Kojiro Kenjiro, who couldn't stand the excitement, rushed in front of me and struck me with a knife, but I suddenly disappeared in place without warning.

"Illusion?" Kojiro Kenjiro just had less experience in facing the enemy, but his own strength was not low. He immediately discovered the problem without hitting it.

"It's just a little trick, don't you miss it?" I looked at Kenjiro Kohato who was dazed not knowing what to do and laughed at him to his heart's content.

Kojiro Kenjiro was originally picked up by Masaga Matsumoto's sentence, and now he is nakedly despised by me, which naturally adds fuel to the fire. "hmph, I want you to know how good I am." Kojiro Kenjiro almost roared while jumping towards me while preparing super skills, but when he was about to rush to my side, I was better than him. He rushed towards him faster.

Originally, the distance between Kenjiro Koba and I was not far away, and the two sides ran into each other in the blink of an eye. Kenjiro Kohato was not polite when he saw me rushing forward, he just waved his long sword. "Wushuang Feihuazhan."

"Absolute barrier."

Almost at the moment when Kojiro Kenjiro's Feihuazhan was fully activated, I was completely covered by a transparent mask. Wrapped in. Although Kojiro Kenjiro’s attack is sharp and incomparable, and with the attributes he just inherited, this move horrible skill has also erupted into the formidable power that is usually impossible. However, no matter how strong his attack is, the absolute barrier is the absolute barrier, except It is absolutely invincible outside the time limit, even if it is a supernova explosion, it is impossible to destroy it.

Fighting against the attack of Feihuazhan, I directly ran into Kenjiro Kojiro's side, and Kenjiro Kojiro's attack was forcibly stopped by the absolute barrier. After all, no one can fight against the rules set by the system.

At the moment when the absolute barrier broke Kojiro’s attack, I also retracted the absolute barrier, and then I fell sharply in front of Kojiro, and held it against Kojiro for eternity. Above Kenjiro's throat.

Although I was able to withstand my throat with a sword in a sudden situation, Kojiro Kenjiro responded fairly well. Seeing that Kenjiro Kojiro, who was about to be pierced in his throat, tilted his head to the side and let me eternity, but what made him didn't expect was me, but at this time suddenly raised his leg and kicked his stomach. superior. I just listened to a bang, the unsuspecting Kojiro Kenjiro was kicked out of the small rock under my feet and fell directly into the lava.

Pain is the best sober potion. Kojiro Kenjiro felt the sharp pain almost the moment he fell into the lava, and then immediately teleported and appeared on the next rock. Unfortunately, my attacks have always been known for their sudden, huge formidable power and no gaps in the middle. Just after the teleportation was completed, Kojiro Kenjiro suddenly noticed a huge black figure flying towards him. At first he thought it was me who was catching up again, but when he looked up, he found that it was a huge rock. It turned out that at the same time that Kojiro Kenjiro teleported and disappeared, I already threw the rock we stood on before as a weapon, but Kojiro Kenjiro appeared exactly where I threw it.

Of course I’m impossible Forecast Future, but there were only a few rocks near us that can stand on, and from the perspective of Kenjiro Kohato, this rock is the most suitable for him to transmit, so I haven’t seen it yet. Whenever he got it, he would directly use it as a target to attack. The result naturally created the effect of the early attack just now, and Kojiro Kenjiro obviously didn’t expect me to predict where he appeared, and he didn’t realize what was going on, so he was shot in by the huge rock again. In the lava.

With such repeated lava drops, even if Kenjiro Kojiro and the others have 50% fire resistance, they can't stand it. Once again, Kenjiro Kojiro, who was teleported out of the lava, did not stay much longer. As soon as he appeared, he immediately moved to a place far away from me with a Level 3 jump teleportation. It is estimated that I was prejudged by my estimate just now. arrive.

"Huh? Why are you running so far? Don't you want to fight me?" I deliberately laughed at Kenjiro Koba who is at least two more than a hundred meters away from me.

