True Red's transformation is actually just the beginning. As her transformation is completed, Kristina, who was originally standing on a lava rock, slowly floats up. In the previous battle, Kristina had actually changed her equipment, but that was still not her ultimate form, at best it could only be regarded as an incomplete body.

Along with the completion of the real red change, Kristina also pointed her hands to the ground, a huge array of magic instantly appeared under her feet, and after that, circles of light began to follow the ground. Facing her body, almost within a few seconds, a large piece of lava under Kristina’s feet has completely solidified and turned into a hard rock, and at the same time, Kristina’s crystal clear and near-transparent crystal armor was originally crystal clear and near-transparent. It becomes like a neon light and generally becomes a multi-colored state, and this color is not fixed yet. With every movement of Kristina, the rays of light on her body have been changing, especially the butterfly-like crystal wings behind her flicker like two huge colorful fluorescent plates. No need to attack, as long as people stare at that wing for a while, people can pass out completely.

The current form of Kristina is actually the full version of the previous crystal armor form. It is not clear which is better between the two, but this complete form and the previous ordinary form are applicable The environment is slightly different.

The previous crystal armor form is Kristina’s complete basic form. In that form, Kristina will gain the ability to fly, and at the same time, the speed of mana recovery and release speed will be increased. The most important attribute for a mage,'magic attack power', will also be greatly improved.

Contrary to the previous form, Kristina’s current state of rays of light not only can’t accelerate the recovery speed of her magic power, but will also cause Kristina’s magic power to be completely unable to recover automatically, and can only rely on it. The magic power can only be restored by supplementing the magic with external factors, and at the same time, this form will also increase the consumption of Kristina’s magic power by 10%. Magic power can only be used. Of course, the ultimate form is an enhanced ability after all, and impossible has only shortcomings. Therefore, although Kristina’s magic power cannot be restored automatically in this form, it can absorb all spells within a distance of 500 meters at a rate of 20% to replenish her magic power. For example, if a person releases a spell that consumes 100 points of mana, then as long as the spell appears within 500 meters of Kristina, Kristina can get 20 points of mana regeneration, and in the process There is no need to consider whether the spell is released 500 meters away from Kristina or the final goal is 500 meters away from Kristina, even if the spell is just passing by within 500 meters of Kristina, Kristina Na can still absorb 20% of the magic power to supplement her own magic value. Moreover, this skill is still selectively absorbed, Kristina can take the initiative to decide which spell to absorb or not to absorb. Of course, an ultimate form impossible only comes with a mana absorption skill. In fact, Kristina can not only absorb 20% of the magic power of a spell within 500 meters, but also reduce the effect of the spell by 20% during the absorption process. After all, the magic power is the basis of the spell, and now a part of the magic power is absorbed. Naturally, the formidable power should be reduced accordingly. In addition, if the spell finally hits Kristina and not just passing by, then Kristina can absorb 90% of the spell’s mana and lose 90% of the spell’s formidable power.

If it’s just the above, this ultimate form is nothing. What’s more abnormal is that in this form, Kristina will be able to instantly cast all spells below high level, and the high level spell preparation time only needs to be The usual one-fifth. It was scary enough for a mage's spellcasting speed to be increased by four times, and it would be even scarier if this person was Kristina, who is known as the first fort. However, in fact, the formidable power of this ultimate form is far more than that.


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