After leaving the conference hall, I didn't care what the Divine Race would react at all, so I sent it directly to Isengard. Of course, before leaving, I also notified the members responsible for spoils of war to use the third set of plans, which is the plan to be used in the event of a collapse. Those Divine Races will definitely come to me after discovering that the number of spoils of war is obviously wrong, but I don’t plan to care about this for the time being. Anyway, I don’t have anything to ask for those Divine Races in a short period of time. Instead, they have to help them. Dealing with the problem of the ring of commandments, so I don't care when this matter is resolved. at worst We just play a marathon negotiation, I don't care at all.

After arriving at Isengard, I was connected to Military God's communications while moving to the Transnational Transmission Formation. "My business is done, tell me where I am going now."

"In this way, you first teleport to Fulcrum City, and then to the local Transmission Formation to find Kristina, you and her One group, she knows the location."


After starting the Transmission Formation, I quickly arrived at Fulcrum City, and after going out of the transnational Transmission Formation, I went directly to the neighboring country Near Transmission Formation. Without looking for it carefully, I saw Kristina and the others from afar, but to my surprise, Rose was there.

"Huh? Why are you here?"

The rose shook the staff in his hand and said: "My new task is to help the Japanese cherry blossom team Kill it completely."

"What cherry blossom group?" I looked towards Rose in doubt.

Rose only reacted at this time and explained: "Oh, yes, you have been dealing with Divine Race. I don’t know the situation here. According to the information sent back by Matsumoto Masaka, Guishou It seems that the Nobunaga gang has formed a cherry blossom team, with three main personnel, namely Nobunaga Onitou, Guren Phoenix, and Kenjiro Kohato. According to Masaka Matsumoto, they..."

"Wait a minute." I interrupted Rose’s introduction and asked: "Let me figure out two things first."

"Well, you said."

"First Why did Guren Phoenix get together with Nobunaga Onitou again?" According to our previous information, since Nobunaga lost its leading position in Japan last time, Guren Phoenix seems to have tried to be his own. The leader of Japan. But it may be because of the low status of Japanese women, she has not been able to really get enough support, so she has never been a Japanese leader. But then she seemed to gradually abandon her plan to be a leader and instead supported Masaka Matsumoto. It seemed that she had a bad impression of Nobunaga Onito at that time, but she didn’t know how to do it, and she blinked again. Going with him.

After listening to my question, Rose immediately explained: "In fact, it's nothing. The reason why Guren Phoenix was directed to Masaka Matsumoto before was nothing more than seeing Masaka Matsumoto gaining power, and Nobunaga Onitou lost its effect. Her purpose is only to enter the leadership of Japanese players, not really want to support anyone."

"OK, I understand, I understand." I'm not a fool, but at first didn't Expect to go to this aspect, now that the rose points out, if I don’t understand it, I’ll be damned. Guren Phoenix’s original intention was to indulge in an expert who can help her. Now that the counterattack plan proposed by Onizu Nobunaga seems to have great potential, she naturally abandoned Matsumoto Masaga and reinvested in Onizu Nobunaga. This is not difficult to understand. "I understand the issue of Guren Phoenix, but who is Kenjiro Kobato?"

"Kojiro Kenjiro is a newcomer among Japanese players. It seems to be completely exchanged in reality. An expert made by forcing money with currency. The level is quite high, the equipment is excellent, and the most important thing is that this guy seems to have a bit of martial arts, and his fighting style is very similar to yours." This was said by Zhen Hong standing next to him. , And she seemed to have fought against each other in this tone.

"Have you ever fought?"

"I just met once a few minutes ago. That guy's attack frequency is very high. It is completely opposite to me, and to the Senior Sister. Very similar."

"No, his fighting style is different from mine." Yingquan, who was next to Zhenhong, said: "On the surface it seems that both of us are very fast, but I He played assassination, but he used fighting."

"Is there any difference between these two?" Kristina asked, looking at Shadow Spring.

"Of course it's not the same." Yingquan explained seriously: "Assassination is a fighting method with assassination as the target. There are three situations. First, block the attack; second, avoid; third, death. As for the little Hato Kenjiro, he is only very fast. If he slows down his movements, it seems that he is actually no different from other people's fighting."< /p>

"so that's how it is." Kristina nodded and said: "Then I understand, anyway, in case you run into it, I just use spell to hold him down and not let him get close That’s it, right?"

