Kojiro Kenjiro saw that I was totally unaffected by his words and did not show any disappointed expressions. Just now, he just did his best to obey the destiny, and did not expect me to be because of his Just give up the use of weapons.

Looking at me rushing up with the hook and sickle, Kenjiro Kohato immediately took out a long knife and crossed it in front of him. He also knew that longer weapons would definitely take advantage of me, so he didn't take the initiative to meet them.

When the distance between us narrowed to less than two meters, I suddenly grabbed the hook and slammed forward, and Kojiro Kenjiro quickly tilted his head over the tip of the gun. Then waved the knife looked towards me and rushed up. Seeing Kenjiro Kohato rushing to the front, I quickly lifted my left hand forward, holding the back of the gun handle and sending it forward with the right hand, turning the whole gun upside down, and hitting it with the tail He smashed Kojiro Kenjiro on the chest and slammed him back two steps in a row. After I turned the gun body again, I slapped Kojiro Kenjiro's shoulder with the gun, and bent his waist down. Then I quickly took a step forward. Taking advantage of the opportunity of Kojiro Kenjiro's bending, I lifted my leg. Knee hits the top of it and throws it back and forth to the ground.

After successfully knocking down Kenjiro Kojiro, I didn’t stop there. Instead, I stepped forward again, stepping on Kojiro’s chest with one foot, and turning the gun with the hook and sickle in my hand. Head down, and then slammed Kojiro Kenjiro's throat violently.

Seeing the head of the gun, Kojiro reacted quickly and grabbed me by stepping on his chest ankle and pulling it to the side. I immediately lost my center of gravity and was pulled to one side. The sickle gun couldn't be pierced anymore, and I was thrown away together, while Kojiro Kenjiro rolled out to the side when I was unstable. However, I have more combat experience than him. Since he pulled me down, I simply slid my feet to the side following his strength. The whole person fell in the direction that Kenjiro Kohato rolled out, and at the same time, I was hooked. I lifted the sickle above my head, and drew it toward Kenjiro Kohato on the ground like a whip following the strength of my fall.

Kojiro Kenjiro was shocked when he saw the hook gun slammed down on him, and immediately instinctively wanted to continue to roll far away from the attack range of my hook gun. My hook is nearly three meters long, plus my entire height and the length of my arms stretched out, the actual attack distance may have been close to five meters at the moment I fell, even if Kojiro Kenjiro rolls fast. I certainly can't escape my attack range. However, this kid is lucky today. The fighting support system on his body is still running, so when he wants to roll out, the support system forcibly terminates his physical reaction, and instead controls him to my side. Rolled back. Although it is still unable to leave the attack range by rolling back, it is important to know that in the structure of the hook and sickle gun, only the front one foot long is bladed, and the rear part of the gun handle is nothing more than a stick. If you choose, are you willing to let the sharp tip of the gun slash or let a stick that won't break the armor? The answer is obvious. I turned back Kojiro Kenjiro with a stick to my stomach, but because this part of the gun body itself is not high in damage, and the attributes that this kid inherits now are more abnormal, so this stick is in addition to It didn't cause much substantial damage outside of hitting him on both ends.

In fact, Kojiro Kenjiro's stick was not for nothing. After I smoked a stick, he immediately lay on the ground with a knife and slashed at me who was also lying on the ground. However, I reacted much faster than him. Seeing the knife swiped past, I immediately jumped up from the ground one by one, turning over and then another carp, but because this action requires both hands to support the ground, so even though I got up, I was hooked forever. The sickle was still lying on the ground.

Kobato Kenjiro and I discovered that I was separated from the weapon almost at the same time, and then I immediately reached out to Eternal, and Eternal immediately flew up and hoped to return to my hand. However, Kojiro Kenjiro responded quickly with a fierce shot of the eternal gun body to press it on his body. Obviously he wanted to prevent me from getting the weapon, but it was a pity that he thought about eternity too simple. At the moment when Kenjiro Kojiro shot the eternity, the entire surface of the eternity was immediately a burst of crackle electric sparks flying around, and Kenjiro Kojiro's hand just shot the gun body was immediately bounced by electricity.