"hmph, don't be proud, I accidentally let you take advantage of it just now. This time I just set the distance and adjust the rhythm."

"Adjust the rhythm?" I deliberately pretended to be thinking and said, "Isn't that what the stronger people should do? Isn't the rhythm of our fight under my control? That's really weird! Why do I think you are always following me? Do you want to beat the rhythm?"

"You..." Just as Kenjiro was about to go crazy, he forced it down, then he glared at me and said, "I won't engage in unnecessary arguments with you. You have Ability Just stand there and don't move, catch my strongest big move." Kenjiro Kohato didn't wait for my answer before he finished preparing for a large skill.

Seeing his actions, I deliberately put on a look of surprise and said: "Stand still and let you fight? Do you think I'm the same as you, and have less nerves? When a target, it’s not ability, it’s sickness. I said that your skill can be terminated? Look at the speed of energy accumulation, this skill will take at least 30 seconds to complete. With this time, I can go over and hack you to death. This is the second time. Hurry up and don’t be embarrassed there."

pu... Suddenly, Kenjiro Kohato, who is well-prepared with skills, went out without warning, and his hand flew out suddenly. A ball of light, but not only the color of the ball of light flashed and flickered very unstable, but also the flight path was fluttering as if drunk. After the blood was sprayed, Kojiro Kenjiro knelt directly on the rock under his feet, and then looked up hard at the flying ball of light, and at this time, the ball of light finally flew to the top of the cave, and then just listened. With a bang, the entire lava river was swaying, and the rocks above our heads began to crack and collapse in large areas at a terrifying speed.

"Damn, if you can't beat me, I don't have to perish together with us, right? Be crazy, you are crazy, I won't play with you. Kristina, hurry, domain protection."

Before my voice fell, everyone on our side was already moving. Almost before the rock formation above my head collapsed, Shadow Spring was the first to flash into Kristina's realm with a rose, and then I and the others flew in.

Almost when all the people on our side flashed into Kristina's domain, the cave outside completely collapsed. As the rock on the top of the cave collapsed, a large amount of lava was swayed down like a Tianhe, and the entire cave was filled in an instant. If it weren’t for Kristina’s realm to repel the entry and exit of some materials without her permission, we would It must all become smolder chicken.

Matsumoto Masaka was shocked when he saw the collapse of the cave roof, but he had more defensive skills, and instantly wrapped himself in with a protective light curtain. It was just the protection and Kristina's field is different. Kristina’s domain belongs to a special type of skill. Maintaining it does not consume much mana, while Matsumoto’s skill is a formal skill that uses mana for defense. The increase in external damage will increase the mana consumption. At this speed, he basically It won’t last long. But he is very lucky, because he is not the lonely Japanese player leader now, but a member of our Frost Rose League. The presence of me, the boss of the guild, will naturally not let him suffer. Just when Matsumoto Masaka felt that he was almost unable to hold on, he suddenly found that Xiaofeng appeared next to him in the form of Phoenix, and then spread his wings and directly wrapped him together with the ball of light in the two wings. .

After the collapse of the lava river, there are two main damages, one is the high temperature of the lava, and the other is the impact of the fragmented rock. Xiaofeng is Fire Phoenix. Phoenix in the lava is basically the Immortal Body. Even if a little rock can damage Xiaofeng, it can be instantly restored with the nourishment of the Fire Element in the lava.

Different from our side and the ease of Matsumoto Masaga, Kojiro Kenjiro and Onitou Nobunaga are extremely unlucky. Kojiro Kenjiro prepared the skill just now, of course, not to be perish with us. He originally wanted to blow me up with the skill. Who knew I was too venomous, and he just made him impetuous. As a result, the system judged that he had fluctuated emotionally. Forcibly terminated the skill that was being prepared. All skills have the feasibility of failing to cast, and skills that fail to cast must have a backlash, but the probability of failure for small skills is very low, and secondly, even if the backlash fails, it is not obvious. But the one that Kojiro Kenjiro prepared just now is an absolute big move, and the backlash is very powerful. In the end, Kenjiro Kojiro, who had a lot of mood swings, not only sprayed his mouth under the backlash of the skill, but also threw the skill that was originally aimed at me into the sky. Not only did he miss me, he even blew up the cave. Now this will be lava erupting, and Kenjiro Kobato also wants to flash, but his whole body is painful because of the backlash of the skill, and he can’t move, and all the skills in the skill list are now gray, that is, he cannot use teleport at all. I can only watch the lava rush towards me.

