The situation now is different from before. at first We thought that the Japanese players were simply strengthened. As long as we eliminated them one by one, there would be no big problem. But now it seems that we have made things simple.

According to the battle strength accumulation method relayed by Masaga Matsumoto, if we kill these Japanese players one by one according to the previous plan, the final result will be to cultivate a few super warrior enemies, and In the end, we are bound to be killed by the remaining super warriors. Just now Guishou Nobunaga was willing to be a villain and didn't tell us about this situation. In fact, I hope we can kill their people one by one, so that they can strengthen themselves and get the super warrior they need. As for why they don't let the weaker people commit suicide to reinforce a super warrior, this is mainly because they fear our strength.

In the previous battle, Nobunaga Onihand was scared by our strength, so even if they obtained such an attribute that accumulates battle strength, they are still not at ease. Therefore, based on the principle of being careful and not making big mistakes, Nobunaga and the others finally planned to let those members of the Sakura group with weaker strengths come and die first, so that on the one hand, we can consume our magic power in advance, and on the other hand, they can also die by the way. Plus, try our various skills.

Although Nobunaga Onitou thinks very well, it is a pity that they don't know that Matsumoto Masaka who is standing next to them is our undercover. Because of Matsumoto's Infernal Affairs, we know their rewards in advance, so the rest will be much easier.

"The current situation is very simple." After we gathered together under the cover of the fog, Rose whispered: "Nobunaga Guishou and their purpose is to want a super warrior, and no matter what we do, As long as they kill their people, it will inevitably increase the strength of the survivors. So there are only two things we can do at present."

True red nodded said very directly: "You said , Let’s do it."

Rose nodded said: "The first and most perfect way is not to let the ghosts of Nobunaga and the others appear."

"Huh? Don't show up the remaining people? What does this mean?" Zhenhong looked at Rose suspiciously and waited for her to explain.

Kristina couldn’t help but interject: "I know this. Because of Nobunaga Oni’s accumulation system, someone needs to die first before leaving the attribute to the rest, which is Say that if we can kill everyone at once, then there will be no remaining people, and naturally there will be no inheritance problems."

"Yes!" Gold coin also said: "Then let I used my Ten Thousand Swords Array to reimburse them all at once.” Gold coin really turned around and was about to rush over as he said, I hurriedly pulled her back in shock.

"What are you worried about? Even if you really want to do this, it won’t be your turn. Besides, what if you miss one or two? Even if you don’t miss one or two, Masaka Matsumoto was reimbursed together, what do we plan to do next?"

"Eh..." The excited gold coin was completely stupid by my question. We have said before that the plan is to kill Nobunaga and the others, and then KO Matsumoto Masaka at a terrible price, in order to demonstrate the strength of Matsumoto and reduce Nobunaga and the others in Japan by the way. The status of the player's heart. If you destroy them all in one move according to the gold coin method, it will be pretty good, but what should I do about the latter part? "Then what do you think you should do?"

"This is the second plan." Rose said directly: "The plan of knocking out a group of people with one move is still to be implemented, but it cannot be implemented indiscriminately. We can use this trick to clean up those people who are not suitable to live to the end, such as Nobunaga Onitou and Kenjiro Kohato."

"Guren Phoenix must also be counted." Kristina added. road.

"Yes. The three of them must be killed first." Rose said: "The reward given by the system is actually just to let the rest of the people inherit the attribute value of the previous person, but the fighting skills and the like Things are entirely the player’s personal behavior. It’s like if you copy Purple Moon’s attribute value and equipment as it is and give it to another novice player who enters the game on the first day, I promise Purple Moon alone. Easily kill a platoon of noobs. So the person who inherited the attribute is very important. If someone in the Sakura group with inexperience inherited the attribute, it would be better than a fighting expert like Nobunaga Onitou. Huh?"

"It makes sense." Zhenhong also nodded and said: "It's like the same power. Transferring to a fighting expert is definitely more lethal than transferring to a sports idiot. Even if their strength is the same, the fighting expert is definitely more powerful than the sports idiot."

"But you seem to have forgotten something." Yingquan suddenly said: "There is no other guy on the other side." Which is a rookie. The members of the Sakura group are just a little weaker than the three of Oni Te Nobunaga. Even if the remaining attributes are given to them, they can still be deadly."

"no no No. You didn’t figure out the point.” I helped Rose said: “On the surface, it seems that the members of the Sakura team are not weak, but in fact, you didn’t realize that the members of the Sakura team also have a division of labor."

"Division of labor? Do they have a division of labor?"

"On the surface, the Japanese are accustomed to go to extremes, so it seems that the members of the Sakura team are all combatants. But just look closely. You will find that there is actually a division of labor in the Sakura team. Onitou Nobunaga, Guren Phoenix, and Kojiro Kenjiro are the main attackers, and the eighteen members of the Sakura team are divided into three around them. Six-person team. Although all three six-person teams seem to be assist personnel, in fact, each team has a guy who has many auxiliary skills and basically does not directly participate in the battle, but because their profession and equipment are all the same, so You didn’t notice it."

"What?" Yingquan looked at me in surprise and asked, "That means...?"

"Yes. They are in the team There are three nurses. Find them, kill the others, and let us play the rest."

"Then act quickly. Find the three overlooked and kill the others."< /p>

"no no no." I quickly stopped the excited gold coin and said: "Before solving the nurse's problem, we should first kill the three of them."

After hearing my words, gold coin just froze for a while , And then reacted. We know that we need to kill the expert first and leave the rookie to inherit the attribute value, don't they know about it? Looking at the situation on the opposite side, all 18 members of the Sakura group rushed forward, but the three of Oni Te Nobunaga and Masaka Matsumoto have not moved. Is it still unclear? The members of the Sakura team are relatively weak, and die if they die. Onihand Nobunaga and the others are waiting to inherit the attribute to have a last fight.

"hmph, don’t think that you can live a little longer by hiding behind." Gold coin hooked his finger, and the Flying Sword scattered all around before huffed all around and gathered by her side. Seeing that the gold coin shot at Nobunaga and the others like a cannonball.

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