After I gave the order, I was planning to travel back. Who knows, Amina suddenly exclaimed: "Not good, that thing rushed towards me, so fast!"

"What?" I was surprised to refocus my attention on the sonar signal from Adyna, only to see a huge phantom approaching quickly. Although in the sonar signal, the approaching speed of that thing is not that fast, but you must know that the sonar signal is always moving forward at the highest speed. So the speed in the sonar signal is not the actual speed of the thing, it must be added to the speed of Anna to be his real speed. With the speed of Aanna, the creature that can approach her at such a fast speed can be imagined how terrifying.

"Master, don't be in a daze, run now!"

Adyna's reminder woke me up. Yes! At the speed of Adyna, I was gradually approached by the other party, isn't I even more dead? Fortunately, there are still several points of the distance between me and Adyna. I can run ahead of time. This can buy a little time, but I am willing to rush and get out of this passage before the thing rushes! As long as the narrow entrance is passed, the opponent should give up. It doesn't matter if it has to rush over, anyway, my Familiars are all over there, if it really dares to rush over, then I can't blame it.

While thinking about it, I rushed towards the entrance desperately, but looking at the sonar signal of Anna, at this speed, I must not have time to run to the entrance of the hole before the opponent catches up with me. Now Granda, who is still some distance away from me, can run out safely. This doesn't work, and sooner or later I will be overtaken by running like this. After thinking about it, I suddenly brought the Phoenix Dragon over to Summon. As the Phoenix Dragon space suddenly opened, a huge egg-shaped object crashed into the water with a bang. As soon as this thing appeared, he immediately stretched his body. Only then can he see that he still has a basic human shape, but it looks stronger, and the surface of his body is mostly smooth and curved, which is very suitable for underwater actions.

In fact, this thing is Taiwan mobile angel, but it is Taiwan water type. After releasing this big guy, I didn't let him deal with that big monster. It's fine if you can't beat it, it will only irritate it, so it's better not to provoke it. The reason I let him out was not to let him be the queen, but to let him take me forward.

As soon as the guy appeared, he immediately swam behind me, then stretched out his hands and hugged me in his arms, and followed the four high-speed rotation of the water turbines on his back and shoulders. , Accompanied by a burst of white bubbles, we immediately flew forward at a much faster speed than before. Although this speed is still not as fast as that, at least this speed is much faster than I used to be.

After running like this for about five or six minutes, Anna finally caught up from behind. When she first saw us, she was stunned for a while, but she quickly understood, and quickly swam up to grab the water and use the body of a mobile angel to help it accelerate. However, since the volume of Adina is out of proportion to that big guy, the propulsion of Adina can't actually help us increase the speed much.

Since Anna and I were not as fast as the guy behind, the thing quickly got close enough to be observed with naked eye after Anna caught up. At first, only a large group of black phantoms could be seen, but soon the face of the thing could be seen clearly.

This so-called rare beast is actually not too weird, because in addition to its size, it is basically a fish, but the head is a bit scary. The head of this thing is a long triangle, and there are seven or eight rows of sharp needle-like teeth in its sharp mouth. This kind of tooth is not used to bite the prey, but to fix the prey. When it bites something, these dense teeth can act like a devil's stick to fix the prey so that it cannot slip out of the strange fish's mouth. For creatures on land, such teeth are actually useless, but they are necessary for creatures in water. Most aquatic creatures have slippery and hard scales. Therefore, a hunter must have such teeth to ensure that it will not be run away by the opponent after successfully biting the prey, otherwise it will face frequent hunting failures.

The fish’s teeth in front of me are exactly the standard file teeth, but to me it grows the same as all teeth, because the size of that guy makes each of its teeth more than one meter long . In terms of its size, such a long tooth is relatively short, but to me the formidable power of this thing is definitely not much lower than that of the lance array. Even if the armor is held up by it, normal people will never want to be bitten by it. One bite.

"That thing is getting closer and closer!" Amana said, looking at the hideous fish head.

I said helplessly: "Hey... I didn't want to provoke it, but now it seems to be irreconcilable!" I reluctantly ordered the mobile angel above my head: "Release the floating thunder No. 3, and set the depth. The current water depth, timed for twenty seconds, will be executed immediately."

After I finished speaking, a small window suddenly opened behind the buttocks. The small window rose up, and then the fixed clamp holding it suddenly bounced away, and the floating mine immediately separated from the mobile angel and was thrown farther and farther.

The fish at the back obviously has no intelligence to speak of. After ten seconds, it chased to the side of the floating mine and swallowed it in one bite. A few seconds later, after hearing a muffled sound, the giant fish's body slammed, followed by a large amount of red blood coming out from the corners of its mouth and gills. At the same time, the strange fish made a very violent scream. The sound is extremely unpleasant as if it were made by rubbing rotten iron sheets against each other.