As soon as the eternity of the gap was obtained, he immediately flew up again, trying to return to me, but Kenjiro Kojiro came over again, but he was smarter this time, and instead of using his hands, he went with the back of a knife. Take the eternity to the ground. However, just when he thought that the eternity must not be able to escape this time, the eternity that fell on the ground was suddenly shattered like a glass made of glass, which stunned Kojiro Kenjiro.

The eternity, which turned into countless fragments, immediately scattered and shot into my hand as soon as it was divided, and then gathered into the eternity ball, and then as my wrist turned over, the spherical eternity was again Changed back to the hook and sickle gun, but this time the style seemed to have changed a little. The original eternally changing hook and sickle gun was less than three meters in length, and only the sharpest one foot long was the bladed part, and the back was all gun barrels. However, the current hook and sickle gun has a blade of nearly 80 cm long, and the gun body has also stretched to more than two meters long. The entire gun has reached more than three meters from head to tail, although it is less than three meters. Mi five, but it is estimated that the difference is not too much. Such a long weapon, let alone dancing, is scary enough just to hold it in your hand, even more how from the situation just now, my combat skills for a long weapon are no worse than a short weapon, such a weapon It is definitely a murder weapon in my hands.

Kojiro Kenjiro was in a daze, and suddenly saw that I had turned the changed hook and sickle around his head a few times, and then suddenly pointed forward and looked towards him and pierced it. Kohato Kenjiro immediately turned over and jumped up on the spot, and then retreated three or four steps in a row. Originally, he thought this distance had already left my attack range. After all, although the hook and sickle gun was more than three meters long, I was also impossible to grab the end of the gun to attack, right? So in fact, the scope of the spear attack cannot be calculated based on the length of the gun, and now he and I have opened a four or five meter away. Even if I can extend the gun, I can’t reach him unless I take it. The hook and sickle is used as a javelin. However, just when Kenjiro Kojiro thought he was safe, I stabbed it out even though I knew the length was not enough, and then when my arm reached the apex and could not be sent forward, the hook of the sickle gun The middle part suddenly released something like a movable link buckle with a click, and then saw that the gun body, which had been completely straight, slid forward again, and the middle part of the gun shaft was like the handle of a folding umbrella. The same was pulled out again. The hook gun, which was originally only more than three meters long, became nearly five meters long when it was opened, which just happened to be able to reach Kojiro Kenjiro. Unprepared at all, Kojiro Kenjiro could only rely on the combat assistance system to reluctantly lean to the side, anyway, out of the tip of the gun. But I am a hook and sickle gun, not a red tasseled gun. In addition to the straight blade extending forward along the barrel of the gun, there is a sickle-shaped hook blade that extends diagonally to the side slightly in front of the blade. The sickle-shaped hook blade was upright when I stabbed it out. As a result, Kenjiro Kojiro flashed over on his side. However, after I stabbed my head, I suddenly turned the gun body, and the hook that was upright immediately I was flattened and pointed in this direction of Kenjiro Kohato, and then I slammed back the gun body, and the tip of the gun flew back immediately, passing by Kenjiro Kohato by the way. Bundle. Hearing a loud sound, there was a half chi long incision on Kojiro's waist. If he didn't find the hook and took a step back in time, it is estimated that even the intestines would have to be hooked out.

I like the hook and sickle gun because it has both the stabbing, picking, whip, and smashing methods of orthodox long weapons, as well as the special attack methods of special weapons. As long as you can skillfully use its various features, I think the hook and sickle gun can be used as a complex of many long weapons.

