Looking at Kenjiro Kohato who rushed over, I didn't have any intention to run. Although his attribute value has surpassed me by a lot, I think the current Kenjiro Kojiro is actually not terrifying. In my opinion, Kojiro Kenjiro is now like a child holding a peerless Divine Sword. Although the sword is indeed dangerous, the person who masters the sword is only a child.

Just when Kojiro Kenjiro was about to rush to me, this guy ran and suddenly disappeared on the ground, but I didn’t immediately look for his appearance, but directly The eyes are closed.

Kojiro Kenjiro can teleport, this is something we have known for a long time, and now he has activated the teleportation into the void, even if I have a pair of radar-like eyes, it is absolutely impossible to see in the void Among them, Kojiro Kojiro, so instead of bothering to find it, it's better to close your eyes and concentrate on sensing the changes in the surrounding environment. Of course, as Dragon Clan, I have another cheating method that is not considered cheating, that is, my electronic brain and thinking speed. As soon as I closed my eyes, I adjusted my thinking speed to ten times the normal value, which means that in my sense, the speed of everything would become one-tenth of the normal value. When I played the self-challenge mode, I was able to defeat myself in the +5 mode because of this way of thinking that surpassed the normal speed. As the thinking speed increases, my reaction speed will increase exponentially. In this state, as long as the opponent's attack speed does not exceed the response speed of my muscles, there is absolutely no situation in which I will be hit. It's as if you are going to cross a road with dense traffic. If the cars on this road are moving forward at the turtle speed of one kilometer per hour, even an old lady can easily pass through the gap between the vehicles to reach the road. opposite. But what if the cars on this road are all running at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour? It is estimated that even the athlete's reaction nerves can't get through it, right?

Now my reaction speed has increased ten times with the speed of thinking, and everything in front of me has become ten times slower. In my eyes, all normal movements will become super slow motion, unless Koto Kenjiro's speed can reach the point where he can't see clearly even if he slows down ten times, otherwise he simply don't expect to beat me.

Just one second after I let go of the induction and speed up the reaction, I suddenly felt a strong energy accumulation in the space behind. I started to turn around almost before the energy was fully gathered, and then when I fully turned around, I met Kenjiro Kohato who had just stepped out of the void.

Originally, Kojiro Kenjiro’s goal was to teleport to my back to start a sneak attack. Although he had suffered a small loss with this trick before, but now the attribute has improved after all, so he wants to experiment with this battle again. Is the method really invalid for me? However, even though he had the idea of ​​experimenting, he only thought of failing at worst sneak attack. He completely didn't expect to bump into me face to face at the moment he appeared. Suddenly he even thought that something went wrong with his teleportation and he couldn't run behind me!

Kobato Kenjiro is stunned, I won’t be stunned. While he was still in a daze, I hit him with a punch in the face and knocked Kojiro Kenjiro out. After falling to the ground, I flipped a few rounds before getting up.

The whole process of speaking of which is a lot, but it is actually a matter of a few seconds. The Japanese players in the appearance match didn't know the feeling of our scene. From their point of view, it was as if Kenjiro Kojiro disappeared first, and then I suddenly turned around and punched Kojiro Kojiro out of the void. Of course, some experts can still see that I only played after Kojiro Kenjiro appeared, but they also couldn't understand how I determined the position of Kojiro Kenjiro. There are indeed many ordinary players who use the energy sensing capabilities provided by the system to feel the surrounding environment, but the problem is that there is no reaction speed like mine. Even if you can capture the instant magical fluctuations formed by the space gate, your reaction is basically the same. No, there is no way to react in advance. So most people think that I didn't use magical induction, but used some method they didn't know to see Kojiro Kenjiro in the void, so I could find the target in advance.

After the knocked-up Kenjiro Kohato got up from the ground, he was also taken aback for a while. Before Nobunaga Guishou said that he should be careful with me. He just thought it was enough not to be arrogant, but now it seems that things are not what they imagined.

"I remember telling you that skills are not just fancy." Looking at Kenjiro Ko Hato, who was covering his face, I angered him again.

Kobato Kenjiro looked at me, then suddenly an angry look flashed in his eyes, and then the whole person suddenly disappeared into the air. I didn't react at all to the disappearance of Kojiro Kenjiro, and I still stood there without moving. Anyway, if he wants to attack me, he will have to come out again sooner or later. As long as I catch the moment before he appears, I can counter him. As for now, he is not in this space anyway, even if I am nervous everywhere. What is the use of random rotation?

