"You forgot us." Nobunaga's voice was suddenly inserted into our conversation, and the silhouette of this guy gradually emerged from us. "Don't you remember the rewards that the system said before? Everyone on our side has two lives."

"What about two lives? If you are really red, just let you The group was destroyed once. After reading the new battle strength list, do you think you still have the hope of turning defeat into victory?"

"I didn’t think it before, but I didn’t realize that the rewards given by the original system are still It's not just the point I said before." Oni Shou Nobunaga suddenly looked at me confidently and said: "We just discovered that we have a hidden reward."

"Hidden reward?" I looked at Onijo Nobunaga with a little surprise, but from the corner of my eye I kept staring at Masaka Matsumoto until he was nodded, and I was convinced that Onijo Nobunaga was not talking about me.

"Yes." Nobunaga Oni said triumphantly: "Just now, I learned that we still have a hidden reward, but I won't tell you exactly what it is. If you know it, it’s up to you to experience it yourself."

"Narrow-minded guy." I deliberately put on a very contemptuous look at Nobunaga Onishu and said, "Do you think you don’t say Can’t I see it? No matter what the reward content is, as long as you show it in the battle, I will know right away. If you don’t tell me this way, there is no use at all other than showing your scorn." I sneered. With Guishou Nobunaga, his hands are not idle. With one hand behind him, he quickly gestured to Zhenhong and asked them to help me ask Shita Matsumoto what is going on.

They immediately moved when they saw that my gesture was really red. First, Rose pretended to check the status of the real red. In fact, she turned her back and started using the communicator to contact Masaga Matsumoto. My sarcasm with Nobunaga Onitou didn't end before True Red asked about the situation. Nobunaga Oninote is really telling the truth. Just after Nobunaga Oninote and them all died, Masaga Matsumoto suddenly heard the system hint and told them that since the second death, the attributes of everyone who died in the battle will be Evenly distribute to those who are still alive. That is to say, from now on, every time we kill a Japanese player present, other Japanese players will become stronger, and as the number of people decreases, the subsequent enhancement will become more and more obvious. After all, there are a total of 22 Japanese players, including Masaka Matsumoto. When the first person dies, his abilities will be evenly divided among 21 people. The strength of these 21 people will definitely not rise. too much. However, as more people die, and the number of people remaining decreases, their strength will become more and more terrifying. And there is a more serious problem in it, that is, this kind of power inheritance does not only inherit the strength of the dead person, but will inherit the strength that the person previously inherited. For example, suppose the battle strength of the first member of the Sakura team who died in battle is two thousand one hundred. When he dies, his strength will be allocated to the remaining 21 people, that is, one hundred points per person. At this time, the second member of the Sakura team just died, and his battle strength was two thousand. If you don't consider the battle strength he inherited, then the remaining people should actually divide the two thousand battle strengths equally, that is, one person will still be divided into one hundred. But in fact, because this inherited system will also divide the inherited battle strength that was previously allocated, the value of the remaining twenty people is not one hundred at all, but one hundred and five.

When the number of people is large, this inheritance method of inheriting the points together seems to have little effect, after all, the value is only five points worse. However, as the number of people participating in the inheritance gradually decreases, this situation will become more and more dangerous. Because under this inherited system, the total battle strength of the Sakura team will not decrease due to death of personnel, so when there is only one person left in the team, the combat values ​​of all members of the entire Sakura team will be added to this individual. Body. Imagine what a terrible thing that would be? Even if my strength is much higher than the average player, it is not exaggerated to the point where it reaches more than twenty times the others, right? But if all these guys in front of you die, then the strength of the guy left in the end will definitely become an astronomical thing. Fortunately, we also have the dark game of Masaga Matsumoto. Even if all the values ​​are concentrated on him, we can control the outcome of the battle at will. However, the above situation is only based on the premise that Masaka Matsumoto is the last remaining person. After all, the strength is inherited so that there is no need to die to the last person. It is estimated that when there are only five or six people left, those people have almost the same attribute value. It was already on par with Kristina and the others, and when the number dropped to less than three people, it was estimated that even I might not be able to block it. Of course, this is only a numerical attribute. After all, the actual battle result depends on combat literacy. It is not that whoever has the higher attribute value wins, otherwise everyone won't have to fight anymore, just meet and compare the numerical value.

In any case, this inherited system will become a big problem for us, at least it will take a lot of work to fix them with our current limited strength.

"Purple Moon, don't really think that your strength is really invincible in the whole world. I will let you know today, and you may be inferior to others." Nobunaga Guishou said. He waved his hands forward, and the members of the Sakura team next to him immediately rushed up. However, this group of guys is actually less than 18 people, because some people have been killed before Real Red releases that big move and used a resurrection opportunity. Now, in fact, except for Honglian Phoenix and the others, the 18 There are only 13 members of the Sakura team, which means that these people are no longer measurable by their previous strength. Even if there are not many dead people now, the strength they have been assigned will not be obvious, but it will be improved a bit, at least not as weak as before.

Looking at the group of cherry blossom team members who rushed over, I didn’t rush to fight them, but quickly touched the evil dragon guardian ring in my hand. Although due to system restrictions, I cannot help summon Bannon Songlan for the time being, but the guardian of the evil dragon is not limited to summon Bannon Songlan.

As my fingers turned, a lot of purple mist quickly spread to all directions centering on me, and the group of cherry blossom team members who rushed forward were all blocked by the mist. Don't talk about attacks for a while, they dare not even move. You know, all our feet are lava. The lava has refilled the entire river channel just after the eruption, so if they don’t want to burn to death, they must find a foothold before moving.

Taking advantage of the fog, I hurriedly pulled Real Red and them all to the rear, and said: "We have to plan now. We can't attack them casually, otherwise, in the end, Kojiro Kenjiro will be left. Or Guishou Nobunaga, we are in big trouble!"

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