Just when Kenjiro Kohato closed his eyes and was about to wait for death, he suddenly felt a hand grabbing his shoulder and lifting him up. The surprised Kenjiro Kohato opened his eyes and realized that it was Nobunaga Onishou. Before he asked him what was going on, Nobunaga Onishou suddenly took out a purple bead from his body and stretched it out in front of Kenjiro. "Swallow it."

"What is this?"

"I don't have time to explain to you. Hurry up."

Kojiro Kenjiro wants to I know what it is, but the current situation is really not suitable for slow talk. So he listened to Nobunaga's words and swallowed the thing, anyway, Nobunaga would not harm him.

Just after Kojiro Kenjiro swallowed the purple bead, he suddenly felt the ghost hand Nobunaga changed. The appearance of the ghost Nobunaga, who was originally like the Ghost God in Japanese mythology, is actually changing. The whole person is quickly getting old, and in the blink of an eye he becomes an old man, and he feels like he has never had it. The past power began to fill the whole body, and it was even more refreshing than the attribute points inherited before.

While Kojiro Kenjiro felt the power brought by the purple beads, Nobunaga, a ghost hand, who had become a Little Old Man, suddenly stretched out his hand and supported his head, and a red cover instantly stretched Open it and completely encased them, and at the moment the mask was completed, the passage completely collapsed, and the turbulent lava instantly enveloped them completely.

In the hood wrapped in lava, Nobunaga Onita turned his head and said to Kenjiro Kohato who had not fully reacted yet: "Don't talk now, just listen to me. I have broken a hand. Even if you can inherit your attribute value for a while, the battle strength will definitely not go up, so it is better to sacrifice me and leave the attribute to you. The one I gave you just now is my ghost power orb, and you can use me after swallowing it. The ghost power obtained from Great God Tian Zhao, if you add the inherited attribute points, I believe you will become very powerful. But I hope you will pay attention to it in a while."

"Attention What?"

"Don’t underestimate Purple Moon. I know you will become very strong after inheriting everyone’s attribute points, but no matter how strong your attribute is, never underestimate Purple Moon. .You may not be clear about your debut too late. If you ask Matsumoto Masaga, he must know. Purple Moon has singled out his own illusion a long time ago, and it only took him five minutes to take the system as his attribute. He gave the copy of it to the KO."

"What? He really did it?" Hearing this news, Kojiro Kenjiro almost stared out.

Guishou Nobunaga is very sure nodded and said: "You should know what you replicated by defeating the system, if you don’t want to be called waste in the future, you’d better put Purple Moon Think of it as a big boss. Even if your attribute points surpass him, this will not change much."

Although Kojiro Kenjiro has only recently become an expert, since he is already an expert Then he has done the same tests that experts need to do. According to all the recognized guidelines of the experts in "Zero", if you fight against your normal self in the self-challenge game provided by "Zero" and persist undefeated for more than one hour, then you can claim that you are an ordinary expert. .

This self-challenge mode was originally just a professional test provided by Light God Palace and Dark God Palace, but it was unexpectedly very popular with players, so in a later system upgrade, the game was It has spread to training grounds in all cities, and each guild can build a guild challenge hall by itself as long as it meets a certain standard. In this challenge hall, you can choose to challenge the standard character template generated by the system, or choose to challenge yourself and the celebrities on the world battle strength list. Because I am the number one in the world battle strength list, challenging celebrities has no reference value at all, so I can only choose to challenge myself. Fortunately, the system itself is not fixed, but the difficulty can be adjusted.

