Many people are easy to handle. The combined Qilin warrior and Death God guards under me are almost over 50,000. Isn't picking up something a trivial matter? However, in a hurry, they should not be allowed to move things by themselves in a mess, otherwise it will easily affect efficiency without wasting manpower. In the end, in order to increase the speed, we adopted a grouping method for collection. The length of the limbs of the Death God guard is obviously much longer than that of the Qilin warrior. Considering that there is still a certain amount of water at the bottom of the lake, the Death God guards with longer hands and feet are obviously superior in this regard, so the work of collecting materials is left to Death. God guard. As for the Qilin warrior, they don't have to be idle, all standing on the shore High Level. The Death God guard found something and would not transport it out, but threw it directly onto the shore. Qilin warrior's job is to catch these thrown objects and send them to the gate of the earth.

While the Death God guard and Qilin warrior were busy collecting supplies, I and the other familiars were not idle either. Although I got a lot of things this time, I can't wait until I go back to classify them. After all, some things have to be handed over to Divine Race. Speaking of this time, I am the war contractor who eliminated the Russian Divine Race on behalf of the various Divine Race parties, but in fact I am also a part-time worker. Of course, because of my own strength and the strength of the Frost Rose League, I am not an ordinary worker, at least I am a gold-collar Level 1, so although I am a worker, I can share Russia with those Divine Race Big Boss. Divine Race this cup of soup. But all I can do is to divide. If you want to swallow it alone, you have to have the corresponding strength. When will our Frost Rose League completely ignore those Divine Races, when will I no longer have to divide things with them. But that is a long-term plan. At present, what we can do is to pick out some things first, and then give the other things to the Divine Race points. Of course, since we are the first to pick, it is natural to start with the best.

"First classify the various items for me, a pile of equipment, a pile of basic resources, and a pile of currency."

"Understand." The demons brought a bunch of them to do nothing. The Qilin warrior started to help sort the items, and all the things thrown into the gate of the earth by the guards of Death God and Qilin warrior were divided into three piles by them. However, we still have to proceed with the sorting process of the next level 1 for these three big piles.

First of all, the currency. Although this is a good thing for ordinary people, currency is actually the most useless in terms of the value of these things, because they are the easiest resource to get if needed. So don’t care about the currency at all. When the time comes, just take it and share it with each Divine Race. Anyway, it doesn't mean that all the things to be divided are divided into Divine Race. We have to pretend to follow along with the division. Of course, Divine Race must know that I took some things in advance, but they don't know what I took, and there is no evidence. They can only pretend not to know if they don't want to turn their faces with us. The relationship between us and Divine Race is basically equivalent to the actual international relationship. Everyone knows who has done something bad, but as long as it is not online, no one will say who, even if someone crosses the line, everyone will not. Will directly say where you are wrong, but will find other excuses to trouble you. Like our deduction of spoils of war this time, the Divine Race must know about it, but they won't say so, so I followed them to pretend to be confused. As for future troubles, I think this can be ignored, because they still have things asking me in the future. Whoever dares to trouble us, I will let the trouble die by himself.

In addition to currency of the three piles of items, the remaining two piles are equipment items and basic resources. The so-called basic resources refer to some natural materials that need to be processed or do not need to be processed. There are many kinds of things, some are ore, and some are some special parts of a certain organism. In general, the most of these basic resources should be cheap resources such as iron ore and wood. After all, these things have large reserves and consumption, so the general industry is certain that there will be some reserves. But what we found is not a guild treasure, but a Divine Race treasure house. Moreover, this is not the basic warehouse of others, but a secret warehouse. Do you think it's possible for the Russian Divine Race to stingy and even transport the wood and iron ore here for storage? Obviously it is impossible, so there is simply no iron ore and ordinary wood in these materials. The lowest things in the basic resources here are various high level devil cores, high level devil beast skins, high level devil beast claws and teeth, and extremely precious high level devil eggs. In addition to these things, this pile of supplies also contains a rainbow magic crystal known as a mine on top, a Perfect level ice diamond exactly the same as mine, a warrior forcibly strengthened into a high magician elemental heart, and a There are many kinds of high level materials that can only be seen on auction.


