Although I didn’t dare to use Vermilion Bird’s ability to melt the ice again due to my lack of magic power, the lava that was rolling in made the ghosts nobori and their heads sweat profusely. Risk. But after all, that layer of ice only frozen half of their calves. It can be said that the seal is not deep. In addition, all the people present are expert. Even if the technology is not as good as ours, the attack power is not low at all, and as the lava gradually progresses Close, the high temperature also quickly reduced the hardness of the ice layer.

The sakura team member who was helped by Masaga Matsumoto when the lava flowed to Nobunaga and the others was seven or eight meters away from the ice, and then he quickly Separated from Masaka Matsumoto to help other people, but Masaga Matsumoto played a little trick again. He did not save the ghost hand Nobunaga, but once again chose a member of the Sakura team to help him. However, the previously rescued Sakura team member was not so stupid to save the unimportant role first. As soon as he was dug out, he bypassed a few people and went straight to Nobunaga Guishou, and efficiently gave Nobunaga Guishou. Dug it out.

When Guishou Nobunaga got out of trouble, the lava was less than three meters away from everyone, and a layer of white mist appeared on the ice surface just frozen on the ground. Obviously the high temperature of the lava has affected the ice here. Floor. But now Nobunaga Onitou can't manage that much. As soon as he came out, he went directly to Guren Phoenix and directed the other member of the Sakura team to help Kohato Kenjiro. With the efforts of the two of them, and as the lava approached the melting of the ice, Guren Phoenix and Kenjiro Kohato were finally dug out when the lava was only a foot away from them.

As soon as they came out, the few people directly passed the few closest to the lava and rushed to the farther ones behind and started to help. The reason why I didn't save the nearest one was mainly because I knew that the time was too late, and even if I could not save it, I might as well seize the time to get the other people out. Of course, the first few people didn't care about it. When Guishou Nobunaga rushed past them, each handed them two knives, and cut off their legs at the frozen position. Although the leg was broken, at least his life was saved. Even if you lose most of the battle strength, you can at least throw a hidden weapon or something, it's more cost-effective than a death in vain.

Through the efforts of Nobunaga Onitou and the others, in the end, only four of the eighteen members of the Sakura team were injured because their legs were chopped off, and all the others were dug out.

The Japanese players who regained their freedom have climbed up the fixed rock pillars in groups of three or four. The rock pillars are chosen for small land, mainly because the land is similar to the rock floating in the lava river, and most of them are a little bit higher than the lava river. Before the lava river was flowing steadily, the land could stand on people, but now the original lava river is frozen, which is equivalent to raising the river bed, and the immovable land is completely submerged under the lava. Standing on it now is no different from standing in lava, the fool would stand up.

Just after Nobunaga Guishou and the others climbed up the rock pillars and stood still, the turbulent lava flow rushed past their feet. Compared to the slow lava before, the current lava flow is many times faster. As the newly frozen environment is gradually heated, the temperature of the newly flowing lava becomes higher, and the speed is naturally much faster than before. In addition, the frozen river bed blocked most of the channels, making the channel narrow, and the flow rate of the upstream lava waterfall did not decrease. In order to make the lava flow through the channel, the flow rate can only be increased.

Although the accelerated turbulent lava is coming fiercely, both of us are in the sky and the other on the pillars, and neither of us has been affected. However, due to the rapid flow of lava, the originally frozen river bed was once again melted into lava, and as the original river bed resumed circulation, the lava level in the river channel gradually fell back to the previous level, and even the flow rate dropped. Come down.

As soon as the situation returned to normal, we did not wait any longer. With one of my gestures, Ivorite immediately threw me directly at the stone pillar where Nobunaga Guishou and the two members of the Sakura team stood. The three people on the opposite side saw me flying straight over and immediately felt in their hearts. Mention, but no matter how nervous I am, I have to find a way to block me. Although the lava below is receding, it has not completely fallen back to the previous level. In addition, the turbulent flow and the bubbles brought up by the melting river bed make all the rocks floating on it roll indiscriminately, so except for these few rocks. There is simply no place to stay outside the column, so even if they know that I hit them, they can only choose to block instead of temporarily dodge.

