"Hello? What are you doing? How can I offend everyone?"

"What offends me?" The Divine Race took me Asked. "What's the situation with you at God World in Russia? Why did you pull the Divine Race of your guild halfway through?"

"Oh, you are asking about this?" I paid I thought something was wrong. These guys are asking me to settle accounts. It turns out that they are worried about the battle against the Russian Divine Race! "It's weird. Didn’t all the people in our guild come back? You didn’t find out the situation clearly?"

"I’ve asked, but everyone in your guild’s mouths are stuck. We I have to ask something!"

"Is there anything else?" Although I pretended to be surprised, I actually knew what was going on. I guess this situation is probably arranged by Rose. In fact, Rose didn't mean anything else, just wanted to cover things up first, so that I could arrange the excuses when I came back. After all, the outcome of this battle is of great importance. If you don’t let these Divine Races know the situation first, it will be easier if there is something to hide. If you let them know something that is different from what we said later, then when the time comes It's not easy to round things up again. Rose did nothing more than take insurance first.

"I said Purple Moon. Regardless of the outcome of the battle, do you give us a letter first?" said an Indian Divine Race.

Since they are in a hurry, I can't be in a hurry. "Don't worry about this. You'd better go to the conference hall and wait. I will arrange things here before I talk to you in detail."

"What? We think about it now. I know the result." Anubis stopped in front of me and said, "You are in a hurry. Say it quickly."

"But I'm really busy!"

"Are you busy?" Anubis asked in disbelief.

Listening to his tone, I immediately put on a very angry look and said: "What's the matter with you, I'm the idler?"

Supreme Taoist probably heard it. My anger immediately came out and rounded the scene and said, "Okay, it's all over anyway, it's useless to be anxious now. In this way, let's go to the venue and wait, but you have to tell us about Purple Moon first?"

I took a look at Supreme Taoist and said: "Okay, today I'm selling Laojun to save face. The result of this battle is generally that we won. But the specific situation will have to be discussed with you later. "

"Okay, let's wait."

Under the persuasion of Supreme Taoist, the Divine Race had to follow him back to the conference hall and wait for my news. , Anyway, as long as they know that the Russian Divine Race has failed, there is nothing to worry about. As for the specific details of the battle, to be honest, they really didn't care.

After dismissing the Divine Race, I quickly started the teleportation ring and sent it to Isengard’s guild main conference hall, and all the main leaders of the guild were already there except me. Waiting.

Seeing me walking into the conference hall, before I sit down, the eagle first said: "Purple Moon! The situation in Japan is a bit too short!"

"I know, but our talents just came back, so it doesn't seem appropriate to transfer directly to Japan like this. You can wait until I clarify the details before talking." After calming the eagle, I sat on my seat and looked up. He said from the top: "Military God, show me the map of the battlefield in Japan."

As my voice ended, all around the conference hall immediately raised four triangular water crystal pillars. , Then four beams of light were projected from the periphery of the conference hall to the center, and finally a huge three-dimensional map was intertwined in the middle of the conference hall.

The voice of the military god explained while demonstrating: "What you see now is the map of the battlefield in Japan. The blue area is our current control area, and the red one is just occupied by Japanese personnel. In the area less than three days, the yellow part is their previous control area. It can be clearly seen from this map that the largest part is the red area, which means that the Japanese side is in less than three days Almost all the results of our efforts in the previous week have been pushed back. Moreover, if we continue to develop at this speed, at most one day we may lose all control areas in Japan."

" Is the situation serious enough?" I looked at the map and said, "Although we have transferred all the elite troops away, is the Japanese counterattack too fast?"

"This situation is like this." The phantom projection of Masaka Matsumoto in the conference hall suddenly explained: "I didn't know at the beginning, but I only learned this morning. It turned out to be the opportunity for everyone to grab the site with the help of the time of subjugation. In order to get some practical benefits, the guy Nobunaga Onitaka secretly prepared an NPC Legion without others, and he secretly contacted a few guilds to be his allies, intending to take the opportunity to seize the territory when we launched a counterattack. ."