As I withdrew the gun body, the telescopic structure of the foldable umbrella handle that was pulled apart before was automatically retracted and banged and locked again. An eternally changing weapon has the advantage that it has its own athletic ability, so many complex joint structures that ordinary people can't play at all can be easily used in eternity. For example, the form of the whip sword that I often used before, when should it stay hard like a sword, and when should it stay soft like a whip, all of which need to be able to be adjusted. If you use Ordinary Weapon to create an eternal whip sword, it's okay to keep the sword shape. Once it spreads out into a whip shape, you won't be able to take it back anymore. After all, the whip sword has too many buckles. It is easy to shake it off by the control of the wrist alone, and it is not what ordinary people can do to get it back. The shape of the hook and sickle gun I just used is the same. When the gun body can be extended, when can't be extended, how long it has been extended, and at what speed it can be extended or retracted. These are not controllable by skill alone. Yes, the weapon itself must be able to cooperate with your movement. Nobunaga Guishou they admire my weapons. On the one hand, they admire the sharpness of eternity that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, and on the other hand, they admire its ability to control like an arm. It can be said that as long as you have a weapon like Eternal in your hand, even if you don't understand the cold weapon at all, you can definitely use it to slash people, and you don't have to worry about hurting the enemy like a three-section stick or whip and hitting yourself. Of course, if you have the skills, you will be invincible like a tiger that has grown wings.

Kobato Kenjiro lowered his head and glanced at his cut waist, but did not show any pain or expression. From the moment he was cut to the beginning, it seemed that he felt pain for a moment only when the hook of the hook was cut through his flesh, and after the hook completely left his body, he didn't seem to feel anymore. It's painful. Although his reaction seemed strange, I didn't care much.

"How do you feel? My hook and sickle is not bad, right?"

After I asked, Kenjiro Kojiro sneered and said: "This little injury isn't a big deal. If you have the ability, you can have a bigger one."

"Do you want something bigger?" A masochist! Well, I love helping others the most. Since you want a big one, then I will give you the big one." I said, suddenly I rushed up the hook and sickle again.

Seeing me rushing up, Kojiro Kenjiro immediately took the same defensive pose in front of him, but he didn’t expect a few meters between me and him. When I was away, I suddenly yelled, "Charge." The whole silhouette of me flashed suddenly, and Kenjiro Kojiro only felt that I saw a flash and I was already in front of him. In a hurry, Kojiro Kenjiro quickly picked up the long knife in his hand, which happened to hold my hook and scythe gun, but it was I who made him didn’t expect that I suddenly retracted the tip of the gun at this time and turned it on the spot. The circle changed from assassination to sweep. The huge hook and sickle spear slammed into the wound on Kenjiro Kohato's side with the sound of howling wind.

Kojiro Kenjiro also didn't expect that I would attack his injured part, and quickly turned the blade upside down and held my cross-gun to mop up again, but he didn't expect me After the gun body was blocked, it suddenly turned around in the opposite direction with the help of the rebounding force, and the hook spear violently separated from the left side of Kenjiro Kohato. After turning around me, he moved towards his right side and swept towards him. past.

Kojiro Kenjiro was taken aback by this. After the three-meter-long hook and sickle gun is completely thrown away, the inertia is very large, if it is swept, even if the attribute value increases, it may not be able to hold it. However, just when I was about to scan its side waist, Kojiro Kojiro suddenly disappeared in place.

Probably the reason for the quick witted in an emergency, Kenjiro Kojiro, who was hit by me all the way before, finally remembered that he could still teleport, so he suddenly used his space immediately before being hit. The ability disappeared in place.

"Not bad. I actually learned how to match skills properly." After a shot, I didn't show any discomfort, but laughed. "Very well, since your strength has improved, then I have to use the corresponding strength." As I said, I flipped my wrist, and a lot of round steel balls pattered from my hands and wrists oh la la 'S rolled down. "Okay, this is a weapon I often use, you have to be careful." I said, I started moving towards the location that Kenjiro Kojiro had just teleported over, and at the same time the pile of steel balls that I had just thrown out was also Flew over there with me.

