Ghost Nobunaga is worrying about how to find us out of the fog. Suddenly, the center of the fog is pouring up for no reason, and then the fog is suddenly cut open. A fissure, and then a large densely packed Flying Sword swarmed out of the mist moved towards Nobunaga Guishou and they rushed over.

"Block them." Guishou Nobunaga was still in a daze, and Guren Phoenix who was next to him reacted first, but it was a pity that her reaction did not seem to have any effect. The members of the Sakura team have been looking for us on the edge of the fog, so almost at the same time the Flying Sword penetrated the fog, they had already flown behind them. It was obviously not for them to catch up with the Flying Sword and go to the front to stop them. Most likely. As for Honglian Phoenix themselves, let alone this. Flying Sword was originally aimed at them, even if they didn't rush to Flying Sword themselves, they would go to find them first, so it's the same whether you shout or not.

Seeing the Flying Sword group rushing toward densely packed, Masaka Matsumoto shouted to the ghosts Nobunaga and the others: "No matter what, please stop it first. Don’t let everyone stay together. Parted, I..."

Just halfway through Matsumoto's words, the Flying Sword group in front suddenly accelerated and rushed in front of them, and then a part of the Flying Swords took the initiative to split up and face the ghost hands first. Nobunaga and Masaga Matsumoto intervened. After hearing Masaka Matsumoto's call just now, Nobunaga Onitou actually wanted to get together. It is not that he thinks Matsumoto Masaga is a trustworthy comrade-in-arms, but because Matsumoto Masaga has the highest strength here, and if he stands with him, at least it is safer. Besides, now so many Flying Swords are rushing over together. It is obviously impossible to protect yourself from the whole body by the strength of one person alone, so several people back to back to form a Defensive Array, and then each person is responsible for one direction. The safe way.

Because it makes sense to understand what Matsumoto Masakah said, even if Matsumoto Masaka didn’t talk about Onitou Nobunaga, they would lean on it, but the question is, would Matsumoto Masaka be so kind? If Masaga Matsumoto is truly a pure Japanese player, then he may indeed do what he says. Unfortunately, Masaga Matsumoto is simply not a pure Japanese player. He is our undercover, so he simply won't help Nobunaga Onitaka. So why did he shout such a sentence?

The answer is very simple, it is to kill Nobunaga Guishou. In fact, before the gold coin rushed out, Masaka Matsumoto had already learned about the news that gold coin would be released soon, so he had long communicated with gold coin about harmful methods. At the same time he reminded Nobunaga of Guishou to approach, gold coin also launched an attack. Numerous Flying Swords stubbornly inserted between Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onite, and then forced Nobunaga to the side, and then the remaining Flying Sword quickly attacked Masaga Matsumoto and in a blink of an eye. So he cut and wounded Masaga Matsumoto.

On the surface, it seems that Masaka Matsumoto was injured because of gold coin, but the Japanese players watching the game did not look like that. What they saw was that Masaka Matsumoto reminded Nobunaga Onito to move closer to him, and then Masaga Matsumoto blocked his own Flying Sword, but Nobunaga Oninote failed to post to Matsumoto because of the blocking of Flying Sword. Behind Masaga, it turned out that Masaga Matsumoto was injured because he believed that Nobunaga Onitsu had exposed his back. Although Nobunaga Kisou was really scared off because of too many Flying Swords, he gave up his comrades anyway. This is a fact. Even if Japanese players don’t say anything now, it has actually affected Nobunaga invisibly. The position that grows in the hearts of everyone. As for Matsumoto Masaka, although he suffered a little injury, it is worthwhile to use this injury to change the image of the ghost hand Nobunaga.

After being separated forcibly, Nobunaga Onihand also wanted to rush back, but Masaka Matsumoto held up a circle of white masks by his side after being injured. As a result, thousands of Flying Swords hit it. The jingle made a mess but couldn't rush in, so in desperation, gold coin changed the target. The dense Flying Sword group separated from Masaka Matsumoto in an instant, and then they formed a circle of Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix. The three were forced to form a triangle back-to-back by a large number of Flying Swords. , One person is responsible for the Flying Sword within a 120-degree angle in front of him, so that he can barely block all the attacks. But even so, the three of them had cold sweats on their heads. The range of one hundred and twenty degrees may seem small, but considering the density of Flying Sword, one person actually has to face no less than three hundred swords.

