Hearing Nobunaga's cry for help, the two Sakura team members immediately jumped out from the side one by one, but they had an accident as soon as they jumped into the air. The first person to jump was halfway through when he was bombarded by a purple red light bomb that suddenly flew from the side. After hitting a lava pillar, he rolled down the pillar and finally thumped. He fell into the lava, and the scream disappeared after only a few seconds. The second person who jumped right after the guy didn’t fall well either. When the first person was blown away, he was also targeted by a magic bullet, but he was better luck than the guy in front, and just saw the attack. The magic bullet, so I blocked it in advance. With the help of the combat assistance system, although this member of the Sakura team was also blew up, he somewhat blocked the magic bullet and successfully landed on another rock with the help of reaction force.

Less than a second after the two were shot down, Lingling had rushed to Nobunaga Guishou with lightning speed, and at the same time, the holy sword in her hand was as fierce as playing polo towards Nobunaga Guishou Lifted up between his legs. As long as he is struck by her sword, Guishou Nobunaga will definitely be dismembered even if he doesn't fall into the lava and burn to death. However, Nobunaga Guishou was lucky. Just as he was about to fall into the lava, a chain that flew from the side suddenly wrapped his arm, and then he violently pulled Nobunaga back and directly drew Guishou Nobunaga. Pulled to one side.

Lingling lost her target because Nobunaga was suddenly pulled away. She rushed past where Nobunaga was originally, but I had not yet entered the attack step but temporarily changed the direction of the attack. After rushing past, he swooped down again towards Nobunaga Onitou.

The member of the Sakura team who was holding Nobunaga Onitou on the other side saw me rushing over and hurriedly speeded up and pulled the chain back, hoping to save Nobunaga Onitou before I arrived. What he didn't expect was that while he was concentrating and yanking the chains, the lava under his feet suddenly exploded with a few zhang high lava pillars until they hit the top of the cave before splashing down again, and the lava was lifted up. At the same time, the slate under his feet was taken up together. Before the guy fell to the lava, he saw a humanoid armored creature with flaming red body and dazzling red light flashing out of the lava.

As soon as Ivorite took off his head, he quickly raised the right hand, and a small launch suddenly rose on the back of his hand, and then I saw the red light flashed, and a red light ball directly The player who had just been lifted off by him was blown into two pieces in the air, and the broken body sprinkled a mess of human internal organs in the air. Before the guy's body fell into the lava, Ivorite had already turned to face Nobunaga the ghost who was pulled over, the launch port on the back of his hand flashed again, and another ball of light was directed towards Nobunaga the ghost. The head flew over. But this time it didn't make a hit.

Just when the light ball launched by Inverite was about to hit Nobunaga the ghost hand, Guren Phoenix suddenly jumped out from the side, and the person was still in the air and suddenly threw away a cross dart. A red ball of light burst in midair. However, before Red Lotus Phoenix fell on the next rock, Ivorite had turned the launch port again and faced her in a three-shot burst. Guren Phoenix didn't hide when she saw the ball of light shot. In fact, she couldn't hide herself in mid-air. Seeing the ball of light shoot, she directly used the long knife in her hand to quickly split and flew the three ball of light in turn, and then still fell on the rock she was targeting. However, due to the influence of the ball of light, her originally planned landing point has been deviated, and in the end it was only her toes that reached the little piece of rock protruding from the extreme edge of the rock. Because of the wrong center of gravity, the rock was lost balance by stepping on the edge of the rock almost immediately when she stepped on it, but Guren Phoenix probably also knew that she could not stand on it, so she was just on it. With a little effort on the rock, he took off again and jumped toward a lava pillar above his head. But she was still in mid-air, and Ivorite calculated her trajectory, and Super her first shot shattered the lava pillar that was hanging upside down on the ceiling of the cave that she was about to rebound.

Honglian Phoenix jumped halfway and suddenly found that the rock pillar in front of him was shattered, and his body was immediately twisted horizontally, and then he wrapped another rock pillar with a chain knife around his waist, and followed his body to borrow The force shook and flew to a rock that was not far away, but since Ivorite knew that she had smashed her footing rock pillar in advance, how could he not think of that rock? Just as Honglian Phoenix flew towards the rock, a light bomb landed on the rock first. Just hearing a bang, the rock block that was originally the size of a table was blasted into countless pieces of fragments flying all over the sky, the largest being no more than the size of a mobile phone.

The foothold was destroyed twice, even if the Red Lotus Phoenix is ​​no matter how powerful it is, there is no way to change its direction halfway. But she was lucky. Although she couldn't stand it, someone helped her out. Just when Honglian Phoenix thought he was going to die, a white silk thread suddenly shot from diagonally above, and after it got stuck with Honglian Phoenix, the silk thread slammed into it. Honglian Phoenix only felt like she had wiped it. The surface of the lava, but she only felt that she was scalded and was pulled up to the top of the cave again.

