"Purple Moon is out of the way." I was about to ask what was going on, but didn't expect gold coin and shouted at me first. For a while, I didn’t know what she wanted me to hide. I had no choice but to leap back with the rose in my arms, and then shot the two dragon tendons with my hand. Na pulled back.

Here gold coin and Christina haven’t landed yet, there is another explosion in the flames, and then you see Matsumoto Masaka and Zhenhong mingling together Flew out of the flames, but just after the two of them left the flames, the flames flashed again, and then I saw Lingling and my other three familiars fell out of it together, in the end. Quan also flew out with him, and by now the number of people still alive was basically there. However, at this moment, the flame actually moved again.

"Damn, didn't everyone come out? Who is it this time?"

Zhenhong wanted to tell me back when she heard what I said, but she hasn't waited yet She explained that after a flash, the flame suddenly collapsed into a red dot in the middle, and then burst out suddenly as if it had accumulated power. Along with the scattered flames, a huge rare beast with a height of more than forty meters suddenly appeared at the original location of the fire group.

The overall structure of the thing that just appeared is a bit like the legendary centaur, but the centaur is the upper body of a person connected to the neck of a horse, and the thing in front of us is a humanoid monster connected to the neck of a lion. Upper body. The overall structure of the upper body is basically the same as that of a human, except that his muscles are more developed, and his head is longer and more individual, which looks like the head of a giant dragon. In addition, this guy's arms are very sturdy, and each hand also holds a giant sword burning with raging fire.

"What the hell is this?"

"I don't know, it's hard to do it anyway." Rose patted my chest and said: "Let's go back quickly, the most So don't be taken as a target."

"Oh." Although I don't know how Christina and the others got into such trouble, it is not the time to think about it. It's better to flash before you figure out the situation.

While we hopped back and forth, Masaga Matsumoto was not idle. After he and Zhenhong fell out of the flames, they kicked each other in the air at the same time, and then the two separated in the air and landed separately. Matsumoto Masaga immediately pulled up Kojiro Kenjiro and started running back.

Although Kojiro Kenjiro doesn’t know what this is in front of him, he knows that Matsumoto Masaka will not harm him, at least in such a situation where everyone is in full view, Matsumoto Masaka will definitely not harm him, so He also ran with Matsumoto Masaga.

At this moment when both of us were eager to get away from each other, the monster was not idle either. He first looked at the surrounding environment left and right, then lowered his head to glance at us and Matsumoto Masaka and Kohato Kenjiro respectively, and finally suddenly looked up to the sky a long whistle, and then suddenly stood up with two hind limbs.

The lower body of this thing is the body of a lion. It should have been on all fours. However, after observing the situation nearby, he suddenly stood up with his two hind limbs, and then saw him just standing up. The two forelimbs that got up turned out to be a red flame, and his body began to fall down again after lighting up the flames on the two front paws.

"Not good, he wants to zoom in!" How come I didn't expect this thing to start zooming in as soon as it came out. Isn't this too abnormal? Even the general boss in the high level monster area will recruit them even before they hear of anyone!

Although I reminded everyone in time, the monster's big move was obviously too strong, even if he knew in advance that he was going to make a big move, there was no way to avoid it. I saw the monster’s flame-burning front paws suddenly fell to the ground. At the same time, with his two front paws as the center, a ring of red flames quickly rippled away. Everyone in the room was all red flamed. The ring hit and flew out, including Xiaofeng and Inverite who were not afraid of fire at all.

As soon as the red flame shock wave spread, I turned over and threw the rose under me, but because the shock wave was too strong, I finally blew us up together. But with me blocking it, Rose’s damage would be much lower. When the shock wave passed, I immediately opened my wings to control the rolling body and landed smoothly, but when I looked at the attribute, I was shocked. "Damn, is this a regional guard? One-tenth of my health?"

"Sister Rose, come and help, Shadow Spring is running out!"

I heard Zhen Hong scream over there before my complaint was over. The lowest defensive power among the people here is actually Shadow Spring and Rose, but Rose was just under my protection, so there was no direct damage, while Shadow Spring directly resisted the attack, and it just happened. Was beaten and disabled.

The rose quickly struggled out of my arms. As the man ran to Shadow Spring, he started to prepare spells on his hand. When he rushed to Shadow Spring, a white ball of light was pressed into it. Shadow Spring's body. In an instant, all the wounds on Yingquan's body healed, and then he jumped up from the ground. "It's convenient to have a nurse by your side! Such a serious injury would be better in a blink of an eye."