When challenging yourself, most people usually choose the normal mode, that is, the self you are fighting against has exactly the same attribute points and skills as you, and his fighting habits will follow your usual battle method. Summarized by system, of course, system may make a small amount of corrections, but it is basically the same. In this situation where the attributes and skills of both parties are exactly the same, it is more difficult to win than against the BOSS. After all, you only need to grind the BOSS slowly, but you can only rely on personal combat literacy, equipment and assistance to fight against yourself. Items are all useless, because whatever you have, you must also have the opposite one.

Many players with relatively low power do not understand the importance of combat skills. They always think that I am just well equipped, more magical pets, and high attributes, but true experts know that the opposite is true. The reason why I am well equipped, many familiars, and high attributes are all because of my combat literacy. If I'm just an ordinary person, I might not get the equipment, familiars, etc., even if they appear in front of me. The reason why I got it means that my fighting skills have reached a very high level. Unlike most ordinary person players, I’m Dragon Clan, and I have received regular fighting skills training in the Longyuan Base. In addition, I have an electronic brain to assist my brain in precise calculations, so whether it’s reaction speed or My control over the body is far beyond the limit of human beings. It is precisely because of this that I will show a high level of outrageous fighting.

Like this self-challenge system, everyone only plays the normal mode, but I chose the highest level of difficulty, which is the +5 mode. There are eleven levels in this challenge. The standard mode is the opponent who is exactly the same as yourself, and then increasing the difficulty will appear +1 mode, +2 mode until +5 mode, and reducing the difficulty is -1 mode until -5 mode. Ordinary players can't keep the concentration of humans for a long time, so they usually fail when they challenge the ordinary mode. After all, under the same attribute, computer-controlled you can guarantee that you will never be distracted and make no mistakes, but humans certainly can't. On the surface, it seems that the attributes of both sides are the same, but you always make mistakes and you will always suffer a bit, so it is normal that you can't beat yourself at the same level. This is also the reason why you can be counted as an expert if you challenge Ordinary Level undefeated for more than one hour, because everyone who can achieve this level basically has a good battlefield response. They can use some adaptable skills to defeat the same attribute of themselves. This is combat literacy.

Kobato Kenjiro played in self-challenge mode. The best record so far is to challenge himself with difficulty +1. He was defeated after insisting on 37 minutes, while he challenged the normal mode with two After a few hours, I gave the copied self to a KO with a slight advantage. Although it takes a long time, but the one who can kill the normal mode is enough to show off and despise others. However, when Nobunaga Onishu told Kenjiro Kohato that I had knocked out a copy of himself in just five minutes, Kenjiro Kohato felt that his confidence was smashed. It took him more than two hours, but I only used five minutes. What is the concept?

Originally, Kojiro Kenjiro wanted to ask me how I did it. Who knows Nobunaga Onitou suddenly added: "Oh, yes, Purple Moon challenged +5. Mode."

Clang. Upon hearing Nobunaga Onitou's words, Kenjiro Kohato grabbed the knife straight away. "You said that the Purple Moon challenge +5 mode took only five minutes to KO yourself?"

"Yes, it was five minutes." Nobunaga Onishu said with certainty: "And it is said that When he played the +4 mode, he first looked at his copy for more than a minute, and then both sides made moves at the same time, and it was over within a second. Even if he and his copy were confronted in a static state After more than a few minutes, the entire battle process only took more than seventy seconds."

"The +4 mode only takes more than seventy seconds? Is he a monster?"

"Yes, Purple Moon is a monster. From these data, you can see that he is not completely relying on equipment and monsters to suppress people. Although we often say that about him, it is only to discredit Purple Moon’s image. It’s used to guide ordinary players. As our Japan’s cutting-edge martial power, you can’t be deceived like an ordinary person. You must be able to face Purple Moon’s abilities at all times. He is a monster, even if your attribute value is more than He is tall, so don’t think that you will definitely be able to overpower him."

