"Hey, are so many of you planning to let me do it first?" I said with 36 sword wheels and walked over to Kenjiro Kohato and the others.

Seeing that I took the initiative to approach Kojiro Kenjiro, he took a step back unconsciously, but then he suddenly reacted and tried to get the lost place back, but it was a pity that he was already destined for that step. Lost the first opportunity. Just when he was about to walk back again, I suddenly raised my right hand and stretched it aside. A spinning sword wheel suddenly broke away from the group of flying sword wheels and fell into my hands. Following me, I suddenly started to face him. Rushed over.

As soon as I started this way, the pile of sword wheels that followed me immediately followed. Kojiro Kenjiro, who had originally planned to walk forward, saw me suddenly rushing with a large group of sword wheels and immediately retracted his feet in shock, but he was obviously not retreating fast enough. In almost a second, I crossed the distance between us and reached him in a big, relaxed jump. The panicked Kenjiro Kohato didn’t have time to react at all, but the fighting assist system was very effective immediately. The nerve system that replaced Kojiro Kenjiro began to direct his body to move.

As soon as I rushed to Kojiro Kenjiro's side, I turned the double-headed sword in my hand and slashed at Kojiro Kenjiro without any pause, but Kojiro's body immediately flashed sideways. My cleavage, but the double-headed sword is different from ordinary weapons. Both ends of it are swords, so after a miss, I don’t have any intention to end the attack. I continue to flip the blade in the direction of the slash. The other half of the blade quickly turned over and slashed towards Kohato Kenjiro.

The second attack seen by Kenjiro Kobato, who dodges the first sword, hurriedly retreated, but I did not give in and pressed on, so he could only dodge in an embarrassing way while facing Nobunaga on the outside and the others shouted: "Let’s find a way!" But their help is meaningless to Kenjiro Kohato. In fact, just when I rushed to Kenjiro Kojiro's side, Nobunaga realized that I should not be able to fight one-on-one with Kojiro Kenjiro, otherwise Kenjiro Kojiro would not be able to withstand my continuous attacks, so he immediately called I went to Guren Phoenix and other members of the Sakura team tried to rush over to help Kojiro Kenjiro against me, but they didn’t expect that when they were about to rush forward, I had 35 remaining swords. The rounds actually formed a range-type sword array and surrounded me and Kojiro Kenjiro alone in the center. If they want to rush over to help, they must first destroy my sword array, otherwise they can only watch it outside.

Of course, Nobunaga Guishou and the others would not be so stupid as to stand there, they also bravely attacked, and the cost was that many people were injured and several weapons were damaged. Of course, they also tried to use magic or bows and arrows to remotely assist Kojiro Kojiro from the outside, but it is a pity that when there is no such attack, there will be a sword wheel that automatically flies to attack magic or weapon flight. Block it off the route. Originally, if a sword wheel made up of ordinary weapons was struck so continuously, sooner or later it would be able to break through. But the problem is that the body of the sword wheel is eternity, and eternity is not only invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, but also the ability to liquefy and reorganize. As long as the force is strong enough, you can blast a steel plate into fragments, but can you destroy a basin of water? You can cut the water into countless pieces, and you can fly it around, but when they gather again, the water is still water, and it won't change at all. Eternity is not water, but it is more difficult to destroy than water, because it has the infinite division and reorganization ability of water and the hardness beyond steel. After banging around for a while, Guishou Nobunaga and the others realized that it was impossible to use ordinary attacks to hurt me through the sword array, but they couldn’t find any other way. They could only spin around the sword array outside and simply enter. Not coming.

Kobato Kenjiro called for a long time and saw no one to help him and realized that he can only get rid of the current situation by his own efforts, but even if he understands the current situation, his strength is to follow No, it's like your willpower can allow you to lift something you can't usually lift, but it also has a limit. Even if Kojiro Kenjiro forcibly inspires his own battle strength, it is only a little improvement on his original basis. If he wants to gain the strength to defeat me, that is simply impossible.

After blocking my attacks for dozens of times in a row, Kenjiro Kojiro finally couldn’t control his form anymore. Just in the last second, he stepped on one of my flat stabs. For a round object, the body immediately fell to the side. When a person loses his balance, the body will instinctively act to maintain balance, and when Kojiro Kenjiro tried to maintain his balance, my blade swept through his throat. With a splash of blood and a splash, Kojiro Kenjiro finally fell into a pool of blood for the third time.

