According to the normal situation, a large-scale battle, as long as it involves a guild with one third or more battle strength, then it can be called a guild battle-level battle. On the contrary, in this kind of war, the guild president and main leaders will get EXP commission after the war. The source of this commission is system compensation, rather than deduction from the player's experience gained in battle. That is to say, although we are assigned this ratio EXP, the members of the guild will not reduce the amount of EXP obtained.

However, although this commission is not deducted from the player, the amount depends on the EXP actually generated by the guild’s players and NPC battle strength in this battle, and the system will This part is used as the base, multiplied by a ratio, and what you get is the actual EXP obtained by the leaders of each guild. Of course, this ratio is usually relatively small, usually a value below one ten thousandth, but because the base is usually relatively large, the guild leaders eventually get more EXP than their own participation in the battle.

Anyway, this kind of experience commission used in guild wars is always a symbol. When the guild leaders get this share, it means that the battle is over, and if they don’t get it, then it means...

"Be careful." A ghost suddenly flashed from the side. Coming out, rushed to my back, and then a hand wrapped around my shoulder to tighten my neck tightly, and the other hand pushed a sharp weapon to a point below my throat.

"I warn you, don’t think that I can’t get in if he wears a full body armor. This is the Divine Punishment dagger, which can directly damage the soul of the attacker regardless of defenses. No matter how thick his defenses are, I can’t stop them Live.” Surprisingly, it turned out to be the female mage who had just perished together with gold coin in front of everyone.

Although I was a little surprised, I was not afraid. After all, I am a player. Although players don't want to die, no one is really afraid of death. Besides, most players don't want to die because one is afraid of pain, and the other is because they need to re-train because they are dropped. But I am different. With Rose, the world's highest-level resurrection mage as his wife, I can hardly lose my level when I die. Except for a pain at the time, death has almost no practical meaning to me.

"Hey, Lord Goddess, the battle has been fought to this level. You should see how the battle is going, right? I advise you not to resist it anymore. Many people in your clan take refuge. If you don’t have our guild, you might as well learn from them and join our guild. This way at least your life can be guaranteed, isn’t it?"

"Refuge in you?" Surprisingly, the Goddess Actually put on the look of thinking. "It's not impossible."

"Be careful." Just as the Goddess was talking, I suddenly slammed a back elbow on her stomach, and then turned my head away from her. The dagger squatted down and swept the woman to the ground, rolled over and rode on top of her, at the same time the right hand claws had already bounced out and hit the woman's throat. After I got this woman, I immediately raised my head and shouted at the woman on the other side: "If you dare to do it, don't even think about seeing your elder sister again."

Because of my bluff, the battle suddenly appeared on the other side. -The type Goddess dagger stuck to Hong Yue's throat freezes there. One turned and moved behind Hong Yue and hijacked Hong Yue as he hijacked me before, and then Goddess shouted to me: "Let go of my elder sister, or I will kill her."

In fact, before When I discussed the issue of recruiting and surrendering with this mage-type Goddess under my control, I was already suspicious. The cooperation between the two women was so tacit, indicating that the relationship between the two must be very good. But when we killed her sister, she didn't show any anger at all. Instead, she thought about joining us. This showed that she was joking with us, simply not sincere. After contacting her about her previous resurrection from the dead, it is not difficult to guess that her sister should not have died either, but was hidden in some way. That's why I suddenly attacked her after reminding me.

"Kill her?" To that warrior-type Goddess, I showed a snort disdainfully attitude. "Do you think your threat is useful?"

"She is your leader, don't you care about her life?"

"Care, of course, but with you In comparison, do you think her life is more precious than you?"

"Why not?" Goddess asked slightly surprised.

I immediately understood what she said. In the same way, this is a Goddess who never goes out to work. I don't know the difference between their Divine Race and our players. "Since you don't know, then I'll tell you why we don't care."

I haven't spoken yet, Hong Yue said by himself: "I didn't expect that there are people who don't even know this. .You are Divine Race, you should understand your own characteristics. Once you die, you will really die, and there will be no chance of coming back. But our players are different. Our lives can be repeated. Death is not for us. Good thing, but we can resurrect indefinitely. Death will only lose a little bit of strength, and will not really disappear. If I can use a little bit of my strength for your life as a Divine Race, who do you think is the more disadvantaged?"< /p>

"Is this your adventurer like this?"

"This is not a secret thing. Anyone who asks will know it."

I thought In this way, the other party will give up threatening Hong Yue, who knows that she is slightly smiled after listening: "Then unfortunately tell you, we can also be resurrected indefinitely."


"I don't believe you can try it, but I think you should be able to trust me. After all, I won't make fun of my sisters with you."

