Kobato Kenjiro was obviously taken aback by what I said. What he had always planned before was to suppress my battle strength in all aspects through the cooperation of several people, and finally achieve the goal of defeating me. However, when he suddenly heard what I said, he was stunned. It seems that they have thought about so much before, as if they hadn't thought about the situation in case I was bent on disrupting their cooperation and preventing them from forming a joint force.

"hmph, do you want to prevent us from joining forces if you don’t let us join hands?" Although a little worried, Kojiro Kenjiro knows that he must not be discouraged at this time. Once the imposing manner is suppressed , The battle after that will definitely suffer. After talking about this remark, he simply beckoned the people over there to surround him. In this situation, the more he talks, the less confident he is. It's better to get started quickly.

Guren Phoenix and Guishou Nobunaga on the opposite side saw Kojiro Kenjiro beckoning here, and immediately looked towards here and saw them moving, Keli on our side. Stina and the others also walked forward together. If it develops in this form, it will definitely become a collective chaos between the two sides of the expert. However, just when I thought a melee was about to happen, Kojiro Kenjiro suddenly disappeared in place.

I have seen Kojiro Kenjiro's ninjutsu several times, and even if he plays it again, he won’t be able to play it anymore, so I don’t care at all. However, just when I thought he was going to launch a surprise attack this time, I unexpectedly didn't feel any dangerous aura. He did so many raids before and failed because I could feel his murderous aura, and then made preparations in advance, but this time I didn't feel anything.

Just when I was nervous thinking that he was using some new tricks, there was a sudden flash behind Nobunaga Onitaka, and Kenjiro Kohato appeared directly next to him. Seeing him suddenly hugged Nobunaga Guishou, and then flashed again, the two disappeared together. Almost at the same time when the two of them disappeared, Kojiro Kenjiro suddenly appeared on my side holding Nobunaga Oni Shou, but it was still more than three meters away from me, so I did not make much reaction. However, this is not over yet. After bringing over Nobunaga Onishou, Kenjiro Kohato disappeared again by Nobunaga Onishou. The next second he emerged from Guren Phoenix again, and then took Guren Phoenix by the same method. By my side, I just stand on the other side. In this way, Kojiro Kojiro teleported back and forth faster and faster, and in the end he could see two or three lights flashing at the same time. It was often that the halo produced by one teleportation had not disappeared, and the other one appeared again at that speed. I almost can't see the silhouette anymore.

In this way, Kojiro Kenjiro not only brought Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix to me in less than five seconds, even the other eighteen people in their Sakura group. Brought here together. In other words, Kojiro Kenjiro completed nineteen teleports in less than five seconds. This speed is really fast! However, teleportation is just preparation work. His real purpose is obviously not to bring all people over, otherwise it would be better for them to walk over by themselves. There is no need for him to carry the teleportation one by one.

Just after the eighteen people, Nobunaga Onitou, and Guren Phoenix were in place, Kenjiro Kohato immediately took his place. At this time, their standing positions just formed an encircling circle. The middle target was me. The three people in the outer circle were Nobunaga Onitou, Guren Phoenix, and Kenjiro Kohato. The three standing positions of them were just waiting. Side triangle. There are six people behind each of them, and these six people stand on six special points. Counting a total of eighteen people from these three sides together, they just form a double-layer Six Pointed. Star Array.

"Not good, they want to set up an array." Although Kristina doesn't know much about ninjutsu, the principles of magic are the same. The other party stands out from the position of this rule, and has deliberately arrived first. Wouldn't it be a fool if the purpose is not seen anymore?

But it is a pity that even though Kristina discovered the problem, it was too late at this time. Just when she started to break the opponent's formation with magic, I also discovered the purpose of Kojiro and the others and rushed out, but just when I just jumped up, Kojiro and the others showed up at the same time. Standing upright, putting his hands in a strange handprint in front of him, the right hand made a fist, stretched out his index finger and middle finger in front of his mouth, and then chanted a strange spell together.

The spell was very long, but the formation began to take effect almost when they made the first sound. I moved fast enough, but I still only ran two steps, and I kicked a layer of light with my next kick, and then my body hit this layer of light and bounced back.

As soon as I saw this situation, I was also anxious, and directly stretched out my hand to the side: "Eternal." Eternal on the ground suddenly trembled, and then violently flew towards me from the ground. A member of the Sakura team who was chanting a spell felt the sound of breaking wind behind him, and he quickly turned his head. In the next second, he saw a red shadow flying over his ear with a touch of black. Only then did he realize that the thing that touched the black turned out to be his hair, and there was a stream of heat flowing down his face.

