What I see is not something, but the rank bar on my attribute panel. Originally, my level was 17Level 33 before entering the Russian God World. Compared to the average level of 9Level 12 players in the game now, my level can be said to be very high. After all, I am almost twice the average value in terms of numbers, and besides me, the second highest in the ranking list is only 13Level 18. But that guy is different from me. Although his level is high, his battle strength is not very good. Although he was ranked second in the world ranking list, he ranked 30th in the world battle strength list. I guess this has something to do with his poor equipment.

Anyway, my level of 17Level 33 can be said to be a complete mess. However, just now, the level number displayed on the attribute column I see is actually-2000 level to be determined.

"en? To be determined?" After the initial surprise, I discovered that there was a word pending after my level. "What's going on?"

"Purple Moon, it seems that the pending order can be ordered." Ling reminded.

"Huh? It seems you can really click." As I said, I reached out and clicked on the word to be determined. The next second I suddenly heard a reminder ringing in my ears. .

"Hello, respected Purple Moon player. First of all, congratulations on becoming the first player in this game with EXP breakthrough 2000 level requirements." At this point, the voice suddenly changed and then said: "However, because your upgrade jump span is too large this time, this system needs to abridge your EXP, that is, forcibly deduct a part of EXP in order to facilitate the level system after this system is set."

"What? Forcibly deducting my experience?"

"Yes. But please don't get excited. The reason for deducting EXP is that this system starts the 2,000-level or higher level system module for the first time. Some minor data problems, and the easiest way to solve the problem is to delete your extra EXP. Of course, this system will not cause you to suffer losses for no reason, and I will compensate you accordingly. "

"Compensation? How is the compensation method?" My mouth is finished, and my heart is thinking. Just now the system said that my level was over the standard, and I was only 17Level 33 before, and now I suddenly exceeded level 2000, then the only probability is that the guild leader’s experience is promoted. According to the system setting, the formidable power compensates the guild leader’s loss of leveling time due to the management of the guild. The system will automatically compensate all the leaders of the guild with a certain percentage of experience based on their level after each guild battle is over. , And the value of this compensation depends entirely on the number of EXP produced by the guild personnel in this battle.

This time we are fighting against the Divine Race in Russia, and as everyone knows, the EXP of the Divine Race is astronomical. Imagine that in this battle, even ordinary players who can only gain experience by killing enemies on their own have even been promoted to N-level, so what about me as the guild leader? The experience commission I gained is calculated by the total EXP of the whole guild. Although this ratio is small, it can't hold up a large base! Calculated in this way, the EXP that I obtained is absolutely terrifying astronomical number, so that I jumped from 17Level 33 to more than 2,000 levels at one time, and jumped up to more than 200 levels in one breath. This upgrade speed is really fast. It's scary enough. However, my current level itself is very high, and the EXP required for each Level 1 is massive. What's more, the convention of "Zero" is to have one threshold for every two hundred levels. I went from 17Level 33 breakthrough to more than two thousand levels. There are two thresholds in between. So I estimate that even if the EXP that I get has exceeded the 2000 level requirement, there should not be much left. In this way, if the system is willing to give me compensation, then I will ask for it, because the compensation specially given by the system will definitely be more valuable than the extra EXP. This is a system convention, so you don't have to guess.

Hearing my question about compensation, the system immediately said: "The system checked your account and found that you are a two-number integrated account, and the level of your other account Silver Moon has already been upgraded to level 999. , But has been stuck there by the thousand-level barrier. So this system provides several compensation schemes for you to choose according to your situation."

"What scheme?"

< p>"The first plan is a safe and low return plan. This system cancels the thousand-level level of your other character Yinyue, and then all the EXP deducted from Purple Moon is added to Yinyue. In this way, your first account Purple Moon will remain at level 1999 and full EXP. As long as you complete the 2,000-level 1,000-level mission, and then get another EXP, you can upgrade the tub to level 2,000, and the account of Yinyue can be even more direct. Up to 110Level 1. What do you think of this compensation method?"

Although this scheme sounds good, since system has already said that it is a safe and low return scheme, it means that there is a better way. So I did not immediately agree to this plan. "There are other plans you can tell me together. I will decide after hearing them all."

"Okay. The second plan prepared by this system is a low-risk general return plan, which will be set up by this system for you A copy of a special mission, as long as you complete the mission, this system will not only give you all the benefits in the first plan, but also compensate you with an experience-enhancing scroll. After use, it can guarantee you and all you within a radius of ten meters around you Approved personnel will get ten times EXP rewards within six hours, but this experience reward is only for EXP obtained in direct combat, and other experience rewards such as merit rewards obtained in guild battles are not counted in the ten times reward base."

"Can I ask what is the specific task of that special task?"

"No, the task is set randomly, and you can know it only after accepting it, but I can guarantee that it is a medium-difficulty task. As long as you don’t have any accidents, you can complete it."

