Without the two high level Divine Races, the remaining rookies in this state of completely invisible to the surrounding environment can say that even 30% of the battle strength can’t be exerted. Between me and Under the combined blow of my familiars, they were all settled quickly.

After killing the remaining Divine Races, I threw all the corpses to Lilith for devouring evolution. Although the more similar Divine Races eat, the worse the effect, but anyway, the corpses are no longer useful, give Lili It is good to use silk waste.

After taking back all the remaining evil mist, I set the gate of the earth on the lake surface, and then summoned out the small dragon female said: "You can move all the water in this lake into the earth mother Is it in the lake of the gods?"

The gate of the earth connects to the back garden of the mother of the earth, but this so-called garden is actually a rather large area of ​​land. In the very center of this area, there is a lake with a large area. If the water in the lake in front of us is pumped into the lake in the garden of the mother of the earth, at most, the water level of the lake will rise. It is only one or two meters. This should not have much impact on the surrounding environment. I think the Mother of the Earth shouldn't mind. Even if she is really upset, at worst I will find another place to pour the water out.

When the small dragon girl heard my request, she observed the area of ​​the lake, and then said: "It should be no problem, but the area of ​​this lake is relatively large, it may take some time."


"Approximately how long will it take?"

"It may take three to four hours to drain completely, but anyway, you just want to facilitate the salvage of the treasures underneath. You don’t have to drain them all. It takes about two or three hours to get it done."

"Then hurry up."

"Okay." The small dragon woman confirmed the order. He flew over the lake, and then reached out his hand to point to the water. A dense white mist appeared on the entire lake, and then the white mist began to roll into the gate of the earth as if it had come alive. Finally all floated into the lake of the Mother of the Earth and transformed into water again and fell into the lake.

On the surface, this conversion speed is not very fast, but in fact the speed is quite terrifying. The small dragon girl used this method before to help me fight the enemy's fire magic. At that time, a small lake was drained, which shows that its speed is still very fast.

Actually, there is a faster pumping in my familiar, but I don't want to take that risk. Ling's dimensional space magic is a small black hole. The water absorption speed of that thing is absolutely exaggerated. As long as it sinks to the bottom of the lake, it will take less than half an hour to drain the lake. But that method is too violent, and the black hole is completely uncontrollable, which means it sucks everything. When the time comes, the water is drained, and the baby goes in with it. Are we in vain?

We were not idle while the small dragon girl was pumping water. All my familiars that can dive have been sent out by me. They will be responsible for collecting some treasures in the water in advance. Anyway, although the small dragon girl’s pumping method is very fast, it is very gentle, even if someone is in the lake. It's dangerous, and starting collection in advance also helps to improve efficiency. Otherwise, we can't stand there in a daze during the two or three hours when the small dragon girl pumps water?

Everything seemed to be going smoothly, but after a few minutes of pumping water, it was suddenly stopped.

"Quickly stop. Quickly stop."

"What's the matter?" Looking at the pets that all stopped, I asked Grandma suspiciously.

Anna pointed in one direction and said: "When I was searching underwater for the specific sinking area of ​​the treasure, I discovered that there were actually two big holes on the lake connected to other water sources. Regardless of the principle, if we pump water here, the water on the other two sides will automatically be replenished here. In this way, we will not only pump water from this lake. There is more specific water we don’t have. I know, if there is more water over there, will we never be able to pump it out?"

"What? Is there another channel under the water?"

"Yes Yes. There are two big openings."

The small dragon girl suddenly realized: "I said why the water level hasn't been lowered after smoking for a long time! If there is really a large area of ​​water there Then I can’t do it like this. Even if my magic power can survive and I don’t care about time, the lake of the Mother of the Earth can’t hold too much water! Just draining this lake is enough to fill the lake over there. , If you pump it again, the back garden of the Mother of the Earth will turn into a swamp!"

"Then what shall we do?" Lucky asked: "Can't we block the hole?"

"No." Ling said: "The lake here is warm, indicating that there is a lava tube passing nearby. If we block the water flow channel, it will definitely change the pressure balance here. If the lava tube ruptures, it will be here. It would be bad if it was completely submerged. It’s okay to fish in the water, but it’s not easy to fish in the lava. Even if Xiaofeng and the others are not afraid of lava, the luminosity of the lava is almost zero. If you want to find the treasure inside, you can only touch it with your hands. It is estimated that we can’t wait for us to pick up the things in such a large area. The lava will cool down first!"

What to do?" asked the small dragon woman.

Ling thought for a while and said: "No matter what we want to do, we must first figure out where the two passages are connected. If there is not much water on the opposite side, it will not be necessary for us to spend more time draining it. No. If there is a lot of water, we will think of other ways."