When I heard Guishou Nobunaga's explanation, I couldn't help but sneer. "What a ghost Nobunaga, he actually came up with this kind of plan. It's poisonous."

"What do you mean? Why don't I understand?" Da Guofan looked at me and Matsumoto questioningly. Zhenghe looks like I don't understand.

Somi couldn’t help but said, “The big pot rice big brother is really stupid! Isn’t it simple? This time our original plan was to first occupy the entire territory of Japan, and then let Masaga-kun Matsumoto act as the Japanese player. The leader led the Japanese players to fight back against us and "drive us out" of Japan. In this way, although Japan is still in the hands of the Japanese players, Matsumoto Masaga-kun has become the leader of this land, and through Matsumoto Masaga-kun we will Can control the entire battlefield in Japan, and if necessary, let them help us kill those forces that stand in front of us."

"But what does this have to do with Oniji Nobunaga's plan?"


"Stupid! I said so much, you still don't understand? Our plan is like this, but Oniji Nobunaga didn't want to lose his position, so he secretly prepared a troop. In this case, although when the time comes will launch a counterattack, there are not many people under the direct control of Masaka-kun Matsumoto. As long as Nobunaga can occupy more land, he still has room to redeem. After all, even in name. Masaga-kun Matsumoto led the Japanese players to successfully expel us, but Nobunaga Onitou actually controlled a large amount of land. Even if Nobunaga Onitou could not directly turn his face with Masaga-kun Matsumoto because of his reputation, he still didn’t listen to the announcement. Yes. In that case, although our plan has been completed, the actual result is still the same. Masaga-kun Matsumoto can order players in general guilds to act according to our needs, but Nobunaga Oni will never be so obedient. Then the only thing we can do is to keep the Japanese from attacking us actively. It is impossible to use their power to help us fight the country!"

"Oh, so that's how it Is ah!"

Hong Yue suddenly said: "But this is a good thing this time."

"That's what I said." Both Rose and I are nodded Agree.

Seeing the big pot of rice and wanting to ask again, Hong Yue simply explained first: "If this incident did not happen and the plan of Nobunaga Guishou was successful, our plan would basically be abolished. In the future, we want to do this kind of large-scale operation again, which is definitely not enough. In other words, we want to bring Japanese players into our control indirectly. It is completely hopeless. However, this incident happened to be an opportunity. Nobunaga Guishou and the others couldn’t help thinking that they could take advantage of this opportunity to launch a counterattack ahead of time and take up more land, but they didn’t want to expose their plan just like this. When we put the plan back on track, they could just do it. I can’t play tricks anymore. And because this advance action will make the Japanese guild strength great injury, when the time comes, it can better reflect the correctness of Matsumoto Masaga-kun’s plan, and can make future ones Japanese players believe in Masaga-kun Matsumoto even more."

"No, you said something wrong."

Hong Yue looked at Rose in confusion and asked, "Where did I say something wrong." ?"

"Guishou Nobunaga didn't think this was an opportunity and took the opportunity to launch a counterattack in advance, it was simply planned by him."

"What do you mean?" Hong Yue obviously I don't quite understand how Rose determined that this was a long-planned action.

I smiled and reminded Hong Yue: "Don’t you think that the newly formed resistance guild will appear weird?"

Hong Yue is not a stupid originally, as soon as I heard me Then I completely understood it. "What do you mean...that guild was simply made by Nobunaga Guishou?"

"It may not be his own idea, but he must have a share."

< p>"It’s not that strange!"

Matsumoto said with a smile: "It’s a pity that his plan is destined to fail. Because he didn’t know that my plan was successful. , Simply because we were originally in the same group."