After convulsing and struggling for a while, the strange fish suddenly regained its balance, and then screamed and charged again, and its speed was significantly higher than before. If it rushed at this speed before, we would have been caught by it.

"Ah, that thing is going crazy!" After looking back at the speed of the thing, Anna screamed.

I reminded: "We're almost there! I'm going to put away the mobile angel soon. You are going to catch me and continue to rush forward. When you reach the entrance of the cave, you will go directly into the Phoenix Dragon space and wait for me. You come out after drilling through that hole, so that we won’t be wasting time by drilling one by one."


After Grandma answered, I let the mobile angel drop two more floats. Lei Cai put it away, followed Aanna and quickly hugged me and rushed towards the entrance of the cave. Now we are less than 30 meters away from the entrance of the cave, and this distance soon rushed past. When I was only two meters away from the entrance of the cave, I suddenly pulled out the eternity, and at the same time, Grandma entered the Phoenix Dragon space. I slammed my wings twice and rushed to the hole with the help of inertia, and at the same time my skills were activated. "Knocking." There was a thud. The narrow hole in the front was forcibly opened by my skills for a large gap of more than half a meter. With the original passage, the exit is now nearly 1.5 meters wide, enough for me to pass through. Of course, even if the opening was widened ten times, the guy behind would definitely not be able to make it through.

Because the hole widened, I didn't slow down at all, and I got through the hole as soon as the wings were retracted. The monster behind also happened to rush to the side of the floating thunder at this time, but I don’t know if I suffered a loss and gained my wisdom, knowing that this thing can’t be eaten, or eager to seek revenge on me. In short, the guy didn’t swallow it. It was knocked out while swimming by the floating mine. However, floating mines all trigger fuzes. Although the set time is not up, the violent collision detonated them ahead of time. Two fireballs wrapped in water exploded violently under the water. The monster's body was also tilted, but compared to the one that exploded in its body before, the two formidable power exploded outside of the body were obvious. Not as good as the previous one. The two bombs only gave it a slight pause and lifted off a few scales, and did not cause any serious damage. On the contrary, the bomb exploded not only did not affect the monster, but made him even more angry. With an imposing manner of perish together, that guy rushed over at an entrance that was obviously not able to get through, moving towards that he didn't care about it.

I relaxed after I drilled through the entrance, thinking that the guy would not catch up again, but didn’t expect me to swim very far, so I just listened to a loud explosion sound in the back. Large areas of the lake bottom were lifted up. The missile drilled from the silo with the terrifying big head of the strange fish generally slammed through the entrance of the passage at the bottom of the lake, and rushed up from the bottom of the lake with a large rock on its head.

"Damn, this guy is too savage, right?"

I didn't even dare to delay seeing the strange fish rushing forward, so I turned around and rushed to the surface. The strange fish was probably stunned. After all, it was not a joke to break through a rock layer over a meter thick with your head. The rock was not tofu, and it was hard anyway. After rushing out, the strange fish first shook off the rock like the collar on top of his head, and then shook his head slightly before waking up before starting to look around for me, only to find that I was almost on the surface.

After discovering the enemy, the strange fish immediately broke out the previous kind of impact, twisting its body and looking towards the surface of the water. Before I got out of the water, I felt that the water behind me seemed to be pushing me forward. This was a manifestation of an object approaching at high speed from behind. Fortunately, I am not far from the surface of the water now. I directly raised my two arms to aim at the top of the water, and then moved my fingers. After only hearing two puffs, two dragons' tendons were violently launched from the Avengers. Almost within one second after it was shot, the spinning cable head was nailed into the rock on the top of the cave with two beeps, followed by the barbs on the cable head, bounced off, and firmly fixed on the top of the cave. superior. At this time, my fingers moved again, and the two ziplines quickly straightened, and then I was pulled out of the water by a huge force and flew up to the top of the cave. At the same time, I was facing the shore of the lake not far away. The tank and Mila who had been preparing for a long time yelled: "It's now."

When the crazy strange fish saw me leaving the water, he immediately jumped out of the water. With its length, it couldn't be easier to jump to the top of the cave and bite me off. However, just when its head was less than five meters above the surface of the water, a dazzling white light ball flew from the side, hitting the chin of the strange fish. Just hearing a bang, the strange fish's head was blown and tilted to the side in an instant, and the strange fish also screamed again. It's just hatred that didn't stop it from giving up, and it still insisted on rushing upwards, and it had to swallow me. However, just as it tried to rush upwards, another red light flew over, and once again burst a large group of flames on its head, and this time the strange fish could no longer hold back from being bombarded and falling back diagonally. In the water, there was a lot of spray in the sky.

With previous experience, I guess that fish would not just give up like this, so even if it climbed to the top of the cave, I didn’t dare to stop, but immediately took back one of the dragon's tendons. Instead, he shot it into the opposite wall of the cave, and then loosened the other zip line to spread its wings, and while retracting the short line, it rushed to the shore by the force of the descent. At the moment when I was about to land, I took back the zipline again, then slammed my wings twice and landed firmly on the ground.