"Yes, anyway, let's see the situation first." I want to understand the key to the small dragon woman immediately: "You don't want to pump the water yet. Let's help everyone to get into the water together. Grandma, please go with me to figure out the situation in the two passages first. Others will meet on the shore."

"Understood ."

After assigning the job, I pulled the mask on the helmet down, and then jumped into the lake. Adina followed me into the water, and then turned my legs back into fish tails. Flashed past me. Although the athletic ability on the land is not very prominent, it will be completely reversed after entering the water. Except for the small dragon girl, few of my favorites can catch her in the water.

Looking at Adina has passed the past, I spread my wings and stirred. Although my wings were not originally designed for swimming, the mechanical structure of water and air is basically the same, so I can also use wings to propel in water, but the efficiency is not very high. Of course, compared with human hands and feet, that good thing is much better, at least the area of ​​the wings is big enough.

After flapping our wings a few times to catch up with Adina, we swam towards one of the passages together. According to Anna, the two passage openings she found were not all bad, because one of the two passages was filling the lake while the other was pumping water from the lake. Therefore, as long as we can figure out a way to fix the inlet where water flows in, the outlet will not affect our pumping work, but can speed up our pumping speed. However, it cannot be said that it must be a good thing, because the water outlet from the outlet is not necessarily because the water area connected by the pipe is lower than the terrain here, or it may be because the pressure at the other inlet is too high, causing the lake to move towards. The pipeline on the other side is forcibly injected with water. If that is the case, when the time comes, once we close the water inlet, the original outlet will also flow back, which means that both are water inlets.

While considering the method to block the passage, Grandma and I sneaked into the passage.

The width of this passage is relatively large, and the entrance is seven or eight meters in diameter. At first, it was not discovered because the entrance was too large and it was regarded as a big pit at the bottom of the lake by Adyna. However, the only thing that is really wide is the entrance. As we continue to deepen, the internal passages become narrower and narrower. After diving down the channel in a nearly vertical manner for about ten meters, the channel changed from the eight-meter diameter at first to less than two meters now, but this width is already quite large for us. Anyway, with our body shape, as long as the diameter is not less than one meter, we can pass easily.

After continuing to descend five or six meters, the channel began to change from vertical to horizontal, and the channel continued to shrink during the turn. When the channel was completely changed to a horizontal direction, there was only one channel. It's about a meter wide, and some parts of it are less than a meter wide, so I have to use eternity to cut off some protruding parts of the rock to climb over. Fortunately, although the passage in front has always been so narrow, it finally did not continue to shrink, and after climbing through a narrow area of ​​more than 20 meters, the passage gradually widened again.

"It seems to be the exit ahead." Adina suddenly turned her head and said.

"Go out and have a look." When I heard Anana's words, I grabbed the passages on both sides and pulled back forcefully, and my body immediately got out of the passage. The channel seems to be a large area of ​​water, but because the visibility in the water is not too high, the specific area is not yet clear. If you want to confirm the area, you have to surface first. In the spacious environment, the wings can work again. After several consecutive flaps, my body immediately speeds up and floats upwards, and soon emerges from the water.

I originally expected the water here to be a small lake or something, so that it would be easier to control the water flow, but after it surfaced, I completely dispelled my previous illusions. Because what appeared before our eyes turned out to be an incomparable gigantic underground ocean.

"Damn, how can there be such a large sea under the God World in Russia?"

"I don't know." Adina replied simply, " But I definitely want to drain this side. I don’t need to count on it. If I drain this place, the mother god of the earth has to become a god of water!"

"Have you observed the situation in that passage just now along the way? Can it be blocked?"

Anna shook her head and said: "No, I tested it with ultrasound. There is only a thin rock wall between the lava layer and the water channel, which is forcibly sealed. Blocking the channel will cause the pressure on both sides of the rock wall to change, and there is no cooling effect of the water, the rock wall will soon be burned through by the lava, when the time comes, the high temperature lava will flood into the lake there under pressure. On the one hand, raising the water level affects our work, on the other hand, the influx of lava will eventually seal the entire cave. When the time comes, there will be nothing to fish."

I thought about it. Said: "It doesn't have to be this way."

"Is there any other way?" Amina looked at me with a little puzzlement and asked.

"The rock wall cannot withstand the pressure because the water here has been drained, and the high temperature will soften the rock. We just need to reverse it."

" Come here?"

"Let the frost and snow freeze the entire passageway? The volume of water will increase when frozen into ice, which can not only withstand the pressure, but also cool the opposite lava to make the rock wall Thicken."

"Yes. On the other side, do we have to freeze it in the same way?"