"There are so many good things, why do you sigh, Master?" Xiaochun looked at my left hand with an abyss devil's heart fruit right hand The stars sighed there, and asked very curiously.

Lucky squatting next to him, a pile of colorful magic crystals in his left hand, a pile of azure blue crystals in his right hand, said with a sad expression like me: "I don’t understand this? I want this, and I also I want it, but there is one that must be given to others. Distressed!"

"Hey...the miser!"

Although Xiaochun is despised, there are so many questions. No one is willing to put things in front of anyone! And it's different from money in the usual sense. If you get 10 billion by accident, you know that you will never spend it in your life, so let you donate 5 billion, although you will be a little bit reluctant, but it will not be too sad anyway. But if you get a super luxury car and the equivalent in cash and ask you to donate one, you will die! To put it simply, because the use of similar resources is the same, the impact of splitting them out in half is actually not too big. It's like that 10 billion. You can't spend it anyway, half of the donation can't be spent. Actually, it doesn't affect you much. So although psychologically I feel reluctant, I think it's acceptable in my mind. In the other choice, the car and money are different kinds of things. Donating one out means half of the actual benefits. This way, no matter whether it is rational or first impression, it will not be cost-effective, so it will be very painful.

This is my current situation. As for the money, I don't care at all. Anyway, after sharing it with other Divine Races, I will still get a copy, and the amount will not be too small. But the problem is that although these gems are all gems, their functions and uses are worse than one million miles apart. It can be said that each has its own advantages, and I can't bear which one is thrown away! But I still have to take out a part of the Divine Race points. How can I choose?

After thinking about it for a long time, I still didn't make up my mind to abandon which gem, but it is obviously impossible to occupy it all. There was really no way I had to ask Ling to help pass all the information of all these special materials to the military god, and then the military god based on the needs of the guild, the price of various materials in the market, the degree of scarcity, the appreciation space and other information. Data-based computing, although this is still more distressing, but at least it is better sensibly.

There is no choice of basic materials here, and only the equipment item is left in the end. The equipment that can be collected by Divine Race generally has two characteristics, one is strong, and the other is not particularly strong. It’s not surprising that an item has these two features at the same time, because first of all Divine Race is very powerful, so if it is not good equipment, they will not even watch it, let alone collect it. So Divine Race must be very strong. As for that is not particularly strong, there is a reason for this. Because Divine Race itself also needs equipment, if they can get good equipment, the best must have been equipped on their bodies. Only those Level 1 players who don’t have good equipment on their bodies and are reluctant to throw away will put them. To the warehouse. So the equipment here is strong but not particularly strong. Of course, the above standards are calculated according to the standards of Divine Race and me. For the average player, all of these can be regarded as top equipment.

Compared with the previous two piles, this equipment pile is actually the most difficult to sort. First, the complete sets of equipment must be individually picked out and placed in suits, and then the remaining single pieces of equipment can be screened for a second time. This secondary screening does not mean that good and bad things can be completely screened out, but it must first be divided into four categories: defensive equipment, offensive weapons, disposable items, and special items. Among them, armor and attack weapons are relatively good points. The attributes of special items and one-time equipment are all myriad. The thing that people didn't know whether to cry or laugh the most is that there is a beauty scroll in the Russian Divine Race's equipment arsenal. This thing is simply a heavenly thunder!

Beauty scrolls are not actually equipment. This thing is actually an entertainment item used by players. Its function is to beautify the appearance of players or NPCs, a bit like makeup or hairdressing. of. However, this modification is usually not very large, and it will not affect the NPC's recognition of characters. If you want to use it as a disguise, don't expect it. Of course, even if the beauty scroll of Divine Race in Russia is collected by Divine Race, its level is quite scary. Such a toy scroll is actually of Divine Item level. If it weren't for the fact that many women are willing to spend a lot of money on this item, I can't help but want to use it to see what effect the Divine Item-level beauty scroll can have!

With the cooperation of my many summon creatures, the materials in the lake were quickly moved into the gate of the earth by us and sorted briefly. As for what to give to the countries Divine Race will take the spoils and which ones to keep. This is not a decision yet, because this warehouse is only part of the resources that Divine Race secretly transfers. Normally, they should also have large warehouses, so they want to determine the correct distribution ratio. , You have to wait until you get everything after the battle is over.