Matsumoto's words were hit by the nail on the head. The plan we and Masaka Matsumoto had arranged before was completely a fighting scene in the TV series. We had already set up the tricks. When we pushed, Matsumoto Masaka let it go, and when Matsumoto Masaka pushed it, we let it, so it looks like It's a transition from offense to defense, and another from defense to offense, but in fact it's all we are cooperating with each other in acting. However, Nobunaga Onitou took this plan seriously. He really thought that Matsumoto's plan was feasible, so he played a trick of borrowing a chicken to lay eggs, thinking that he could take Matsumoto's plan successfully. As everyone knows, the prerequisite for the success of this plan is that the beneficiary of the plan is Masaga Matsumoto, and if he succeeds Masaga Matsumoto, then we are naturally impossible to cooperate with him. Although the battle strength of the Japanese side will not change, when Matsumoto Masaka counterattacked, we took the initiative to fight back, but now Oniju Nobunaga hits our fist head-on when he fights back. What is that not courting death?

"Okay, now the situation is clear, but how do we arrange it?" Eagle asked.

After a little thought, I said, “It’s definitely impossible to directly transfer the troops up. It’s even more useless for us if it becomes a refueling tactic. These troops will balance the Japanese and have to go back and kick them. What about the ass of the big Russian stupid bears!"

Rose heard me and said to the military god: "Are there any good suggestions for this situation?"

The military god said immediately : "According to the information I know, I think there is a tactic to try."


"First of all, we will divide the elite troops returned this time into two parts. Draw out the most elite part of the Peak power and send it to the front line immediately."

"The Peak? How many people should be drawn?"

"No need to count the number of people, as long as the most The fierce group of people. The screening criteria is that one person can enter and exit at will in the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, and will not be surrounded to death because of the large number of enemies. As long as they meet this standard, it can be counted as one."< /p>

"The standard is so high, I am afraid that no more than a hundred people will be selected in the end, right?" Eagle asked suspiciously.

Hong Yue added: "With the high level NPCs and super mobile angels of our guild, we should be able to make up three to five hundred."

"It doesn’t need that much. "Military God said: "We only need the elite of the elite, insert the strongest martial power into the enemy's forward, and stop their attack process in one fell swoop."

"You are Do you want to strike the mountain to shake a tiger?"

"No, I just want them to delay the attack speed of the Japanese forces, so that we can use this opportunity to shrink the defense." After the military god said, he continued to explain Said: "If our high level units are sent to the front line in this way, the efficiency will be greatly reduced. If you want to use their battle strength, you must first withdraw the front cannon fodder units and mix them with high level units. Of course, the aircraft artillery It’s awesome, but don’t forget that the main force on the battlefield is always infantry like cannon fodder. Relying on high-level arms alone can only fight local wars. Infantry is the final decisive force. So we must buy time for low-level arms to let them. Withdrawal and mix with our high level arms, and then resend the powerful hybrid Legion. When the time comes, we can take advantage of the chance that the Japanese troops will be defeated by our high-end martial power, in one fell swoop. Turn the battle back."

"The plan is good, but it's a bit difficult to execute." I ordered: "Military god, you immediately screen the high level battle strength in the guild, and choose Those who meet the requirements will inform them to go to the front line. You are responsible for the specific tactical arrangements."

"I have all the information about the personnel in the guild. I have selected the high level martial power and can go anytime. ."

"Then send it out immediately."

"Then what about you?" Military god suddenly asked.

I was stunned for a moment, and then reacted. The military god asked me if I would participate in the war. Speaking of high-end martial power, the biggest high-end martial power in our guild is me. "This...I'm still very busy now. You can count me a place first, but I can't go right away, and wait until I've dealt with the things at hand before going over. Oh, by the way, don't be too shabby with those who used to be in the gang. They have to rely on hundreds of people to block the attack of the entire Japanese army. All kinds of high level medicines and spars are enough for them. Don't be too stingy."


Because now only a few hundred units need to be sent to Japan, and the front line is very wide, the transportation pressure is much smaller. The large troops have to be assembled and deployed. These all are high-end martial power. There is no need for any formation at all. It is OK to send out directly in a single or group of several people.

While the military god commanded these people to go to Japan, I asked: "What’s the situation in Russia?"

The military god is a computer anyway, doing two things At the same time, it wasn't a problem at all for him. The troops were mobilizing over there, and the situation was still being reported here. "The Russian troops have already broken through our original line of defense, and now they are only tens of kilometers away from our final security line. It is estimated that it will not be long before they will touch our last line of defense. Once this line of defense is breached, our country Those important cities in Japan will be unreservedly presented in front of the Russians."

