"Yes, I can definitely find it." Solow replied very surely: "Although I was in a hurry when I ran out, I have already sprinkled the scent powder that marked the route along the way. We can trace the mark all the way back."

"You did good, now let’s go back and see if those treasures are still being passed away."

According to Solo, he said What is spilled is a kind of powder with a more obvious smell, but this is obviously only compared to the smell of ordinary creatures, and the human nose is basically difficult to smell. Although Divine Race is better than mortals in many aspects, its sense of smell is not much better. Therefore, unless they find it purposefully, it is impossible to notice this kind of fan. After I took that fan to Bailang to smell it, the rest of the job was much simpler. Bailang's nose is much stronger than ordinary creatures in terms of smell. For us, it is only a faint taste, but for him it is extremely strong.

Tracking back all the way along the smell, Solo began to remember the way after running a few passages, so that our speed was much faster. After passing through a few more passages, Solo suddenly stretched out his hand to block us. "Stop, the temporary warehouse is in front."

"You guys wait here first, I will let the familiars come and have a look." I stopped Solo and the others from moving forward, and then stretched my hand forward With one finger, the dart immediately jumped off my shoulder, and a few ups and downs disappeared in the front corner.

By connecting the vision of the darts, I can clearly see a huge natural cave appearing on the side of the passage in front. Only a small portion of this natural cave is land, and most of the area is occupied by a large area of ​​water. There are a few broken boxes on the land here, but apart from these things, I haven't found anything that can be called a treasure.


"What's the president?"

"The temporary treasure house you found was in a cave mostly filled with water Is it?"


"So where are the treasures piled up?"

"It's in the clearing near the entrance of the cave. There are a large number of crystal coins and various equipment, some even rolled into the lake next to it."

"But now there are only a few broken boxes."

" What?" Solo looked very surprised when he heard what I said. "How could they move all the things so quickly? There are a lot of things!"

"Is there a lot of things?"

"At least more than a dozen people are busy. One afternoon."

After hearing Solo's words, I started to think about it. If there are relatively few things, it is possible to move them temporarily, but if there are too many things, it is not so easy to move them away. Of course, space equipment can also be used for transportation, but the problem is that since the Russian Divine Race piles up those things here, it means that they lack suitable space equipment to store these things, or why bother to store them? Just take the space equipment and take it wherever you want. How easy is this?

"Solo, are there many people in those Divine Race?"

"There are very few people. Apart from the few who are chasing us, there are probably only a dozen people left. "

"Is that so? Then the impossible depends on the number of people to transport quickly. It shouldn't be possible to use space equipment, otherwise they don't need to store them here. In this case, they should It's impossible to transport things too far." At this point, I suddenly saw a crystal coin by the lake from the perspective of a dart. Half of the crystal coin was immersed in water and half exposed on the shore. Since the cave is relatively dim, it is really difficult to find if you are not paying attention. "I think I know where they hide things." After seeing the crystal coin, I already guessed the trick of the Russian Divine Race. In fact, they simply didn't take the things away, they just threw them all into the lake next to them. Although it will be more difficult to salvage later, it is better than being discovered by the enemy, isn't it?

"Did you know?" Solo couldn't see the environment at the scene, so naturally he couldn't think of what I thought of.

"Everything should be in the lake."

"In the lake?" Solo was taken aback for a moment, then he reacted. "These guys are really thieves. Most people will definitely think that they have moved things away. They don't even think that the treasure is simply still in the cave. Haha, it's all cheap for us now. President, let's go and get those things. Catch them all, right?"

"Wait." I pulled Solo back, who was about to charge ahead. "You idiot? You are usually smart. Why do you short-circuit when you fight?"

"Why did I make a mistake?"

"Are you stupid?" If the Russian Divine Race really carried everything away, then naturally people in the cave would have gone to the building. But the problem is that the things are simply still there! Would you just leave like this if you were?"< /p>

"You mean...?" Solo finally reacted. Such an important treasure, if no one guards it, it is definitely impossible. So, on the surface it looks like there is no one in the cave, but in fact there must be guards lurking somewhere, and there are probably a lot of them. "President, what shall we do now?"

"Does this still need to be asked?" I patted Solo's head and said, "Of course the guards must be dealt with first."

