When they first saw the light, Nobunaga and the others had roughly guessed that the light was released by Masaka Matsumoto, but in their original imagination this light should be a kind of The prelude to a large-scale offensive spell is at least a special skill used to interfere with the line of sight to facilitate Matsumoto's actions. However, although they did hear the screams of Kristina and several other MMs on our side after the light came on, it was actually not the case.

The strong light released by Masaka Matsumoto is actually not harmful except for temporarily blocking the line of sight, and the screams heard by Nobunaga and the others are certainly not Kristina and the others injured. I asked them to cooperate with Masaga Matsumoto. In fact, none of us were attacked, but everyone deliberately made all kinds of fighting and screams to make Onitaka Nobunaga and the others think that Matsumoto was helping them against us. After all, Masaka Matsumoto is also on the battlefield now. If he doesn't intervene at all, it's impossible to justify him. Since he is our person, he can't really fight us, so he can only use this kind of blindfold to fool it. At least on the surface, it seems that Masakafu Matsumoto's this is a big move, so that he has reason to explain why he has not helped before. After all, the big move requires preparation time, so if he only makes a shot every once in a while, no one can say anything about him.

The sound of fighting and screams did not actually last until the rays of light ended. After the strong light lasted for more than ten seconds, the sound of fighting stopped, and then Nobunaga Guishou suddenly felt his own The waist was pinched, but before he could resist, he heard Masaka Matsumoto's voice saying next to him: "Don't resist, it's me." Hearing the voice of Masaka Matsumoto, Nobunaga Onitou gave up. Even though their relationship is not very good, Masaga Matsumoto will never play a black hand on him in this situation, right?

When the dazzling white light was completely extinguished, it was already more than forty seconds later. At this time, Nobunaga and the others realized that they were all concentrated on the small piece of land in the middle of the river. Up, as for the people on our side, they didn't know how it was all hanging on the top of the cave, and it seemed that many people were injured.

"Matsumoto Masaka, you brat is getting more and more beautiful recently!" I pointed to Matsumoto Masaka and said, "You can actually be injured in a frontal battle. You are also a rarely seen character. ."

"hmph, what is hurting you? I want to beat you!" Matsumoto said that he suddenly jumped up from the small piece of land, and took advantage of the rocks in the lava river. , A few ups and downs rushed in front of me, waved the long sword, and slashed over.

"It's now." I called out to everyone's surprise, when Matsumoto was about to cut me down, I suddenly shouted something that seemed meaningless. However, Matsumoto's reaction was swift, and he forcibly stopped the sword that he had slashed in the air, and jumped back back. Almost at the same time Matsumoto Masaka retreated, the lava under our feet suddenly burst into the sky. Inverite slammed out of the lava, and then slammed into the rock formation above our heads. Had it not been for Matsumoto's first Time Reverse when he heard my voice, he would have been slammed into the rock above his head by Inverite. However, although Masaga Matsumoto dodges the first wave of attacks, the second lava column rises immediately in the lava, and this time the area of ​​the lava column is almost the diameter of a bus. Masaga Matsumoto went in. When the lava pillar gradually fell and disappeared into the lava, Matsumoto Masaka also disappeared on the river.

Because the relationship between the Japanese and Masaka Matsumoto was not good, they didn’t feel nervous about the sudden disappearance of Masaka Matsumoto. They were just surprised. However, they all know that Masaka Matsumoto is definitely not dead, because they all have a chance to resurrection given by the system. If Masaka Matsumoto is killed, he should be resurrected in a safe location here immediately. It will definitely not be insignificant. Audio. So it is good news that there is no news for Masaka Matsumoto.

Different from Onitou Nobunaga, people on our side know what Matsumoto Masaka means to us, so it is naturally impossible to let him hang up so early. Although according to the script we arranged, he should be killed in the end, but that is by no means now. However, it is not a problem to keep Masaka Matsumoto standing there without any effort, so we came up with such a trick. It is very simple to use Xiaofeng's ability to form a Safety Sector under the lava, and the lava column that was raised just now is actually a hollow column. Masaka Matsumoto was caught in the center of the hollow lava pillar and was taken by Xiaofeng to the bottom of the river to protect him, so that he could quietly wait until he appeared when he came out. Of course, in order to complete the above plan, we must also pay a certain price here, that is, Xiaofeng has no time to come out to fight for the time being.