"Kill the spider." Seeing Honglian Phoenix being pulled up, Zhen Hong screamed at the top of the cave on the rock not far away. At the same time, the two were no more than eight meters in length. The small Golden Dragon that happened to be about the size of a human thigh flew towards the ghost face spider at the top of the cave. Due to system limitations, the original Divine Dragon, which is more than 300 meters long and the size of a skyscraper, is forced to appear in its current state. Not only has its size advantage disappeared, but its strength and speed have also been severely affected. However, even if it affects Divine Dragon, it is still Divine Dragon. There is no problem with dealing with a big spider, not to mention that it is still two to one.

The ghost-faced spider who was dragging the silk thread trying to pull the red lotus Phoenix up didn't seem to be a fool. When he saw the two dragons rushing towards him, he immediately realized that he could no longer pull people. I have to say that although the instincts of animals are often not as well thought-out as humans, they react much faster than humans in the face of emergencies. After understanding the current situation, the Ghost Face Spider suddenly flicked the silk thread without any hesitation, no matter what happened to the Red Lotus Phoenix below, it turned around and ran away.

Although the Ghost Face Spider ran away halfway irresponsibly, it didn't completely forget its mission, and remembered to throw the silk thread out before escaping. With the help of that flick, Honglian Phoenix was not thrown onto the safe land, but the other end of the silk thread got stuck on the rock on the top of the cave. As a result, Honglian Phoenix was hung in midair without being able to get up.

"Good opportunity." Seeing that Honglian Phoenix was trapped, Zhenhong immediately jumped from the rock he was standing on, and then used other rocks floating in the lava river as a pedal, a few The ups and downs rushed to the vicinity of Honglian Phoenix, and then jumped up and made a punching movement in the air, waiting for the impact to smash all the power out. However, just after Real Red took off, she suddenly heard Kristina's cry from the side. She hurriedly turned her head but was surprised to see Kristina shot a magic bullet at herself. Although I don't know why Kristina suddenly attacked herself, Zhen Hong reacted quickly and turned her arms in front of her to take the move. Of course, the formidable power of Kristina's magic bullet is still not small, although it is really red to block the attack with the glove, but the impact still blasted her out. But just as she was blasted out horizontally, she saw a thick beam of light shot past her. If Kristina hadn’t blasted her aside at a critical moment, she would definitely be hit by that beam of light. , And that damage value will also be extremely terrifying.

Zhen Hong, who managed to escape the catastrophe, saw Kristina first point to herself, then to the back, and then she pointed at Zhen Hong and then Honglian Phoenix. Zhen Hong immediately understood what Kristina meant. After nodded, she looked back at the surroundings and found that there was no stone for her to step on where she had fallen. However, it was really red that it was difficult to catch up. She suddenly leaned over and raised her fist, and then saw a golden streamer spinning down her arm, and at the same time, the really red punch towards the lava below. Just listening to a loud explosion sound, the originally calm lava surface suddenly sank downward, and was actually forcibly blasted out a big hole straight through the riverbed by the red punch. Taking advantage of the opportunity that the lava was still splashing outward under the influence of inertia, Zhenhong had successfully landed on the river bed, with his toes on the ground and the whole person immediately jumped out from the bottom of the lava river again and flew accurately to a nearby rock. At this time, the big hole behind her was quickly filled with flowing lava. Relative to the speed of the water flow, the reaction speed of the viscous lava is obviously much slower. At least if it was bombed in the water just now, the red is absolutely impossible to fall on the river bed and jump up. Of course, ordinary river water certainly won't be finished like lava.

Zhenhong, who jumped up again, lightly clicked on the rock she had been optimistic about, and then vacated again, followed by one-handed pressing on the lava pillar above her head, followed by a turn and flew to Honglian Phoenix again. A mortal punch was launched, and at the same time, the member of the cherry blossom team who had just been sneak attack was blasted into the lava by Kristina.

In order to save the ghost hand Nobunaga, the Japanese players entered a completely passive state in an instant. However, when we were almost overwhelmed by Japanese players, there was a sudden violent flash in the cave, and it was as if a sun suddenly appeared in the cave, and the red light emitted by the lava was completely covered. There is a dazzling white all over the cave no matter the top, bottom, left, right, and it's simply bright without looking at it.

The ghost hands Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix who felt the sudden change of light around them immediately thought of Masaga Matsumoto. After all, the Emperor of Light Battle Armor on his body is not an ordinary thing. At this time He is the only one who can produce such a bright light. The fact is just as they thought, this light was indeed made by Masaka Matsumoto, but what happened afterwards was not what they thought.

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