I stood in place and sensed the changes around me. I was ready to seize the moment Kojiro Kenjiro appeared again and put him down. However, although Kojiro Kenjiro underestimated my reaction speed before, others did not. Not stupid, after being fooled once, he did not appear in front of me again, but appeared in a place ten meters high directly above me. Because of gravity, the newly appeared Kenjiro Kobato immediately smashed me down, and the knife in his hand was already held in front of him. If I didn’t have the slightest defense, his this blade would come down and cut me in half. Not possible. Unfortunately, this trick may be useful to ordinary people, but it is completely ineffective to me.

Just when Kenjiro Kohato smashed down with a long knife and was about to cut me down, I suddenly took a step back without warning, and Kenjiro Kohato fell directly in front of me. But before he landed, I suddenly raised my leg and kicked the falling Kojiro Kenjiro. Kojiro Kojiro, who had been tumbling dozens of times in the air, suddenly disappeared into the air again, and then suddenly emerged from under my crotch at lightning speed, but this time it was even worse. As soon as he appeared, he saw a big one. The foot moved towards his face was stepped on. Accompanied by a scream, Kojiro Kenjiro disappeared again, then flashed out from a long distance and stepped back four or five steps before he stood still, but the big footprint on his face really affected his image.

"I have told you three times, your fancy skills are useless to me, why don't you understand?"

For my frigid irony and scorching satire Kojiro Kenjiro is completely wrong now. After teleporting from a distance, he first glanced at Masaga Matsumoto. At this time, Masaka Matsumoto was being "besieged" by Kristina and the others, and looked quite "embarrassed". However, although Matsumoto's current situation is a bit bad, no Japanese will look down on him. After all, on the surface, he has blocked so many people and won the opportunity to solve me alone for Kojiro Kenjiro. This is the sacrifice. Spirit, no one would get the wrong line to say that his is not.

Seeing Matsumoto's "courage", Kojiro Kenjiro also secretly made up his mind, not to be frightened by me, must get rid of me as soon as possible and then go back to help Matsumoto to solve other people.

The determined Kojiro Kenjiro rushed towards me again this time, and he used another teleportation, but it was different from before. This time he started teleporting when it first started, but But he didn't show up directly next to me. Instead, he emerged from a place seven or eight meters away from me, and then rushed towards me quickly. Anyway, if he appears next to me, I still can’t complete a sneak attack. It’s better to attack from a farther place like this. At any rate, he can fight with me on an equal footing. It’s not like a direct teleportation and I haven’t figured out why. What happened was beaten up.

In fact, skills such as teleportation, flashing, and teleportation, which can span a long distance in an instant, have a common disadvantage, that is, the person being teleported during the teleportation process is actually unable to hear and see. State. In other words, in the process of teleporting, the user is actually no different from blind and deaf. When he emerges from the target location, he needs at least a few tenths of a second to re-correlate what he sees with his eyes, what he hears with his ears, and even the environment he feels with his body, with the memory before the teleportation, and then he can proceed. One step to judge, decide whether to attack or do something else. In short, after the teleportation is over, the teleporter will inevitably have a short-term action stiffness. To deal with ordinary people, by virtue of the suddenness of the teleportation, it can completely make up for the disadvantages caused by the stiffness of the time, and it can also give the enemy through the suddenness of the teleportation. A fatal blow. But the problem is that I am not an ordinary person. Don't say that there is stiffness in dealing with people like me. Even if there is no stiffness, it may not be able to take advantage. When there is stiffness, it is no different from suicide. Therefore, Kojiro Kenjiro used teleportation many times before and did not take advantage of it. It was because he had been beaten before he recovered from the sudden change in the environment caused by the teleportation. The attack method of the attack.

I suffered a lot before, but now Kenjiro Kohato has finally learned his lesson. After flashing not far in front of me, he swung his knife and ran towards me. When he was more than three meters away from me, Kenjiro Kohato suddenly swung his sword horizontally, and then slammed it diagonally from below to upwards, a white line. The blade glow was thrown out.

When I saw the blade glow, my pupils shrank sharply, and my body slanted obliquely backward along the direction of the blade light. It was sunken so that the blade glow flew past the tip of my nose. However, Kojiro Kenjiro has made a lot of progress, and he actually knows to pretend to seduce the enemy. As I dodge to avoid the blade glow, he has already narrowed the distance between us. When I straightened up again, he had already flew in front of me with a jump cut, and this guy still straightened up to meet me. The direction of the body splits diagonally, and it feels like I am actively hitting the knife.