Seeing that guy was injured, the other members of the Sakura team around were all in a cold sweat. The formation they formed is not actually ninjutsu, but a Divine Race array passed to them by Great God Tian Zhao, whose function is to block a small area of ​​space and make it an independent space. Although internal and external personnel can see and hear each other, everything will be isolated and cannot come in or out. Of course, it is even more impossible to attack through a barrier. However, the hook and sickle gun was clearly inserted outside the seal array, but it passed through the Formation as if it was completely unaffected, and if it wasn't for the members of the Sakura team to react quickly, maybe the Formation hasn't been there yet. To complete them, we must first reduce staff. It was said that the plan could not keep up with the changes. The so-called Japanese experts who were present at the meeting really understood the meaning of this sentence. Originally, their plan was to activate this Formation to seal me alone in the space, and then use the feature of resurrecting in situ after the personnel in the Formation were killed to completely kill me back to Novice Village. However, this plan hasn't started yet, and it almost died. Such a horrible thing was not expected in their plan.

"Everyone pays attention, don’t be distracted." Probably noticing the instability of the crowd, Nobunaga Guishou couldn’t help but yelled such a sentence, but it was obvious that he was forced to speak halfway through the curse. It's not without a price. As soon as he finished saying this sentence, other people's heart was taken away, but two blood streams flowed out of his nostrils.

Although the situation was a little more dangerous, Nobunaga Onitou and the others finally stabilized the seal formation. Kristina and the others were blocked by an invisible barrier five meters away behind the members of the cherry blossom group at the outermost circle.

"Damn, how did you seal Purple Moon alone?" Real Red said anxiously to the others: "You guys get away a bit, let me see if I can break this barrier."

All the people present are experts, and there will be no procrastination and hesitation. When I heard that Red was about to break the barrier, they flashed aside. Zhen Hong took two steps back when she saw everyone let go, and then made a gesture, followed by stretching her right arm back, and a golden ball of light appeared on her shoulder, and then followed Zhen The red arm danced, and the golden light group also began to move forward and gradually became longer, and finally condensed into a golden Divine Dragon. After completing a series of exercise movements, Zhen Hong concentrated all his strength on his right arm, and then suddenly exhaled, the whole person rushed forward a step, and the right arm also swung fiercely, and at the same time coiled around. The Golden Dragon on her arm also flew out with her fist and hit the invisible wall.

Only listening to a loud explosion sound, the entire battlefield shook violently. Even in the crowds on both sides of the several hundred meters appearance battle, many people were knocked to the ground and sealed in front of them. The ghost hands Nobunaga and the others were also collectively squirted by the shock, but they didn’t really fall down, and seeing how they stood firmly, it was obvious that the vibration did not reach the inside of the Formation. They should spit blood. It's just caused by the magic backlash.

"Damn, why can't this thing break through?" Zhen Hong said uncomfortably looking at the intact barrier.

Christina Patted really red and pointed to the members of the Sakura group and said: "Did you see the blood they sprayed? This at least shows that your attack is not completely invalid."< /p>

"Yes, this thing is definitely not invincible. As long as we increase our attack strength, we should be able to completely destroy it. At least we can shock the people inside to serious injuries." Gold coin said.

"Damage output is not our specialty, it's up to you next." After Yingquan simply said, he pulled the rose to the side and threw the breakthrough formation task to others.

True Red, Kristina and Gold Coin saw Rose and Shadow Spring step aside, and immediately began to prepare for high level skills, intending to destroy the Formation in front of them in a spurt of energy. But when they are busy outside Formation, I am not idle in Formation either.

The structure of this Formation is rather strange. In addition to the outermost part of the entire area, a barrier is placed to block the invasion of True Red and Kristina. There is also a barrier inside the Formation, which makes I also couldn't get in touch with the three of Guren Phoenix and Kohato Kenjiro. However, unlike Zhenhong and they were blocked by five or six meters away from the outermost members of the Sakura group, the area I could reach was only one meter away from the trifling of Nobunaga and the others. Although this distance is still unable to break through, but I can take advantage of this distance, because I have eternity.

