system hint neither fast nor slow said: "The specific changes are as follows. First, the following restrictions are made for the Purple Moon side. The number of pet summons for all personnel on the Purple Moon side is limited to four And the total summon of all personnel shall not exceed eight."

Hearing this prompt, Rose immediately patted our palm to draw our attention, and then she pointed to me immediately. Four, and then pointed to Zhenhong, gold coin and Kristina in order and gave two, one, and one gestures. Although this action is fast, we all understand what she means. The action of Rose means to let me summon the four familiars, and then real red, gold coin and Kristina will share the remaining four familiars.

Zhenhong currently only has two Familiars, exactly two Divine Dragons. Although strictly speaking Divine Dragon is a semi-aquatic creature, the strength of Divine Dragon is so strong that it can basically ignore the environment, so the summon Divine Dragon can just play the greatest battle strength in the lava river. Although Gold Coin and Kristina have more than one Familiar, both of them only got one spot, but they all understand the meaning of Rose. Although there is more than one favorite of gold coin, the one who is really powerful is only one Nine-tailed Fox, so needless to say, this place must belong to Nine-tailed Fox. Kristina has more Familiars than Gold Coin, but she also understands the current situation very well. The only Familiar that really suits this environment is her Demon Realm flower. This Demon Realm flower is actually an auxiliary class demon, but it has a very abnormal ability, which is to absorb all kinds of energy in the environment and convert it into magic power to quickly supplement the magic power of the owner and the designated target of the owner, and this transformation speed It depends entirely on the energy density nearby. What's the most in the lava river? Of course it's lava. In the game, lava happens to be a high-energy substance that carries a lot of Fire Element magic energy. As long as Kristina throws her Demon Realm flower into the lava, we can get a super-powerful magic restorer, when The time comes, when you fight with Nobunaga Oni Shou and the others, you can use your hands and feet to enlarge your moves without thinking about the magic reserve.

We just finished the allocation, and the system then prompts: "Once the summon familiar is summon, it cannot be changed until the end of the battle. The summon creatures are limited to medium or small creatures. For example, large familiars can transform. Small forms can also be summoned, but it is forbidden to return to a large form in battle."

As soon as this reminder came out, everyone's eyes focused on me and Zhenhong. The two really red dragons are both large creatures. Although they can be made smaller, her two dragons are different from the small dragon females. They are melee dragons, and their spells are not strong, so the battle strength will decrease as the size becomes smaller. , It can be said that this restriction has a great impact on true red. As for me, everyone knows that I have a lot of demons, and it doesn't matter if I change small creatures, but if it weren't for this restriction, I would have been able to win. Because there are four giant dragons in my favorite, and giant dragons happen to be not afraid of lava. Unfortunately, because of this restriction, giant dragon can only stand aside. Fortunately, there are not only four dragons on my side who are not afraid of high temperatures. Ivorite and Xiaofeng are both typical fire-loving creatures. This lava environment can just turn on formidable power. However, the remaining two places cannot be given to Luck and Plague, and must be replaced. After a little hesitation, I thought of the list of the other two familiars. I plan to give the remaining two places to Lingling and Mila. Lingling is a holy sword angel with relatively strong battle strength, and the angel itself can fly. Although the environment here will affect the flight effect, it is still a little advantage compared to a creature that can't fly at all. As for Mira, although the size of the gem dragon is not small, she can appear in a human form. Before, Mira had discussed with me in a human form. I know her attributes very well and can be used as the main battle strength. Besides, the attributes of Jewel Dragon itself are quite extreme. Lava has no effect on her at all. Even if she snorkels under the lava to deal with Nobunaga Ghost, let alone the little lava dripping from the top of her head.

While I want to make arrangements for the monster familiar, the system hint is also continuing. "In this battle, in order to further weaken the purple moon's battle strength, you will be forbidden to use any one-time auxiliary items."

Compared with the previous restrictions on familiars, the latter On the contrary, we don't care much about the restrictions. Disposable items are nothing more than scrolls and medicines. Although they will have some impact on our strength if they can’t be used, but considering that our team itself is longer than the ghosts, they have stamina, so these chronic medicines The effect of is basically negligible. As for scrolls and other one-off items, we don’t worry about this. We don’t use them much in normal battles anyway. Besides, it is not worth it to consume precious one-time high level items for such a battle. Even if the system does not prohibit us, we may not use them.

After talking about these two restrictions, the system said: "The above two are all restrictions on the Purple Moon side. The following will announce the enhanced attributes for the Japanese players. First of all, this system will be All members of the Japanese player have increased flame resistance by 50%. This attribute will be added to the original attribute of each player and cannot be dispelled."

