Following our prayers, system suddenly said: "The special scene of this application is the most difficult experimental site prepared by system for the high level player league, so the natural environment is extremely dangerous. . In order to prevent unnecessary accidents, please keep standing and do not move casually after the teleportation, so as to avoid non-combat casualties. Let’s start teleporting the target."

We haven’t figured out what the system actually means. I felt that the picture in front of me suddenly changed, and then I felt as if I had regained the ability to move. However, this regained ability to move, instead of giving us any feeling of relaxation, made us tight. Because just after we got used to the environment in front of us, everyone was surprised to find that there was a huge lava pool under our feet. Of course, we are not standing directly in the lava, but standing on the slabs floating on the lava. Originally there are slate stations which are not bad, but the problem is that the area of ​​these slates is only a few tens of square centimeters. If we stand on it and move our body, it will cause the slate to sway from side to side. If you are not careful, you may fall into the lava. go.

Originally, if everyone stood on the stone slab, it would be fine, but what makes us extremely uncomfortable is that the only people who appeared on this extremely dangerous small stone slab were actually on our side, and the ghosts believed They were all standing on a slab about the size of a basketball court. Although their stone slab is floating in the lava, the stone slab is big enough after all. Even if it shakes due to the movement of people on it, the degree is very slight. At least there is no need to worry about accidentally turning over like ours. Go in the lava.

Although the situation between the two parties is not fair, the system is the system, and it is not good to be stunned with it, so we didn't complain about anything. After confirming that it was temporarily safe, we immediately began to observe other surrounding situations.

The place where we are now is a large lava lake, which is very wide in front, back, left and right, although the walls can be seen, but the distance is about one or two kilometers, so the space is still quite large. However, although it looked like a lava lake at first glance, as the time we stayed here increased, we discovered that this should actually be a lava river rather than a closed lava lake. As for the evidence, it is these rocks under our feet. Since we appeared here just now, these rocks have been constantly moving in one direction, and the rocks themselves should not move. Then the only explanation is that the lava is flowing, so the floating rocks are also taken with them. Moving. However, compared to the flow of lava, the bigger problem is that the rocks under our feet seem to be unable to withstand the high temperature here, and as the time we stand on increases, the rocks supporting us have actually begun to melt, crack and fall downward. Shen's trend. According to this situation, we can't stand on a rock for long at all. But fortunately, as the lava flows, there are continuous rock fragments being washed down upstream, so as long as we have a good balance, we can jump back and forth on these rocks floating on the surface of the lava, so that we can guarantee ourselves Always standing on the rock.

In fact, this section of the lava river is not all floating rocks. There are about seven or eight stone pillars that will not flow with the lava, and there is also a piece in the center of the entire area. A fixed land about half the size of a basketball court. This piece of land and the eight rock pillars are the only Safety Sector here. At least it is much safer than the shaking and floating rock blocks that may melt at any time.

This scene is described by the system as an extremely difficult test scene. Of course, it is impossible to rely on the constantly moving lava block to support the scene. After all, the people here are all experts, and the flexibility of the movement method is first-class. One. Even if mages like Kristina are not good at jumping, there are spells like teleportation to ensure that they can safely replace rocks. Of course, in such an environment, one has to pay attention to when the rock underneath will melt, while looking for the next foothold, while fighting the enemy at the same time. This is an extremely complicated task in itself. But if there is only this little difficulty, it cannot be said to be the highest difficulty for us. The real difficulty of this scene actually doesn't stop there.

Because this is an underground lava river, it actually has a roof. What's even more annoying is that there are actually two very annoying existences on the top of this cave-lava hole and face pillar. Lava holes are small holes, ranging in size from finger thickness to more than one meter in diameter. These holes themselves are nothing, but the key is that they will flow down from time to time, and this is not fixed, but appears randomly. In other words, you have to pay extra attention to the top of your head when fighting and choosing to replace the stones, otherwise it would not be fun to be poured down by a lava pocket. In addition to lava holes, lava pillars are also a nuisance. This thing is actually a bit similar to stalactites, one by one hanging upside down on the ceiling of the cave. The first major hazard is that it makes the cave space extremely complicated, pressing the cave that is not high enough to make it impossible for flying people like me to fly, and the long and short lava pillars themselves make the cave. The roof structure has become extremely complicated, making our plan to move on the roof of the cave with the help of rope grappling hooks also become extremely troublesome. However, the biggest hazard of lava pillars is not here. The real hazard is that these things are also full of holes. Although it will not emit lava, it will spew out a burst of high temperature steam from time to time. Although the lethality of high-temperature steam is not as good as that of lava, this thing is fast and erupts with high frequency. According to the cumulative damage, it is estimated to be worse than lava.