If the average person is definitely not saved at this time, the action of restoring balance after a flash attack is an instinctive reaction. Although the will of the supervisor can fight against the instinct to change the body to a certain extent, it will affect it after all. Flexibility, so the attack usually launched at this time rarely misses, and Kojiro Kenjiro seized such a perfect opportunity to make a cut that he thought was inevitable.

However, the above guesses are all based on the ordinary person. I am not an ordinary person, not even a human being. I also have the instincts that humans should have, but this instinct is the product of the coordination of the biological brain and the electronic brain, and because my electronic brain is equipped with the dangerous instinct suppression in the fighting state. system, so I hardly have the above reaction. Besides, my current thinking mode has entered a state of ten times the speed, which means that Kenjiro Kohato's seemingly fast knife is actually a medium speed in my opinion. If you describe it according to the sense of time of a normal person, Kojiro's attack on my this blade is almost three seconds in my opinion. Although it is not too slow to make a knife in three seconds, after all, it takes more than three seconds. As long as the person who is not too slow to react, it will basically flash past. Besides, I have an extraordinary reaction. If a knife of this speed is Only ghosts can meet me.

Just when the knife was slashed diagonally, I neither stood up straight with my balance instinct nor forced my body to avoid the attack. When the knife was about to hit me, I only did one thing, and that was to lower my waist back. After supporting the ground with my hands, my feet were thrown off the ground with the inertia of my body backwards, and turned into a posture of head and feet. At this time, Kenjiro Kojiro was in the final stage of jumping and cutting, and the whole person was from in front of me. It hit me at an oblique angle of 45 degrees. But his original plan was to chop my neck, but now it is my feet that greets him. From an anatomical point of view, the legs are definitely longer than the hands, so the feet I just turned up just hit Kenjiro's stomach before Kenjiro Kojiro cut something. Imagine you jumped down from a place as high as the third floor, and then hit a wooden stake standing on the ground with your stomach. Even if the impact doesn’t smash your stomach through, it will still squeeze out everything in your stomach. No problem, right?

The current Kojiro Kenjiro hit my feet in this position, and it was worse than the metaphor just now. The stake is dead, but I am alive. It is completely different from hitting the stake. After Kenjiro Kojiro hit my feet, I immediately pressed my arms against the ground, and the whole person stood upside down and bounced from the ground. I got up, and at the same time, our legs alternately kicked Kojiro’s belly all the way, and the result was that he flew up from the ground more than two meters high with Kojiro Kenjiro, and then we were in the air because of the inertia that Kojiro had jumped over before. I turned it over and turned into the state where I was on the top and Kenjiro Kohato was on the bottom. And although the direction is reversed, our relative position has not changed at all, except that Kojiro Kenjiro is lying flat in the air, and I am standing on his stomach. Before Kenjiro Kohato recovered from the previous continuous kicking and kicking, we started to fall to the ground, and then Kenjiro Kohato, who was lying underneath, slammed in a lying position. It hit the ground, and immediately followed me, slammed his stomach with his feet close together, and slammed the guy's head and legs up like a shrimp, and then lay flat again. Go down.

The players on both sides of the appearance match were stunned by the scene in front of them. They didn’t expect my defensive counterattack would be so sharp, not only blocked Kojiro’s attack. , And directly beat Kojiro Kenjiro into a semi-disabled state. Even because the last game just now was too cruel, many people who watched the game couldn't help covering their stomachs when Kenjiro Kojiro landed, as if they were stepped on by me.

After completing this combo, I did not continue to attack Kenjiro Kotobumi. Instead, I jumped out of the two-inch-deep human-shaped trap that Kenjiro Kobumi had thrown out. Originally, at the height where we flew just now, we shouldn't fall so heavy this time. After all, the ground is Fire Mountain Cliff, which is much harder than soil. To be able to smash such a ground into a pit, at least you have to fall from the height of several hundred meters to do it. However, the kinetic energy of Kojiro’s landing is not all the potential energy generated by our gravity, and part of it is the impact caused by stepping on him with my skills. Otherwise, the current attribute of Kojiro Kenjiro would not be flat from a height of two meters. If I fell down, I couldn't get up for a long time.

