Facing the 21 experts who suddenly rose up in front of me, I was really depressed and wanted to hit the wall. At first, when choosing the most difficult task, I also thought that system might improve the strength of Nobunaga Ghosts, but what I originally thought was that they would be promoted one by one, and then I would eliminate them one by one. However, the current situation is that system has promoted 21 experts at one time. Isn't this deliberately killing me? Sure enough, the cheapness of the system is not so easy to account for!

"Hehe, Purple Moon, don't resist, just lie down and let us go directly back to Novice Village and it will be over. Wasted everyone's time is meaningless to you and me." Nobunaga Guishou The laugh is very wretched. Since I played against me head-to-head, Nobunaga Oni has never taken a slight advantage. This time he has gained such a big advantage and has the opportunity to kill me directly. How can he not be excited?

"hmph, I admit that I was rather unlucky this time, but even if I was unlucky, I might not lose." At this point, I scanned the people present with a fierce look: "Even if you Don’t think that you’ll be able to beat me when your strength is improved. Although the Formation outside can temporarily block Kristina and the others, it’s a matter of time before it is broken. I believe you will never have a chance to kill me back to Xinshou Village before that. .In addition...I don’t know if you can kill me, but I’m sure that most of you will be killed N times by me. If I really get killed back to Novice Village, I promise to at least pull among you. More than half of the people do back cushions."

"boasted shamelessly! However, since you have said so, let us see if the kung fu of President Purple Moon is the same as that of bragging. Okay." After talking, Kenjiro Kohato rushed towards me first. Although he had the least dealings with me among the many people present, he had just been beaten to death by me aggrieved, so now he is the one who hates me the most.

Looking at Kojiro Kenjiro rushing over like lightning, I didn't pretend to be expert as before and wait for him to make a move first. In addition to the researchers and experimenters responsible for the development of this system, I know the formidable power of this fighting assist system best. After all, I have actually used this set of things, and the effect is absolutely immediate. Before, I dared to pretend to be expert in front of Kojiro Kenjiro and let him shoot first every time. That's because I know his approximate range of strength, so I don't care what he will do to me. But now it's different. The Kojiro Kenjiro looks the same, but I know that with the help of the fighting assist system, his battle strength will rise in a straight line. That formidable power is definitely not something I can handle easily. Of course, being unable to deal with it easily does not mean being unable to deal with it. I just need to deal with it more carefully.

Just as Kenjiro Kohato rushed towards me, I waved the nine-tailed whip in my hand, but the nine-tailed whip changed in the air. The original nine whiplashes quickly merged together in the air, and finally transformed into a whip body, and then the shape of the whip began to change. Soon the barbed nine-tailed whip turned into a whip sword shape and was swung by me. He drew towards Kojiro Kenjiro.

Seeing the whip sword hit on the face, Kojiro Kenjiro wanted to continue forward, but just when he was about to accelerate, who knew his body suddenly lost control and started to move. This change shocked Kojiro Kenjiro, but he couldn't control his body at all. He could only watch his left leg kick the ground suddenly, and the whole person ran on the ground and turned over and jumped. Panning half a meter to the right, and it was this half a meter that saved his life. The eternally changing whip sword slammed into the path he just ran with almost a millimetre difference. If he didn’t jump horizontally just now, but accelerated forward as he wanted, it would have to hang even if he didn’t die. Stippling.

Before Kojiro Kenjiro came back to his senses from the jump that his body automatically reacted, my whip sword moved again. I took the sword back abruptly, and then suddenly shook it forward. The sword immediately swam over like a water snake with S painted on it, and the speed was extremely fast. Originally, with the reaction speed of Kojiro Kenjiro, he would definitely not be able to dodge this kind of attack, but at this critical moment, his body moved by itself unfathomable mystery. This time the body did not make any major movements at all, but simply took a half step forward, and then saw the twisted body of my whip sword turning around his body from in front of him.

The trick I used just now was the most commonly used Sword Art in the whip sword, relying purely on the precise control of the wrist to make the sword snaking forward after the blade was thrown away. Originally, this attack method would cause the blade to advance along an S-shaped trajectory, making the attack range larger, but when encountering an expert, this situation just happened. On the surface, Kojiro Kenjiro only took a small step forward, but because of this small step, he just staggered the blade arched toward his body and entered a depression in the S-shaped trajectory. It seemed as if the sword had passed his body on its own initiative.

However, although he dodges a straight stab, the Eternal Whip Sword is not a bow and arrow, and it can still be controlled even if it stretches out. After I found that the snake-like assassination failed to touch Kojiro Kenjiro, I immediately flicked the blade to the side. The blade immediately moved in a reverse direction, making the original concave part become convex, and the original convex part became convex. However, Kojiro Kenjiro was a parallel movement flashing out of the channel range of the blade immediately after he stepped out of the 1st Step, so even if the shape of the Eternal Sword changed in time, it still did not hurt him.