Although Masaka Matsumoto is now hidden by us, if he stays at the bottom of the river for too long before he emerges, it would be a bit fake, so after Masaka Matsumoto was pulled down I held Eternal in my hand and assumed an attacking posture. "Are you all ready?"

"Yes." Rose suddenly raised the staff in her hand to the top of her head, and then loudly said: "The battle limit is lifted. Everyone—battle strength is fully open. Turn out all your trump card items and expose them to the sun. Don’t get moldy."

"hahahaha, after being pressed by the president for so long, I can finally relax." Zhenhong suddenly laughed. She clicked on a gem in her throat, and then saw that her armor surface suddenly stretched out. Some accessory armors covered all the barely exposed skin on her body. At the same time, the helmet on her head was on top. She also slid down a metal mask and wrapped her entire face in, and finally the bottom edge of the mask and the armor stand-up collar on the neck popped out a row of movable armor to bite each other together to wrap the really red neck. Went in. Now Zhen Hong's body was completely wrapped up and down by the True Martial suit. There was no gap between her eyes and neck. At the same time, the surface of her armor began to move. A layer of dazzling golden light began to float on the surface of the armor and gradually spread downward from the helmet along the armor. All areas of the golden light streamer changed a little. First of all, the decorations on the top of the true red helmet seem to shrink a lot, and the angle becomes closer to the helmet. Although there is no change at first glance, the wind resistance of this shape will definitely be much smaller than the previous appearance.

After sweeping the helmet, the flow of light continued to descend, and soon reached the shoulders of true red. The true red True Martial suit originally had dragon claw-shaped shoulder pads on both shoulders, which looked like a dragon holding a true red shoulder with its paws, but now with the brilliance flowing by, the pair of dragon claws unexpectedly disappeared. Instead, there are two virtual dragon claws composed entirely of golden light spots. The previous dragon claw only had a claw part, and it was quite short. It was useless except for decoration. But now these two golden dragon claws stick out from the red shoulders and are more than two meters long. And there are three joints in the middle, which can be rotated at will, so the attack range is definitely not small.

After transforming the dragon claw on the shoulders, the rays of light continued to move down, first passing through the two arms of true red. The golden fist arm of the true red hand can be said to be a very famous thing in the whole world. After all, the horrible destructive power that can easily penetrate the city wall and crash the building is extremely rare in the world. However, as the golden light flashed by, the real red golden fist arm changed. The dragon head that has been attached to the wrist of the daughter's fist arm actually started to enlarge and stretched forward to cover the first joint position where the red back of the hand and the fingers were connected, and then five dragon teeth popped down at the front end of the upper jaw of the dragon head. Cover the front of True Red's fist, so that if True Red hits someone with his fist, it is equivalent to hitting a person with the dragon's head. But this is not over yet. After these changes were over, a ring of strong structures appeared behind the faucet, and this structure had grown like many thin teeth. After the deformation of these things was completed, Zhen Hong immediately made a preparation for punching, followed by a sound of wu wu that became more and more pronounced, and the ring structure actually became high-speed rotation. Everyone then figured out that this thing is simply a meat grinder. In the past, the true red fist shook the opponent with a flat strike force. Now that the true red fist is wrapped by the dragon head, it should have more armor piercing ability than before. After all, the dragon head is more pointed than the fist. However, with the power of true red, this fist hit a person and was blocked, but once the armor piercing, it will definitely strike the person out. If at this time the fist pierced into someone else's stomach rotates again... the scene must be very exciting.

The golden brilliance that circled around on the fist did not disappear, but reversed back to the shoulder and passed the armor on Zhenhong's body again. However, this brilliance had little effect on the armor of True Red. In addition to making the armor look heavier, it seemed that it was just a pair of golden dragon wings added to the back of True Red. However, there are specific changes in the attributes of Zhen Hong, which probably only she knows.

"YES, the full mode is completed, are the dwarves on the opposite side ready? This is something you have never seen before." After the change, Zhenhong shouted excitedly, although she It used to be quite violent, but today it is obvious that the mental state of the whole person is not normal, just like the stimulant.

In fact, it’s not surprising that it’s really red and so crazy. This is mainly because I have been depressed for too long. In fact, as a national weapon holder in a populous country like China, he is also one of the top 50 people on the world battle strength list. The real red actual battle strength is naturally impossible only on the surface. Think about it, the battle strength rankings of Guishou Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix are both behind True Red. If True Red really doesn't have a trump card, how could it be ranked ahead of Guishou Nobunaga and the others?

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