"That won't work." I explained : "Shuangxue is alone. I can't control over here!"

"Isn’t there Eminis?"

" Forget it!"

Emmenes’ true mirroring skills enable her to fully replicate all the characteristics of a creature whose strength does not exceed her too much, including the opponent’s skills. As long as Aimenez uses real mirror images to copy itself into frost and snow, we have two super refrigerators, so that the two channels on both sides can be frozen to ensure that the water will not flow back. But this one has to wait to investigate the passage over there first, if it is indeed lower than this side, then there is no need to block it at all, but it can help speed up the draining of the lake.

After swimming out of the channel here, we did not swim in from the other side immediately, but first went ashore and notified the small dragon female to bring frost and snow into the water to freeze the underwater channel on this side. Although Shuangxue knows the ice attribute spell, she can't manipulate the water, so she must have the help of a small dragon girl to get her down to the bottom of the water to freeze the passage. In addition, the reason why we do not enter the other channel first is that we want to see where the water flows over there first. If this side is still flowing out after being blocked, then there is no need to go over and look at it.

With the help of the small dragon girl, Frost and Snow quickly dived into the water and froze the passage a little bit. However, because the nearby geothermal resources are too rich, the freezing time can only be maintained. After eight hours or so, the ice will begin to melt. Of course, if Frost and Snow has been around to replenish magic power, it can last a long time.

After Shuangxue finished reporting the situation, I dived next to the other channel with Aanna and observed the situation. The result was not very good. Although the water flow is very slow, this channel is indeed backflowing. According to the analysis of this situation, the water pressure on the opposite side must be higher than this side, so this channel must be sealed together. However, we have to observe how to block it. The structure of the underground passage seems to be strong, but in fact it is very fragile. Once its balance is broken, it is likely to cause a collapse. We didn't dare to do anything without investigating it.

It's the opposite of the previous passage. The entrance of this passage is quite narrow, so Grandma got in easily, but I had to widen it a little bit before I could barely squeeze in. But once you pass the one-meter-long passageway, the back is obviously much more spacious. Behind the entrance, the passage suddenly expanded Great Accomplishment to a huge pipe with a diameter of more than 20 meters, and as we continued to move forward, there was a trend of getting wider and wider.

Because this relatively wide area can fully spread our wings, our speed is much faster than in the previous passage, but despite this, we still swim for almost 20 minutes but still Did not see the exit.

"Master, this passage seems to be very long, what shall we do? Shall we move on?"

I thought about it for a while and said: "This way. You are fast, You are the only one who rushes forward as fast as you can. If you still can't see the end in ten minutes, you will turn around and come back."

"Okay." There is no need for me to hinder Grandma. The speed is obviously faster. She is a mermaid, and the underwater environment is heaven to her. Once the speed is completely released, it is almost like a rocket. I saw a bunch of bubbles that she stirred up and disappeared. However, although Anna has gone far, but with the help of spiritual contact, I can clearly feel the various information sent back by her senses.

From the sonar feedback signal from Anna, I found that this channel is actually horn-shaped. The place we entered is the thinnest end, but the front is getting wider and wider. She couldn't even reach Adina's sonar. Although Grandma only ran out for five or six minutes, I still gave her the order to return. Now that this location is wide to this extent, it doesn’t make much sense to go further. Anyway, we already know that the water in this channel basically can’t be pumped, and there should be no problem with blocking. After all, we didn’t find any dangerous geological structures like lava passages here, and with the diameter of the passages here, no matter where the lava layer is perforated, it will definitely be completely cooled by the water here, and it won’t affect our side at all. Condition.

After receiving my order, Aanna began to swim back, but just after she turned around, my mind and I suddenly received a vague sonar signal at the same time.

"What's that?" Because I don't have a sonar myself, although the feedback signals I received are the same, I can't analyze these signals as accurately as Anna, at most I can only approximate them. Feel it.

Anna immediately replied after hearing my question: "I don’t know, the distance is too far, the signal is very weak, but this thing can move by itself, and the volume is more than twice the size of an adult giant dragon. ."

There are only two situations in which something can move by itself, either it is a creature, or it is a man-made vehicle. Obviously this thing is unlikely to appear in this kind of closed underground Water Element, so the more reliable explanation is that this thing is a living thing. There are living creatures in this closed underground Water Element, and the volume is so large, needless to say, you should know that this thing is by no means kind. If all my familiars are here, and if I am very idle, maybe I will go over to see what it is, but in this case, it is better to do more than to do less.

"Anna, leave that thing alone, hurry back."

After I gave the order, I was planning to travel back, but I didn’t know that Anana suddenly exclaimed: "Not good, that thing rushed towards me, so fast!"

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