Kojiro Kenjiro saw me rushing over and he immediately teleported and moved away from me again, but as soon as he left the space, he suddenly noticed that his feet were slipping, and the whole person lost his balance. After falling down.

He didn’t completely fall down on this side, I suddenly turned around and rushed over there, and then started to take off at a distance of seven or eight meters away from him, the whole person was holding a hook from the air. The sickle was pierced.

As soon as Kojiro fell to the ground, he immediately turned to the side and avoided my hook and scythe with a slight difference, but he didn't expect me to loosen it directly after a missed shot. He fired the hook and flicked both hands and wrists, and oh la la slid out the claws of both hands with a sound. Following me, I knelt down and fist moved towards Kojiro Kenjiro and hit it down. If this is hit by me, Kojiro Kenjiro must have three more holes in his body.

Seeing my blade claws close in front of my eyes, Kojiro Kenjiro suddenly tightened his abdominal muscles, his entire lower body was bent upwards, and I punched him directly with a strong punch In the rock underneath, he simply turned over with a somersault with the inertia of the bent body and then climbed up again. But although this set of actions just now avoided my attack, the wound on his waist seemed to be torn, and blood was constantly pouring out like tap water, but Kojiro himself seemed to be flowing. He didn't care about his blood at all, but fortunately, the wound didn't keep flowing like this, but it stopped the bleeding quickly.

I frowned when I looked at the wound on Kojiro Kenjiro's waist. I used to think that Kojiro Kenjiro took some medicine to treat his injuries, but judging from the bleeding from his waist, his injury seemed to be no good at all, but from his expression, he was It seems that I don't care at all. If he is not afraid of pain, it is understandable, but Kenjiro Kohato is obviously not that kind of person. He still grinned in pain when he was injured before, so he didn’t hold back the pain, but really didn’t. pain. I have injuries on my body, but people don’t hurt. What is the reason? The answer is simple-anesthetics. No, it should not be an anesthetic, but a drug-like excitatory medicine. The anesthetics in "Zero" are the same as in reality. They all have side effects. After use, there will be a period of unresponsiveness. Even this side effect is often longer than the medicine efficacy of the anesthetic itself. Often the anesthetic has passed. , But the dullness has not disappeared.

Now Kojiro Kenjiro is fighting against my enemy who has a superhuman reaction. The speed of reaction is as important as a lifeline to him. How can he use anesthetics to reduce his reaction? Speed? So what he used was not anesthetics, but drugs. I even guessed what the thing looked like. It should be the strangely colored ore that Kojiro Kenjiro swallowed before. That thing is estimated to have the effect of reducing pain and increasing the speed of people's thinking.

Although the characters in "Zero" are manipulated by real players, it is worth noting that our brains can be overclocked just like computers. When people are dreaming, time is not a constant, but a variable. Sometimes you feel that you have done a lot of things after a long time, but in your dreams, everything may just happen in a moment. In other words, the thinking speed of the human brain is actually much faster than the thinking speed we use in our lives. In the game helmet of "Zero", there is a device specially used to stimulate brain signals. Its function is to completely release people's thinking consciousness and make people's brains fully activated. The function of this device is actually very simple, that is to speed up the thinking speed of the player, so that the speed of reaction is improved. Of course, because this feature will directly have an irreversible physical impact on the player’s body in reality, this feature in "Zero" has always been restricted. There are only a few ways to enable this feature, and in order to ensure the safety of the player, generally It will not run for a long time. For example, the stimulant that Kojiro Kenjiro just took, its effect on the game characters only shields the pain, but it accelerates the thinking speed of the players in reality. Just now, I wondered how the battle strength of Kenjiro Kojiro got higher and higher after his injury. Now I finally understand that he used stimulants and the medicinal power is gradually showing up. During this period of time, not only will his reaction speed increase, but he will also become less afraid of pain. Those physical injuries have no effect on him at all.