"Of course, I just used a forbidden spell-level healing skill. But you should also be careful. I can't support this skill many times."

Unlike our situation, Matsumoto Masaka and Kohato Kenjiro were attacked more often than ours. This is mainly because we run faster, so the distance is slightly longer, the skill formidable power is naturally low. However, although the blow was more severe than ours, Matsumoto Masaga and Kohato Kenjiro were in much better condition than us. After all, the attributes they inherited were not inherited in vain, at least they still have a significant effect on defense. However, although his condition was better than ours, Kojiro Kenjiro was still taken aback. Just now Masaka Matsumoto drove him away. He thought Masaka Matsumoto was just for safety reasons, but he didn't take the monster seriously in his heart. But just now, he didn't dare to look down on that monster anymore, because just now his blood volume dropped a lot. In terms of the damage value alone, the monster’s damage is actually not much different from my attack damage, but you should know that when I fight with Kojiro Kenjiro, we use critical attacks and special fighting techniques, which are part of the calculation of damage. Ignoring the defense, if someone hits me with a normal attack, it can only show that the opponent's attack power is much higher than mine. Besides, when I attacked Kojiro Kenjiro, it was a one-to-one attack. It’s common sense that the damage of single attack skills is higher than that of group skills. And if this monster has such a huge might of face-to-face skills, then his How high should a single attack power be?

This strange-looking monster almost stunned all of us in less than ten seconds. I didn’t fight against the Divine Race in God World in Russia. I've seen a Divine Race with such a high attack power. I guess if you throw this guy into the original Russian God World to fight against the Russian Divine Race, it would be like throwing a tiger into a chicken coop. It is possible that those chickens can peck a few small holes in the tiger, but the tiger is definitely the kind of chicken that kills one claw.

"What the hell is this monster?" Looking at the huge monster with the majestic perseverance like a hill, I almost have the urge to cry. So far in the game, there are only less than twenty creatures as powerful as this guy, and this group of guys is not the leader of the Divine Race force or the Ancient Divine Beast, anyway, there is no one with a shallow background.

The third time I heard my question, Zhen Hong finally had time to say to me: "This is the hidden BOSS in this duel map."

"Oh, it turned out to be Hidden BOSS, it's so amazing!" After I finished speaking, I suddenly remembered something wrong. "En? What did you say? Hidden BOSS? Where is the hidden BOSS of the duel map?"

Since it is called a duel map, it is for people to duel. To put it bluntly, equivalent to is the arena of fighting competitions, but the area is relatively large, and the terrain is more complicated. In this kind of venue, a little monster makes it difficult for the two sides to duel. It's still the past, but what do you want to do with the boss here? The bosses in the game are used to challenge players. Small bosses are generally played by multiplayer teams, while big bosses are basically played only when the guild is leveling together. The monster in front of me is not only a big BOSS, but also not a normal big BOSS. This powerful existence is clearly prepared for guild leveling. What do you want to do in such a duel? Have you ever seen a tiger in a cockfighting field? Are you still fighting? Feed the tiger all!

After I asked, Rose suddenly said: "Have you listened carefully to the introduction of system before?"

"What am I missing?"

"system It is said that this duel scene map is the most difficult version, and we all regarded the lava and drifting rocks as the difficulty. In fact, the real difficulty is not there."

I pointed to that. Only the monster said: "Don't tell me this is our difficulty?"

The rose is nodded first and then shook the head. "This is indeed the difficulty, but he is only one of them."

"Xia Mi? Are there other monsters?"

"Not only there, but also many." Rose Introduced: "In addition to the monster messing up in this mission scene, there is almost time. The lava river we fought before is just the lowest difficulty in this scene map. If we can't hit the result within fifteen minutes, it will appear. The phenomenon of lava eruption, and then we will be forced to move here. Of course, if anyone does not withstand the lava in the process, then we can directly end the scene. Then we get here, and the monster will appear."< /p>

"If we can't get rid of him in 15 minutes, will a second monster appear?" I asked tentatively.

Roses shook the head. "Regardless of whether we can defeat him within 15 minutes, a new monster will appear. The appearance of the monster in this scene is based on time. As long as we can't finish the duel battle and be teleported out, he will follow his own The rule of the game keeps appearing monsters. This one is the first one, then two at a time after fifteen minutes, four at a time after fifteen minutes, then eight, and then sixteen next time, as long as the battle is not over , The monsters will come out in double the amount each time. In addition, just like we have to experience a volcanic eruption when we have never had a monster before and transition to this state with a monster, then we will experience a volcanic eruption every time we use monsters. You have to endure a natural disaster. Only after you pass it will you see the next batch of monsters, otherwise you will have to hang up and be forcibly teleported out of this duel space."