"It’s roughly the same. But one of his two professions is a ninja, and he may have some special skills that can instantly close the distance, so you still have to fight Be careful."

"I understand."

Seeing that the two of them have finished asking for advice, I said to them again: "I'm afraid there are more than three people in the Sakura group, right?"

< p>"How do you know?" Rose asked slightly surprised.

I glanced at the humanity present: "If only the three military gods can bring us all together here?" Now besides me, there are Zhenhong, Yingquan, and Klee in this place. Stina, rose and gold coin, I have six people. I don’t know how good that Kenjiro Kohato is, but Nobunaga and Guren Phoenix are not my opponents when they are tied together. No matter how strong that Kenjiro Kohato is, he won’t be able to beat five of them, right? So it is obvious that there must be other members in the opponent's team, and the number will not be too small, at least one or two more than us to have the value of so many expert joint shots. Otherwise, unless it is the military god who short-circuits, it is absolutely impossible to bring us all together.

Rose explained: "The cherry blossom group actually consists of three people, but under their group there are three support teams called petals. Each of these three petals includes six members, which is a total of Eighteen people, and all of them are elites, none of them is someone who is easy to deal with."

"Eighteen plus three, that's twenty-one people. Such a large-scale concentration of experts , What do they want to do?"

"Is it still unclear?"

I saw Rose looked at me all the time, and suddenly reacted. "You mean, their team is for me?"

Rose nodded. "Speaking of which I have to blame you."

"What is my business for Nobunaga Guishou and their team?"

"Isn't it all exciting to you?" Rose explained: "The previous show you and Matsumoto Masakao was so coquettish. As a result, Matsumoto Masaka's position in the hearts of Japanese players instantly jumped up like a rocket. Oni Shou Nobunaga and Guren. Phoenix is ​​the kind of person with a strong desire for performance, how could it be completely unresponsive to this situation?"

"So they formed such a team and planned to kill me again for themselves Put gold on your face?"

"Yes. Nobunaga Guishou and Guren Phoenix are very clear that they will definitely not be able to kill you on their own. So they will definitely organize a group to destroy you."

"Listen to how I look like a big boss at the bottom?"

"In the hearts of the majority of Japanese players, you are already beyond the boss. Now you can kill you in Japan. It’s similar to the dragon-slaying warriors in the Middle Ages in Europe. Regardless of your identity, as long as you kill you once, you will be a national hero from now on."

"I am a national disaster, right?"

"No, you are also a national hero, but you are our Chinese hero. For Japanese players, you are basically the same as the four evils. Oh no. You are better than the four evils, at least the four can fight Death, and you are almost invincible." At this point, Rose suddenly changed her face: "It's okay, no kidding. Let's go right now? The god of war just notified me that the opponent has entered the field."

"Entering the field? Are we fighting on the battlefield instead of on the battlefield?"

"Of course it is the battlefield, but it is also the fighting field." Rose explained, "Our mission is not just Kill those guys and we'll be done. Our main task is to destroy the imposing manner of Japanese players. During this period of time, they used our weak strength in Japan to fight for too long a tailwind, and now it is an imposing manner. Ruhong, if we don’t kill them, we will fight very hard in the future battles. This time we just used their Sakura group to take a knife. Nobunaga Guishou has been promoting how powerful their Sakura group is, as long as we If you can knock them down, then you can also knock down the Japanese players' imposing manner."

"so that's how it is. Then let's hurry up."

< p>After leaving the Fulcrum City, we did not directly teleport to the battlefield, but first teleported to a city in a melee. The city is still under the control of our guild, but the city wall has been lost. Now a large number of Japanese players and NPCs are rushing into the city to hunt down our people in an attempt to occupy the city.

A few of us just appeared in Transmission Formation. Before we could see the surrounding environment clearly, we saw a silhouette flying upside down into Transmission Formation. I almost caught this person with ease. The player thought he was going to fall miserably, who knew he was caught suddenly. But when he looked back and saw me and a few people around me who had caught him, the expression on his face instantly changed to surprise and ecstasy. "Ah! President! You guys..."