There are deadly lava flows and high-temperature steam above, and there are pools of lava and unstable rocks below. Fighting in such a scene can be said to be tossing people. If you want to circumvent the negative effects of this scenario, there are only two ways. One is to leave here, and the other is to stand on those few immovable rock pillars or that piece of land. However, the above two schemes are actually not good.

If you want to leave here, you can only move up and down or left and right on the rocky river. Unfortunately, the rock walls on both sides of the river cannot be destroyed, and there is no way to leave it in a big hole. It's not that the system forbids us to dig holes in the wall, but because there are a few small holes in the wall, but all of them are spraying lava. This is equivalent to system telling us that there is lava behind the wall, and it is better not to move the wall if you don't want to be a pig. Except for the two walls, you can only move to the upstream or downstream of the river. Unfortunately, these two roads are actually not connected. Although there is no shelter in the lower reaches of the lava river, the problem is that the rocks under our feet can't float that far. Because these rocks have been melting in the lava river, there is no way to stand on it and float downstream. As for going upstream, there is no need to think about it, because not far upstream of our river is a lava waterfall. The rocks and hot lava under our feet are all flowing down from there. If we want to cross the waterfall, it is basically courting death. Except for me, no one else was there.

If you don’t leave here, it’s safer to climb on those fixed rocks. But don't forget. We are not here for a holiday, but for a fight. Onitou Nobunaga will they share rocks with us? Naturally not. So those fixed rocks will definitely become the main battlefield in a short while, and there are lava holes on the fixed rocks. It doesn't mean that you will be absolutely safe once you stand on it. It can be said that there is no safe place at all here. Not to mention that there are enemies here, even if you are allowed to stay here for a while, it is extremely dangerous.

When we saw such a scene, we thought it was abnormal enough, but system soon let us know what an extreme difficulty scene is. Just when everyone was observing the environment and preparing to start the fight, a strange fish with a body length of more than two meters and a ugly appearance suddenly burst out of the lava between us. However, more shocking is yet to come. Just less than a second after the fish jumped up, a bigger fish head suddenly appeared under the lava, and then bit the fish in half in one bite, and then disappeared into the lava again.

"Chairman." Kristina looked at me and shouted: "It looks like my situation is not great!"

As Kristina called, I Turning her head and looking at her, she found that there were three crimson's dorsal fins spinning around her near the rock under her feet. Obviously, there were three terrifying strange fishes under the lava, and they were ready to jump out and bite her at any time. A bite. Originally, based on our strength, these fish should not be a cause for concern. But the problem now is that although these fish can't hurt us, they can disrupt our balance and let us flip into the lava, and no one besides me can survive in the lava. In other words, once these fish hit the lava, it would be a failure.

Seeing the dorsal fins of the strange fish that are constantly gathering, I am planning to go and help Kristina to relieve the siege. Who knows that the system will take the first shot. Suddenly, a layer of yellow light curtains on the surface of the entire lava river pressed the lava underneath, not only blocking the fish, but also the rock under our feet. And this use system said again: "Because the rules have not been read out yet, this system will temporarily turn on the protective light curtain, and it will be released when the rules have been read out. Please pay attention to the next adjustments."

Although we were temporarily protected, we were not at all at ease looking at the strange fish that were constantly rising and falling under our feet. But at this time, we can't do anything anyway, so we can only listen to what the system has changed for us.

"Because the player Purple Moon chose the most difficult mission, this system will further strengthen the strength of Japanese players and weaken the strength of Purple Moon. The specific changes are as follows."

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