"Since both of us can be unlimited Resurrected, then I think we can still trade with each other." I said to the Goddess: "Everyone can be reborn anyway, and your Divine Race lives are more expensive than ours. Exchanging people don't suffer from you, right? "

"Are you an idiot?" The Goddess said: "We have exchanged hostages. Speaking of which is fair, but we are still surrounded. Anyway, we can't run out, isn't it? Will you kill it again?"

"You can't exchange so many conditions with one life, right?"

"You just say you can't change it."


The other party is playing rogue with me at this time, and I am also powerless. Although Hong Yue is not afraid of death, if she can't let her sacrifice once in vain, it's better not to sacrifice. After all, it's not easy to practice Level 1! However, although I don't want to sacrifice Hong Yue, I can't let these two Divine Races go for nothing?

"I'm talking about two." I said to Goddess, who was under my weight, "Anyway, your Russian Divine Race is doomed to end. What if you should change to our guild? Why bother Do you have to fight for either the fish dies or the net splits?"

"Join you?" The Goddess on the ground gave me a disdainful look: "You have the ability to kill us all , Anyway, we can resurrect, fight at worst again to see who we are afraid of?"

"Hey, don't talk so harshly." He added some strength, and said: "Even if you can resurrect indefinitely, I think your resurrection is not unconditional, right? In this world, there must be no absolutely immortal existence, and your resurrection should also be limited. For example, it will be like us. Every time you resurrect, you lose strength. It may also be due to restrictions on the resurrection time. In short, I don’t believe that you can resurrect indefinitely."

"Then you can try!" The Goddess stared at me. Don't let it say.

When it comes to this, they actually don't mean to be submissive at all. Any further discussion is obviously impossible. I was about to do it when I suddenly saw Kristina winking at me, and then I saw that her hand on her back was still holding a shining plasma ball.

When I saw Christina's action, I winked at her, and compared the corner of my eye to the female warrior who held Hong Yue from the other side. I meant to let her rescue Hong Yue, but Kristina looked at me with puzzled eyes, obviously not understanding. I was in a hurry when I suddenly heard the voice of a military god in my ears. "What are you two doing with the communicator and don't have to wink your eyebrows? Now listen to my arrangements. I will inform you in the headset for a while to start. You should pay attention to the division of labor, and Purple Moon will control the one under you, don't let her Just have a chance to shoot. Kristina takes away your plasma ball and replaces it with Paralyze Lightning. After a while, I say you will throw it on Hong Yue's body. It's okay if you get hurt by mistake. Anyway, it's not fatal. I'm already on the red side. I’ve contacted, so leave it alone."

Because I have one under my body, I can’t speak very well, so I can only be slightly nodded. When I was nodded, the military god notified the others to prepare. After everyone got the detailed arrangements from the military gods, they all stood on guard.

"Prepare." The voice of the military god rang in the earphones of all the participants. "Start."

I moved first following the instructions of the military god. Putting on a very angry look, he said loudly to the Goddess under him: "Since you are so tough, don't blame me." As I said, I suddenly raised the knife and made a stab action. Of course I didn't really want to kill her. The act of killing her was just to attract her sister's attention.

Sure enough, as soon as I raised the knife here, the War Goddess over there screamed. "Don't."

She was distracted, and Kristina immediately moved. A purple-red lightning flew out of Kristina's hand. The opposite Hong Yue had long heard the command from the military god. As soon as Kristina moved, she immediately flashed to the side. The fighting Goddess was originally distracted, and suddenly found that Hong Yue was already a step slower when he wanted to run, and when he wanted to intercept it, he found that Christina's lightning had just arrived. Although the lightning was finally stopped, it was not a lethal spell pursuing offensive power, but a paralyzing lightning, which was mainly manifested as a paralyzing effect. After blocking the lightning, the whole Goddess was immediately numb. Hong Yue took this opportunity to roll away, and then a shock wave smashed out and shattered the Goddess who wanted to catch up and backed away. Before she rushed up for the second time, Zhen Hong slammed in between her and Hong Yue with a heavy punch and shook the Goddess back by two steps.

As soon as Hong Yue and the Goddess drew a distance, Kristina’s magic machine gun immediately fired, and instantly suppressed Goddess back continuously. Hong Yue, who had recovered, was not idle, turned around and began to prepare for the huge might spell. Although he was restrained just now, Hong Yue is a powerful attacker after all. Once he recovers, his own battle strength is enough to restrain the Goddess.

"Leave me alone, hurry up." Seeing the situation took a turn for the worse, the Goddess I suppressed immediately shouted to his sister: "Leave me alone, you go."


"No, I want to be with you."