I stretched out my hand to silence the sound, and then said, "Go to the break, and leave it to us here."


"en!" Hearing my words, the player immediately nodded with an excited expression, then stood up and retreated to the side.

The Japanese player who flew in that player rushed up after the player was caught, because the distance was too close and he didn’t even see what was coming out of the Transmission Formation. people. With red eyes, he just saw a silhouette and raised the Toyo sword in his hand and chopped it down, but as soon as the knife was raised to the top of his head, the man had already flown out, until he returned to the Palace of Resurrection, he still didn't know who was hit by him. NS.

On the street outside the teleportation hall, a few Japanese players with a group of NPCs just ran across the street and heard a bang from the back. At first glance, they discovered that a Japanese was actually stuck on the opposite side. Among the walls, the posture was clearly thrown out of the teleportation hall. When the players saw the situation, they immediately realized that there were enemies in the teleportation hall. The Japanese players who had been victorious didn't think about the situation. They greeted each other and immediately rushed into the teleportation hall with the NPCs behind them. Just before they climbed the stairs, they saw a few people walking out of the gate of the Teleportation Hall.

"en?" The Japanese player who rushed to the front was immediately taken aback, but he didn’t know if he was red-eyed or didn’t pay attention. The other people around him unexpectedly So bluntly, he rushed past him. He hadn't reacted when he first saw us, but soon he fully reacted, because the players who rushed forward almost instantly all flew back, and none of them were complete. Six people rushed up, and there were at least 30 pieces of things that flew back, and one person turned into at least five paragraphs. What's even more exaggerated is that from the beginning to the end, he didn't see who made the shot. He saw that the few companions rushed into a pile of minced meat and flew back upside down.

It’s better if I didn’t react before. As soon as it reacted, the player immediately felt a chill spread along the soles of his feet to the scalp, and the chills all over his body instantly disappeared All stood up.

"Purple Moon...Purple Moon?"

"Don't get in the way." As the guy said my name, I had already walked down the steps, and After approaching his side, he said such a sentence. But before he had time to react, his entire head suddenly burst into a mass of bloody fragments, and he fell onto the road with his body. The group of NPC soldiers who followed him saw that several players were killed but did not rush forward. Instead, they slammed the brakes together, and then turned and fled in all possible directions at the same time like a rehearsal.

"hehe, the deterrent effect of President Purple Moon is really good." Kristina said.

"Unfortunately, it has no effect on players." I sighed.

Christina said with a smile: "At least it works for low-level NPCs! You see, if we solve these guys, how many seconds will it take? The president will stop here. , It scares them all away without doing anything, how convenient is this?"

speaking of which The deterrent attribute on me is indeed a good thing, although it is not effective against high level creatures and players, but It can help me a lot when encountering a lot of low-level creatures. Especially when there are no players in a certain area of ​​the battlefield, I can scare away all NPC troops that are not commanded by players. No matter how strong the opponent is, as long as he can't beat me single-handedly, it will still be affected by the deterrent attribute. Of course, the presence of players is another matter.

After scaring away the guys on the road, we walked towards the city gate together, but just after walking, we saw another team of NPCs running over, and there was one standing in front of the team. Row players. Several NPCs next to one of the players are pointing at us and talking to them from a distance. It seems that they are the gangs of NPCs who were scared away by us just now.

The guys on the opposite side were taken aback when they saw us. They just heard that there were a few very difficult to deal with enemies in the city, and they brought high level NPCs to deal with these enemies. of. But what surprised them was that when they saw the so-called very difficult to deal with enemy, they found that the person was me, and I was not alone, and there was a bunch of strong men behind me. Except for Rose, who didn't participate in the battle very much, the rest of the Japanese players were all registered for a long time. What the presidents of the Japanese guilds told the players under their hands is that when you see these people, don't want to single out. It is better to run away if the number of people is less than a thousand times that of others.

Although all the news I heard tells these guys that we can't be impulsive when we meet us, but the current situation is not enough. Those Japanese players can only be brace oneself, directing the gang of NPCs to rush up. However, what made them extremely depressed was that although they called for a charge, the NPCs acted like an old lady walking, moving forward carefully and cautiously, without taking a step for a long time. Although they are still moving forward as ordered, what is the difference between this speed and not moving?