Just when Guishou Nobunaga and the others thought they had sealed the Formation, something that they didn't expect happened suddenly. The eternity that flew into the Formation just now was danced with a splendid gun shadow in my hand, and then the straight moved towards pierced the Ko Hato Kenjiro who was facing me. Seeing the hook and sickle gun pierce him, Kojiro Kenjiro hurriedly lowered his head at the time, only to hear a click, his hair was also shaved off a lot, and even his left ear was cut open. .

Although I successfully passed my assassination, Kojiro Kenjiro was frightened and let out a cold sweat. If it weren’t for the distance between us more than one meter, plus he kept staring at me. As prepared, it is estimated that there will be many holes in his head.

When I saw that I missed a hit, I immediately grasped Eternal and planned to cut horizontally. Anyway, Kenjiro Kohato can't move in a wide range. It's a good opportunity to kill him. However, it happened when I violently applied force laterally. I slammed hard, but was surprised to find that Eternity was stuck. It feels like piercing a lance into the semi-dry concrete. Although you can easily pierce in and out, moving the lance laterally is extremely laborious. This is the situation I have encountered now. Eternal penetration into the Formation seems to be no problem, but I want to move laterally within the Formation but received great resistance. Although the resistance cannot completely seal the eternal movement, it seriously affects my speed, causing Eternal to never touch the small Hato Kenjiro.

Originally, when I saw that I was struggling horizontally, Kenjiro Kojiro was taken aback. This will see that I immediately understood what was going on when I waved the eternity so hard. Although he was chanting a curse in his mouth, it was not easy to stop and mock me, but his face was clearly written with the word "Proud". However, just when he was proud, I changed my tricks again. Although it is very difficult to move laterally, since it is easy to get in, it shouldn't be difficult to get it out, right? Thinking about it, I suddenly squeezed the gun and turned it half a circle. Originally, for a long spear, it is the same whether it can be turned or not, but the problem is that I am not holding a long spear but a hook and sickle. There was a sickle-like oblique blade on the side of the straight blade of this thing. When I turned like this, the sickle that was originally facing the empty space turned around. And now I only need to draw a gun back, and the hook can hook Kojiro Kenjiro's neck accurately. After that, if I pull it harder... Do you think Kohato Kenjiro’s neck is stronger than my eternal?

At first I saw me turning the gun body Kojiro Kenjiro still didn't understand what was going on. But when he felt the deep chill at the back of his neck, he fully understood it. However, at the critical moment, their team cooperated to show their majesty. Just when I grabbed the handle of the gun and pulled it back, Guishou Nobunaga suddenly stopped again and shouted: "Turn."

As Guishou Nobunaga yelled , All the people who make up Formation took a step to the right almost at the same time. Because everyone in the formation is synchronized, the formation itself is not messed up, so the Formation is still not interrupted, but after they turned like this, Kojiro Kojiro left the area covered by the hook on the side of my hook. As a result, I only cut out a small blood hole in Kojiro Kenjiro's neck. Although there was a bit of blood, the small injury is really negligible!

"That's OK?" Watching them move away from my attack, I am also interested. "Okay, then I will see if your collective transposition moves are fast, or if I shoot my guns quickly."

They all showed a bitter face when they heard my words. Of course they know that my guns must be fired faster than they are moving, but can they say no now? As long as I make a move, they will have to move, and some people will die if I don’t move, and as long as one person is missing, Formation will collapse. When the time comes to let Kristina and the others rush in, then they will have nowhere to survive. NS.

Just when Nobunaga Guishou and they were worried, I did something that made them lose one's head out of fear. I saw that the hook and sickle gun gradually shortened in my hand, and finally turned back into a spherical shape, and then it seemed to become a viscous liquid flowing down from my hand, and as the liquid followed me His hand is flowing downward, and it is gradually taking shape. When it finally solidified completely, the eternal hook and scythe gun had become an eternal nine-tail whip, and it was in the form of a complex barb on each whip.