"They are really ruthless." As I said, I asked again: "In Japan, how much do you need under your budget? How long will it take to mobilize the elite forces to leave?"

"It is estimated that it will take at least three days."

"So if we don't make reinforcements on the Russian side, how long can we stop?"


"Twenty hours at most."

"Isn’t a day here?"

"Twenty hours is already the maximum time. My prediction is the most likely The result is that the defense line will be broken through in 16 hours. The extra four hours is the result of my calculation of everything according to the best situation."

"Then how much force do we need to reinforce? Can they guarantee that they will continue to Japan to finish their work?"

"At least one elite Legion. All members must be at least 900 in battle strength and no less than 50,000."

" Fifty thousand? My Death God guard and Qilin warrior are almost enough."

"No." The military god said: "Your summon's Death God guard is strong enough, but the Qilin warrior's level is sufficient. It is too low to serve as the battle strength in this Legion, and even if they can be regarded as high level battle strength, the actual number is still not enough."

"It’s really troublesome. The battle situation in Japan. It's so urgent, where do you want me to get 50,000 people out?"

"Your Death God guard can top a part."

"The remaining two How about ten thousand?"

"The elite who came back this time can probably draw ten thousand out."

"Isn't that ten thousand short of it?"

"Then it depends on the monsters."

"Monsters?" At this point, I suddenly remembered. It seems that in order to fight against the insidious plan of the Russian Divine Race, Celestial Court seems to have assigned Demon to I am helping to guard the homeland. I forgot about it because I had to deal with the Russian Divine Race guys before, and now I remember that we still have such an ally. But unfortunately, although the Russian Divine Race has been annihilated, the Celestial Court’s agreement is guaranteed by the system, so even if the Russian Divine Race ceases to exist, they will still not be able to participate in the battle. Otherwise, Celestial Court will help guard their home. I’m afraid they Balls.

"President, have you forgotten?"

"Just remembered." I stretched out my hand and said, "Then you can leave Demon alone. I will arrange for them to help. "Speaking of Demon, I thought of one thing. It seems that I asked the black Qilin to help me fight a battle before. Although Black Qilin said that he would only help me play for five minutes, he also said that as soon as he appeared on the field, he would use large-scale skills to try to consume all his magic power in five minutes. With the strength of Black Qilin, he consumed all his magic power in five minutes, and heaven knows how many people it can kill. I heard that the Russians gathered their troops together this time, so that it is convenient for the black Qilin's spell to play the most powerful might. I hope he can kill all the Russians in one move, then we will be completely relieved.

After discussing the issues on both sides of the battlefield, I asked Rose again: "The battle against the Russian Divine Race is over. This time it can be said that there are many benefits, but there are many losses. The City of Commandment is basically It has been scrapped. It is estimated that the reconstruction cost will not be much lower than the original construction cost. Maybe the money for cleaning up the ruins may be more than that. In addition, our high level battle strength will not be lost in this battle. Little, just the mobile angels have lost a lot, and the non-renewable high level NPCs have also died a lot. What should we do about this loss? Shall we all report to the Divine Race gang?"

< p>"Of course, don't you find who they are looking for?" Hong Yue said as it should be by rights.

"no no no, stop." Rose reached out and stopped us.

Hong Yue looked at Rose suspiciously and asked, "Aren’t you the most stingy? Why didn’t you care about it today?"

Rose shook her head and said: "This is not It's a matter of whether or not to sting, but a question of whether or not to sting. Before the war started, the guys begged us to do things and naturally said what they were, but now they don't need us so much, and things are naturally different. "

"I want to tear down the bridge after crossing the river. The guys at Divine Race are too bad, right?" Chuang Wang said.

"This is not a problem of abandon one's benefactor after achieving one's goal, but a problem of diplomatic relations." Rose said: "The relationship between us and Divine Race is like between countries, there is nothing Friendship and kindness can be talked about. Nations can have interests and hatreds, but don’t expect any kindness. We and Divine Race are the same. Now that we have the same interests, we can certainly have friendship. Once we and Divine Race If it becomes an irrelevant or hostile relationship, the previous friendship will immediately become a fart. So we can’t think of things too simple."