A more clever Japanese player pulled a player with a higher status next to him and said: "The NPC we brought seems to be too low-level. I can’t even walk when I see Purple Moon. We are Don’t you go back and report it first?"

"Yes, yeah!" Another player next to him also reacted and quickly said: "We are not running away, we are leaving a useful body to return to The headquarter reported. This information is too important, we can’t waste time here!"

The player who led the team wanted to run, but the reputation of escaping is really bad, so it’s brace oneself. Ordered the charge. Now that all the NPCs became like this, and with the reminder from his companions, he immediately went down the donkey and said: "Yes, we should report this important information. Everyone quickly retreat." The player shouted Down, the players and the NPCs they brought almost turned around and ran, and the speed was much faster than when they attacked just now.

"Well, scare a group away again!" Gold coin put away the Heavenly Venerable sword dao sadly: "Aren't we going separately? Get together like this, except for Nobunaga ghosts. Japanese expert, the average players have to be scared away!"

"We are not going to deal with these ordinary players. Isn't it better to scare away?" Rose asked rhetorically.

"That's what I said."

In the next time, we almost smoothly scared the invaders on the main roads of the city without moving our hands. Went out of the city. It’s almost because there was a team of Japanese players who just ransacked a store, and they came out of the store and just hit our crowd. As a result, before they could react, we let Zhenhong and gold coin give the result. NS. Except for this hapless team, the rest of the team almost ran away as soon as they recognized us. After so many battles before, Japanese players have basically realized that it is quite stupid to pretend to be 13 in front of me. the behavior of.

After we scared away the enemies in the city, the players in our guild successfully recovered the city streets and regained control of the city wall, but because the city gate was blasted to pieces, so temporarily They can't hold the city yet. But don't worry about this. With us here, it is estimated that except for the desperate second fool, most people don't dare to rush in stupidly.

When a few of us walked out of the city gate, the plain outside the city was already crowded with players who had exited the city. Because the following troops still don’t know what’s going on, they are still trying to rush forward, but the troops in front are retreating, so here is almost all squeezed into a ball, a large group of troops who don’t know where they belong is just fine. It's as lively as a flock of ducks.

"Purple Moon will grow so majestic, and come out parade with so many experts?" A huge voice suddenly overwhelmed the noisy noise of the Japanese player troops, and also made the chaos a certain degree control.

"Huh? Who are you?" When I saw the guy who was talking, I guessed his identity at a glance, but I didn’t take him seriously. He swept over, and then said to the ghost hand Nobunaga next to him: "Where did you find such a kid again? Have you graduated? It is illegal to use child labor."

Nobunaga heard me just about to talk, who knew the guy dressed as a ninja and said, "Purple Moon, I know your mouth is great. You say it as soon as possible, I don't care. Anyway, I'm not going to compete with you on a talk show." I am here today to end your mythology and let everyone know that your Purple Moon is not invincible."

"hahahaha!" I suddenly laughed wildly and turned to Rose and they asked "Did I just hear it wrong? It seems that someone said that I was going to end me? It seems that I just ended a Divine Race force, why is there someone trying to end me? Are they a more powerful Divine Race group?"

The faces of the people on the opposite side were stiff when they heard what I said. They also just got news that our guild’s battle against Russia’s Divine Race is over, and we actually won. In any case, Divine Race is Divine Race, and everyone knows its strength. We can end a Divine Race. Although we cannot prove that we have the strength to surpass Divine Race, it at least proves that we are no longer a guild in the ordinary sense. At least no guild besides us has the courage to fight Divine Race. of.

"Purple Moon, you are very strong, I admit that." Kenjiro Kohato said suddenly, "However, no matter how strong you are, you are still a person. I brought my special operations team today. Long ago we Just insisting on special training to deal with you, and only recently completed our targeted training. Although you are very strong, we are the ones who specifically restrain you. You should be prepared to die."

"I am happy to be with you." I said, and walked forward alone. Rose and the others wanted to follow, but I waved them to block them. Seeing that I didn't want them to play directly, Rose greeted the others and stood still.