This nine-tail whip, which is eternally changing, is different from the ordinary whip. Although it has only one handle, it is not a whip, but nine in front. Moreover, each of these nine whip whiskers can be stretched and shortened at will like the eternal whip sword, and each whip is covered with sharp barbs. Once it is swung, its attack range and lethality will be equal to Extremely scary. Of course, this so-called terror actually refers to psychological fear. This is just like barbed wire and bullets on the battlefield. Although barbed wire is not lethal, when people see it, they will imagine that they will hurt if they are struck by it, and they will naturally be frightened. Although bullets can kill people, most people don't directly think that they will be hit, so relatively speaking, barbed wire puts more pressure on people. The same applies to this nine-tail whip. Although the whip body full of thorns and barbs seemed to make people feel very painful, but in terms of its lethality, it may not be comparable to ordinary swords. After all, what a sword cuts is a cut wound, and a cut is a cut. Although this thing is a large piece of it, it is a superficial wound. It seems to be bloody and painful to death. I really want to rely on it to kill people alive. It takes more than a dozen times to be possible. If you use a knife directly, more than a dozen people will be chopped up. So this thing looks scary, in fact, the formidable power is far less scary than it looks.

Although my nine-tailed whip didn't cut people directly with a sword, it was a lot of psychological pressure after all. As soon as I waved that thing up, the heartbeats of the ghost hands Nobunaga and their hearts began to accelerate obviously, and there was a layer of white hair on the top of their heads unconsciously, for fear of being targeted by me. However, compared to the three of Oniji Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix standing in the front, the members of the Sakura team standing at the back are much more relieved. Although my eternity can be stretched, I really want to hit them, but after all, I can't be near and far, right?

With a whistling sound, I violently waved the whip. The difference between the nine whips and a whip is that the sound of the wind and the imposing manner are completely different. The nine whips like thorns slammed up, and I slammed forward after three turns on the top of my head. Waved it out.

Kojiro Kenjiro was worried that I would take him again this time because I have been facing him, theoretically speaking, the probability of attacking him is the greatest. But when he really saw the whip swayed at him, he was still taken aback. Upon seeing this situation, Nobunaga Guishou quickly winked and asked everyone to turn around, but he didn't dare to shout this time. Just now, he was screaming for another injury and shouted "Turn", and his eyes and ears started to bleed. With the blood in his nostrils and the mouth that had been really red before, he was already bleeding from his seven orifices. Once again, I guess he won't be able to get Kenjiro Kohato. But it's not bad. Their previous emergency training didn't work much, plus they had a successful experience, this time everyone turned significantly faster. But unfortunately, although they turned well, my nine-tail whip covered a larger area. And unlike the previous situation, the nine-tail whip can move horizontally in the Formation without any hindrance.

Looking at the whip that was about to be drawn down, Kenjiro Kojiro, who had just turned an angle, did not dare to accelerate, because his movements too fast would inevitably mess up the entire formation. In order to ensure that the formation is not Chaos, he must maintain this speed, so he can only brace oneself and watch the whip pull down.

Only listening to bang, nine whips were drawn to Kojiro Kenjiro by the way, and following my violent pull, I only listened to peng sound, and I actually tore all the nails on Kojiro Kenjiro’s body. After coming down a large piece, his entire left shoulder and the garment under his ribs were torn off, exposing the skin inside.

I and Nobunaga Guishou, they both didn't expect that this will be the result of a whip. I was surprised that the whip could move smoothly within the Formation, and Nobunaga and the others were surprised that the whip could actually tear off the armor. But the surprise for both of us was only a brief moment, because we all thought of the answers to these situations. The reason why the nine-tailed whip can move in the Formation but the previous hook and sickle gun is stuck, I guess it may be an eternal attribute. Normally, nothing should penetrate the Formation, and it is even more impossible to wield it indiscriminately. The reason why Eternal can ignore this rule is because it has a demon attribute that can be used without any spell-like Formation. However, this attribute is obviously only attached to the eternal weapon part, which is its attack point. For example, when eternity becomes a saber, its blade can break demons, but the back cannot. When Eternity becomes a long spear, its spear tip can break the magic, but the back grip cannot. Now Eternal has become a whip, and the attacking part is the entire whip body except the grip, so it can be swung in the Formation at will without being affected. As for the whip to tear off the armor, this is actually easy to understand. The nine-tailed whip that has become eternal is now full of barbs. The structure is similar to the devil stick we use in reality, and it can easily stick to many things. Coupled with the damage attribute of Eternity’s own weapon and its sharpness, those barbs plunged into the opponent’s armor at the moment they were drawn into the opponent’s body. If I pull like this at this time, I won’t tear down a layer. Something coming? It's just that there is armor blocking it now, and the armor and clothes are torn off. The next whip will go up and it will be uncertain.