Seeing that the two attacks failed, I simply changed my move again, no longer shaking the blade in the direction of the previous force, but violently up the hilt, and immediately let go. The eternity that flew into the air instantly broke into thirty-six segments, and then each stretched and deformed into thirty-six double-headed swords flew back to my side to form a rotating sword shadow.

"Kenjiro be careful." Seeing the sword shadow, Nobunaga Onitou called out immediately. He has seen my flywheel sword array. I used this trick when I performed with Masaka Matsumoto at the time. With the skills of Masaka Matsumoto at that time, the scene of that big move versus big move is definitely an action movie classic. The case is not just Nobunaga Ghosts, almost everyone present at the time was shocked by the sword shadow beams flying all over the sky. Of course, for my own people, the shock is just a kind of envy and admiration, for Japanese players it is a naked psychological shadow!

Originally, Kojiro Kenjiro was shocked when he saw the sword wheel flying all over the sky, and now he heard the reminder of Nobunaga Onitou, he became even more scared, but the current situation is a bit if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off meaning. Kojiro Kenjiro is quite close to me. If he rushes up, although he may be injured, he will always have a chance to attack me. But if he doesn’t rush up, then once I launch those sword wheels, he will still be To face those sword wheels, and even if he could flash past, he would lose the opportunity to attack me. The current Kojiro Kenjiro is either advancing, not retreating, or not, and he even hopes that his body will move on its own again to help him with an idea. But unfortunately, the fighting assistance system is only an auxiliary system after all. It can copy you and modify some of the action details in the battle to help you dodge fatal attacks and increase the chance of effective attacks, but this system cannot help you decide when to attack and what. Time to defend, after all, that is something you need to decide. If the system can completely do it for you, what else do you have to do? Isn't it easier to directly produce combat robots?

Although Kojiro Kenjiro got the help of the fighting assistance system to improve his fighting skills, his shortcomings of insufficient combat experience cannot be concealed. In this dilemma, experts know that even if you close your eyes, it is better to choose one than nothing. Just like now, Kenjiro Kohato never advances or retreats. He just froze in place. As a result, he neither got the chance to attack in close quarters, nor did he lose the defensive advantage after pulling the distance away, and he was not touched by the upcoming attack. At the moment when Kohato Kenjiro was in a daze, I keenly grasped the change in his expression, and suddenly 16 of the thirty-two sword wheels surrounding me came out and rushed towards Kohato Kenjiro. come over.

Kobato Kenjiro didn’t react until the sword wheel was about to come to block the attack. He hurriedly backed away, but he lost control of his body again during the movement and started to move, shaking his body quickly. He picked up the middle sword and tried to open the first sword wheel, but after the two weapons collided, they made a noise that was not great enemy. Hearing a crisp ding sound, the sword wheel turned in another direction with a flick, but at the same time, there was still a half of the blade flying out. The soul flew away and scattered found that his weapon was actually half short, leaving only a blade less than a foot long in his hand, and most of the blade in front was smashed out.

The fighting auxiliary system is only an auxiliary system after all, and its function cannot completely replace the user's own will. If it can really act as an agent for all the operations of the user, then theoretically speaking, the strength of the expert and the newcomer after using the auxiliary system should be exactly the same, but in fact, the expert's use of the fighting auxiliary system and the newcomer are completely different. . Although no matter who is able to get a strength improvement after starting the fighting assistance system, the improvement of the experts will be greater, and the most important thing is the expert's on-the-spot judgment. For example, just now, if it was Nobunaga Onishu, he would definitely not use a knife to block my eternity, because he knew that eternity is no stronghold one cannot overcome, but Kenjiro Kohato obviously couldn't think of this. It's not that he doesn't know my eternal sharpness, but that many people can't react to it in an emergency situation in battle. On the surface, the combat assistance system is designed to override the player’s own body movement, but in fact it will read the player’s consciousness. If you really think it shouldn’t be blocked, the assistance system will not be against you. After all It is an auxiliary system, not a kidnapping system, and does not force you to listen to its commands.

After the weapon was cut off, Kojiro Kenjiro's bad luck did not end there, because it was not a sword wheel but sixteen that attacked him. After the first sword wheel was knocked open, the second and third sword wheels screamed, and the frightened Kenjiro Kohato quickly smashed the second sword wheel with the remaining half of the hilt, and then he took hold. Lie down and let the third sword wheel slide over him. However, the back sword wheel immediately changed its flight trajectory and pressed it down towards him after he lay down. The auxiliary system on his body immediately controlled him to turn over and get out of the fourth sword wheel, but he hadn't waited for his flipping action. Over, the fifth sword wheel arrived again. Although the auxiliary system forcibly controlled his body, he suddenly squatted to the ground, but he was still half a beat slow. The fifth sword wheel whizzed across the back of Kojiro Kenjiro, and by the way, he pulled out a one-foot-long incision on his back. Although the wound was very shallow, it just touched the muscle layer, but it was injured after all. .