Seeing me walking out alone, Kenjiro Kohato who was opposite was also slightly taken aback. I brought so many experts to the show before, and he can still send the whole team in grandiosely, but if I have only one person and don't even summon the familiar, it would be equivalent to keeping my hands. Regarding my state of not doing my best, if he called everyone up together, it would be equivalent to losing the imposing manner before the fight started, so he couldn't do that.

Although he knew that a person might suffer a loss when dealing with me, Kojiro Kenjiro had not directly played against me after all, so he was a little hopeful, hoping that a miracle would happen. In case he can win me by dogshit luck, even if he fights both sides suffer, it will be enough for him to become famous. So, even though he knew it was impossible, he still came to me alone.

When Kojiro Kenjiro was walking towards me, I was observing and analyzing him. The information I know about him before is that he is very fast and has more than one profession. The main profession is ninja. Apart from these, I have almost no understanding of his behavior patterns. The current Kojiro Kenjiro wears tight-fitting equipment. At first glance, it looks like a ninja costume, but I can see that this kid is deliberately misleading others. Ninja is a very extreme profession, this profession is a profession that gives up defense at the expense of obtaining the ultimate athletic attack ability, so ninja usually has no armor. The clothes on them only act as camouflage, there is not much defensive power, and their best defense is their speed. As long as you don't get hit, even if you don't have a defense, that's not a problem. This is the idea of ​​a ninja. However, Kojiro Kenjiro's ordinary suit is not a ninja suit. He not only has defensive armor pieces, but also a lot of them, almost covering most of the whole body, but those armor pieces are relatively small, so It seems that the bag is not tight, and because the nails and clothing are all black, it is not conspicuous.

In addition to armor, this guy has many other problems. The first is that he has a strange forehead on his head. Ninjas do have head guards, but they are generally not that big. He looks like a semi-covered helmet, not the entire upper part of his head and half of his face are covered, and even his eyes are protected by crystals. According to me, this thing is not so much for forehead protection, it is more suitable for a lightweight helmet.

Also, this guy's left and right hands swing a bit too much when walking, and they don't seem to be very coordinated. Before Zhenhong said that he knows kung fu, his body should be extremely coordinated, not to mention that the ninja itself is also a profession that pays attention to physical coordination, and it is impossible to have uncoordinated hands and feet. His current walking movement can only explain one situation-his cuff is heavy. Although I don't know why he wears an overweight brace, I can be sure that it is definitely not a good-looking thing. And that thing shouldn't be a counterweight for training wrist strength, because if it were, he would have dropped it a long time ago. No one dares to wear restraint gear when facing me. That is not self-confidence, that is an idiot.

After observing the movements of the limbs, I also discovered a situation from Kojiro Kenjiro. That is, when this guy walks, his feet are almost on toes. Although this posture is the habit of a ninja, most people don't walk up and down like him, it looks like he is walking on a spring. I guess this action was caused by his frequent jumping. Judging from this detail, Kojiro Kenjiro might jump up and down like a monkey when he started a battle. It is estimated that there is not much time to land.

Although I only saw a few problems, I didn't care too much. My eyes are poisonous enough to be able to find so many problems in his short time. If most people don't think they can find so many problems. Of course, when I was observing Kenjiro Kohato, he was actually observing me, but I don't know if he saw anything.

Soon the two of us walked to the middle of the battlefield, and only stopped after more than fifty meters apart. Looking at the slightly excited and slightly disturbed Kojiro Kenjiro on the other side, I suddenly pulled Eternal from the back of my hand, and then turned it into a super long hook and sickle gun. Seeing me take out the eternity, Kojiro Kenjiro immediately jumped his eyebrows. Since he has always regarded me as an imaginary enemy, he should naturally understand my weapons. He must also be aware of the terrifying lethality of Eternity, so he will react so much after seeing Eternity. However, just when he secretly reminded himself to be careful of the weapon, I suddenly turned Eternity upside down and pointed down, and then said to him: "Eternity is a weapon that slaughtered the gods. It’s too bad for you. It's fair, so I don't use it this time." When I said that, I suddenly went down and thrust the eternal edge part into the ground, and then went around eternity and walked forward two steps.