"No, I can't go on like this." Seeing that Kojiro Kenjiro was killed again, Guren Phoenix finally reacted. "Purple Moon is focusing on consuming Kenjiro's strength. Once he is killed too many times, his strength will inevitably decrease. When the time comes, our formation will be incomplete."

"But we can't break Purple Moon's sword array, what should we do?" a member of the Sakura team asked.

"Should we notify Masaga Matsumoto to help?" Another member of the Sakura team asked tentatively.

"No." Guishou Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix yelled almost at the same time, and then they looked at each other with a little surprise, and finally Guren Phoenix explained: "We This action is to grab meat from Matsumoto Masaka’s plate, do you think he might come out to help us?"

"But Purple Moon is our Japanese public enemy after all!" The member of the Sakura team was still not convinced.

Guren Phoenix was trying to explain. Who knew that the resurrected Kenjiro Kobumi suddenly intervened: "I think I can try it."

"en?" Hato Kenjiro's words, Oni Shou Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix both looked towards Ko Hato Kenjiro in surprise.

Seeing these two people with this expression, Kojiro Kenjiro reluctantly explained: "Anyway, Matsumoto Masaka is our Japan’s strongest expert, and Purple Moon is our entire Japanese nation. The enemy, we can use righteousness to suppress him. If he is willing to help, that is the best. Even if he does not come, do we have anything to lose?"

In fact, Guren Phoenix really wants to tell Kojiro Kenjiro, Regardless of whether Masaga Matsumoto comes or not, as long as they invite it, they will lose their face. However, at this time, Hongren Phoenix also knows that it’s not a time to care about face. Anyway, they decided to shameless when designing this plan, otherwise they would not be able to dig the corner of Masaga Matsumoto to steal the fruits of other people’s labor. Come. So, since they have done more excessive things, can it be worse?

After thinking about it clearly, Guren Phoenix and Oniji Nobunaga glanced at each other, and then nodded at the same time. Obviously they decided to follow Kojiro Kenjiro's will. As for how they will notify Matsumoto Masaka, I don’t know. Anyway, whether Matsumoto Masaka comes or not, there is nothing to lose to me. They thought that Masaka Matsumoto could beat me, so they placed their hope on Masaka Matsumoto, but I knew that Masaka Matsumoto was actually in the same group with me. Who can win if he fights with me, It depends on what is in our favor. If Masaga Matsumoto wins it is more advantageous, then I don't mind losing one or two times, just like the scene we played last time, the effect is pretty good. However, although I am not afraid, I still have to behave on the surface. Hearing what they said, I immediately accelerated the attacking rhythm.

"It's useless to call a helper. You should lie down obediently for me." As I said, I rushed towards the place where the three of Gui Te Nobunaga and the others gathered, and the opposite group of guys Seeing me rushing over, he immediately dispersed instinctively. They are not completely afraid of me, mainly because the piles of flying sword wheels around me are more frightening. That thing is so sharp and fast, it can't hide and hide, and it can't stop it. Simply it's something that can't be resisted. So they are very afraid of my eternal sword array, for fear of being circled by me. The death of Kojiro Kenjiro just now has been confirmed to them. Even with the combat assistance system, they still cannot face my attack alone. Moreover, compared to the ignorant Kenjiro Kohato, Nobunaga Oni and Guren Phoenix are more worried, because neither of them has seen my demon yet.

Many people who played against me for the first time made the same mistake. They thought that if they could beat me, they would defeat me. Only those old enemies who have really suffered many losses under my hands know that I am not the most dangerous when I am fighting alone. When my side is full of densely packed pets, that’s what they really are. When you need to worry.

Looking at me rushing into the crowd again, Guishou Nobunaga and the others can only helplessly disperse to share part of the sword wheel attack. Normally, they should not be able to stop the eternally formed sword wheel, but now that the help of the fighting assist system is not really unstoppable, but the number can not be too many. After all, everyone has a limit. No matter how fast you react, you will still be unable to perform actions beyond your agility.

Compared to the situation where I played in a frenzy with Nobunaga Ghost in Formation, the outside of Formation is much deserted. Kristina and the others have used countless tactics outside, but the ball of light on the top of the Formation has only shrunk a little, and almost no change can be found without paying attention.

"Is this thing too strong?" Kristina said very depressed looking at the almost completely motionless Formation.

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