After dealing with the treasures here, there was no reason to stay here, so after taking back all the familiars, I closed the gate of the earth and returned to the city of commandments. Although the battle here wasn't over when I left, I didn't worry about the defense problem here at all. The players of our guild and Divine Race had already drew a tie before, and then I disrupted the overall balance. After the Russian Divine Race, the Russian Divine Race gradually became a little unstoppable. Even if there are any changes in the time, it shouldn’t be too exaggerated. , So there is nothing to worry about.

Sure enough, things are basically the same as I thought. When I returned to the City of Commandments, most of the regional battles were over. If the rest of the Divine Race were not surrounded by a small group of people, it must be an expert who is powerful enough to basically ignore the difference in numbers. In short, the Divine Race, which is not clustered or of average strength, has been settled, and the rest is hard to gnaw. For such hard bones, there are two ways to solve them. Either find someone more ruthless than them and solve it at one time, or use a slightly lower strength, but at least the person who can hold them and their offensive so that they have no time to take care of others, and then drag them across with the advantage of numbers.

Now our guild has a lot of experts, but that is an expert for ordinary guilds. Compared with Divine Race, the so-called expert of our guild is actually just an ordinary level. Under such circumstances, the only people who can really endanger them are only a few Peak fighters from our guild and those guild Divine Race. But even for the guild Divine Race and those experts, what can be done at present is to separate and destroy those groups of Divine Races. For the Divine that can stand a group of people on their own. Race expert, even they can only do it in a hurry!

"President, you can count as coming back." Seeing me coming back, several command players immediately surrounded me.

"I've only been out for a few hours. Do you need to be so enthusiastic?" I looked at the group of players who surrounded me, jokingly said helplessly. But what didn't expect is that my joking didn't play any role.

The player standing in the forefront grabbed me and said: "President, think about a way! The battle strength of those guys is too strong, our people are not reliable at all, even if they are Surrounded by the third and outer layers, they still often run out. Many people will die if they want to block them back again."

As soon as this player finished speaking, the person next to him immediately shouted again: "Yeah, yeah! The strength of those guys is really too strong. Sometimes they can kill a group of us by taking a few small injuries and using a few big moves. This proportion of casualties is really too big!"

"There are more..."

When someone is talking again, I hurriedly stretched out my hands to stop and said: "Okay, okay, don't have any more, I know it. Isn’t it there? A few super strong guys? I just go up and beat them down!"

For me now, the Russian Divine Race is no longer in my eyes. This is not because of my arrogance, but because I have personally experienced the strength of the Russian Divine Race. Before even their boss boss was let us kill, what else is there to be afraid of the other minions?

The experts in the command line meeting all gathered together to deal with the several Divine Race groups, and then I got into a relatively tense encirclement. Almost all players and NPCs from our guild were standing outside this encirclement, but there was only one Divine Race in the middle, and what was more surprising was that this guy was still empty-handed. However, depending on the figure of this guy, he might be able to play his battle strength even better in an empty-handed battle.

This is a Divine Race wearing only a pair of pants. Of course, people don’t wear clothes because he is poor and can’t afford armor, but because he doesn’t need armor at all. The Berserker-like muscles of that dwarf were enough to block most of the attacks. However, it is not because he is not tall enough that he looks like a dwarf. On the contrary, this guy's height is definitely more than two meters, just because he is too strong, and the aspect ratio of his whole body almost becomes one to one. , So it looks like a dwarf without a reference.

In the high level Divine Race surrounded by us, there are not few people who stand alone like him, but he is the only one who has been beaten from start to finish. Since this guy was blocked, everyone didn’t know how many times he was hit, but no matter how he was hit, he was only injured and would not die, and every time he suffered a superficial wound, very few weapons could. It is more than two inches deep into his muscles, and given his muscle thickness, no more than two inches means that even the muscles are not pierced.

