Kobato Kenjiro, who was taught me a lesson, did not show any anger, but calmly said: "The number one in the world battle strength list is really not a fake. It seems. I don’t have to worry about finding an opponent to play anymore!"

"The brat is not so strong and the tone is not small." As I said, I reached out and pointed at Kojiro Kenjiro, and then turned my hand back to the hook. hook. "I'll talk about your big talk after winning. Before that, it was all bullshit."

"You..." Kojiro Kenjiro came up with an irritation when I scolded him. He just pretended to show off. As a newcomer, he definitely can't be as calm as I am. After all, I have been famous for a long time. Even if I don't do anything, everyone knows that I am an expert. But he is different. He is a rookie and needs a battle to prove himself. So I can be more magnanimous, because others will think that I am humility, but he must be tough, because if he retreats, he will only be considered afraid rather than humility.

"Very angry, isn't it?" I looked at Kojiro Kenjiro and said, "It's actually very easy to prove that I am not a trash." I said and beckoned to him again.

If Kenjiro Kojiro can hold back seeing my current actions, then he is not a newcomer. This time I didn't need to agitate him anymore, Kojiro Kenjiro directly waved the Toyo sword in his hand to the side, and then dragged the sword diagonally towards me.

I don’t know if he believed what I said earlier or he himself felt that the trick lost its suddenness. In short, this guy didn’t use the ninjutsu like teleportation last time, but obediently and honestly. Rushed over. However, just as the two of us were about to meet, this guy couldn't help but started using his special skills again. I only saw Kenjiro Kojiro who had just rushed in front of me suddenly turned into a bunch of flying petals, and he disappeared.

I didn’t panic about the disappearance of Kojiro Kenjiro. I didn’t even think. Lifting my leg was a back kick. I only listened to a groan from behind. When I turned around, Kojiro Kenjiro was already lying down. A few meters away.

"I said that fancy skills are just a method. You can rely on them to show off your strength, and you can also use them to deal with expert attacks, but don’t really think of it as a victory. The key, because the real key is never fancy skills."

"hmph, you just react faster than me, don’t say anything about it, I’m not your student." Kenjiro quibbled unconvincedly.

I pretended to be very helpless shook the head. "Originally I thought you would be a rising star, but now it seems that you will always be impossible to be a true expert."

"Fart." After talking, Kenjiro Kohato suddenly disappeared in place again, the next second. It fell sharply from above me. I didn't evade in embarrassment at all, but I took a step back without raising my head. As a result, Kojiro Kenjiro plunged into the ground in front of me. Before he could pull the knife out, I slammed forward and kicked him in front of the door. Seeing the kicked foot, Kojiro Kenjiro immediately wanted to draw a knife to stop him, but my leg suddenly accelerated, and his knife was just drawn out and before it was in place, he was kicked on the wrist by me. With a sound, the Toyo sword rolled and flew out. Kojiro Kenjiro glanced at the flying Toyo sword in surprise, and then remembered that I was still there, and quickly looked back at my next move, but it was a pity that distraction on the battlefield had to pay a price. Just when he turned his head, I had one foot on his back. When he turned back, I just clamped my legs and locked his head, and then my hands and waist continued to reverse force, followed by a fierce force. Rebound, and at the same time the body fell to the side following the force of the rotation.

Kojiro Kenjiro’s neck was clamped by my legs, and I rolled sideways. He can only be controlled by me to roll with me, otherwise unless his head can be on his shoulders like a robot. A hundred and sixty degrees of rotation, otherwise I will definitely break the cervical spine. However, even though he was forced to roll with me, because I was ready to roll, he followed the roll in a hurry, so obviously he couldn't keep up with the rhythm in speed, and his neck was almost broken by me.

It was probably quick witted in an emergency. Seeing that his neck was about to break, Kenjiro Kohato suddenly took out a dagger from his body and pierced my thigh. As soon as I saw his movement, I quickly loosened his head, stepped on his shoulder by the way, and flew out in two directions after the two of us. Immediately after leaving him, I propped with one hand on the ground like a gymnast playing a pommel horse. I threw a big circle upside down on the ground, and then followed a backhand to steadily land, while Kojiro Kenjiro was spinning on the side. He flew out sideways, fell heavily to the ground and turned N somersaults before it stopped. It's just that at this time there is almost no clean place on his body, there is dirt from head to toe.

"Is this your strength?" I patted off the soil on my hand, and then approached Kenjiro Kohato and said, "Who just said that I am not afraid that I will not be a match for the future? You Do you think you are really worthy to compete with me?"

Listening to me, Kenjiro Kohato's teeth clenched and rattled, and his fist became even more white, almost squeezing My nails were all pinched off. However, although angry and ashamed, he did not rush forward again. His reaction did not make me underestimate him. On the contrary, just because he didn't rush up, I looked at him a little higher instead. The current situation is very obvious, this Kojiro Kenjiro is simply not my opponent. In his current state, even if he rushes up, it will be a food delivery. Therefore, rushing up does not mean being brave, but an idiot. On the contrary, he did not rush, but it could show that his thoughts were calm. Although his previous performance clearly shows that he has little combat experience, at least he has a cool head, which shows that he has the basic qualities to become an expert. Experts do not have to be prominent, and they do not necessarily reflect well, but experts must always remain calm. Especially when others are not calm, your ability to stay calm shows that you are better than others.

After holding his fists on the ground for a long time, Kojiro Kenjiro finally suppressed his emotions, and then he got up from the ground, looked at me and said: "I admit, singled out I am not your opponent. You are the number one on the battle strength list, and I am just a nobody. I can’t beat you not because I can’t, but because you are too strong. However, this is a battlefield, not an arena. I brought a special one today. Regarding your team, even if you can easily knock down any of us, as long as we join hands, you will definitely die."

"Oh? Is this really the case? Then if I Don't you let you join forces?"

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