"What kind of creature am I none of your business?" The extremely sleek monster that had been acting before turned out to be like a sudden change after Yeyue asked such a sentence. Unusual anger. It stared at Yeyue with fierce eyes, and fiercely said fiercely: "Don't talk about me, you are a snake-tailed monster. You can't get better."

"hahahaha!" Yeyue said with a smile: "Don't be mistaken. I am not the same as you. I am not Gemera. On the contrary, my figure is the pure expression of my bloodline. I am a descendant of High God, a direct descendant of Nuwa. As for saying that I am a snake-tailed human body, this is actually your mistake. Human beings were created by Empress Nuwa, the ancestor of our Nuwa god system, using my own body as a reference, so I am not a human upper body, but a human being. The upper body is made according to our body. In fact, the human form is a common form. Didn’t you find that God World and the various high-level creatures in the hell will basically evolve towards the human form? As for you... I can feel your original form. It should be humanoid, because your energy form seems to be humanoid, but your appearance has become an animal shape. Could it be that you were a humanoid creature before?"

"You nonsense!" The cunning one After hearing Yeyue's analysis, the monster jumped up like a cat with its tail stepped on and rushed towards Yeyue, but Yeyue didn't have any intention to hide. Just when the monster was about to rush in front of her, a big tail suddenly swept over, and Bang flew the monster's volley back. With a bang, the monster slammed into a pile of rubble, and slid far away before stopping.

"It seems that I am lucky enough to get it right." Yeyue continued: "Looking at your reaction to this form, didn't you want to be like this at the beginning? Or is your form an accident?"

Yeyue said that, in fact, just guessing based on the response of the other party, and the purpose is only to provoke him. Rage enemies and cunning enemies are often better to deal with. After all, one only knows how to fight hard, but the other uses strategy. Even if the strength is the same, the final result of the battle will definitely be different.

Although Yeyue is guessing randomly, I thought of a probability because of this. I had a juvenile scarab in God World in Russia before, and that scarab was strange, it hatched from a human body. Later, when investigating God World in Russia, I also found a large number of strange organisms in the Divine Race prison. All of this seems to point to a possibility-Russia's Divine Race is engaged in biological research. If they are really doing that, then experimenting with synthetic beasts in their own group does not seem to be impossible. Whether it was implanting scarabs into the human body for incubation before or now creating a Kimela with the soul of a humanoid creature, it was a matter of course. After all, the ultimate application of studying these technologies is to strengthen oneself, and in terms of the characteristics of the monster in front of us, the Russian Divine Race seems not far from success. The war trampling that this guy used before is the best proof. That thing is simply not a skill it should have, but it will. This shows that its body has integrated the genes of a certain large creature that has the ability to use war trampling.

"Are you really Kimella?" I, who had recovered roughly, walked to Ye Yue's side with the help of Lingling and Xiaochun and asked that guy.

"hmph, don't want to get any information from me, I won't say anything."

"Really? But I really want to know. Trouble you Tell me, okay?" A voice that made people's bones soften suddenly appeared beside us, and Princess's extremely seductive body also appeared beside me at the same time.

"I...tell...no...tell...tell..." After the appearance of Princess, the monster was completely in chaos. Later, even holding his head, he started to roll all over the floor.

"What's the matter with it?" I asked when looking at the monster.

Princess wants to maintain her skills, so Yeyue explained to her: "This guy's body has too many animal ingredients in it, so it is inevitable that there will be a lot of animal instincts. Among all the instincts, the most The strong instinct is the survival instinct and the reproductive instinct, but Princess relies on the reproductive instinct to penetrate the target’s mental barrier for the breakthrough point, so although the guy’s reason knows to resist, the body instinctively wants to obey. Now it seems this The guy’s soul is very strong, and his mind is firm, so he has a tug of war with his body, and he has done so hard. As long as he gives up resistance, he will return to normal immediately, but he will also be completely controlled by Princess."< /p>

"so that's how it is. But what if he keeps resisting this way?"

"Either Princess exhausts her magic power and can't hold on, or her head is like familiarity The chestnut fruit bursts like a through."

"I want to know the research progress of the Russians, don't let its head burst, do you have a way?"

< p>"Is there any way I don’t know, anyway, I won’t."

As soon as Ye Yue’s words were finished, Ling appeared next to me and said: "The way is actually very simple. It has been Princess is suppressed, and now there is almost no resistance, as long as you use Tai Chi Soul Locking Formation to lock its soul, and then force its soul out of the body. I am the dark Goddess who specializes in playing with the soul, as long as It turns into a state of soul, isn’t that flat and round with us?"

"Yes, too!"

When you understand the method, it will be much faster to do it. The Tai Chi Soul Locking Array is set up very quickly, and it takes a few seconds to complete. That guy is now busy fighting his instincts, and has no reaction at all to my placement of Formation under his feet. I activated Formation immediately after completing Formation. Princess stopped the seduction skill at the moment I activated Formation, and instead used a powerful single Soul Attack. The soul of the monster who was dizzy and turned by instinct was instantly blasted out of his body. I saw that the body of the white monster suddenly fell down like a headshot. At the same time, a faint golden silhouette came from The monster fell out of his body.

Although the body is a monster, the soul that was blasted out is a human form, and this light golden rays of light also shows that he was once a Divine Race. Judging from his previous behavior, he is most likely a member of the original Russian Divine Race, but he unexpectedly became what he is now after participating in this synthetic beast project. As for the owner reported by our members, I think it should be his partner or subordinate. However, because our members do not understand the situation, they regard that partner or subordinate as his master, which can explain why the familiar is so much better than the master.