Now that I know the reason for the change of Kojiro Kenjiro, I feel relieved. Although the stimulant can greatly increase the player's battle strength, it is difficult to obtain, and the side effects are also obvious. Of course, this side effect does not refer to any side effects on players in reality, otherwise the Dragon Edge Group would have to pay the players sky-high compensation. The side effect I am talking about is a side effect on the characters in the game. Although stimulant drugs can increase the user’s battle strength in a short period of time, the user’s physical strength will also be doubled during this period, and once the medicine efficacy of the stimulant has passed, the user will Feeling weak, it feels like a serious illness. Therefore, if a stimulant person cannot eliminate his opponent before the medicine efficacy is completely gone, then he can basically be sure that he is dead.

In fact, stimulants have a hidden side effect, but not many people know about it. This side effect is to reduce the player's online time.

The fatigue detection system used in "Zero" monitors the operation of each player’s brain. Once the player is confirmed to be fatigued, he will be notified to choose to use the auxiliary sleep system for deep sleep in the game, or request He is off the assembly line to rest, anyway, if you don't restore your fatigue, don't expect to play again. However, because doping will activate the thinking acceleration system in the game helmet, it is also a burden on the player's nervous system in reality. In this state, people will get tired easily, and once the system confirms that the player's fatigue has reached the level of forcibly ending the game, it will notify the player to rest, and if the player doesn't listen, it will force a kick. This side effect, which is not a side effect, I also knew from a fighting expert in a club. That player especially liked to study fighting skills. He accidentally discovered that stimulants can speed up his thinking, but he tried to enter the high level monster area while taking stimulants. When medicine efficacy was still there, he was very good at playing, skipping grades to kill is easy and freehand, and it feels like he has become a superman overnight. As a result, because of the desire for that kind of strength improvement, he used three doses of stimulants in a day, each with only one hour of medicinal power. Finally, when the three medicines were used up, when he wanted to use the fourth medicine, the system informed him to immediately take a rest or return to the city to use the sleep system. At that time, he had only been online for three hours, and he had just gotten up in the morning before going online. It can be said that he was in a very energetic state. As a result, he was very angrily rejected the system's request, and then was forced to kick out by the system, but he felt an unfathomable mystery when he got off the line. As a result, he slept from noon that day to the early morning of the second day. Later, we analyzed the situation with him and found out that doping will consume the player’s spirit in reality. However, we did not pay attention to him after we knew about this situation. After all, all dopings that can stimulate the speed of neural reactions are in the game. It is a high-end medicine. It's good for ordinary people to get one or two. Ordinary players will hardly come into contact with such things, so there is no need to notify everyone in the club.

People in our guild who specialize in combat skills research rarely encounter this situation, and other guilds and individuals are even more rare to encounter this situation, so until now, the high level of excitement No one knows about this hidden side effect of the drug. As for Kojiro Kenjiro, he probably doesn't know this, otherwise he would never use stimulants at this time. What? You ask me why he can't use it if he knows it? the reason is simple. Before entering into a duel with us today, Kojiro Kenjiro had been following Onito Nobunaga and they were leading the Japanese players to regain lost ground, and it was not the first day that they began to fight back. They had already participated in the battle before. Therefore, Kojiro Kenjiro should have been very tired these past two days, and today they met the cutting-edge martial power of our group of Frost Rose League. Experts must fight every bit, and the relative attention must be highly concentrated, so the battle between experts is also the most troublesome and tiring. Under this situation, Kojiro Kenjiro should be almost at the limit of mental fatigue, and he is actually taking excitement potions to himself at this time. Isn't this courting death? I would like to know his expression when we were playing well for a while when he suddenly heard the system ask him to forcibly quit. Unfortunately, I was impossible to let him hear that voice, because it was not in our interest.

The purpose of this battle is to kill the chicken to warn the monkey, so I must defeat Kenjiro Kobato head-on. If he gets kicked off the line halfway, and I kill his out-of-control fleshy body, it will lose the meaning of victory. So I have to kill him before he is forcibly kicked off the assembly line by the system, otherwise it will be really troublesome. I can't wait for him to go online before he gets full sleep, right?

