According to Military God’s calculations, I really didn’t have much hesitation, so in the end I chose the most difficult option. Of course, although the risk of this choice is a little bit bigger, once it is really done, its benefits are absolutely unambiguous. But before we can get this task done, we have to faint all those Divine Races first.

"Are you all in a hurry?" After arriving in the conference hall, I walked to the podium while smiling, and said: "I know you must be very anxious, but I can't help it! The well-informed people should already know the situation of our guild. Now our guild is facing the problem of multi-line combat. I can’t wait to split myself into three parts for use. I really can’t spare the time. But everyone. Don't worry, I have solved the most urgent task. Now I can talk to you about the battle against the Russian Divine Race."

"Purple Moon, you can just get to the point. Let's go straight to the topic. I really want to know how you fought in this battle?" An Olympus Divine Race asked arrogantly.

I glanced at him with slanted eyes, and then said, "Going directly to the topic is just four words: We won. Okay, my report is over. Whoever is more busy can leave, below I’m going to recount the past with my more leisurely friends, and by the way, talk about my previous battle against the Divine Race in Russia.” The next half of my sentence was almost staring at the shouting guy bit by word from his teeth. With that strength, it was almost like eating people, and the guy listening almost didn't turn from the seat to the back. Seeing that guy was suppressed by my imposing manner, I continued, "What? No one left? Wasn't someone very busy just now? Then since there are all idle old friends here, then It shouldn't be anymore. There are people waiting for the unfathomable mystery to come out and talk, right?"

The one below who was angry at my words almost vomited blood. At that time, he jumped up and wanted to speak harshly. Fortunately, the few people around him Very acquainted, before he opened his mouth, he covered his mouth and hugged his arms and pressed him down.

"Very well, since the busy people don’t want to talk anymore, please listen to me next. I will naturally ask you when it’s your turn to speak. First, let’s talk about the results of this battle. This time We won the battle. You should already know this. However, the victory is not in vain. Although we took advantage of the Russian Divine Race plan to defeat them this time, the opponent is Divine Race after all. In the battle of God World in Russia, you can’t help at all, so we almost rely on our own guild to deal with the entire Russian Divine Race. Of course, the materials you supported before the war played a big role, but After the Russian Divine Race launched the magic array in advance, some of your materials were not in place in time, so the loss of our guild was also quite high. According to preliminary statistics, all the members of our guild in this battle died on average. After more than two times, although our players can be resurrected, those high level NPCs in our guild are really sacrificed. Also, you may have seen it. Now the entire city of commandment is almost all mined by the Russian Divine Race It’s in ruins. Except for the core area and the foundation, the entire city needs to be rebuilt. You won’t let our guild bear all this loss, right?"

When I heard my question, the one who antagonized me before Divine Race suddenly "struck free" and pulled his crowd to jump up and said, "Isn't the account calculated like that? The loss you just mentioned is nothing more than casualties and urban losses, but how do I think this is not a loss?"

I glanced at the Divine Races around the guy with a sharp look, and then deliberately asked with a weird emphasis, "Oh? So what do you think?" The guy was clearly caught by everyone just now. It was pressed, but suddenly it popped out. It was obvious that the guys made him jump up on purpose. In fact, I saw it a long time ago, they had colluded long ago. This guy is not stupid at all. The reason he started to offend me was simply to disguise himself as a second fool to refute my remarks. In this case, some other inconvenient or unspeakable content of Divine Race can be said by him. Anyway, he wears the name of second fool, even if there is any inappropriate remarks, you can't really do anything to him, isn't it?

Actually, at first, I didn’t talk to the Divine Race directly, but returned to Isengard and knew that these guys must unite against me, but the situation at the time really didn’t allow me to first Come here, otherwise I won't give them time to connect! However, even if they are connected in series, I am not afraid. If you want to fall back on your account, just fall back on it. When you cry.

The Divine Race who looks like a second fool heard me say it, and immediately said unceremoniously: "In fact, it's nothing. What did you say about city loss before. Did you build the City of Commandment? That's it. Is the construction of our Divine Race jointly funded? Even if we lose it, we can repair it at worst. Will it be used to compensate you? What kind of casualties are there? This is even more nonsense. There is no war. Undead? When you accepted the mission, you said that it was a contracted battle, which means that the things we paid before the battle should be compensation including personnel losses, but you still ask us for it now? Do you plan to have a double commission?"