The so-called flame resistance is the ability to withstand high temperatures. , But not all creatures that are not afraid of fire have flame resistance. For example, Ivorite is the king of Fire Essence. His attribute is not flame resistance but flame affinity, which means that he will not be hurt by fire. , It will become stronger because of the flame environment. Fortunately, the attributes on these giant dragons are called flame resistance. The characteristic is to make the creatures with the attribute have the ability to resist fire, but they will not get any additional attribute promotion due to the flame. Of course, if you are not naturally afraid of fire, then even if you can't get attribute help from the fire, it will be a big advantage compared to those who are afraid of fire. In the current situation, all members of Onizu Nobunaga and the others get 50% flame resistance, which means that their endurance to lava is much higher than ours. Although you will still get hurt, at least you don't have to worry about getting hurt right away if you get a bit of it. Just be careful not to fall into the lava or touch the lava for a long time.

After reading the attribute for increasing flame resistance, the system said again: "All Japanese players participating in the battle will get 80% of the damage absorption attribute and each person will have an unconditional and undamaged chance to resurrect. In addition, the previous battle The dead members of the Japanese team will be resurrected and returned to the fight."

"Damn, does this make people live?" I was crazy to hear such conditions. An attribute system such as damage absorption would actually be given away for nothing, and 80% would be given away. Isn’t this too bullying? I was really greedy and chose a super-paying option, but it’s too difficult and too perverted, right? Can this attribute of damage absorption be the same as a general attribute? That is a super attribute directly related to the survivability of personnel. In "Zero", if you want to kill a player, there is no two way out. One is a regular attack, and the other is a critical attack. The so-called critical attack is to hit fatal points such as the throat, brain, and heart. This kind of damage is generally not calculated as an attribute. After all, "Zero" is a virtual reality game. If the brain is shattered without death, it is not called virtual reality but a virtual lunatic asylum. Therefore, for critical attacks, the system generally does not calculate defensive power and damage values. As long as your strike reaches the upper limit of the opponent's vital parts resistance, it is one strike certain kill. However, the vital points belong to a small area of ​​the human body after all, and are generally protected by players and NPCs, so it is actually not easy to perform critical attacks. The most commonly used by players in battle is actually regular attacks, and the effect of regular attacks must be calculated by the system. First, the system will calculate the attack power that the attacker can generate based on the attacker’s various attributes and the mechanical trajectory when he moves. Then this attack power needs to be calculated based on the attack position and the attacked’s defense attributes. Effective attack. For example, if a person's attack power is one hundred, and the opponent's defensive power is as high as one thousand, then even if you hit him, the effective attack value is still zero. After calculating the effective attack, the system will calculate the damage based on attributes such as the size and physique of the attacked person. One thing to note here is that if you are attacking a creature with a very large body, your effective attack number must be divided by the size ratio first, and the remaining value is the effective value used for damage calculation. This is why large creatures are usually difficult to kill. After the above calculations, it can be seen that after a player is hit, its defense and other attributes do not actually directly affect the final damage suffered by him. After all, the final damage a player receives has to be converted multiple times. . But the damage absorption attribute is different, because it absorbs the actual damage caused at the end, so the effect it actually produces is much stronger than the general attribute. For example, if your defensive power is doubled, and the damage absorption attribute is doubled, the effect is absolutely different, and it is definitely better to double the damage absorption. This law is not obvious when the player's level is low. As the player's strength increases, the damage absorption attribute will become more and more important.

Because damage absorption is so important, I can't help but complain. The system unexpectedly added 80% of the damage absorption to Guishou Nobunaga and the others at one time. How can we fight this? Cutting someone with five knives only caused one damage, which is too bullying. I knew that the mission would be abnormal to this point. I didn't choose this difficult mission at the beginning! But now it’s too late to regret. Anyway, I have chosen all of them, and now I can only resign it to my fate!

Compared with our depressed mood, Guisou Nobunaga is cheering. Not only did they get an 80% damage absorption for nothing, but they also got a chance to resurrect, and the members of the Sakura team who had just died were also resurrected. In this way, their strength is equivalent to a big increase, and they are fully capable of fighting with us.

Now we have a detailed calculation, we have three troubles: one is that the familiar is restricted; the other is that one-time items are not allowed; the third is that the opponent is severely strengthened. Compared to our disadvantages, Nobunaga Onitou has gained even more benefits. One is to obtain a super experimental fighting assist system; the other is that everyone has added 50% fire resistance; the third is that everyone has 80% of damage absorption; the fourth is that each of them has two lives to use. This is just the benefit directly given by the system. After a careful calculation, many invisible advantages have not been listed yet. For example, the flame resistance in addition to allowing them to resist our flame magic also brings another advantage, that is, the originally seemingly fair lava battlefield has become a geographical factor of little Japan. Apart from me and a few demon familiars, we basically can’t play lava, and the ghost hand Nobunaga who has gained 50% flame resistance can’t soak in lava, but at least a little bit of lava for a short time won’t be right. They have caused substantial harm. In this contrast, the restrictions we are subject to appear to be too great. However, it is probably because system thinks that the task I took before has too many benefits, so it actually added the last clause at this time.

"Finally, in this battle, the probability of all natural creatures in the scene attacking Japanese players will be reduced by half."