Faced with this kind of human flesh tank, the various experts of our guild have not thought of a solution, but the preparation time of the huge might skill is too long. Once he finds it, he will immediately fight for the point. Small injuries run away, and our people can't completely stop him, so the skills of huge might are not used at all. As for small skills, it is okay to hit them, but the formidable power is hard to say. To the average player, the skills that seem to be very difficult to deal with hit him are like hitting a rubber sheet with a fist, hitting a hole, but after passing it, it will pass, leaving no trace at all.

"President, are you here?" In this encirclement, there are also frontline commanders who are specifically responsible for command. He had been earnestly directing nearby players and NPCs to besiege the Divine Race, so he never saw me appear, and now he didn't notice me until I got to his side.

"What's the matter with this guy?" I asked, looking at the human tank in front of me.

The player in charge of the command immediately introduced: "His defense is too strong, our attack will not break the defense."

I nodded and said: "Okay, you just need to stay in formation for a while. Just don't let him run out of the encirclement, leave the rest to me."

I am the best at dealing with such a slow and high defense guy. The eternal feature is that he is good at breaking defenses, and as long as he can break the defenses, the guy is actually similar to an ordinary person.

"Everything gets out of the way." With my roar, the members of the guild who were besieging the celebrity meat tank suddenly swept back a lot. Of course, this is not because my voice is deterrent, but because the military god is helping me to command. Because the battlefield command of this guild has always been done by the military god, everyone has developed a habit now. When he hears the military god’s instructions, he will do it without thinking. In addition, the military god’s command is often personal. , So many people have appeared in the battle and suddenly received orders from the military god to squat, stand up, and retreat. Those who do it immediately can often escape because of this, so over time, almost everyone I can respond to the military god's order as the cost. Just when I yelled and stepped away, the military god immediately notified all the people blocking me in their communicators and asked them to give way. That's why everyone reacted so neatly.

The celebrity meat tank was already fighting well, but the people who were surrounding him didn't expect suddenly all ran away, and he was taken aback. But soon he noticed my existence, and rushed over excitedly.

Normally, even if it’s Divine Race, when you see me in an order, you should think about running away first, but this guy is obviously in the abnormal part. In fact, there is a reason why he rushed over with excitement when he saw me. The first reason is that this guy is a typical muscular and simple-minded existence. In the usual sarcastic words, even his head is full of muscles, and there is no extra space for him to grow his brain. As for the second reason, it is that he has been surrounded for too long. He was actually quite nervous when he was surrounded, but when he found that the attack power of the surrounding enemies was very low, and he couldn't hurt himself at all, his courage began to grow, and he didn't know me in the first place, so When I noticed that all the surrounding enemies had run away suddenly, I rushed up without the slightest hesitation when I was the only one left. When he thinks about it, he can hit a group one at a time, and when he meets me with thin arms and legs, he will slap him flat without a slap?

However, reality will not change because of his fantasy. Seeing that he took the initiative to rush up, he didn't run away at all, and he pulled out the eternal standing there and waited for him to approach. That guy was born with a few brains. At this time, most people would know that there was a problem if they found that the enemy didn't run away. But when he saw that I wasn't moving, he thought I was afraid, so he charged even faster.

Looking at the muscular man approaching quickly, I did not rush up with the eternity, but threw the eternity to the sky. The eternity that had just been released immediately split into thirty-six double-headed swords in the air, and then became high-speed rotation like thirty-six propellers in the air. The muscular man didn’t react when he saw the rotating eternity at first, but he paused soon, because the sword wheels of eternity flew automatically to the route between him and me to form a revolving one. Knife wall. Normally, if anyone rushed in from the middle, he would definitely be cut into a neat pile of meat instantly, but a muscular man was born into the category of abnormal people. He actually only paused for a while before continuing to press forward and rushed up, completely using my sword wheel as a decoration. In his cognition, this kind of ordinary soldier cuts out Red Seal on him at most, and he doesn't care about it at all.

After so many fusion castings, eternity now is no longer an ordinary weapon. He is a super Divine Item with law cutting ability and a complete Artifact Spirit. Even the high-level main god dare not use Fleshy body to harden the eternal blade, but this guy is so stupid that he suddenly hits himself. If he doesn’t die Does that still make sense?

There was no blood and no screams. Everyone only saw the guy rushing from the sword array composed of thirty-six eternal sword wheels like lightning, and then it was like a building after being blasted from the inside. Suddenly they fell apart and turned into a pile of neatly sized pieces of meat, oh la la scattered all over the ground.