Although we both thought of the answer, the results were completely different. After knowing the characteristics of eternal attributes, I became even more proud, because I can safely use eternity to attack. But Nobunaga and the others are even more afraid, because once I tore off their armor, it would be equivalent to using a whip full of barbeds to slap their flesh directly, which is not the same as using mashed potatoes. Are all the meat on your body pulled out in strips? Don't say that I was really here for a while, even thinking about it makes Nobunaga Ghosts feel sweaty all over. However, unlike Onihand Nobunaga and the three of them, they were in a different mood of fear. The members of the Sakura group standing behind them gave a long sigh, because what they were thinking was: "Fortunately, I am not strong enough to stand in the front. , Otherwise I will be the one who is unlucky!"

The first whip came down to create such an effect. I immediately waved the whip and greeted Kojiro Kenjiro again, and he was scared to spin with everyone. I got up and prepared to dodge, but just like last time. The coverage of the nine-tailed whip was too large, and their rotation speed was obviously not fast enough, so he was unlucky enough to get another whip. However, besides pulling off a large piece of armor this time, his shoulders also suffered. The entire left shoulder was swept directly by the whip, and blood was splashing and the flesh was flying. The painful Kojiro Kenjiro did not control a scream. Shouted out. However, this kid is still a bit spine. Although the name is quite miserable, he still insists on not shifting the position randomly.

"Yeah, didn't expect you to be spineless?" I smiled and shook the whip, and then said: "Then shall we continue?"

I heard When I said, Kenjiro Kohato's face turned white immediately, but he had to stand up even if he was afraid. The whip came again in the whistling wind, and this time I changed the direction specially. Bang also stripped off the armor on the right shoulder of Kenjiro Kohato. Then I started to work from side to side, and Kojiro Kenjiro didn’t hide at all. Anyway, he would be drawn. It’s better to stand obediently and honestly, at least so that you don’t have to risk the formation of the break.

Speaking of which Kojiro Kenjiro and the others engaged in this Formation, although it will take effect the moment you start to chant the spell, but its advantage is the drawback of its long completion time. If the general Formation is released by so many people, it should have been completed long ago. But Kenjiro Kojiro was standing there, but I had not been able to complete the Formation after more than a dozen whips. Although Kenjiro Kohato had not fallen yet, everyone could tell that he was actually not far from death. What was originally his body armor is now only a little bit of debris hanging on his legs and neck, and almost everything else is cleaned by me. Had it not been for the panties that came with the system were indestructible, it is estimated that he would not even have a fig leaf left. But as far as I can see, it’s the same. Anyway, he’s already invisible. Not only is his skin almost torn by the barbs on the whip, but in many places, whole pieces of meat are gone. I began to admire how ruthless this kid was. If the average person would have collapsed early. However, although I admire his endurance, he is an enemy, and I have to fight if I should fight. Besides, I am not the kind of soft-hearted master. On the contrary, in the eyes of most people, I am actually a very violent and cruel person.

"hehe, you deserve to be a ninja! It is more tolerant than ordinary people. Okay, you just continue to bear it. Doubt, I will tear all the flesh off your body and make you a living skeleton, I It depends on how you chant the curse." As I said, I raised the whip and planned to draw it down again, but when I just raised my hand, there was a sudden change in Kenjiro Kohato's side.

Guishou Nobunaga suddenly changed his gesture and pointed to the sky: "divine light is everywhere-forbidden."

After Guishou Nobunaga finished reciting, Guren Phoenix followed him. Raise your hand: "divine light general photo-broken demon."

Finally, Kojiro Kenjiro followed and said: "divine light general photo-soul sealing."

It was in Kojiro Kenjiro. After reading this last sentence, the three of them led the eighteen members of the Sakura team behind, and each of them shot a ball of light, and then gathered together on the top of the Formation to form a white ball of light. . The sphere of light flashed immediately after it was formed, and a golden light violently diffused along the previously invisible Formation, making the originally invisible barrier suddenly turned into a pale-gold translucent barrier, although It still doesn't affect the observation, but it can be seen.

Almost immediately after the barrier change was completed, Kojiro Kenjiro could no longer stand. He suddenly fell to the ground with a tilt, but in the next second, there was suddenly more around him. A magic array, a brand new and intact Kenjiro Kotobumi appeared in that magic array again.

"Is it a substitute technique?" Outside Formation, gold coin looked at the newly-appearing Kojiro Kenjiro and wondered.

Roses shook the head. "No. That's a resurrection array. Kojiro Kenjiro should be reborn. He was killed by Purple Moon just now."