Although my action seems to have let Kojiro Kenjiro on the surface, it is not a good thing for him. Although he is also afraid of eternal formidable power, he has no reputation, even if he is defeated by me, it is nothing. But if I don’t use weapons now, and he still loses, that would be a shame. No matter how famous he is, he is also a person who is preparing to wait for the Japanese player leader camp. If he is defeated in this way, it will definitely be a huge stain on his future image, and it will still be a stain that is not easy to erase. However, it is obviously not appropriate to let him arrogantly say not to let me. After all, if you have the strength and say that you don't want to let others go, then you have confidence, but if you can't beat others and don't let others let go, wouldn't you become an idiot? Therefore, Kojiro Kenjiro is neither acceptable nor unacceptable.

Kojiro Kenjiro, who hesitated for a long time, finally decided not to speak out, because the current situation is getting more and more unfavorable, so it is better not to open his mouth, it may be better. Instead of letting everyone pay attention to what I asked him to do, it is better to just start the fight and divert attention. So, after I stood still, he didn't say anything, and drew out his weapon and rushed up.

Looking at Kojiro Kenjiro rushing over, I didn't have any intention to move at all, so I just stood there. Although my speed is very fast compared to the average person, I am not a speed professional after all, and there is no need to fight with him for moving speed. In general battles, there are low agility in-situ defenses and high agility in high-speed games. This is a common practice and a classic tactic. I don't need to change it.

Looking at me not moving, Kenjiro Kohato is very happy. Just when he just started and didn't take a few steps, his silhouette suddenly flashed, and saw a few pink petals fly up where he was just now, and he himself disappeared directly.

"Ninjutsu." The gold coin who stood in the field battle said the main point at a glance.

In the field, the disappeared Kojiro Kenjiro appeared from behind my back diagonally and at the moment after disappearing almost without any interval, and was different from the posture when he disappeared. He was already set when he appeared. With the action of slashing with the knife, if ordinary people use this blade, the battle can be ended directly. However, it is a pity that I am not an ordinary person. Just when Kojiro Kenjiro’s knife was about to touch me, I suddenly turned his body around. A kick kicked his knife away with a kick, and then that leg fell to the ground, and the other leg that was the support point followed off the ground. , Following the inertia between them, it was the second kick, and it directly kicked Kojiro Kenjiro's head.

When the knife in his hand was suddenly kicked off, Kenjiro Kojiro was just a daze, but he did have some foundation. When I kicked it out for the second time, he immediately reacted to him. The arm retracted and bent to block the side of the head, and my second foot kicked his arm directly, and the whole kick was rolled laterally. The head fell to the ground, but the body hovered briefly. . However, after losing his balance, he immediately stretched out his left hand to support the ground so that his head would not hit the ground. At the same time, he stretched his legs and kicked it just as I turned back because of the kick. It’s just that he didn’t expect me to react faster than him. After turning around, I didn’t continue to turn back. Instead, I fell backwards and turned obliquely in the air. The back blade at the elbow of my right hand suddenly bounced out. The door to his ears pierced down. Seeing this situation, Kohato Kenjiro gave up on his previous plan, kicked my elbow where there was no blade, and the body instantly rolled back with the help of the rebounding force. Almost as soon as he rolled away, I completed the turning motion. An elbow hit by momentum is big, power is deep hit the ground directly, and the one-foot-long back blade on the side of the elbow plunged into the ground. .

Kobato Kenjiro, who rolled out at a critical juncture, saw the result of my attack as soon as he stopped, and immediately broke out in a cold sweat. If he hadn't flashed so fast just now, the counterblade inserted into the ground should have penetrated his ears and nailed his head to the ground. Think about it just now. It was really life hanging by a thread. He had never encountered such a terrifying killer before when he was leveling. This is not training, this is a real fight. If you don't pay attention, you will be finished.

"It flashed very fast." I said this sadly, and then with a finger move, the back blade on the elbow immediately retracted into the armor, and then I slowly crawled from the ground. Up. "Rookie, as a senior, teach you something. Skills are just a means to assist you in winning. The final victory depends on strength. Don’t think that you are invincible in the whole world if the skills are fancy. People who spend more than your skills. I have seen too many, but in the end not all of them were killed by me?"

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