"Idiot." After I said these two words, I raised my right hand. Thirty-six eternal swords hit my hand at lightning speed and crackled. In the sound of popping, it regrouped into a timeless ball, which was put back on the back of my left hand. After taking back the eternity, I spread my wings and flew past the encirclement of the next high level Divine Race. As for the aftermath work here, someone will naturally take care of it. Of course, I also took a piece of that idiot's meat. For a muscular man like him, if Lilith swallowed it, it would definitely help me increase a lot of power attributes. As for his mental retardation, Lilith would only absorb the dominant gene anyway, and should not even absorb the idiot virus.

While allowing Lilith to absorb the dominant gene of the muscular man, I flew towards the next encirclement, but to my surprise, the target being encircled in the next encirclement was not a humanoid creature. This is a very strange long thing. When I first saw this guy, I thought it was a polar bear, but after a closer look, it seemed different. Although this thing is as long and furry as a polar bear, it has a pair of forward horns on its head, and this guy’s tail is also thick and long, not at all as short as a polar bear, which is almost invisible. Tail.

After discovering that I had entered the circle of war, the surrounding members of the guild automatically stepped aside, and the players in charge of this area also told me the characteristics of the creature in front of me. According to them, this thing was originally a Divine Race pet, but after that Divine Race was killed, our guild staff were surprised to find that this thing was actually stronger than its owner. Although its intelligence is not well-developed, its various powerful skills are fast and accurate. Many people who tried to kill him have suffered a dark loss. As a result, we have lost a group of people, but this thing is even hairy. No one dropped.

"This thing is so powerful?"

"It's only better than what I said, not weaker." The player in charge of the introduction said.

I nodded waved him back, and then walked towards the monster. As the distance approaches, my first reaction is that this thing has been playing tricks. It is simply not without intelligence, but too smart. It has been paying attention to me, consciously or unconsciously, since I entered this battle circle. This is definitely not what a wild beast that only relies on instinct to fight should behave.

"Didn't expect just killed an idiot with a head on his head, but with a pig's head. Now I have a bear head, but with a slick head. "After I said this, the monster didn't respond and still stared at me. I looked into his eyes and laughed. "Play the pig to eat the tiger is just to bully people who don't recognize what a tiger looks like. Don't pretend to me. I know that you have a high intelligence and understand humans." I After saying this, I waited for a while, but the guy still didn’t move. I had no choice but to continue: "It seems that you are going to pretend to be a fool. But that’s okay. I don’t care if you have intelligence anyway. I waste this. Drooling is not to prove that you have intelligence, but to see that you are good and want to recruit. But since you give up this way of life, then I have nothing to do."

Originally, I thought he was this time. There was still no reaction, who knew that just as I was about to do it, the guy suddenly spoke. "How did you find that I can understand people?"

This guy opened his mouth, and it was not me who was most surprised, but the people in our guild nearby. After fighting with this thing for so long, they always thought that this thing has very low intelligence. Who knows that he is not only very smart, but even understands people's words. It's no wonder that when they coordinated plans with each other before, it always reacted in advance. It's because it heard the plan discussed by everyone.

I didn’t answer the monster’s question directly, but instead asked: "You must have not observed your body much?" When he asked, he explained directly: "When you want to focus on hearing this Chu's voice, your ears will automatically turn to that direction to better receive the sound waves. Just now you didn’t need to use your ears when you were fighting. Listening to the surrounding movement prevents us from sneak attacks, but has been using one ear at me to eavesdrop on me and others. Do you think it is possible for a creature with no intelligence to do this?"

"Teached. Next time I will definitely not show the same weak spot again."

"Next time? Have you figured it out?" I asked slightly surprised.

"Yes, I figured it out." After the monster calmly said this sentence, his expression suddenly changed: "I decided to run away immediately." He didn't stand there and said the latter sentence. Yes, he actually turned around and ran out in the opposite direction when he said it, and the speed was as fast as the wind.

"Damn, I am so fat and still have this speed!" Although I was surprised, my movements did not stop. As the thing turned and ran away, Summon chased after Ye Ying.