"I rely on, why is this scene so abnormal? Huh?"

"That's why it is said to be top difficulty."

"What should I do now?"

"Two ways." Rose said: "Either we go to entangle the monster, and you can kill Kenjiro Kohato and Masaga Matsumoto faster. Or you go to fight the monster, we go to kill Kenjiro Kohato and Masaga Matsumoto."

" Isn’t it all the same? The result is that the monster who went to deal with the monster was quickly killed, and then the monster turned around and killed the rest of the people with Kenjiro Kohato?"

"Of course it’s not the same. Because dealing with the monster You can be unrestricted."


"Yes. You don’t have to be restricted when fighting monsters. You can summon all your pets Let's go together, and the attribute will not be suppressed."

"What else to choose?" I pointed to Kenjiro Kohato and said, "Go and fix him. I'll find a way for monster. "

"OK, let's go." Following Rose's call, Kristina and the others followed her and leaned towards Kojiro Kenjiro and the others. As for me, I quickly led Lingling and Yi Fleet and the others surrounded the monster.

The monster who had finished the big move was looking for the target, but I suddenly surrounded him. In this case, naturally there is no need to look for it. The monster directly locked the target on us. .

"Roar..." Seeing me standing in front of him, the monster roared angrily, and then violently raised the giant sword in his hand and waved it towards me. Originally, according to the idea of ​​monster, this sword smashed down would surely smash a little bit like me into meatloaf, but just when he was smiling and preparing to appreciate the sight of me being smashed, he saw a flash, my silhouette suddenly He was blocked by a huge black shadow behind his back, and then saw the black shadow violently raise his hands to block his head. With a loud noise, he forcibly blocked the monster's mortal sword.

The monster didn't see clearly what the creature in front of him looked like until his sword was held up. This is a gorilla, a very, very huge orangutan. At least in the eyes of the monster, the other party's body size seems to be a circle larger than himself, and looking at the guy with a terrifying metal shell, this thing is clearly a Constructed creatures. How powerful is a mechanical gorilla over sixty meters tall? No one knows the exact number. The monster doesn't know it anyway, but he knows he is not as strong as this guy.

Just after Vajra was holding the opponent’s sword, he immediately changed his hand to hold the blade, and then violently pulled it back, only to hear the sour metal rubbing sound. The giant sword in the monster's hand was forcibly pulled down by Vajra. The monster was also shocked by the terrifying power of the mechanical gorilla in front of him, and he didn't realize that his sword was gone until he felt his hands were empty. The angry monster immediately waved the remaining giant sword on the right hand and smashed it towards Vajra, and Vajra did not show any weakness, and immediately turned over the sword he had just grabbed, and then swung it towards the monster. The sword confronted him with a sword.

The sword in the monster's hand is more like a big stick. That thing does have a blade, a handguard, and a handle, but its handguard is just a protruding thick structure, and the so-called blade part is nothing more than a slightly flattened oval structure. The arms are thicker than ordinary people, and there is no sharp probability at all. However, considering the size of this sword, it can barely be regarded as a sword if it can achieve this point, but now that the two savage guys can swing it, there is no feeling of swinging the sword at all. In that way, it was clear that the two barbarians were hitting each other with a big wooden club.

Although the posture is not gorgeous enough, it does not affect the powerful output of the two monsters. Accompanied by a loud bang, two stubby metal rods violently collided and splashed out a large fire star, and everyone nearby felt that their heads were smashed, making the sound tremble. Almost fainted.

The two big guys who smashed them were obviously taken aback by the strength of each other. Vajra was shaken back a step, and the monster flew out without grasping the sword in his hand. The empty-handed monster looked at his hand in surprise, and then suddenly remembered that his opponent was still holding his own weapon. It would not be a joke if he was knocked. Thinking of this, he rushed up and grabbed Vajra's wrist before Vajra wielded the snatched sword and slashed him. After Vajra noticed that his wrist was pinched, he immediately started to play Tai Chi with the monster, and saw two monsters pushing around with his hands and no one had the upper hand. As soon as the monster saw that the opponent's strength was not less than that of himself, he knew that he was incapable of being an enemy, so he gave full play to his characteristics of more aggressive limbs, and opened his mouth to bite Vajra's head. But what made him more depressed was that at the moment he opened his mouth, Vajra suddenly lowered his head and opened a row of small lids with unfathomable mystery on his back, and then listened to a whirring sound flying from under the lids. A dozen small black spots with white smoke trailing behind. It seems that those little things are not big in size, so the monster didn’t take them seriously. Who knew that when those things hit the monster’s big mouth, they exploded with terrifying power, and instantly burst into a dozen big Fireballs. Covered the monster's entire head.