After I jumped away from him, Kenjiro Kojiro turned over and crawled out of the pit, but because the step just now was too heavy, Kojiro Kenjiro knelt on the edge of the pit as soon as he climbed out. Vomiting up. In fact, he can still vomit now and he should be grateful to the attribute that system sent them to inherit the reward. If it is an ordinary person who was slammed by me just now, even if his waist keeps dropping and his stomach is pierced.

"Kobato-kun is not doing very well! Does this start to throw up? Don't cry for a while."

Kobato-kun wanted to refute when I heard what I said. , But it's a pity that he is busy vomiting now, and he has no time to speak back.

In fact, if it is a regular battle, I should directly kill Ko Hato Kenjiro when he stepped on the ground, but our mission this time is not only to defeat, but to defeat, so too It's useless to just chop Kojiro Kenjiro. I must rely on his defeat to blow the confidence of Japanese players, so I decided not to rush to kill Kenjiro Kohato for the time being, anyway, he is not as powerful as we thought.

Before, we had been worried that Kenjiro Kojiro, who inherited the attribute, would become very difficult to deal with, but now it seems that we are thinking too much. In the game, attack power, agility, and physical strength can be strengthened by attributes, but there is only one thing system that cannot be strengthened, and that is-reaction speed. No matter how the system adjusts your character attributes, even if you set all your attribute values ​​to infinity, it can only change the attributes of the game character, and it has nothing to do with the player itself. To find a more vivid analogy, the character used by the player in the game is a racing car, and the player himself is the driver. You can enhance the performance of the car to make it more powerful, accelerate faster, and turn more flexible, but you can never greatly strengthen the driver. At most, you can only improve the physical fitness of the car through long-term training. Compared with the performance improvement of the vehicle itself, it is simply an insignificant thing. The same is true for the characters in the game. The system can strengthen the character’s attributes but not the players in reality. Even if your character is quickly increased to the speed of light by the system, the human response and nerves cannot control such a body at all, because this kind of body It's too tough. Just run forward and charge ahead hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Who has time to react? If someone's attribute reaches this level, then his only result is that he will hit himself to death as long as he moves, because he can't see the way at all at his moving speed.

Although the attribute on Kojiro Kenjiro is not as terrifying as Superman, this value is actually far beyond the control of Kojiro Kenjiro himself. If he has been in this attribute state, then after dozens of hours of adaptive training, I believe he can partially control these attributes. But it is a pity that he has just inherited these attributes for only ten minutes, and it is considered good if he does not lose his body balance due to excessive strength. If you want such a small Hato Kenjiro to fully utilize the formidable power of those attribute points, he is simply dreaming. Before, we were worried that Kenjiro Kohato would become a superman, but now it seems that he has little improvement except for a lot of resistance compared to before. Of course, this lack of improvement refers to fighting skills. If I accidentally get him a chance to fight back, it would be bad. After all, although Kojiro Kenjiro can't control this body well, his attribute value is real. With his attack power, even if I hit it, it won't be better.

After vomiting for a long time, Kojiro Kenjiro finally got relieved, seeing me walking towards him again, and he immediately got up nervously. He still felt that his waist couldn't stand straight up. After thinking about it, Kojiro Kenjiro suddenly took out a white grotesquely shaped thing from his body and stuffed it into his mouth, then swallowed it in one bite. The shape of the thing was strange, it didn't look like a medicine, it looked like an ore.

Kobato Kenjiro, who swallowed the stone, stepped back while holding his stomach with one hand, but after about ten seconds, he suddenly took his hand off his stomach and stood on his own. Straighten up.

I was slightly taken aback when I saw Kojiro Kenjiro's reaction. The trick I just used to deal with him is actually one of the special fighting skills. Although the superficial trauma is not serious, the damage to the body is huge, and because "Zero" has a real damage simulation, so different parts of the injury will be injured. In the battle, it is shown that there is no such thing as saying that only a drop of blood is left to jump around. I think the injury on Kojiro Kenjiro didn't seem to be healed, but he suddenly stood up, as if his spine was not injured, which surprised me. Could it be that the ore he just swallowed was what kind of medicine? Haven't heard of any minerals that can be used directly for medicinal purposes?

No matter how I guess, Kojiro Kenjiro stood up anyway. Different from the previous appearance, Kenjiro Kotobumi now sees a bit more vicious and very ruthless in his eyes. The game just now completely lost his face. If he can't get it back from me, he won't expect to lift the head to be a human being in the future.

Looking at Kohato Kenjiro's eyes, I hooked my finger at him contemptuously. "If you have the ability, just use it, don't stare at me with that kind of eyes, your eyes can't kill people."