< p>Since you want to kill the guard, you must first determine the guard's location. We don’t want to kill most of the guards and suddenly a guard popped out from there to make a suicide attack. We used divine force self-destruct to reimburse the entire cave and the treasures in it, so we must first determine the specific positions of all guards, and then Make sure that no Divine Race has the opportunity to self-destruct.

Naturally, the task of searching for the target cannot be handed over to the darts. After all, he just swaggered around in the cave, and he must have been spotted by the other party. If you let the darts run around searching for the cave, it is estimated that the guards hiding in the dark will immediately understand my intentions. When the time comes, they will be even more difficult to handle.

After recalling the darts, I said to Solow: "For the treasure, you have to act with us. Are you okay with this?"

"Acting?" Solow Luo looked at me with some doubts and didn't understand what play I wanted him to perform, but since he is now my subordinate, then my wish is his ultimate goal, and it must be done whether it works or not. "President, what do you want me to do?"

"You will do this...like that..."

After some explanation, Soro And the other six personnel understood my intentions. Because of the tight time, we didn't have time to rehearse, so we went straight into the cave.

"Chairman, this is it." As soon as he entered the cave, Solo pretended to be excited and shouted to me who was walking behind: "There are piles of mountains-like treasures here, and there are... Huh? Baby?" It seemed that all the treasures had just been discovered, and Solo yelled in surprise, as if he was afraid that no one would hear it.

I followed Solo into the cave, then looked around, and finally said: "Are you sure you saw a lot of babies here before?"

The face is desperately nodded anxiously. "Of course, I'm pretty sure. I don't believe you can ask them." Sorolla testified with his companion.

When Solo said this, the other players and NPCs next to him also quickly helped prove, and the group of people were still talking about where piles of treasures and other things were piled up. Description Even the most suspicious people should believe that the treasure does exist.

I was listening to the explanations of these people while observing the environment of the cave, and then suddenly snapped my fingers. Several familiars headed by Ling appeared by my side instantly. As soon as Xiaochun appeared, he ignited a white ball of light to illuminate the hole. At the same time, there were several sounds of objects falling into the water on the opposite lake. Although the sound was not loud, the ripples on the lake betrayed them.

Ling said to me in contact: "I feel six, one is on the top of the cave two hundred meters away in front of us, and is now hidden behind that stalactite. The other is at the entrance of the cave. Behind the pile of stalagmites nearby. There are four that were originally on the shore of the lake in the distance, but they all hid under the water after Xiaochun turned on the lighting technique."

I slightly nodded, Then pretended to say to the surrounding familiars: "Disperse and look for it. If the treasure is left here, there should always be a trace."

"Yes." Several human figures that I summoned out Familiars turned around to observe the surrounding environment one after another, but they did nothing by themselves. However, at this moment, Anina suddenly walked towards the water's edge, and as she gradually approached the lake, I could clearly feel that several magical powers were gathering. Feeling the magic, I couldn't help but sneer in my heart.

Ling's voice reappeared in the heart contact. "hmph, this group of rookies, this is uncomfortable. I feel three new magic fluctuations."

I replied: "I feel it too, but not as much as you. The psychological endurance of this group of Divine Race is really weak, and it is no longer able to calm down."

Just when we were talking with our hearts and minds, Anna had already walked to the lake. After standing there and looking around, Aanna suddenly squatted down again, and then leaned over and put her entire face into the water as if she was going to wash her face, but she just dipped her head in, and soon again. Backed out. "Master, the water here is hot!"

"There is a lava channel nearby. The temperature of the rocks is naturally not too low, and it is not surprising that the water is hot. Have you found anything?"< /p>

The demons shook their heads, only Bailang said: "I can smell a lot of people who came here and left from another direction."

"It seems that they are actually moving things. It's really cunning." Solo said.

Ayanna said: "What about cunning again? We haven't discovered it yet."

"Yes, master, let's chase after it!"

"Okay, let's set off now." Following my order, the demons and Solo and the group rushed out together.

For a long time after listening to the sound that was going away in the passage, it disappeared for a long time, suddenly a cloud of spray suddenly turned up in the originally calm lake, followed by a silhouette and stood up from it. "Hmph, a bunch of idiots, you can chase our bait slowly."

"Boss, didn't expect your plan is really useful!" A blonde Divine Race from the top of the cave Jumped from behind the stalactite.

