"I strangled you, bastard, and dared to experiment with me. Do you know how painful I am?" Lilith rushed to the guy like crazy and pinched him desperately. But that guy has now become a Soul Body, so instead of strangling him, Lilith rushed through his body.

Lilith, who was emptied, was stunned for a moment, then reacted and turned and rushed again. Unlike before, she attached a blue energy layer to her hand this time. As long as she was hit by her, the guy definitely didn't expect to survive. Of course, I was impossible for such an important talent to let Lilith choke him to death.

"Ling." I winked at Ling.

Ling nodded turned and pointed forward, and then grabbed the void with her palm and flipped her wrist. Lilith was instantly pinched up by an invisible energy hand and brought to us, even though she desperately wanted to grab it. Staying with that guy, but the power of the energy hand is too strong, no matter how she struggles, she can only watch her being gradually pulled away and she can't do anything.

"Okay, Lilith, stop making trouble." I stopped Lilith who was still struggling. "Ling, put her down."

Ling nodded put Lilith next to me. Although Lilith rushed over again without coming, she ran to me and grabbed my arm. Shaking aside and coquettishly said: "Master, you want to be the master for me! They used me to experiment and made me so miserable. How can I see my enemy and be completely indifferent?"

"He used to be indifferent. It's the enemy, I don't mind how you want to toss him, but he will be our own from now on. Do you want to split within the guild?"


"Okay, at worst, I will give you some compensation."

"Compensation? How to compensate?"

"Not for the time being Tell you, you will know soon."

"But I want to know now. Tell me soon!" Lilith said as she grabbed my arm and shook me violently. Almost did not lie down on the ground again. I was slapped by that guy before and I haven't fully recovered yet.

"Okay, okay, don't shake it, shake it again and it will go away! I didn't tell you to surprise you, and you will know later. I will be angry if I make trouble again."< /p>

"hmph, okay, I will trust you once this time."

Seeing that Lilith finally compromised, I turned to that guy again and said: "Okay, now continue to say you Please request it."

"Nothing." The guy answered very readily. "It allows me and my lover to live safely together, and allows me to continue the experiment I like, that is my greatest happiness, and I don't need anything else. Besides, do I have any research results? , Would you not reward me?"

"Smart people are better than fools to communicate!" I smiled and said to the guy: "From now on you will be a member of our guild, but Don’t take part in this battle. First, you don’t even have a body now, and it’s not convenient to participate in the war. Second, after all, you are all of your previous clan. Let you fight each other, I guess you will always feel a little uncomfortable. . Don’t worry, I’m not such an unreasonable Boss, you work hard, and I will try my best to consider you. Oh, right, I haven’t asked what your name is yet?"

"My name is Popov."

"Popov? What a weird name!"

"The name is just a code. It doesn't matter if it is strange." Popov said. Suddenly said: "Oh, I remember. Although I can't participate in this battle, I don't think I need to be idle."

"en? What do you mean?"


Popov said: "Many people in our Russian Divine Race have been captured by your people. I think I can try to persuade them to transfer to your guild. After all, I can't do research. I’m the only one! Even if you don’t understand other Divine Races, if you can persuade them, it will be good for the future of the guild. Even if I am a member of the Frost Rose League in the future, I will be safer if the guild is strong, right? "

"You are so smart. Okay. I'll leave this task to you. How much can I persuade? As for the conditions...you can ask them to mention this. I'll give it to you later. A communicator, someone in it will tell you which conditions are acceptable and which are not."

Popov nodded stepped aside and said that I accepted my proposal, and I directly contacted Martial God Jean with the crystal communicator. He sent a communicator to Popov and guided him to see the prisoner's place. To be honest, I still don't know where the prisoners are.

After I settled the matter here, I went to clean up the high level Divine Race with the Familiars, but the next thing I encountered were the more inferior Divine Races. , I solved most of it soon. As time went on late at night, at the end there was only one Russian Divine Race left in the entire Dominion City. Most of the people in our guild ended the battle, and some even started to clean up the ones that were destroyed in the battle. The street is gone.

Since our plan to use the Russian Divine Race to restrict divine force in turn overshadowed them, the fight can be said to be extremely easy. Although calculated by the number of deaths, almost all players in our guild who participated in the battle died more than twice today, but considering that the opponent is Divine Race, this casualty is still acceptable. Moreover, because Divine Race has a lot of EXP, although on average, all participants in our guild hang up more than twice, on average, each of them has risen to Level 20 or more. You must know that this is not because a player has been promoted to Level 20, but that all the elite members of our guild who participated in this plan have almost Level 20 left. Individual good luck players have three to five level 10 upgrades. Now that ordinary players generally exceed level 900, being able to upgrade to Level 20 is even more exaggerated than before! This is tantamount to pulling up the overall strength of our guild. However, the level upgrade this time has also added a bit of excitement to me, and this trouble is what should be done by those who have not participated in the war? Although the players in a guild don't have to be at the same level, the levels are obviously out of line. This doesn't seem to be a good thing either! It seems that looking back for the opportunity to organize the players of this guild to have a collective leveling. If it doesn't work, I will assign all the high level high levels of EXP to help those who haven't come to level up, so that they should be able to quickly raise the level of those people.