We have already seen this strange fish in the lava river. At first, if these things were to attack people indiscriminately regardless of the enemy and us, then it would be better. Who knew that system actually said to reduce the probability of monsters attacking Japanese players. Doesn't that mean that we have become the target? Originally, this damn ghost place was enough to hold people back. Now even natural creatures have to treat us as enemies. The next battle will definitely become extremely difficult. Accidentally the strongest team in the guild might just be wrong. It's going to be annihilated here!

As we exclaimed after hearing the last rule, system finally said: "The above are all the rules in this fight. In addition, in this fight, players near the previous battlefield You will be able to watch the live broadcast, so it is forbidden to use masking and invisibility skills. This is the end of the rule announcement. All combatants are required to prepare and start fighting in five seconds. The countdown counts down to four, three, two, one, and start."< /p>

As soon as the system said it started, the light curtain under our feet suddenly disappeared, and the strange fishes in the lava immediately jumped out of the water like they heard the sound of a starting gun on the starting line. If there is no last piece of information, it is estimated that we and Nobunaga will have to be in a rush for a while, but unfortunately, the system said, the probability of monsters attacking Japanese players is halved, so now everyone sees us. Seven or eight strange fishes jumped up around everyone in an instant, and on the other side of Guishou Nobunaga, except for Honglian Phoenix, they were unlucky enough to be targeted by two fishes. The calm and tranquil reactions of the others did not appear. If we continue to develop in this situation, we will have been killed by this school of fish without the ghosts of Nobunaga and the others.

Seeing the strange fish jumping up around everyone, I clenched the teeth and took out the White Tiger fur from my body, and at the same time shouted to the surrounding: "Jump up."

Everyone was not a rookie, and the reaction speed was super fast. Almost as soon as I called out, I jumped away from the rock block I had landed on before, but because of the hasty jump, almost everyone failed to choose a place to stay. Although jumping away from the river temporarily saved them from the attack of the strange fish, they will definitely fall into the lava after a while. However, out of trust in me, they chose to jump up immediately without any hesitation.

Since I called for everyone to jump, it was naturally impossible to let them fall into the lava. At the moment when everyone took off, I put the White Tiger fur to my mouth, and then slammed into my feet. The whole Lava Cave was blew up with a biting cold wind, which was originally extremely hot lava. The river was completely frozen in an instant, and the strange fish that jumped up turned into ice lolly in the air and fell to pieces on the frozen lava. When Rose and the others fell because the ground was too slippery, they all fell to each other, but compared to falling into the lava, this was considered good.

Unlike the people who fell one by one on our side, the situation on Nobunaga's side is much worse in comparison. Except for Matsumoto Masaka who survived subconsciously jumping up with Rose and the others, almost all of them were frozen in the ice. But luckily for them, because I was afraid that Kristina and Rose, who were not good at jumping, would also be frozen into popsicles, so I deliberately lowered the height of the freezing wind. Therefore, even if the ghosts of Nobunaga and the others were frozen, they were actually frozen. Only the part below the knees is in the ice, and the other parts are fine. However, nothing is wrong now does not mean that nothing will happen after the meeting.

Although I had just frozen the entire lava river, the lava waterfall upstream did not stop. The rushing lava quickly smashed the ice on the surface, and then rushed over again along the surface of the river that had just cooled and frozen. Although the temperature of the lava has decreased due to the previous low temperature and the viscosity has increased and the flow is slow, the slowness is still moving. Our side is okay, Guishou Nobunaga and their feet were frozen in the ice, and they immediately became anxious when they saw the lava on the opposite side rushing over here. Although they received 50% of the flame resistance from the system, it was just flame resistance, and they didn't say that they could ignore the flame. Besides, even if the lava can't kill them, if they are covered by lava, the lack of oxygen can kill them.

Looking at the approaching lava, Nobunaga Onihand quickly took out their weapons and smashed the ice under their feet desperately, trying to get themselves out of the ice. Although Masaga Matsumoto wanted They just died, but they had to do superficial work, so he also ran to the closest member of the Sakura team to help. According to Masaga Matsumoto, it is better to dig out an unimportant little character than to let go of Nobunaga and the others.

It was a good thing to beat down a dog in the water at this time, but it is a pity that our group now has no time to deal with them. Seeing the lava flow rolling in, I directly threw the four of Inverite's four demon favorites from the Phoenix Dragon space.

As soon as Ivorite appeared, he caught me under him and took me off the ice, then flew over and picked up the rose. Xiaofeng and Mila act separately. Xiaofeng is in charge of True Red and Shadow Spring, while Mira is in charge of Kristina. Although Lingling can fly, she is not suitable for taking people, so no one cares. Besides, the Nine-tailed Fox of gold coin can also be used as a mount, so don't care about her.

When all the people on our side were taken off the ground, we had the time to focus on the ghosts of Nobunaga and the others, watching them struggling desperately and anxiously. As if we were about to cry, our previous depressed mood finally found a little balance. If it weren't for the abilities of activating the four Sacred Beasts too much magic, I can't wait to use Vermilion Bird's ability to melt the ice and just burn them to death.

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