The already angry Kojiro Kenjiro was seduced by me immediately and again. I rushed up, but instead of greeting me, I carefully observed Kenjiro Kohato's movements. From the physical reaction point of view, Kojiro Kenjiro's injury seemed to be completely healed, at least it did not affect his actions. If the characters in "Zero" are injured, if it is not a destructive injury, it usually manifests itself in the form of pain. For example, if someone is beaten to a fractured calf during a battle, then his leg can actually bear weight, but as long as he tries hard, that leg will have a strong pain, so he will not be aware of it. Avoid weight bearing on that leg. The last thing he showed was that he would become limp when he walked. There are two parts like Kojiro Kenjiro who was injured by me just now. One is the spine. Although this part is unbroken, there must be dislocation and partial cracking. According to this state, in theory, he would hurt as long as he moved his waist. In addition, his abdomen is the part that directly bears the blow, and the intestines and other internal organs must be bleeding. However, this kind of internal bleeding is not a kind of destructive injury, just like the spondylolysis, so it shows pain. Just now, Kenjiro Kohato had been vomiting, and he was unable to straighten up. In fact, he was always bent because his waist and stomach hurt when he stood up. Now I see his movements, running and jumping very decisively, and it seems that it doesn't hurt at all. It is estimated that if the injuries were not completely healed, they were temporarily suppressed.

After observing the situation of Kojiro Kenjiro, there was still a distance of five or six meters between the two of us. At this time, I didn't hesitate anymore, and took the initiative to meet Kojiro Kenjiro and rushed over. Kojiro Kenjiro, who was still more than two meters away from me, first slashed down diagonally, and when his knife slashed to a height enough to injure people, we happened to enter each other's attack distance. However, what Kenjiro Kohato didn't expect was that instead of using weapons to block me, I accelerated and rushed forward.

Although the arm is not fully straight when a person swings the knife, it is basically extended, which means that there is actually a large distance between the end of the blade and the chest of the person who holds the knife. I just grabbed this gap and stepped to a place less than two inches in front of Kojiro Kenjiro. As a result, he waved this blade, but instead his arm hit my shoulder, but his equipment was again. It’s not like I’m armed to my teeth, how much damage can I do with just one arm?

While holding on to the strength of that arm, I also slammed my shoulder against Kenjiro Kohato's chest, and the huge force immediately knocked Kenjiro Kohato back and flew out. However, I did not give up, but suddenly accelerated again to catch up with the flying Kojiro Kenjiro, and then grabbed his ankle with one hand and violently pulled back. The flying Kojiro Kenjiro was immediately caught by me. Tugged back. Seeing that his head was about to hit the ground, Kojiro Kojiro stubbornly turned in the air and turned face down, and then propped it to the ground with both hands and finally completed a soft landing.

Kojiro Kenjiro knows that I can’t control the rhythm at this time, so both of his hands immediately let the body relax slightly as soon as he hits the ground, and then slaps the ground violently, and the whole upper body is immediately again Stand up from the ground. But when he turned his upper body upright and attacked, I kicked him on his wrist before he turned completely, and directly kicked the knife in Kojiro Kenjiro's hand. . The empty-handed Kojiro Kenjiro didn't have time to react. He just kept holding the knife and turned around and made a slashing action. Unfortunately, he didn't have anything in his hand, just made an action.

After kicking off Kojiro Kenjiro's knife, I planned to make another kick, but didn't expect to completely inherit the attributes of more than a dozen people. After Kojiro Kenjiro's power value is too great It's big. Although I kicked his knife away with the kick just now, the reaction force also made me lose my center of gravity and flew backwards. Fortunately, I had good balance and landed in the air with an somersault.

Kobato Kenjiro waved the knife empty-handed and didn’t cut anything. Instead, he turned around for a long time because of too much force. I also fell back because of an accident, and the two of them pulled in an instant. Drove a distance.

"haha, interesting." Although I had just kicked the knife away, Kojiro Kenjiro seemed to have found a sense of control. Judging from his performance just now, he seems to be gradually adapting to the strength of his body. Although I know that playing with him under such circumstances will only make him gradually adapt to this state and become stronger, but now I feel a little bit if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off. It is indeed feasible to kill Kenjiro Kohato with a big move, but if Kenjiro Kohato did not take the initiative to use a large skill, and I used it first, it would make people think I was scared. Then the things we did before to lower the confidence of Japanese players are totally in vain, so unless Kojiro Kenjiro uses his big move first, I have to fight him with normal skills. As for the killer now using ordinary skills to kill Kenjiro Kobato, I really want to do this, and I plan to implement it in a while, but based on the power when Kenjiro Kobato turned around just now, it seems that he wants to get close to the battle skill to suppress him. It looks more difficult. However, based on my understanding of my own strength, it should be no problem to kill Kojiro Kenjiro in the end.