This is not over yet. Just when Kenjiro Kohato screamed in pain, the sixth sword wheel arrived again, and this time it flew over against the turf, cutting out the grass along the way like a lawn mower. The channel comes. Kojiro Kenjiro hardly reacted to this sword wheel due to pain, but fortunately, the fighting assist system was still working. His body suddenly hit the ground and jumped up into the air. Although the sixth sword wheel was on him. The moment he bounced, he climbed up urgently, but he was still a step slower, and finally got underneath Kenjiro Kohato.

Kobato Kenjiro, who flashed six sword wheels in a row, didn’t realize what was going on, and suddenly his body turned to the right by a volley, and his body just turned ninety degrees. When Jiao, turned sideways to the ground, the seventh sword wheel had already wiped the tip of his nose and flew past in front of him. If it hadn't been for this volley rollover, he should have been halved from the middle of the body along the spine. However, before he landed, the eighth sword wheel arrived again. Kojiro Kenjiro has completely given up control of his body now. Anyway, he knows that with his own reaction, there is absolutely no way to dodge in such a dense sword-wheel attack, so he has to relax his body and give it to the auxiliary system to control it. . After all, from the time the first sword wheel flew to the arrival of the eighth sword wheel, it took less than three seconds before and after. But in less than three seconds, how many actions did you make? If the reaction speed of a normal person, even if your body can keep up, can your mind keep up?

Kojiro Kenjiro who relaxed his body suddenly felt his hands tightly close to the sides of his body, and at the same time, his legs were automatically brought together, and he assumed an upright posture. However, you must know that Kenjiro Kohato is not standing on the ground now. He is still in the air, and his right side is on his side facing the ground, and it is constantly turning. If he is in this position, he will definitely fall badly for a while. In order to maintain his balance, Kojiro Kenjiro instinctively resisted the order of the auxiliary system and stretched out his retracted hands and feet again in an attempt to make a buffer posture to meet the upcoming collision with the ground. This time, because Kojiro Kenjiro's will was stable and his thoughts were firm, the system did not resist his will, and finally let him let go. It’s just that the expected touch hasn’t happened yet, the feet that stretched out to support the ground were cold, and the arms that followed almost at the same time were also cold, and Kojiro Kenjiro also saw a red light flying in front of him. . Kojiro Kenjiro, who had not yet figured out what happened, immediately felt his hands touch the ground, but the expected support did not occur, but a heart-piercing pain came from his arms and feet. His body continued to fall, and the sensation of his face hitting the ground could not suppress the pain.

Kojiro Kenjiro, who fell to the ground, turned over and raised his painful hands. He was surprised to find that the tip of his left arm had become bald. The entire palm was about six or seven centimeters long. The forearm was gone, and his right arm was even worse. The front part from the elbow was gone. After discovering that his hands had been cut off, Kojiro Kenjiro lowered his head and looked towards his feet, only to find that his left and right feet were cut off by half. Although the legs were fine, only the heel was left on the soles of the feet. , I don't know where the front half of the foot is going.

Such a terrifying injury made Kenjiro Kojiro horrified. It doesn’t need to say what it means to be cut off on the battlefield. The current Kojiro Kenjiro would be considered a man unless he received emergency medical treatment. Dead. However, there may be opportunities to heal on the battlefield. The battle with me was simply a delusion. Almost before he could figure out what was wrong with him, Kojiro Kenjiro saw another sword wheel flying by in front of him, and then his eyes went dark. When it lit up again, it was another one standing by himself. Next to his body.

Only the first nine of the sixteen sword wheels launched an attack and successfully killed Kojiro Kenjiro once. The sword wheels behind did not continue to fly forward, but collectively threw a big bend and flew. He returned to my side and joined the ranks of the other sixteen sword wheels.

Looking at the newly resurrected Kojiro Kenjiro standing there in a daze, I deliberately irritated him and said: "I seemed to hear someone say that I was going to kill me back to Novice Village? Why not? Come and kill myself, I will die once?"

"You...!" Just as Kenjiro Kohato was about to speak, he was stopped by Guren Phoenix.

"Don’t argue with him. If you refute, then you will be in his plan. Purple Moon is best at using words to provoke his opponent’s emotions. When the opponent goes crazy and fights him hard, he can use his own Skills take advantage. We can’t be in a hurry, we must be calm. Only by calmly using your skills and the fighting assistance system can we hope to defeat him."

"Yes, Kenjiro-kun, you haven’t been with Purple Moon before. I’ve played against him and don’t understand his fighting style. Once you are mastered by him, then you are completely finished. Purple Moon’s battlefield rhythm is much better than us. We and him are not at the same level, so it’s best to deal with him. The way is to ignore his rhythm and just hit your own."

Although Kojiro was very angry, he gritted his teeth nodded in the end. Although he has never played against me, he has trained specifically for me before, and his tactics are actually very clear to me, but everyone is like this. When it’s okay, it’s clear and logical, but when things happen, few people can really perform at their usual level. The difference between a veteran and a novice is that the veteran can give full play to the theoretical knowledge he usually knows and put it into practice, and even if the novice knows more, it may not be used when it is really used.

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