Vajra is not a real orangutan. His body is a constructed creature, which is a mechanical lifeform. As a mechanical lifeform in the shape of a gorilla, it’s not surprising that there are a few missiles on the body, right?

The monster suffered a big loss this time. Not only did he not bite his opponent, but also broke one of his teeth, and many parts of his mouth were scorched by the flame. Now it moves. It hurts. However, although the mouth injury is very serious, it also proves from the side that the monster's defense is quite terrifying. You know, as my control spirit, the Diamond Body is equipped with compressed demon whale steam missiles with the largest formidable power in our guild. It’s not too much to say that it’s a small atomic bomb, but that monster hit more than a dozen at such a close distance, and it just blasted off a canine tooth with bleeding from the mouth. As for the outside face There seems to be nothing actually damaged except for the cracking of some of the scales.

The angry monster was completely mad by Vajra's bombing, but he turned mad, he has not gone mad yet, and he knows that he can no longer bite. So this guy just grabbed Vajra's belly with his paws. Although this guy has arms on his upper body, the lion’s body underneath is also full of limbs, so in front of him there are actually a pair of big claws that can be used besides his hands, and the claws used for scratching are the front claws. .

Judging from the monster's size and muscle expansion, his front paws are definitely not less powerful than the upper pair of arms, and with the sharp claw tips, I believe that this paw is even Vajra's. The Iron Body must also be injured. However, Vajra is not the only creature on our side. It makes no sense for everyone to stand and watch Vajra get injured, right?

Just when the pair of claws were about to catch Vajra, the monster suddenly howled in pain, and then he felt his hind limbs being pulled off the ground. In order to maintain the balance of the body and not fall into a big somersault, the monster almost instinctively put the front paws down to support the body, but the attack was also lost in this way. The angry monster turned his head and found that there were two more dragons behind him at some point, and the two dragons were biting his two hind paws and dragging them back desperately, so that the monster didn't even try to force his hind paws. The method landed.

Originally with the body structure of this monster, although the two hind paws were controlled, he still had a big tail that could be used to attack the two dragons on either side. However, the current situation is that the dragon biting his left hind leg actually has three heads, and except for one used to bite his leg, the other two all bit on his dragon tail, so that He tried to draw them all with his tail.

The monster turned his attention back when he saw that he couldn't get out of his body temporarily, he planned to do his best to get rid of the brute force gorilla in front of him, but he didn't expect him. Just planning to deal with Vajra in front of him, suddenly the two giant dragons rushed up from the left and the right. Two giant dragons bit his two front paws and dragged them to the sides. As a result, the monster, whose limbs were all off the ground, was immediately pulled to the ground. Although he tried his best to struggle, a creature only pulled one of his legs. No matter how strong he was, he couldn't use one leg to fight against the power of his whole body, right? Besides, the giant dragon is not a little white rabbit. Although it is not commonly used, it is also a creature known for its brute force. How small is its power against his leg, isn’t it all right?

Seeing that the four claws and the hands are restrained, the monster has no intention of being bombed anymore, opening his big mouth and intending to bite an enemy first. But when he just opened his mouth, a black ball of light flew right next to him and hit his big mouth accurately, and his entire head was tilted to the side when he exploded, and his mouth was instantly bloody and bloody. .

The monster who was bombed twice also knew that he couldn't open his mouth, but he had other attack methods besides his teeth. Immediately after being blown up, this guy suddenly started to inhale into his stomach, and his chest quickly swelled in front of our eyes at a speed visible to naked eye.

"Damn, this guy will extinguish the dragon, don't let him squirt out!" I am also a trainer with four dragons. I saw this trick when I was at level 200. I'm already at the level of two thousand, do you think I can understand?

As I shouted, I saw a black shadow flashing next to me, and the astonishingly large black flame hit the monster directly, and then the huge body rolled over the guy’s mouth, and it was instantly He closed his mouth forcibly, and the monster was about to breathe fire at this time, but his mouth was suddenly pinched. As a result, he swallowed back without the fire coming out of his mouth, not only choked. He coughed endlessly, and the corners of his mouth and nose were full of blue smoke.