Because there is no physical drag, and Princess has turned off the seduction skill, the guy's soul immediately wakes up as soon as he falls out. After jumping up from the ground, he looked at his body in surprise, then touched his face, and then reacted. "You guys got my soul out?"

"Please, you are Divine Race, don't you look like you don't know Soul Power?" Princess don't give face Sarcastically.

"No, I didn't mean that." The guy said excitedly: "I had an accident with my resources participating in the skill synthesis experiment, and my body became like that. At the time, I felt like I had escaped. Reshape the body, but no matter how you try, my soul can't get out. That body is like a prison, which locks my soul firmly in it. But you, how did you get me out? I mean to get my soul out. Haha, now I can transform back into a human form!"

Maybe I was so excited, that guy even started speaking incoherently, but finally Let us understand what he meant. I said how a monster has such a high intelligence. It turns out that he was originally a normal Divine Race. It is not a strange thing to be smart.

"What did you just say about the skill synthesis experiment. Isn't it a biosynthesis experiment?"

"Do you want to know about our research project?" The guy is really smart, and he was excited just now. The incoherent appearance, now suddenly recovered and became a shrewd appearance.

"Do you want to make a deal with me?" Seeing his tone, it is clear that he wants to make a deal with me.

The guy nodded said: "Before I didn’t want to accept your solicitation because I thought I would live like this in the future, so I didn’t mean to switch to another force at all. Anyway, it’s the same. . If it weren’t for my beloved Salsa who needed my care, I would have died a long time ago! However, since you can get my soul out, then we have the possibility of trading."

"What do you want? What can I get?" Surprisingly, he originally planned to force a confession, didn't expect this guy, Astral Projection, to become a person afterwards. But it's normal to think about it. If you wake up one day and find that you have become a stray dog, you will definitely be discouraged. After all, in the future, we will have to sleep on the streets and eat through the garbage dump. This kind of life is absolutely unbearable to human consciousness. But if you suddenly change back after becoming a stray dog, the excitement can be imagined.

"My request is very simple." The guy said: "First, I will protect me and my love in the future."

I nodded and said: "You join us It’s mine. Protecting our own people and their families is our responsibility. If you don’t say it, I will do it."

"Secondly, I want you to provide me with a study So."

"Huh?" Seriously, this request really surprised me. I thought about what benefits he would ask for. He didn't expect him to ask me for research, but my mind didn't turn slowly, so I quickly thought of a probability. "You mean you want me to give you the opportunity to study biosynthesis technology?"

"It's not biosynthesis, it's skill synthesis. What I study is not to synthesize several kinds of biosynthesis into a new organism and make Kemei I’ve long been tired of pulling such ancient things. What I study is to synthesize the special attributes and special skills of various creatures into our own body. For example, the war trampling released when I used the monster just now, that’s from one end. The Komodo war giant beast was copied from the body."

"Can you copy the skills and special attributes of other creatures to yourself?" I was shocked by this guy's technology. Not up. If his skills are true, then we will be rich. Think about the special skills of those special creatures. If they can transfer and copy each other, then what do they have? Special attributes like Steel Teeth-Invincible Physical Defense and Princess's Special Attribute-Mental Defense. If these two attributes are combined, they can create a formidable power that is not afraid of physical damage at all. Spell damage is reduced by more than 90% and formidable power is ignored. The super perversion of soul attack comes out. And it would be too perverted if I copied on this basis and copied all the special attributes of my familiars with each other.

I was looking at the benefits that this skill of obscenity can bring, but this guy in front of me gave me a basin of cold water and poured me a hearty cold. "Don't be too happy. Although I am studying, there are still too many technical flaws. You have seen the way I was just now, and you don't want to become a monster by yourself?"

If it changes in a short time To be a monster, to be honest, I really don’t mind, I’m not the same anyway. But that kind of transformation is fine for him. First, he doesn't know what he will become, and second, once he becomes successful, he can't escape. This is annoying enough. Even if I can extract my soul from the Tai Chi Soul Locking Array, what will my body do? Physical attributes and so on follow the body, I can't always run around in the soul state, right?

"To what extent have you studied this technology now?"

"For the time being, only attributes can be extracted, but errors often occur when porting attributes. So far I have only succeeded once Experience. And that was the success that touched me the most."


"Yes. My lover was beaten by other forces' high level Divine Race. After being injured, not only the body could not be demobilized, but even the soul was about to be broken. I was forced to apply immature technology to her, and it turned out to be a perfect success without any side effects at all. If I had to say What is shortcoming, that is, the transplanted attribute is a little weaker than the original attribute on the body, and does not have the original effect. But the attribute I transplanted still saves my love."

"That's OK? What attributes did you transplant for her?"

"Infinite regeneration." The guy said triumphantly: "I took it from a special prisoner named Lilith attribute, she had only a mass of meat left at the time, and she was able to resurrect indefinitely. It was so powerful! It is a pity that the abilities that Sasha gained can only help her quickly demobilize her injuries, which is far less exaggerated than Lilith’s infinite regeneration." /p>

"Who did you say that the attribute you copied came from?" I was shocked when I heard the name that guy said, and then suddenly reacted and shouted at Yeyue: "Stop her!" I couldn't get out of me. As expected, just as I finished shouting, Lilith had already rushed out of the training space by herself and rushed towards the guy.

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