"Why haven't I gotten it over there?" I was already thinking about the post-war affairs, but when I looked up, I found that there was still lightning and thunder on the battlefield at the end, obviously. The battle continues. Originally, I noticed the battle circle after eliminating most of the high level Divine Race, but because there was only one battle group left at the time, I saw Christina, Zhenhong, and gold coin all rushing past. Just didn't go in and mix.

Let’s not talk about real red and gold coin as a national weapon. People who can't get close to the body after waiting for three to five hundred experts. Kristina is even more a human-shaped fort, one person can suppress the magical cannon of the entire division. It can be said that apart from me and Hong Yue who have not participated in the battle very much, the three of them are basically the three giants of the guild's battle strength. But even when the three of them are in a state of teaming, plus a group of people, they still have no victory or defeat until now. This besieged person is also very awesome, right?

Looking at me staring in that direction, Hong Yue, who had just handled the matter and walked over, said: "If you are in a hurry, go and help."

"Why? You don't want to try. Try your skills? You will get rusty if you don’t move."

"My brother said that I should learn more gracefully so as not to marry later, so I try not to engage in fighting things now."< /p>

"I believe others who say this, as for you...!" I deliberately smirked and shook my head in a look of disbelief.

Hong Yue smiled and punched me, and then said: "Don't you just want to provoke me to shoot? Okay, I can't get it done!" Hong Yue jumped up as he said that . A black shadow suddenly flashed, and the silhouette of Hong Yue wrapped around it rushed towards the opposite battle group. Seeing that Hong Yue has passed, I spread my wings and chased after him.

The three surrounded by Kristina and the others are not one Divine Race, but two, and these two seem to be sisters. The number of female Divine Races in the Russian Divine Race is much less than that of other Divine Races. It is rare to see two of them. Didn't expect to be able to fight like this.

One of the two Goddess wears a light blue and white crystal armor, and the other wears a pure white mage robe. The division of labor is quite clear, and since they are twins, they seem to be cooperating. It is also much better than the average person. I stood by and watched for a while and discovered the key point of Kristina and the others' three attacks for a long time without any success. In fact, the problem is not the battle strength of the two sisters, but their perfect cooperation. The fighting coordination of the two of them is almost as if they are one person, which can concentrate their attacks and defenses on one point, so when others deal with them, they feel that their strength is like a super powerful high-level Divine Race. , But in fact the strength of these two is just above the middle in the Russian Divine Race.

"Perfect cooperation?" As I saw the key, Hong Yue also seemed to mumble unconsciously. Obviously, she also found the key.

I smiled and turned my head and looked towards her and asked: "Is there a way to do it? No, let me do it. If it really hurts you, Feng Yin Misty won't find me desperately?"


"Can you stop joking with me." Hong Yue said, "You don't need to deal with them. You just need to tell what you just saw."

Hong Yue was joking, but didn't really intend to let her play, so after she finished speaking, she turned to Kristina and the others on the battlefield and said: "The three of you don't fight with them. In this regard, even if you strengthen it, it will be better. Not half as good as others. Just grasp the rhythm of the battle and give play to your own strengths. Don’t worry about how they respond."

Can be called the three battle strengths of the Frost Rose League, Kristina Their battle awareness is naturally not low. Before, they were only in Lushan and couldn't see the whole picture. Now after my reminder, Lima reacted. Almost as soon as I finished speaking, the fighting rhythm of the three of them immediately stopped. The two sisters on the opposite side seemed to notice their changes, and they immediately rushed forward to take advantage of them, but they were about to lock in their attacks. Gold coin ten, but there was a sudden violent flash next to it, followed by countless torrential rain-like dense magic missiles blasting over, forcibly forced the attacking posture of the two into a defensive posture.

Because it was necessary to pay attention not to accidentally hurt Zhenhong and gold coin, Kristina has not been able to fully utilize her speed advantage. Every time she releases magic, she must first calculate the route. To lock the enemy without hurting her own person, this invisibly increases her thinking time, and as the time stretches, the frequency of attacks naturally decreases. The original Kristina was known as a magic machine gun, but now it can’t even compare with a single-shot rifle, so what formidable power is there?