Although Nobunaga Onihand and the others are prepared for defense, it is a pity that I did not regard them as a target at all. People are still in the air for eternity, and they have turned into a super-large hammer in my hand. Nobunaga Guishou immediately understood what I wanted to do when he looked at the weapon in my hand. Now he didn't care about the danger below. He slammed the stone pillar and slammed into me from mid-air, but I turned over and slid under him. When Nobunaga realized that I had passed by, he immediately threw a flying claw to hook a lava column on the top of the cave and violently pulled it. The traction immediately made it turn in the air and chased me. But at this time he was already behind me a lot, and unfortunately it happened that a stream of lava suddenly dripped from the top of the cave in front of him, and the ghost hand Nobunaga forcibly used another grappling hook to come in midair. He braked sharply, but even so he was dropped by lava twice, and he was immediately screamed. The 50% flame resistance only increased their ability to resist high temperatures, and was not completely afraid of lava, so Nobunaga Onishu still screamed when he was touched by lava. However, although it hurts very hot, 50% of the gunpowder resistance kept his hand anyway, otherwise he would not be as simple as having multiple blood blisters on his hand, or he would burn through directly.

Because Nobunaga Onitou could not catch up, and the other two Sakura team members did not have the courage to jump down and intercept me, so I naturally rushed to the lower part of the rock pillar and then violently Swinging a heavy hammer against the rock pillar, he smashed it up. The eternally changing sledgehammer itself has amazing destructive power, especially under my full swing, coupled with my own inertia, its destructive power has risen to a higher level. With only a bang, the rock pillar that the two embraced was broken under the eternal destruction, and the two cherry blossom team members on it all screamed and fell into the churning lava.

Seeing that his companion is about to fall into Lava, Guren Phoenix and another member of the Sakura team immediately played a chain to pull the two away, but it is a pity that they have my plan here. It can only be a fantasy. After smashing the broken rock pillar with a hammer, I directly threw the eternally changing sledgehammer as a hidden weapon at Honglian Phoenix, and at the same time, I slammed on the broken and collapsed rock pillar and took off again.

Honglian Phoenix saw the sledgehammer flying towards him and knew that it was impossible to save people again, so he had no choice but to retract the chain and shook the eternity, and the member of the cherry blossom team fell into it unluckily. In the lava. Although another member of the Sakura team was entangled in time, he did not escape the fate of death. At the same time his waist was entangled in chains, I had reached the top of his head with the help of the collapsed rock pillar. I stomped on him with my toes, followed me and vacated again, and the guy was caught by me. Stepping into the lava, he immediately screamed with his difficult friends. Although the flame resistance has gained the ability to resist damage, just because they are not afraid of fire, the corresponding death pain will increase a lot. At least most people will not feel the pain at all when they fall into the lava, and they will be burned in an instant. , But they have to struggle in it for ten to twenty seconds before they die. This is the price.

Seeing that the two people who could have been saved were knocked down by me, the empty ghost Nobunaga rushed up from behind me angrily, but he didn’t expect it was by Guren. The Warhammer that Phoenix shook open with the chain unexpectedly exploded in the air into thirty-six rotating sword wheels and rushed towards him. The dense sword wheels scared Guishou Nobunaga quickly turned over and landed on a fairly stable rock, and then began to concentrate on dealing with the flying sword wheels, for fear of accidentally being pierced through. And while Nobunaga Onitou was busy protecting himself, I had used the previous member of the Sakura team as a stepping stone to rush to the stone pillar where Guren Phoenix and the other four members of the Sakura team stood.

With the pillar that Nobunaga stood on before as an example, the four Sakura team members who are with Guren Phoenix here understand the end of the interception failure, so they did not choose to The pillars were High Level, but when Honglian Phoenix jumped out towards me, they also jumped away from the stone pillar.

Guren Phoenix learned the lesson of Nobunaga Guishou before, and the man threw the chain in his hand towards me while still in mid-air, trying to entangle me first. It's just that I was impossible and stupidly bumped into the chain. As soon as I saw the chain flying over, I turned my head and flashed past the chain. However, Guren Phoenix reacted fast enough, and with a flick of his wrist, the chain rolled towards me like alive. In desperation, I had no choice but to retract and sink, then spread my wings and quickly ascended to get around the entangled chains. It’s a pity that the environment in this cave is really terrible. As soon as I flashed the chains, I saw huge lava pillars quickly zooming in in front of me. Scared I quickly turned over in the air and kicked my feet forward against the lava in front of me. The pillar was saved from the fate of head bumping. However, as soon as I stepped onto the lava pillar, a shock rang from my feet. According to my experience, that’s definitely not a good thing, so I immediately bounced off the lava pillar, and the next second there was a burst of steam on the lava pillar. If it weren’t for me to flash quickly, it would have been steamed. Not possible.

My side is limited by the topography of the molten cave, and Honglian Phoenix is ​​not much better. The few people who rushed out finally found their footing on the rock, but unfortunately two of them didn't have a good balance and stepped on the rock with one foot. As a result, I didn't even get any hands on them, so they hung up two of them. The system said that this is a map of top difficulty, which seems to be worthwhile!

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