Kojiro Kenjiro is not as depressed after he has inherited the attributes. He first moved the wrist that was numb by my kick, and then made a slashing preparation. Rushed up. From a moment ago, I discovered that Kenjiro Kohato's fighting style seems to have undergone a lot of changes. Strictly speaking, he is a compound profession of ninja + warrior. It belongs to the type that relies on skills to eat. But now he has given up his fastest and most technical Blade Drawing Technique. Instead, he has switched to heavy blows, no matter whether it’s hacking. Chopping or cutting, every movement is momentum is big, power is deep, obviously it is the skill that intends to suppress me by strength. I have to say that Kojiro Kenjiro is still quite smart, and it's no wonder that he will be favored by Nobunaga Onitou. He knew he was inferior to me in fighting skills, and now he suddenly inherited a bunch of attribute points, it became more difficult to precisely control his body, so he took the initiative to give up fighting with me, but completely Treat yourself as a blood bull warrior against me.

Although blood bull warriors are specifically responsible for being beaten in multiplayer teams, many people do not know that if it is a one-on-one battle, blood bull warriors are actually more powerful than Min Zhan. Although in most single-team single battles, Min Zhan slashed the blood cow warrior and injured his whole body, but the final outcome is often that Min Zhan was negligent and was caught by the blood cow warrior. Sometimes even the blood cow warrior used a powerful attack to wipe out Min Zhan and severely wounded them, and then just make up for it to end the battle.

The reason why the battle between Minzhan and the blood cow warrior will have the advantage of blood cow is mainly because the players who manipulate the characters in the battle are ordinary persons. For ordinary persons, mistakes are actually a very common phenomenon, and the problem is that the blood bull warrior can make mistakes again and again. Anyway, the opponent can't kill him for a while, but Minzhan can’t. They attack high. Low defense, once a mistake is caught by the opponent, it is one strike certain kill. Therefore, many forums that specialize in the characteristics of the professions in "Zero" have given suggestions, that is, if you think that you are an expert with a strong reaction to the battlefield and keen intuition, then you are right to choose a sensitive battle, because as long as you don’t make a mistake , In theory, the blood bull warrior is not your opponent at all. But in the same way, for most ordinary players who are impossible to make mistakes, anti-blood cows are the best choice for them. Because this profession hardly requires fine manipulation, any rough fighting style is suitable for blood bulls. It's okay even if you get cuts all over your body by mistakes. Anyway, the blood cow is characterized by thick blood and high defense. Although it seems that bloody lira is very scary, it's not dangerous at all.

Kobato Kenjiro is now using the above theory. Although he is actually considered a first-class expert, the problem is that his enemy is my super-class, so in the battle that broke out between us, he can only consider himself as an ordinary person. If he still insists on the technical route in this situation, he can only be played alive because his skills are not as good as mine, so he simply chose the fighting style of the blood bull warrior that is completely incompatible with his own profession, at least this way. It can also take advantage of the inherited attribute value.

Kobato Kenjiro's exchange of blood tactics, I had to use Min Zhan to the extreme. Compared with ordinary players who are limited by their own reaction speed, they can't use the agile combat to the limit, but I can easily adapt to various speed-type battle methods. In fact, with the speed of my brain thinking, now I am limiting my battle strength. The real bottleneck should be the strength and speed of my body in the game, not the reaction speed of my brain.

Kobato Kenjiro, who rushed up again holding the knife, learned the lesson of the last time. Although he still cut it with a single knife this time, he took a half step back while cutting, so no matter what. Whether I am forward or backward is impossible to flash out his blade attack range, but his tactics like anti-virus software's hindsight are obviously impossible to play a role. Just as he was about to hit me with a knife, I suddenly stretched out my left hand to block his wrist holding the knife.

Feeling that his wrist was blocked, Kenjiro Kojiro did not give up. Instead, he increased his strength and tried to cut it hard. After all, his strength is much higher than mine in terms of attributes. I must be at a disadvantage in the fight against st

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