Ghost Nobunaga and they are all highly sensitive combatants. It is said that the attack speed is faster and it is easier to resist, but the so-called speed is only relative to the attack speed of normal players. It is so easy for them to deal with three or four sword attacks at the same time, but when this number becomes three-four hundred, then it is a completely different concept. Under normal circumstances, Nobunaga should have been dismembered, but they were lucky. After all, Flying Sword is not a weapon that is directly held by human hands. Although it moves fast, there are basically no other attack modes except for stabbing and cutting. In fact, the attack frequency of Flying Sword group is all piled up by the number. In fact, the attack frequency of each sword is not high, so it is possible for the ghosts of Nobunaga and the others to barely support them under the siege of thousands of Flying Swords, or even if they pierce them with a sword, they will stab these three guys into one. The sieve is out.

"Damn it! Masaka Matsumoto, come and help!" Nobunaga, breathless by the flying Sword, finally couldn't help but screamed. Originally, they were barely able to withstand the Flying Sword's attacks at their speed, but the problem was that they could withstand it, but the rock under their feet could not withstand it. You must know that everyone is not standing on land in a melee. This is a lava river, and what stood under them was not a fixed rock, but a suspended rock floating on the river. These rocks that washed down from the upper reaches will gradually melt and sink in the lava river. Before, whether it was us or Nobunaga, they solved this problem by constantly replacing rocks, but now they are immobilized by the Flying Sword. Don’t mention the three of them jumping on other rocks. They can’t even find a foothold now. The dense Flying Sword around forced them to concentrate all their energy on resisting the Flying Sword’s attack. How can there be eyes to find a place to stay nearby? Besides, even if they were to let them know where there are rocks to add, they would not dare to jump! Now the three of them can barely resist the Flying Sword's attack in a circle. If they move, there will be gaps in the three-person formation. As long as a sword gets in, it is their nightmare. Flying Sword is not a small animal. Even if it is cut into the air, it will only temporarily block an attack. Could it be possible to kill an otherwise lifeless sword?

Matsumoto Matsumoto certainly didn’t want to help him when he heard Nobunaga’s shout, but since Nobunaga shouted out, he would affect his image in the hearts of Japanese players if he didn’t. , So Masaga Matsumoto rushed over. Of course, rushing over and rescuing the ghosts of Nobunaga and the others are completely different. Just as Matsumoto Masaka rushed towards the sword array, a magic missile flew diagonally next to him, forcibly blocking Matsumoto Masaka.

"Aren’t you planning so many people to besiege one person?" Kristina had been suspended in a place not far from Matsumoto’s side. Matsumoto saw this situation and immediately felt Be happy. Of course, even though he was happy in his heart, Masaka Matsumoto still had to make a solemn expression on the surface, and then was extremely "helpless" by Kristina.

Ghost Nobunaga and the others became even more anxious when they saw Masaka Matsumoto being entangled by Kristina. At first they could count on Matsumoto Masaka to help them get out of trouble, but now even Matsumoto Masaka is entangled, they can only rely on themselves to figure it out. However, although the system gave them special rewards for inheriting the attribute values ​​of the dead, they would still not be able to inherit anything if no one died, so even with this reward, they would not be able to use it under the current situation.

While resisting the Flying Sword coming from all directions, Nobunaga Onishu took the time to look at the melting rock under his feet, and then said to Guren Phoenix and Kenjiro Kohato: "It seems that we won’t do it anymore. It's going to be finished first, are we...?"

Kojiro Kenjiro and Guren Phoenix both looked tight when they heard Nobunaga Onitou's words. Although Nobunaga Onitou didn't finish his words, he clearly meant that he wanted to let the members of the Sakura team commit suicide, and then let them inherit the attribute points and become super experts so as to get rid of the current predicament. Although this approach can make them stronger quickly, after all, compared with the previous plan, they will lose an opportunity to test our strength in vain, so the two of them feel that it is somewhat uneconomical. But think about it in another direction. If you don't do this, the three of them will have to die first. This is in the game, so there is no need to be greedy for life and fear of death in reality, but the problem is that if someone in the Sakura team is left in the end, even if he inherits the strength of all the personnel, his battle strength is definitely not as good as the ghost hand. Nobunaga and the others inherited their battle strength, so from the perspective of maximizing benefits, it is actually very valuable to let members of the Sakura team commit suicide.