"None of you can leave." Zhenhong suddenly rushed into the battle and raised his hand with a heavy punch to knock Kristina's magic away, and followed the face of the famous Goddess. Punch. Seeing that the face was attacked, the opponent immediately raised his hand to block him in front of him to block the attack. Who knew that he raised his hand and waited for a second but did not expect the attack to appear. Feeling that something was wrong, Goddess quickly let go and backed away, but just as soon as he lowered his hand, he found that the dense magic missiles in front of him smashed like a torrential rain.

Originally, she had been accustomed to Kristina’s magic rainstorm, and thought it was the same this time. Who knew that she had just blocked a few but suddenly found a red flash in the many magic missiles. missile. Although I realized it was not good at the time, I just wanted to flash it too late, so I had to brace oneself to take this strange magic bullet.

"Fall down!" Seeing that Goddess was about to attack, Hong Yue screamed. The large magic light ball that was mixed in the magic rainstorm of Kristina just now was actually launched by Hong Yue, and it was not a normal spell, but a big move that had been prepared for a long time.

Now the only person closest to the opponent is Zhenhong. Hearing Hong Yue's reminder, Zhenhong quickly gave up the attack, turned and stepped back a few steps and threw herself to the ground. Almost immediately after she touched the ground, when she heard a loud explosion sound behind her, Zhen Hong felt that her whole person was forcibly pushed forward by a force, and a violent vibration came from the ground. feel.

"My mother! Who threw such a big bomb?" Zhenhong asked as she got up from the ground while spitting the dirt in her mouth.

"That's Divine Race, can I do it without big skills?" Hong Yue said as he walked over to help Zhen Hong up.

"Hey, you two are better not to stay too close." Kristina reminded: "They say they can be resurrected, so be careful."

When Christina said that it was really red and Hong Yue immediately became nervous, but after waiting for a long time, the smoke and dust from the previous explosion completely disappeared, and the battle-type Goddess did not appear.

"I didn't show up for a long time, should I be killed?" Zhenhong asked tentatively.

"No, she is still in the vicinity." I reminded: "If she hangs up, will this one respond at all?"

Since the Goddess was caught From the time of the hit, the Goddess on my side has not had any obvious reaction. With their sister relationship, if one is really dead, how can the other be indifferent?

I probably got it right. Just when Hong Yue and the others asked, a phantom suddenly appeared next to Hong Yue. Because he was always on alert, Hong Yue immediately brushed himself three layers of protective covers almost immediately when the phantom appeared, but what was surprising was that the phantom disappeared again after shaking. The next second, Hong Yue suddenly looked at me and exclaimed: "Purple Moon beware!"

"Huh?" Suddenly hearing this reminder, my first reaction was to bow my head, but didn't expect Goddess, who was underneath me, violently raised his hand and pushed up against my shoulder. Originally, I lowered my head and should have avoided the previous attack, but when I was pushed like this, I just hit the back and attacked. Blow. A terrifying force shook me forward, and the whole person flew forward. After landing, I didn't even stop, and quickly continued to roll forward to get a distance, and then turned around to observe the situation. What surprised me was that I actually saw another me.

I am not the only one who is surprised. The Goddess slapped me on the back with a slap. According to her plan, it should be a palm to shoot my soul out of my body, but although she saw my soul fly out of my body, But my body didn't fall down, but suddenly turned back and hit her in the stomach. That's not a big deal, just after my fist hit her abdomen, three sharp blades suddenly popped out of my wrist. The sharp blade claw pu' sound all penetrated into her body, and followed me with a fierce twitch. The barb on the blade claw instantly pulled out a large area of ​​internal organs and flesh and blood from her belly.

After the painful battle, Goddess immediately fell out of the phantom, and the mage-type Goddess on the ground gave up the resistance without the cooperation of his sisters. Although it is Goddess, she can't use the divine force now, but she is also suppressed by me, a melee character, who wants to resist the simply courting death. It's good to say that I cooperated with my sister just now. Now even my only hope has been hit hard by me. If I resist it, it would be really courting death.

"You...Why are you...?" The warrior Goddess who fell on the ground clutched his bloody belly and pointed at me as if he wanted to ask questions.

"Why can the soul move even if it is out of the body, right?" My Soul Body gradually walked back from a distance, and then slowly merged into my body, saying, "It's actually very simple. Because I There are two souls." Following my words, the phantom gradually appeared beside me. "Introduce my personal Familiar Phantom, he is my second Soul Body. Okay, now I have told my secret, it's your turn. I really want to know how you took my soul just now. Come out? The Russian Divine Race doesn't seem to be very good at soul things, right? How does your palm feel like the Spirit Seal of Buddhism?"

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