"Then you mean the loss of ourselves this time Bear it?" Hong Yue asked tentatively.

Roses shook the head. "What do you mean by yourself? Do we open a charity?"

"Then you mean...?"

"Weep with them and try to lose as much as possible this time The cruel point is that there will always be false reports, right?"

"Why not use false reports, are we really losing a lot this time." As soon as Hong Yue realized that he was also a thief, he changed immediately. With a sigh of relief, I, the client, felt as if we had really paid a miserable loss this time.

Rose sees that Hong Yue understands, and then goes on to say: "We want them to lose face, but we can't force them on the issue of compensation. They give it if they love it, and it's better if they don't give it."


"What does this mean?" Eagle asked suspiciously: "Why do you still pretend to be generous when you cry?"

"Who said I want to pretend to be generous?" Rose said, "Let's do this Surely there were a lot of benefits in God World in Russia this time, right?" Rose asked me the last sentence.

"Yes, Purple Moon brother, how much did we fish this time?" So Mi asked.

"There are a lot of things, and a lot of them have not been cleaned out. But I think the biggest gain should be the entire Russian God World. There seems to be a copy of the map, and no other guild will rob us Weird. The most important thing is that the monster over there is at least five or six times more EXP than here when the strength is equal. In the future, we can build a city there, and then go there to train specifically, which can definitely improve our profession quickly. The strength of the meeting."

Rose nodded and said: "Just as many things as possible. When the time comes, you first talk to the Divine Race about war compensation issues, the purpose is to make them feel that they have lost us, don’t go and What compensation do they fight for. After this is negotiated, we will talk about the spoils of war. Although it is reasonable to say that we have to share a bit of spoils of war with those Divine Races, who told them to lose us before? This time we You can take out less spoils of war. As long as you save face, even if the things are as few as those Divine Race can tell at a glance, we have a lot of deductions, they absolutely say sorry. When the time comes hehe ... before Haven’t all the losses on the battlefield compensation been dug back here? And there can be a lot more."

"I know why our guild is so rich!" Da Guofan said suddenly "According to the rose sister-in-law calculation method, people have to find us money after they buy things from others! Even if you want to be poor, you can't be poor!"

"You are going to die? I plot against more It’s not for everyone’s welfare at all?” Rose said as she said, “We’ll arrange things like this. If you don’t understand, please ask. If there is no problem, we will start implementing it immediately. Both battlefields can’t afford to wait!”

In everyone’s okay voice, I finally announced the end of the meeting, and then everyone immediately sent it out and went on their own. Speaking of which Our guild has a lot of command staff, but considering the size of our guild’s booth, there are actually a lot of things that one person has to manage. Normally, I can’t squeeze out even a break. As for training Level or something is even more said. I guess that the system’s contribution to the guild leader’s experience is a compensation for the leadership that is too busy and has no time to level up. Otherwise, the guild leader will have to switch to a non-combat professional, otherwise all guilds will be experts. After coming out, the guild leader's level is the same as that of other people's trumpets, so can it save face?

After leaving Isengard's side, everyone rushed to the battlefield, but everyone else went to the real battlefield, and I went to the battlefield where I went to the battlefield. The Divine Race in the City of Discipline is not someone who is easy to deal with. Although Rose said the plan is feasible, it depends on who goes. Even if you know the plan if you run into a mouth that is uncomfortable, you might still be circumvented by those Divine Races.

When I got to the City of Commandments, I started to walk towards the conference hall while thinking about what to say for a while. However, only halfway through the road, I suddenly found that Ling was in front of me. "What are you doing?" I asked suspiciously. Ling did not speak directly, but directly pulled out my attribute panel and pointed it for me to see. Originally, I was still wondering why Ling ran out by himself and stopped me without speaking, but when I saw the attribute board, I was completely stupid. "My god! Are there so many?"

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