In fact, although the monster said to run away, but also not so easy to run away, otherwise I can't wait for me to appear. As it turned to escape, the players and NPCs in the direction it was running blocked immediately.

Seeing that the road ahead was blocked, the monster didn't mean to flinch. Just when he was about to collide with the crowd, the guy suddenly stood up, supported his body with his two hind legs, and then his two front paws slammed up and slammed into the ground. With only a bang, a shock wave visible from naked eye instantly rippled from the place where its front paws landed, and everyone within a radius of 20 meters was thrown around.

"War trampled? How could this thing have mammoth skills?" My question was not answered yet, but the monster gave me another shock. I saw it disappeared from the spot after stepping on a war trampling, and then it emerged from the periphery of the encirclement in the next second. "Is it dazzled or what's the matter? Did that thing just use the flashing skill or space leap?"

"It feels like teleportation!" said Ye Ying.

"It's strange that the member just told me that this guy has a lot of skills, and now it seems that his skills are more than just a lot!"

Just when we talk, then The monster had left the encirclement, and then ran out of the city desperately, but although its speed was very fast, after all, it was not a creature that specializes in speed for food, and its speed was definitely not comparable to that of Night Shadow. Seeing that monster escaped from the encirclement, Ye Ying knew that he could not let it run far, so he immediately let go of the speed. After a few steps, we chased behind the thing, and now I was riding on Ye Ying’s back. Turning Eternity into a three-meter-long hook and sickle gun obliquely dragged on the side of the extension, ready to give that thing at any time.

Feeling someone approaching from behind, the thing looked back, but it was shocked. Before, it thought that its continuous skills had already thrown us away. Didn't expect Ye Ying to be more exaggerated than it, and it actually chased behind it in an instant. And unlike the hunk man with long muscles in his head, although this guy looks like an animal, his head is smart. It knows who I am and what kind of destructive power the weapon in my hand has, and it has no intention of using its body to prove this.

Knowing that there is no advantage in speed, the guy didn't stop right away, but suddenly turned left, trying to use his flexibility to see if he could get rid of us. But what makes it even more surprised is that Ye Ying's turning is even more outrageous. In order to confirm our steering ability, it ran while staring at us after the turn, but it did not see Ye Ying turning at all. It only saw Ye Ying suddenly jump up with me, stepped into a phantom in one step, and stepped out of a phantom behind it in the next step, and even turned the direction. In fact, Ye Ying's trick said that there was no technical content at all, it was nothing more than using his consciousness shuttle ability to open two space doors at a 90-degree angle to each other. From the outside, it looks like Ye Ying turned a corner after crossing the space gate, but to Ye Ying himself, he has been running in a straight line, which means that Ye Ying doesn’t have to slow down and turn at all. He just needs to let go of his hoof and keep running. .

"Abnormal!" The monster couldn't help but screamed when he saw Ye Ying's behavior, and then hurriedly got into a building next to him. Speed ​​and flexibility are not rivals, so just drill a small hole. Looking at Ye Ying's height, it is estimated that it will be difficult to get into a normal house, let alone some small holes. Of course, it is not small in size, but it is at least shorter than Ye Ying.

Ye Ying was also taken aback when he saw that guy drill the house. If Yeying lowered his head to get into a house like a store, but the next one was a civilian building with a relatively low storey, Yeying simply couldn't get in.

"That guy got in, I can't get in!" Ye Ying stopped outside the house and looked back at me.

I didn't waste any time, so I jumped directly from the back of Ye Ying and rushed into the house and said, "Go to the other side and stop him."

"Okay. "Ye Ying got the order and immediately went to the opposite side of the house to block the road, and at this time, I had already rushed into the house.

Facts once again prove that the brain of this thing is definitely not ordinary smart, it is simply a fox! According to normal people’s thinking, if the chased is running around and gets into the house, he should immediately find his way and run out from the other side. However, this guy did not play the card according to common sense. It simply did not run out, but entered the room. Then immediately turned around and waited there. As soon as I rushed in from the outside of the house, I ran into the monster head-on, and the monster, who had been preparing for a long time, was already standing up, and two huge fore palms slammed into my ears.

Because it was a

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