True red and gold coin are actually similar to Kristina. Gold coin’s spell formidable power is very large, and it is said to be a single attack. When it fails to hit, it is easy to accidentally injure herself. So until now, she has never dared to use those huge might techniques to play her own strength. Less than half, how can it be possible to win in this state? As for the real red. She didn't worry about hurting herself, but she was worried about being hurt by Kristina and Gold Coin. The real red battle strength is mainly reflected in the imposing manner of the press forward. Now you have to pay attention to the back while you are fighting. How can there be a little domineering at all? Dawei Heavenly Dragon Fist is talking about domineering, without domineering, it is not a dragon, but a long worm.

After my reminder, all three of them finally reacted. First, True Red and gold coin retreated to Kristina and gave up the attack channel. Kristina, who didn't need to care about her companions, immediately turned on all firepower. The small rifle that had been fired in half a day instantly turned into a metal storm, and the two Divine Race sisters couldn't raise their heads with the powerful firepower like a torrential rain. Although Kristina's attack spell monomer formidable power is very low, but with her attack frequency, even if each magic bullet only counts a little forced deduction, she can consume the opponent alive in three to five minutes.

The two women also knew that Kristina could not be smashed like this, so they decisively gave up the defense, and rushed to Kristina for the price of a hundred missiles. It was killed instantly, who knew that when the warrior Goddess rushed to Christina, the long-lasting true red suddenly transformed into a Golden Dragon, and roared over in the imposing manner of press forward. As long as the Goddess still wants to kill Kristina, she must be ready to be killed by True Red. This is simply a life-for-life game. Divine Race will not change lives with the players, it is not worth it, and they can't change it at all, so the Goddess decisively gave up the plan to attack Kristina and entered a defensive state after real red rushed over. And her sister transferred the magic that she had originally planned to throw at Kristina to True Hong, hoping to force Zhen Hong to give up her attack, and at least let her attack formidable power drop. However, just when her spell was about to be completed, she suddenly felt a huge energy appearing near her. Regardless of protecting the sister, she quickly turned around and changed the target again and threw the magic that she had prepared to gold coin.

She originally thought that gold coin would dodge that attack and gave up the spell to attack her. Because she thinks that gold coin won't kill her once, but she can kill gold coin at once, so she judged that gold coin will not fight her hard, but she made a mistake. She can indeed kill gold coin in one blow, but the attack of gold coin is equally fatal to her. As a legal professional, whether you are a mortal or Divine Race, defensive power is never comparable to warrior. Therefore, gold coin and the Goddess actually have the attack power to directly kill each other, but the previous gold coin was afraid Injury by mistake, the formidable power has not been fully turned on, so it will cause the other party to misjudge. But this time is different. Zhenhong and Kristina are not by this Goddess. Gold coin is not worried about accidental injury at all. In addition, she immediately started to prepare spells after she retired, so the preparations for such a long time will naturally not be that kind of instantaneous. Little spell. Although this kind of huge might spell preparation time is a bit longer, once it is released, the formidable power is definitely not small.

"Ice Burst" and "Heavenly Thunder"

Goddess and gold coin spells were launched almost at the same time, and only an olive-shaped white light bomb came from that Goddess The electric shot came out of the hand, and instantly crossed the distance between the two and hit the gold coin's body, and the gold coin also turned into an ice sculpture at the moment of being hit. However, while the gold coin was frozen, there was also a dark cloud rolling in the sky, followed by a red tribulation thunder that cut through the dark night sky and instantly fell on the Goddess. At the moment of electrification, the Goddess almost turned into a big human-shaped light bulb, turning the surrounding area into red, and after hearing a bang, her whole person actually exploded into blood mist, and at the same time she disappeared, The gold coin also shattered into countless pieces and scattered all over the ground.

Without the interference of others, the two finally made a perish together, but the gold coin is a player, and it is resurrected after death. It is not a worst thing to lose one or two levels. But Divine Race is an NPC. If it is dead, it is really dead. There is no second life for them to resurrect.

There is one less person on each side, but there are still a large group of people on our side, and there is only one person left on the other side, so the result of the battle is naturally needless to say. Without the tacit cooperation, the Goddess, who was not very strong, was immediately suppressed by True Red. After a few consecutive fights, both sides came to both sides suffer, but Zhenhong had a large group of his own people around him, and he was protected by injuries, but the Goddess was different. After being seriously injured, her battle strength was greatly reduced by Kristina's powerful magic, and she was unable to fight back, and finally died very depressed.

Seeing that the two died, Hong Yue smiled and said to me: "Well, the last Russian Divine Race who resisted has also been killed. This mission can be over."


"No." Just after Hong Yue finished speaking, I realized that the situation was abnormal.

"What's wrong?" Hong Yue asked me as they looked at me in confusion.

I explained with a nervous look: "If the Russian Divine Race is subdued, then why did I not receive the experience share?"

I said that Hong Yue also Immediately screamed: "No, there must be a Divine Race that slipped through the net nearby!"

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