"So what other options are there?"

"There are two remaining options, one is the high-risk and high-return program. The first is a gambling plan."

"Please explain."

"The content of the high-risk, high-return plan is basically the same as the second plan, except that the difficulty of the task copy will be set At the high level of difficulty, and the scope of effect of the gained experience enhancement scroll will be increased to 20 meters, the effect time will be increased to twelve hours, and the EXP multiplier will be increased to twenty times. In addition, you can also get a bottle of concentrated paralysis The poison, smeared on the weapon, can make your weapon have a super paralyzing effect within half an hour. As long as you cut even a little skin by it, the target can be completely paralyzed in an instant. Of course, the corresponding plan The difficulty of the dungeon is definitely high level. It is difficult for ordinary people to complete, and the probability of failure is more than 60%."

I am very tempted by this reward, especially the paralysis potion. It is a pity that the time is too long. It's too short. How many people can be killed in half an hour?

"Well...there is another plan?"

"The last one is a gambling plan, which is also the one with the highest difficulty and the most rewards. This plan will be used in your normal game Randomly strengthen the battle strength of one or more of your enemies. At that time, the system will give you a reminder to inform you that the opponent is strengthened. As long as you eliminate these strengthened enemies, the mission will be completed. After passing, the system will cancel your battle. The two thousand level missions of the main account Purple Moon will directly upgrade your character Purple Moon to level two thousand, and directly cancel the independent level existence of your other character silver, so that it will be shared with your Purple Moon account. One experience level."

"What? Share it?"

"Yes, in the future, your two numbers will only have one level. No matter which number you use, you will always upgrade. The two numbers move together."

The two numbers, Yinyue and Purple Moon, used to be EXP interoperable, but they were interoperable, not shared. Make an analogy. If I use Purple Moon, a large game, and get 10,000 EXP, then not only Purple Moon but also Silver Moon will get 10,000 EXP. However, although the EXP obtained by the two numbers is the same, because their levels are originally different, the upgrade speed will not be completely unified. Moreover, Yinyue has always been stuck on the level 999 level before, and I have not had time to complete the level thousand level mission of Yinyue. As a result, even if I get experience, Yinyue can’t rise up to the level of experience. As for the difference between Purple Moon and Purple Moon by so many levels. Besides, this kind of experience exchange is actually not completely interoperable, at least the non-battle-type EXP silver month like this guild battle experience commission will not be allocated. After all, this kind of EXP is compensated to the guild leader. The identity of Purple Moon is the president of the Frost Rose League, and the experience commission is as it should be by rights, but Silver Moon’s identity in the Frost Rose League is only a high-level leader-level player, even if it gets the commission. There are as many impossible as Purple Moon, so the EXP of the two numbers that come and go will get farther and farther. However, the level sharing proposed by system is different this time. This sharing means that the two accounts have only one experience bar, and no matter who gets EXP, it will only be added to this one experience bar. On the surface, this seems to be the same as before. After all, I'm impossible to let the two numbers go out for leveling separately. However, in fact this one has the difference between Heaven and Earth. Although I can't let Purple Moon and Yinyue level separately, but the guild experience commission is counted separately. It's like this time. Purple Moon was assigned to the guild commission as the guild leader's EXP and jumped more than 200 levels at once, but Silver Moon was one of the high level leaders in the guild, and it was said that there was a commission. This time, because Silver Moon's level was stuck, the commission was wasted. But if the two numbers share the same level in the future, it will be different. Silver Moon’s commission when the time comes will also be added to the Purple Moon experience bar. In other words, I will get a double commission for each guild battle in the future, one for the guild president and one for the high level leader. If that is the case, it is estimated that my level after each guild war will be able to jump up several levels like playing Level 3 jump.

Probably feel that the excitement is not enough. After explaining the principle of double number sharing EXP, system continued: "In addition, besides raising your two numbers sharing EXP to level two thousand, system The same benefits mentioned in the previous programs will also be given to you. The experience enhancement scroll is upgraded to a 30-meter radius, 18 hours of aging, and a super enhancement scroll that strengthens the experience 30 times. In addition, you will be rewarded with the paralyzing toxin attribute. One, the attribute will be directly attached to your character, not limited by weapons, and the effect will be permanent, but the formidable power will be much lower than the paralysis poison, but it can also gradually paralyze the opponent in each attack, eventually leading to its whole body Paralyzed. Finally, this program also provides you with a super skill-skill duplication. This skill allows you to duplicate any special skill to yourself, and you can use the skill like the person being duplicated. Unless you actively change other skills , Otherwise the copy skill will not be invalidated and will be permanently effective. However, the copy skill cannot be upgraded. The skill level depends on the skill level of the copy target, and the other party must actively agree to your copy behavior when copying, otherwise the copy will fail."