"Okay, I understand." Kohato Kenjiro promised very solemnly, and at the same time he finished his guarantee. , The protective cover they were in suddenly began to shake violently. This is not the kind of shaking that occurs because the protective cover is about to collapse, but a physical shaking. Kojiro felt that the whole protective cover was bumping up and down, as if he had been thrown into the washing machine drum. .

The bumps and bumps lasted for nearly ten minutes. Just when Kenjiro Kojiro was dizzy and almost vomited, the protective shield was suddenly pushed in one direction by a huge force. go out. Because of the previous continuous tumbling and collisions, now Kenjiro Kojiro can’t figure out the up, down, left, and right at all. He can only feel that he is pressed tightly against the side of the protective cover by the acceleration. It is completely impossible to move, which has lasted for nearly thirty seconds. The crazy acceleration just stopped. However, as the terrifying acceleration stopped, coming one after another was the weightlessness that made him even more nervous. Kojiro Kenjiro found himself floating in the protective cover, and this situation can only explain one thing-the protective cover is falling down.

While we and Kenjiro Kobato were experiencing the fun of the extreme roller coaster respectively, the audience outside the venue was also enjoying a scene of magnificent natural scenery. On the battlefield in Japan, the huge scene where players from both sides watched our duel before has now become a volcano that is erupting fiercely. At the top of the two-kilometer-high mountain peak, a lava column over a thousand meters high was directly hit on the cloud, and then just like the water in a fountain, the lava that flew up to the sky began to split into lava clusters, and then resembled Like a meteor shower, it fell towards all directions. If you look closely, you can also find that there are several distinct individuals among the fallen flaming meteors.

A giant purple sphere flew out of the falling lava fountain, but after the sphere reached the apex and began to fall, it did not hit the ground as quickly as the surrounding lava, but It fell slowly and slowly like a feather, and finally hovered in midair gradually. As the purple sphere appeared, two spheres, one white and one red, soon flew out of the lava. The white sphere flashed a few times after the in midair appeared and then went out, revealing that one of them was coming, it was Matsumoto Masaga before, and the red sphere suddenly expanded when it flew to the highest point. A huge Fire Phoenix flew up.

Shortly after these three spheres flew out, another red sphere spewed out of the lava pillar, but unlike the previous three spheres, this sphere rolled like lava after it appeared. He fell to the ground, and finally hit the already scorched ground below the volcano with a bang. The ball of light was completely shattered almost at the moment it landed, and then two humanoid objects rolled out from it. One of them seemed to be a corpse. After a few laps, it stopped moving, while the other rolled on the ground flexibly. After a few laps, he quickly jumped up and nervously observed the surrounding situation.

Kobato Kenjiro found that Nobunaga was dead at the moment when the light ball burst, so he did not manage Nobunaga, but turned over to vent the impact and quickly bounced to observe it. The surrounding environment. What catches your eye is a piece of scorched earth that is still smoking. The black conglomerate ground has a high temperature of at least two hundred degrees. The range of sight is full of green smoke and burning lava blocks. As for the farther places, because I can't see it, so Kojiro Kenjiro doesn't know what the situation is.

After observing the surrounding environment, Kojiro Kenjiro immediately began to look up at the top of his head, and then he quickly discovered the three targets in the sky. Masaga Matsumoto seems to have spotted him, and is flying towards him, while the Fire Phoenix on the other side is hovering, and the silhouette of our group can be vaguely seen in the purple ball of light next to it, and it is also landing on the ground. Come.

"You can't die like this, you two are really dead!" Kristina's ball of light just landed on the ground and I flew out of it.

Hearing my words, Kenjiro Kohato did not show any extreme reactions. The remarks that Onizu Nobunaga said before obviously had a great impact on him, at least the current Kojiro Kenjiro was obviously not as arrogant as before.

"Matsumoto this Monarch, what shall we do next?"