"Rebirth?" Kristina said in surprise immediately after hearing it. It’s not that the people in this thing will be resurrected on the spot if they die? Then if the guild leader can’t beat them, wouldn’t he be killed all the way back to level zero?"

"No, up to Level 20 him Will be forcibly teleported back to Novice Village." Zhen Hong said.

"Is there a difference?"

Rose interrupted them and said: "Anyway, smash it now. This barrier should be breakable. As long as you break through it, Nobunaga Guishou All their plans will fall to the ground."


Under Rose’s instructions, it was really red. They immediately began to attack the barrier, but their attack hits every time. On the barrier, the ball of light above will brush down a golden light wave, and after the light wave has been swept away, it will automatically recover no matter if it was a crack or something.

"Damn, that thing will repair itself, how can we fight it?" Zhenhong asked immediately anxiously when she saw that the crack she had just smashed out suddenly disappeared. But when she turned her head, she saw Rose looking up at the ball of light diagonally above with a smile on her face. "When are you still laughing?"

"I laughed because I knew that this thing is not invincible." Rose said, pointing to the light ball and explained: "I just attacked you During the Formation, I observed it carefully for a while, and it turned out that every time you destroy the Formation, the light ball will use the energy wave to repair the Formation."

"Nonsense, we also know this!"

"But what you didn't notice is that if the damage is not repaired once, the ball of light will become smaller, and the more severe the damage, the faster it will become smaller."

"You are Say that thing is actually a battery? Just drain it?" Zhen Hong asked.

"Yes." Rose said excitedly: "Now it's up to you to see if your damage output can drain that thing before Purple Moon suffers."

"This you Don't worry, I will smash it anyway." Zhenhong started to prepare her large-scale skills, and Kristina and the others were already releasing the skills.

When people outside smashed Formation, a change took place inside Formation. The first is that the layer of Formation between me and Nobunaga and them disappeared. Now my range of activities has expanded a lot, and I can directly attack everyone here. However, while gaining the benefits, the drawbacks must also exist, that is, the group of people in front of them no longer need to maintain Formation. After the light ball appeared, Formation entered a state of self-operation. Now the ghosts of Nobunaga and the others do not need to maintain a formation to chant, but they can also move at will, so that I have to face 21 enemies at the same time. Of course, even if they have 41, I am not afraid. At the beginning, I and the world battle strength ranked the top 100 opponents, have not all won? What if these guys are specifically restraining me? At most two or three of them can be in the top 100, and others can be in the top 10,000. I don't care about that strength.

Just when I was ready to pick 21, there was a sudden change in the field. I saw that the eighteen members of the Sakura team suddenly formed six squads in groups of three, and then they all assumed a strange pose. This posture is actually a formation of three people. One person in the middle is kneeling on the ground with his hands in front of him making a pose like firing qigong bombs, while the other two are squatting diagonally behind him with one hand in the middle. On his shoulder, it looks like the posture of transmitting internal strength in a martial arts movie.

When I was wondering what they were doing, suddenly I saw these six squads. Suddenly the person in the middle of each team shouted loudly and shot a ball of light from the center of his palms. When I saw the ball of light, I thought they were going to hit me. Who knew that the ball of light didn’t fly towards me but moved towards Nobunaga Onishu. The three of them flew over, and they happened to be two for one person, not too many. A lot.

"Hello? What are you guys dressed up as God, playing the Devil doing?" I looked at the three of them and asked.

Originally, I just wanted to interfere with them, and I didn’t expect anyone to answer me. Who knew that Honglian Phoenix actually said: "hmph, this is our special achievement, and we can borrow a natural force at random, when The time comes, you know it's amazing."


I was in a daze, and suddenly heard a reminder sound above my head, and looked at Nobunaga Guishou The three of them actually raised their heads, obviously they heard it too. Except for the range broadcast, most of the system prompts are only for people who are related to the prompt. That is to say, as long as it is not related to the prompt, even if someone is standing next to you, he will not hear the prompt, but Nobunaga Guishou heard them. It can only show that this prompt is either broadcast or related to them.

Sure enough, the voice began to speak in the next second. "Player Nobunaga Onishu, player Guren Phoenix, and player Kenjiro Kohato, please pay attention to the three below. Since your enemy Purple Moon carries a special mission on his body, his victory in this battle will be difficult Being promoted. This system te

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