Although there are many restrictions, I still think this skill is really strong after listening. Copy a special skill, this is a super attribute! Moreover, I can even find the copied objects at any time. I have so many familiars, their skill myriad, just copying one is strong enough, I can change the copying skills at any time as needed. Like Yeyue’s petrified eye, Princess’s enchanting eye, the true mirror image of Emmeneis, Victoria’s Wheel of Fate, Ling’s Great Obliteration Domain, Jingjing’s Absolute Barrier, Lingling’s Judgment Sword, and the baby’s sweet world, Which skill is not too strong to pervert? If I can switch these skills casually, how many people will still play with them. Of course, the premise of playing the enemy is that my magic power must be able to withstand it.

"That? It seems that I forgot to ask before, what happens if this task fails?" In my experience, system will never give benefits in vain. The system itself said before, what risks correspond to what rewards in the following schemes, which means that the more difficult the rewards, the more rewards. This is also in line with system's usual style, but I don't know what the failure penalty is.

“The first plan is risk-free, so there is no penalty. The second low-risk general reward plan’s failure penalty is that all rewards are cancelled, and only the EXP of the Purple Moon account is kept until the 1999 level is full, and the Silver Moon account You have to find a solution for the thousand-level level of the third type. In addition to the cancellation of the rewards for the Third Type high-risk and high-return program, you also need to punish you to enter the one-week EXP halving state immediately after the mission fails. Any EXP is only half of the standard. The penalty for failure of the final gambling plan is to cancel all rewards, and reduce the level of your large Purple Moon to 1800 with a two-week experience halving penalty. In addition, due to the gambling plan The task of is added to the normal game, so the failure of the task may also have a certain impact on your normal game. The specific impact depends on what you are doing. The above are all the punishments and rewards. Do you have a choice? Which one? Before you choose, your level will be stable at the 1999 full state, and your EXP will not change again until you choose the plan."

Damn, don’t choose before Wouldn't it be equivalent to forcing me to make a decision right away in disguise? It seems that you must choose a plan right away, otherwise it would be worse if you don't choose anything.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that in fact, the so-called four options, it seems that there are only three that are really worthy of my choice. It is nothing more than the first, third, and last plan. The reason why the first option can be selected is that it is absolutely safe, and the reason why the second option is not selected is that it is too similar to the third option, and with my strength, if I decide to take risks, it will only start from the third and the first option. Choose one of the four plans. The previous adventure plan was too low-level and did not challenge at all.

Although there are three choices, I actually tend to maximize the benefits. In other words, I don't want to choose the risk-free insurance plan, but the latter two plans are really bad choices. The third plan seems to have a good reward, and it is not too difficult to complete the estimate with my strength. After all, the difficulty mentioned by the system is the difficulty calculated according to the average strength of the players. In other words, if the system says that a task is difficult, it is difficult to test according to the average strength of all players in the whole game. It does not mean that it is very difficult for me. difficult. In terms of my level which is nearly twice as high as the average player level, tasks that they think are difficult to me may be just normal.

According to this inference, the fourth option is the most suitable for me. After all, the rewards for this fourth plan are so rich that I can't help but want to choose this one. It's just that the potential punishment of this scheme is too scary. The system that directly punishes me so much that I don’t care too much. It doesn’t matter if I lose the grade. Anyway, the one thousand and eight hundred level is much higher than my original level, so I am not very distressed. As for the penalty for the EXP halving within two weeks, I don't even care. Anyway, now at my level, apart from the experience of guild battles, it is almost impossible for me to upgrade on my own battles, so the punishment is meaningless to me. What I am really afraid of is that this task will affect the development of our guild.

As soon as I finish dealing with the Divine Race, I have to participate in the fight against Japan and Russia in our guild, and if I choose the fourth option, I think with my toes that the system will definitely go. Strengthening Nobunaga and other Japanese, as well as those Russian experts, might be strengthened by the system as my mission goal. When the time comes, I defeated the loss to nothing, but what if it affects the overall plan of our guild? I am not an ordinary person after all, I am Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League, and the world battle strength ranking first. I am like a banner. If I were brought down during the battle, the meaning is definitely not just that a player hangs up once.

I was really dizzy looking at the four solutions given by system, and finally had no choice but to ask foreign aid for help. Anyway, I don't know which one to choose, so I just reported everything to the military god and asked him to help me calculate before deciding.

Although this fellow is not specifically helping me choose tasks, at least he is commanding a computer on the battlefield, and doing battle evaluations is his specialty. After I said all the conditions, the military god gave me the answer in just two seconds. "If I were you, choose the fourth option, because I just made a battlefield evaluation based on the data you provided. In the third option, your probability of winning is more than 98%, and your probability of winning in the fourth option is 100%. More than 87 per cent, why not bet with such a high probability? My tactical judgment software has a chance of winning more than seven. The achievement can be blocked. Why are you hesitating when it is over 80%?"

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