After trying to understand the cause and effect, both Guren Phoenix and Kojiro Kenjiro gave affirmative answers. Nobunaga Onitou didn’t ask Masaga Matsumoto’s opinion after listening, and directly addressed the cherry blossom team over there. The members yelled: "Use plan B instead."

Originally, the members of the Sakura group saw Oni Te Nobunaga and they were besieged by the sword array and wanted to come back for rescue, but I was just halfway through the rush. The Shadow Spring and my Familiars who chased out afterwards blocked it. Now after hearing such a sound suddenly, those guys were all taken aback, but they all understood after turning their heads and taking a look at Nobunaga Guishou's situation.

The members of the Sakura group present did not hesitate at all after confirming the situation of Nobunaga and the others. They turned and looked towards the lava beside them and jumped down. It's too easy to commit suicide in such an area full of lava. Even if I know in advance what they mean by plan B, it is absolutely impossible to prevent this group of people from committing suicide in this case. No matter where it is, destruction is always easier than creation. It is easy for me to kill all these guys, but if I want to save them, then I can't do it.

Only hearing a thumping sound, the remaining members of the Sakura team jumped into the lava without falling. Although they all have the attribute protection of 50% fire resistance, they are all soaked in the lava. Here, death is also a matter of time, and this time is definitely not too long.

Seeing this situation, I was also anxious, so I just collected the evil mist and shouted directly to gold coin: "Change the big move and kill them all."

"Damn it Bastard, I won’t be happy to find it!" Gold coin cursed, but his hands were not slow. He directly flipped out the small cloth bag and threw it into the sky, and then I saw the Flying Sword flooding from the cloth bag. The Chinese gushing out surrounds Gold Coin. Immediately after throwing the bag, gold coin pointed it into a sword and drew an archaic sword character in the air, and then slapped the golden light gleaming sword character with a violent palm. As the word was shot by gold coin, just listening to bang, the whole word instantly disintegrated in the air and turned into countless scattered light spots, and then gold coin took out a piece of talisman paper and threw it into those golden lights, saying it in his mouth Writing: "Xuantian sword array 3rd Style-Sword Wheel Dance."

Following the shout of gold coin, the Flying Swords that were scattered around her suddenly all had a meal together, and then there were seven. A group of swords quickly flew together to form countless sword wheels. Each of these sword wheels is composed of a Flying Sword with a seven-handed sword tail butting the tip of the sword facing outwards. It looks like a helicopter propeller. After these sword wheels are composed, they quickly use the sword. The wheels move as a unit to form a sword barrel. The so-called sword tube is to stack six sword wheels on top of a horizontally hovering sword wheel, so that seven sword wheels are stacked together to form a sword tube. Since each sword barrel is composed of 7th Layer sword wheels, and each sword wheel happens to be a seven-handed sword, this sword barrel is exactly seventy-seven and 49-handled Flying Sword.

After the sword barrel was completed, gold coin immediately pulled out the Heavenly Venerable sword that was slanted on the back, and then danced a sword flower and stood in front of it. The sword wheels that were originally hovering immediately started high-speed rotation, but one thing that is scary is that although each sword wheel can only rotate clockwise and counterclockwise in theory, Since the sword barrel made by gold coin is actually piled up with seven sword wheels, when three of the sword wheels rotate forward and the other four sword wheels reverse, the cutting method becomes extremely terrifying. Moreover, with the command of gold coin, the sword wheels actually have a tendency to turn faster and faster. In less than two seconds, the sword wheels that were in a static state have all entered a speeding state, and you can only see it from the outside. It was completely white, and the blades were not visible at all, which showed that the speed of these sword wheels had exceeded the reaction speed of naked eye.

Although these changes seem complicated, in fact, it took less than five seconds before and after I reminded the gold coin to use the big move to the sword wheels really enter the high-speed rotation state. Five seconds in a high-speed battle is actually enough to do a lot of things, but now Onitou Nobunaga and the others are still entangled by another part of the Flying Sword of gold coin, and Masaka Matsumoto and Kristina are fighting on the side, as for the cherry blossoms. The members of the group are still tossing in the lava. So gold coin is not at all worried about being interrupted. With the sword wheel fully entering the attack state, gold coin suddenly danced the Heavenly Venerable sword erected in front of him again, and then fiercely pointed at the ghost hand Nobunaga: "Slash the demon."

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