Hei Yan sealed the monster’s mouth and it’s not the end. The super long body not only entangled the monster’s head, but even his body was tied up firmly from beginning to end, except for the soft one. The abdomen was exposed. After completely sealing the action of the monster, Hei Yan immediately rolled aside, and instantly knocked the monster to the ground with his abdomen facing the side. At this time, the tank and Mira immediately rushed up, and they almost put their launcher on the monster's stomach and bombarded them indiscriminately. Tank’s magic crystal bombardment and Mira’s destruction ray are both ultra-high damage attack skills. Even if the monster’s defense is amazing, the softest abdomen will be destroyed sooner or later by the two destructive kings with super skills. However, in my opinion this speed is still not enough fast. After all, the system only gave us fifteen minutes. If the time expires, the ghost knows what else will come out.

"Stop first." During the interval of the attack, I asked Mira and the tank to stop for a while, and then flew up with Eternal to turn Eternal into a saber with a five-meter-long blade. The long knife then slammed the monster's stomach into it all at once. What's going on with eternal sharpness? This monster just has a higher defense and is not an Indestructible Vajra Body, so I pierced it immediately after I stabbed it like this. Then I pulled the handle of the knife all the way down, and soon cut the monster's stomach horizontally with a big cut. After finishing all of this, I pulled out Eternal and pointed at the wound and said to the tank: "Put me your shot into the bomb, I don't believe this guy can't die!"

Facts It proves that no matter how hard the tortoise is without its shell, it is also a soft body. This monster does have amazing defenses on the outside, but it is not flattering on the inside. After being bombarded by the tank, all the internal organs in his stomach became bloody, and he died completely before one minute monster.

After I killed the huge monster in front of me, I greeted the restricted monster to return to the training space, and then turned around to help Kristina and the others deal with Kojiro Kenjiro, but I just turned it around. I found that the atmosphere on the scene did not seem to be a great enemy.

Originally, we said that the plan was for me to deal with the monster, they deal with Kenjiro Kohato, but now the situation is that Kenjiro Kohato and Masaga Matsumoto are both standing well, and Kristina and others are also standing. It's all right, but they are not fighting, but staring at me in a daze.

"What are you all looking at me doing?"

"Boss, you are too violent!" Zhenhong reacted first and gave me a thumbs up and said: "So awesome Monster, you actually beat me down in minutes?"

"Hey, it's just a monster, what about the bull?" I said disdainfully.

At this time, Zhen Hong seemed to think of something suddenly and said: "Hey, that's not right! That thing is much more powerful than Kenjiro Kohato. You beat him down in minutes, how can you fight Kenjiro Kohato has been playing for so long and there is no winner or loser?"

"What can I do if the system doesn't let me summon the pet? Please, I am an animal trainer, OK! Just let me For the four summon familiars, my strength has been cut by more than half. I can hold him down even if my skills are good. If I tell you not to fight with people, I see who you can fight."

Actually, I am not justifying myself at this point, but the real fact. system Strengthen Kojiro Kenjiro and the others, I don't care at all. What really makes me uncomfortable is that my demons can't participate in the battle collectively. The trainer relies on demons to fight. The system only allows me to use four demons. This is the same as only letting the mage use four spells to fight. It can be said that its own strength has been weakened and only a little bit is left. . If it weren't for my own combat capability, I might be dead by this restriction.

Kobato Kenjiro listened to the conversation between me and Zhenhong, and he relaxed a little bit. Just watched me in threes and twos and got the monster done, and he was shocked enough. He used to think that when I was playing with him, I was deliberately releasing the water, but now he understood that I was not releasing the water, but was restricted by the system. However, although I know that I will not show the horrible lethality that I did when dealing with monsters, but Kenjiro Kohato's mood is not at all, does not raise. Although I can't exert my full strength now, the system is impossible. It has been limiting the number of my summon. So even if Kojiro Kenjiro and the others won this duel, they would still only be beaten when they met me.

Compared with Kenjiro Kohato's frustration, Masaga Matsumoto is in a much better mood now. He is now our undercover agent. If I am strong, it is equivalent to him. He is naturally very happy when he sees me knocking down the monster in minutes. At least this shows that he didn't cast the wrong person.

"Okay, Kenjiro Kojiro and Masaga Matsumoto over there. You have also seen that such a monster is nothing to me. As for you... which one do you think you are or that monster? More powerful? Now I give you two choices, one is to decide for yourself, and the other is to help you decide. You choose one." I looked at Kojiro Kenjiro and Matsumoto Masaka and said triumphantly, even though I knew them. I will definitely choose to resist to the end, but there is always something to say about the scene.

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