"en?" As soon as Matsumoto Masaka landed next to Kenjiro Kohato, he suddenly asked such a sentence. Masaga Matsumoto did not knowing what to do. In his impression, Kojiro Kenjiro was like a youngster in a rebellious period, always showing an immature arrogant attitude. However, it took only a few minutes from the cave collapsed to when they landed on the scorched earth. Didn't expect Kenjiro Kohato seemed to have changed his personality. Not only did he behave extremely calmly and calmly, but he also seemed to be more polite. . If it had been a few minutes ago, Kenjiro Kohato's tone of asking people what to do just now would never be said. Masaka Matsumoto, who was taken aback for a moment, looked at Kohato Kenjiro and said, "It seems that Nobunaga's sacrifice makes you feel very touched?"

"Kimitsu-kun is a warrior, he made me understand Don’t worry, I won’t be showing unnecessary arrogance. Guishou-jun said that you are a senior who has fought Purple Moon for a long time, and I will follow your command in the subsequent battles."

When Kenjiro Kohato suddenly said that he wanted to listen to Masaga Matsumoto’s command, everyone on our side almost laughed, but this kind of occasion is really not suitable for laughing. In the end, we can only hold back and make us face each other. It's all weird. Fortunately, Kojiro Kenjiro's attention is not on our side now, and he finally didn't show any trouble.

Of course, Matsumoto Masaga was very happy that Kenjiro Kohato said he would obey his command. Had it not been for the fear of being discovered by the Japanese players in the field battle, he would now wish to direct Kojiro Kenjiro to commit suicide. Of course, this kind of thing can only be thought of. I really don't dare to let Matsumoto Masaka do it, unless he doesn't want to be an undercover in the future.

"Since you said to follow my command, then I will not be polite to you. Although I am not necessarily better than you in terms of combat capability, I think I still have some level in combat command. We will arrange it like this." Matsumoto said here, and deliberately pulled Kenjiro Kohato to his side and confessed in a low voice. Of course, his action was not meant to hide anything from us. After all, his plan was actually what we told him. Matsumoto's doing so was just a routine disguise to deceive Japanese players and Kenjiro Kohato who were watching the game.

Kojiro Kenjiro listened to Matsumoto's nodded from time to time, and occasionally asked for details. Kristina and I stood far away and did not immediately attack. On the surface, we all have injuries. We are waiting for Rose to treat us one by one, but in fact, we are waiting for Masaka Matsumoto to slowly explain to Kenjiro Kohato. The plan, after all, it was the plan we arranged. If Kenjiro Kohato did not understand the order and did not proceed in the way we hoped, it would be us who suffer.

Actually, Matsumoto's plan to tell Kenjiro Kohato is also very simple, that is, Masaga Matsumoto is responsible for intercepting Kristina and the others, and then Kenjiro Kohato is responsible for solving me first. If in the past, this plan seemed to be a manifestation of a burned head, but in this situation it seems very reasonable. Because from the current attribute value, the attributes of Kenjiro Kojiro and Masaka Matsumoto are far more than any of us here, so if Masaka Matsumoto can block other people, theoretically Kenjiro Kojiro is completely Have the ability to solve me. Of course, this is only a theoretical statement, and the actual situation depends on the outcome of the battle. But at least now Kenjiro Kohato thinks this plan is still feasible. Although Nobunaga Onishi used his last words to convince Kojiro that my strength cannot be measured by data alone, the level of acceptance Kojiro Kenjiro only felt that I should be dealt with carefully, and it was not true. He thought I was invincible. After all, even Oniji Nobunaga himself didn't really think I was invincible. He just hoped that Kenjiro Kojiro would be more cautious and not too arrogant. From this point of view alone, Nobunaga's previous conversations have actually played a corresponding role.

"Okay, then do it. As soon as I kill Purple Moon, I will immediately come back to reinforce you." Kenjiro Kohato, who has absolutely no idea about my battle strength, was listening to Matsumoto's After the arrangement, he said such a sentence, and then rushed towards me decisively.

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