With the appearance of these two Divine Races, a dozen Divine Races popped up one after another soon, but when they thought they had deceived us, I But my familiars are hiding near the exit of the cave. The distant footsteps heard by the Divine Race just now are actually a group of Death God guards who came out of my temporary summon. They used their footsteps to confuse our footsteps to make your Divine Race mistakenly think that we are far away. Originally, this trick is doomed to fail as long as it encounters a Divine Race that is sensitive to elements like Ling, but fortunately, the Russian Divine Race basically takes the strengthening of the body as the development route. Not only is there few mage classes themselves, but also Even if there is, the level is not high. It is precisely because of this that we are proud to hide so close without being discovered.

While listening to the conversations of the Divine Race in the cave, I was in touch with the Familiar Familiars who had just been released by Summon. "Do you feel the exact number of people?"

Anna said: "I can be sure that there are eight in the lake, and the treasures are indeed in the water, but because the other party is probably in a hurry to get things They are all hidden in the water and used the method of throwing, so the equipment and materials are scattered on the bottom of the lake, scattered everywhere. It may take a lot of effort to salvage it later."

" Let’s talk about the matter when the time comes. Aren’t there you and the small dragon girl? Okay, Amina confirmed that there are eight in the water and how many are there on the shore?"

Ling said, "Except for me at first For the two mentioned, I felt three more magical fluctuations when Anna was near the water. One of them was hiding behind the pile of stalagmites at the entrance together with the previous one, and the other two were behind the stalactites on the roof of the cave. Hidden."

"That means there are five on the shore?"

Ling corrected: "I only felt five. I'm not sure how many. "

"It must have slipped through the net." Princess suddenly said: "I felt fifteen characteristic spiritual waves there, which means that there should be fifteen Divine Races there. Sister Ling found out. After five, Grand Sister Awana confirmed that there are eight in the water. This is only thirteen, and there are two more?"

Xiaochun said: "It seems that these guys are not all rookies. At least there are two others that can hold your breath. It’s just that we’re in trouble. How can we find the two undiscovered enemies?"

"Master, you just Didn't you leave the ghost worms over there? Did you see them?" Ling suddenly asked.

I nodded and said: "They appeared after we left, but only thirteen, and the other two never came out."

"Cunning guy!" Xiaochun sighed Said: "It would be good if the whole cave was filled with water."

Amina also said: "Yes! Now I can only guarantee that the two Divine Races that have not been discovered are definitely not in the water. , I can’t do anything on land. No matter how powerful my echolocation is, I can’t use it in such an open cave!"

Princess suddenly suggested: "Would you like to take a risk?"

"What do you mean?" I looked towards Princess in surprise.

"It’s very simple. Are we right at the entrance of the cave? I suddenly flashed into the cave for an indistinguishable mental shock. Even if the opponent is a high-level Divine Race, it’s inevitable to faint for a second or two. When the time comes, as long as you can seize the opportunity to kill both of them."

"No." Ling objected: "Your indiscriminate mental impact formidable power is not small, but it works. The time is too short. If it's a close combat, one or two seconds is enough for us to kill seven or eight targets, but we have to find those two targets within this two seconds, and we have to cross the distance between us. To complete the attack, this requirement is too high, we must be too late!"

"Then I won't be able to recruit!"

"That's right." Xiaochun suddenly said: "Master Don’t you have a crystal bubble that can trap an enemy for a period of time? Just let the dart bring that thing, when the time comes, let Princess stun those guys with mental shock first, and the speed of the dart can definitely be within two seconds. Nei rushed to him and trapped him. So don't we have time to start?"

"What about the other one?" Ling asked, "There are two enemies hidden! "

"I only think of one solution, as long as I think of another solution to solve the other."

"The other one I think can be done by Yeyue." Princess Said: "Yeyue’s Petrified Pupil does not need to consider the attack distance at all. It just needs to focus on the target, and it can definitely stop the opponent before the opponent reacts. However, it is estimated that the consumption of a Divine Race will be relatively large if it is to completely petrify a Divine Race. So Yeyue will no longer be able to use the Petrified Eye to deal with others, and can only engage in hand-to-hand combat."

