If the formidable power was increased to three times the normal value, it would be even more abnormal. As for Mira's defense, I didn't plan to let her fight melee anyway, just avoid some long-range attacks. Besides, I don't know if that thing has long-range attack capabilities. I haven't seen any monsters using ranged skills since they appeared for so long.

After strengthening the attribute, I immediately let Lucky dive down and join the battle group. Originally, Hei Yan was fighting with the monster, but suddenly Lucky swooped down and landed on them. Hei Yan had been notified from me in advance, so he didn't panic about the lucky arrival. Instead, he took the initiative to vacate an area from the monster to facilitate lucky.

Heiyan attribute is strong enough, but unfortunately he is not good at biting by nature, but luckily he is a giant dragon. The reason why people often name weapons like dragon teeth is that they want weapons to be as sharp as dragon teeth. This shows that everyone has reached a consensus on the sharpness of dragon teeth.

After Heiyan took the initiative to give up an area, I was lucky. I opened my mouth and bite it up. But luckily just took a bite and immediately released my mouth, and then desperately vomited to the side. saliva. "Pei pei pei...what's this smell?"

The spot where the darkness just let out is actually the monster's neck, which should belong to the critical area. Lucky Dragon Teeth was indeed not blown, and immediately opened two rows of holes in the guy's neck after taking a bite, but then luckily felt a strange sour and stinky smell in his mouth, and he was almost lucky. He didn't faint, so he quickly let go of his mouth. However, as Lucky's mouth loosened, N green blood flowed from the monster's neck. It seemed that Lucky's just bite was not light.

"ao..." Just when I was lucky enough to spit out, the monstrous bitten was almost mad because of pain. It suddenly looked up to the sky and angry roar, and then his body shook violently, unexpectedly. He bounced Hei Yan to the side.

"Damn, that guy is going crazy, stop him!"

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