I was thinking about killing Kojiro Kenjiro as soon as possible, but he didn't expect him to take the initiative to send it to the door. I don't know if the stimulant interfered with the nervous system. After he re-distanced from me, he immediately drew a saber from his body, and then rushed up with double knives.

When I saw Kojiro Kenjiro approaching, I was also happy. With a move of my finger, the blade claw inserted into the ground with a bang, and then automatically retracted, and then I reached for the hook and sickle gun that was still inserted next to me. It's just a sweep.

Kojiro Kenjiro single-handed the swept hook and sickle gun, but the person did not stop, the single knife that held the hook and sickle gun was dragged between him and my hook and sickle gun Immediately wiped out a fire star, and then Kenjiro Kohato who rushed in front of me immediately cut across my neck with a knife. I flipped my wrist, and the claw popped out again, just using the back of the claw to hold the long knife that came across.

Seeing that the crosscut knife was held up, Kenjiro Kohato, who had rushed in front of me, immediately took back the knife holding the hook and sickle. Although long weapons have huge formidable power at medium and long distances, there is one certainty that is unavoidable, that is, once the opponent rushes too close, the body of long weapons will appear to be somewhat inflexible.

Kobato Kenjiro who freed a hand immediately used the knife to cut the other side of my neck again, but I did not raise my hand to block it as before, but suddenly raised it. Kojiro Kojiro kicked flying with one leg.

Many people have a habit of fighting with their hands and feet with their hands. Few people use their hands and feet together. This seems to be related to the structure of the human brain and the way of thinking, which is a kind of habitual behavior. But I don't have this bad habit. If it weren't for biting people, I would definitely be able to use it with my mouth. Kojiro Kenjiro just got a kick. If I hadn't just changed into a werewolf form, I would definitely bite his neck to let him know what a wolf kiss is.

Kojiro Kenjiro, who was kicked by me, did not suffer much damage. The inherited attribute value increased too much defense value. As a result, my attack on him looked heavy, but it actually hurt Not big. In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can find that from the time when the two of us played against each other until now, although the time has not been long each time, my attacks have been very ruthless. If ordinary people must have died by now. The reason why Kojiro Kenjiro is so resistant is because his defense is too high, and his HP is also ridiculously high. Analyzing according to the content of the inheritance reward, Kojiro Kenjiro's life value is at least equivalent to the sum of the life value of a dozen ordinary persons. Even if the dead members of the Sakura group are all ninja professions with low blood volume, there will never be less than a dozen people together.

Kobato Kenjiro who stood up again put the two swords in front of him, and then rushed up frantically to see that his posture was irreconcilable. I guess my previous guess may be wrong. He might also know the hidden side effects of stimulants, so he is actually gambling. His bet is that he can beat me before the side effects appear. In fact, it's not bad to think about him. If he can't beat me even with stimulants, even if there are no side effects, it will be the same for him, and he will die sooner or later. After all, Matsumoto Masaka's team fights one by one, and it certainly won't last too long. If he can't get it done as soon as possible, I will come back to help. Matsumoto's defeat is a matter of time. It is because of these concerns that Kojiro Kenjiro decided to take a gamble. Anyway, the situation will not be worse than it is now. If you gamble, there may be some hope. If you don't gamble, you can only wait for death.

Kojiro Kenjiro raised his double swords and rushed up with red eyes in a desperate posture. I did not show any weakness and slung the hook and sickle gun behind me with one hand to prepare for the battle. . However, just as we were about to collide together again, a large group of flames suddenly burst out in the space next to them, and along with that group of flames, several silhouettes also fell out of it.

I was planning to run as soon as I saw the flames, but at this moment I suddenly discovered that the person who fell out was actually a rose. Although I don’t know what happened to her, I rushed to pick her up immediately, but before we landed, gold coin and Kristina flew out of the flames one after another. come out.

"Damn, what are you doing?"

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