"Is this your unified opinion?" After hearing this guy's words, I immediately asked aloud. However, at this time, all the Divine Races present collectively became dumb, and they did not express any opinions, but the meaning was very clear. They are telling me that they support this argument and don't want to pay compensation anymore. "Very well, it seems that everyone has agreed to this agreement collectively. That means I am completely responsible for my own profit and loss in this battle, right?" This sentence came out, and the following was still absolute silence. This group of Divine Race is really shameless. The sinking now means that they don't want to say something that tears the face, but they clearly meant that. Seeing their reaction, I didn’t get angry. Instead, I laughed: "This is what you mean. Don’t regret it."

Seeing me laughing, that bunch of Divine Races is so amazing. Nothing has changed, just another small force, Divine Race, sitting there and saying, "President Purple Moon, don’t talk to us. This battle is contracted by you, and the commission we gave in advance includes your loss. Including compensation, if you ask for money now, you have received double compensation, which is obviously unreasonable. As for what you one is a fool here. I don’t think you will be alone in the inheritance of the Russian Divine Race. Swallow it, right?"

"hahahaha...Swallow it? Did I say that?" Although I was smiling on my face, I scolded the damn guy N times in my heart. These cheapskates are really stingy! But... I'm not the kind of master who can be controlled by others. "For the issue of compensation, you don't want to give it. I knew you wouldn't give it. I just said it to let you know that I took the loss. Later, we can be said to be stingy with the Frost Rose League. As for this spoils of war... of course you can’t swallow it alone. But... don’t you plan to take me to share one? No matter the loss, you won’t let me touch spoils of war, right?"

"What did President Purple Moon say?" Another Divine Race said: "spoils of war are one of the interests of the battlefield. Since you are a battlefield contractor, you should understand it. We have the advantage to let you help in the war. If you have to share even the final profit, then you are not a contractor but one of the antiques. I heard that your Frost Rose League is a commercial foundation, don’t you understand this?"

"Okay, very good. It is clear and thorough." I said this, but my eyes gradually narrowed into a line. Anubis and Ditans, who knew about my Divine Race, all had a heartache. These guys know my temper very well. My characteristic is that other people do business with me decently, then I abide by business principles, as much as I should. It's a commercial method to account for more, and I won't say anything if you account for less. However, if you really don't give me any profit, that's another matter. Because besides being a businessman, I am closer to a robber. If the business fails, then you have to grab it.

"Why? President Purple Moon still intends to deduct a bit of spoils of war and not come down?" Anubis and the others just wanted to make a sound out of the game, who knew that another Divine Race would immediately come out and say With this sentence, the temperature on the scene dropped to freezing point in an instant.

"Shipping? What's a joke? How can I withholding?" I stared at the Divine Race who had just spoken. It proves that I have deducted the spoils of war, then I have nothing to say. If there is no evidence, who would dare to say something that shouldn’t be said in front of me, don’t blame me for turning my face. Now that it’s all about it today, Then I might as well tell you directly. Although our Frost Rose League is a guild, we are not afraid of any Divine Race. If we can destroy the Russian Divine Race, we can destroy other Divine Races, even if we can’t. It’s not a problem to fight you perish together. Whoever wants to learn from each other and just say it."

"Purple Moon, what are you talking about?" Titans stood up and wanted to make a round, but I interrupted when I just said one sentence.

"Your Excellency Ditans, for the sake of our past friendships, I advise you. At this time, it’s better not to get out of your head so as not to lose yourself. I believe you have also seen them just now. What did you do to me. Right now? Ask them who would remember to give you more?"

I just choked back at the second half of Ditans's sentence and looked around. He didn't say anything in the end. The other Divine Races on the scene who wanted to persuade them all thought about it and shut their mouths. They are all Divine Races. The situation of each Divine Race is clearer than I am. Abandon one's benefactor after achieving one's goal This kind of thing in Divine Race is the same as common sense in life, who can't know?

When the Divine Race was stunned by what I said, I already walked towards the gate and said: "Since everything is clear, please take care of the rest. The spoils of war are already piled up on the square. Please divide it by yourself, and I will intervene so that no one will say that I am deducting. Oh, yes, I may be busy for a while, so it's better not to find me if it's okay. "I said that the people here have already walked out of the door, but the next second I put my head in and said: "Eh...better don't find me if you have anything. Then...bye." After saying the last word, I just said. The door was slammed shut, and all the Divine Races in the shaking room were stunned.

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