"Huh, I finally landed!"

I just finished speaking, Ling suddenly said, "But that thing seems to be alive."

< p>The method is to confirm that Ling's words are normal. Ling's voice here has not yet fallen, and there is no water splash on the lake there again. A huge fish head emerges from the lake with red light in his eyes. I came straight.

Looking at the big fish rushing over, I didn't have any intention to dodge at all, I just stood there and looked directly at it. Although instinctively felt that the game was not right, the fish’s intelligence obviously did not understand the root cause, so the big fish still rushed forward regardless. However, just as the big fish was about to pounce on us, a bigger head suddenly rose up in the lake. Heiyan's huge open mouth rushed up from the side, biting the strange fish's head in its mouth with one bite, and then forcibly knocked it out with a huge force, slamming it to the side with a loud boom. On the wall of the cave, the whole hole in the earthquake was shaken.

The strange fish bitten by Hei Yan made a heart-piercing scream, and the huge body was completely rolled out of the water and entangled Hei Yan's body, and only then did I see clearly The whole body of this guy. I thought this guy's head looked familiar before, but now I saw his long flat body and I recognized it. Although I don't know if it is a species, it looks like an oversized hairtail. But I guess the two are just long elephants. After all, even if the octopus can grow to this size, it is absolutely impossible to hard-wire the tank and Mira's strikes.

The bitten hairtail monster desperately screamed while twisting its body to get out, but Heiyan itself is the best at entanglement creature, not afraid of the entanglement of the hairtail, but took the initiative to get stranded with it. Together. Because it takes advantage of its size, and the High Level level is also several rounds higher, Heiyan almost presses the fishtail monster on the rock wall like an adult bullying a child, and uses the half body that grows to slowly push it down. I dragged myself and the hairtail to the shore.

No matter how strong the octopus monster is, it is also a fish, and the amphibious rare beast like Heiyan has no comparability at all. The hairtail that was dragged ashore quickly showed symptoms of hypoxia. After a few hard struggles, the body began to become softer and softer, and finally completely loosened from Hei Yan.

"Is it dead?" I looked back at Xia Ling and asked.

Ling shook the head. "No, I can still feel magical fluctuations." Animals' life force is usually much stronger than that of humans, so it is generally difficult to die, especially low-level creatures such as fish, which often appear to have been broken for a long time. Can still jump. The hairtail monster in front of me is obviously already in the category of devil beasts. Its life force will only be stronger, not weaker, so it is definitely not that easy to die.

After listening to Ling’s answer, I directly waved at Hei Yan and said, "Keep it to death."

Hearing my order, Hei Yan immediately increased the strength of his mouth. . Different from the normal snakes that usually don't have much bite force, Hei Yan's mouth is completely a smasher. With only a click, the head of the strange fish burst open, and the brain and blood are sprayed everywhere. After I stepped forward and collected the brain plasma, blood and flesh of some strange fish, I asked Hei Yan to swallow the whole hairtail. The brain plasma and fish blood are for Lilith to swallow DNA. As for the fish meat... I plan to eat this myself. It is estimated that there will be some time for the salvage work, and it just happens that the hunger is full, and I can have a barbecue while supervising the salvage project there.

Because the tunnel entrance the size of the rabbit hole was turned into a train tunnel by the damn hairtail, the blocking work had to be done by the small dragon girl instead. Because the channel opening is too large, the freezing speed can't keep up with the water flow speed, and it can't block the gap at all. Not to mention the freezing ability imitated by Emenes is a little weaker than the original version of Frost and Snow, even if they two go together, it is absolutely frozen. Can't help this big gap. But the small dragon girl is much more convenient. Use the water barrier technique to block the flow of water to form a wall of water, and then let the tank and lucky them stand against the wall and prevent it from retreating into the lake on this side. But there are advantages and disadvantages. Although this method can seal the large entrance, because the water wall is unstable, the small dragon girl must come back from time to time to reinforce it, which slows her pumping speed. And because the water wall itself does not block the water pressure, the tanks must be held against them. This makes the tanks and lucky them unable to help collect treasures, and it also affects our collection speed invisibly. But fortunately, these are problems that can be overcome now, and there is no other way to do it first.

After more than four hours of hard work, the tired small dragon girl who was about to collapse finally drained the lake. Since she was responsible for the operation of two spells at the same time, the pumping speed of the small dragon girl was much slower than expected, but fortunately, it was finally done. Although the water has not completely dried up, the water level in the lake has now fallen to the point where the bottom can be seen. At this depth, there is no need for diving ability, and terrestrial creatures can still go down to fish.

I snapped my fingers at the Qilin warrior and Death God guards who had been waiting for a long time behind me and said: "Don't stand anymore, move quickly."

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