"It doesn't matter, as long as we can control the two guys, then we will start to act now. "My decision finally played a decisive role. The demons were quickly prepared to launch a surprise attack. At the same time, I also used handwriting to make Solo and the others understand our intentions, but I did not arrange for them. Mission, because they are not my familiars after all, if they have to deal with so many targets at the same time, it is estimated that they will go wrong with their cooperation.

After the plan is decided, I will finally count down. I stretched out a hand, then retracted a finger, and then retracted another, just like this silently preparing for the countdown. Finally, when my hand slammed into a fist, Princess was the first to rush in through the hole.

The Divine Races in the cave just discussed how to transfer these treasures after they laughed at us. However, just when they were halfway through the discussion, a person suddenly came in at the entrance of the cave. The little beauty who looks very cute. Before the Divine Race could react, I saw the little beauty suddenly blinked, and the Divine Race immediately wanted to hide, but unfortunately, there is no way to dodge the indiscriminate mental impact. In an instant, the Divine Race present is just fine. As if a hammer was hit by someone's head at the same time, they groaned and fell back together.

Although the thirteen Divine Races in the center of the cave were all knocked down, Princess did not look at them more. Instead, she focused on observing the other parts of the cave, trying to immediately discover the hidden ones. Those two Divine Race. It's a pity that the strength of those two guys seems to far exceed our imagination. Princess's indiscriminate Spirit Attack itself is much weaker than the formidable power of directed attack, and the opponent is Divine Race. The mental resistance itself is high, and as a result, it turns out to be ineffective.

Although our previous plans on the outside were all based on the situation where the other party was shocked by the mental shock, we did not think about what to do if the mental shock was ineffective, so although something went wrong , But our movements are not slow at all. At the moment when Princess discovered that the mental shock was ineffective, a dazzling ball of light was shot into the cave. The extremely strong light instantly made the inside of the cave white. Even if the opponent is not dizzy, don’t expect to see it. Something out.

The bright ball of light appeared quickly and disappeared quickly. After entering the hole, the ball of light suddenly went out more than ten seconds after entering the hole. The surrounding area fell into darkness again in an instant, and because of the previous The glare of the hole now feels darker in the hole after it gets dark.

The two Divine Races hidden in the dark were still proud that they were not brought down by the other's mental impact, but the sudden appearance of the ball of light really made them feel sad and lost their eyes. The ball of light flashed white, and there was nothing to see. But they weren't worried at all, after all, their hiding place was still far from the entrance of the cave, so even if they couldn't see it, the other party wouldn't be able to find it for a while.

Although they thought well in their minds, the two Divine Races were suddenly dumbfounded after their eyesight gradually recovered. Because during the period of temporary blindness caused by the strong light just now, a large area of ​​land near the entrance of the cave has been completely covered by a layer of purple mist, and the mist is still visible with naked eye. The speed of the rapid expansion, its front end has extended to the surface of the lake, and it will soon be able to completely fill the entire cave.

Although the two Divine Races didn't know what the fog was, they were very sure that it was absolutely not good for them. However, even if they knew that it was no good, they had nothing to do. They are Divine Race, but Divine Race is also good at things and not good at things. The strength of the two of them is indeed very strong. It is no problem for them to kill ten or eight ordinary Divine Races, but it is difficult for them to dispel the fog. It's not that they don't want to disperse, but the professional is not right, and there is no way to dispel it.

Just when the two Divine Races were anxious and helpless, the mist had gradually spread throughout the cave. Now the entire cave has been covered by thick purple mist. Although it cannot be said that you can’t see your fingers in this fog, it is definitely not comparable to the general fog. Even with night vision capabilities, the two Divine Races can barely guarantee a visible distance of less than five meters in such a fog. , Five meters away, simply can't see anything.

The spread of the fog made the hearts of the two Divine Race more and more worried, but I was more and more relieved. This is not the ordinary mist that just spread, but the evil mist that spread on my ring. This thing can block the sight of others, but it looks like a sensor net to me. As long as something enters this mist of evil, it's the same as in my body. No matter where you are, which method of disguise is useless, I can feel it all. While the mist completely enveloped the cave, my induction clearly showed the specific locations of my fifteen targets, and even their current postures were all clear, using invisible to describe them. This feeling couldn't be more appropriate.

After locking the positions of those targets, I immediately directed the familiars to move. The first thing to deal with is the two guys who hide the deepest. The reason why the previous rookies were discovered before was completely because of their unstable temperament and premature gathering of magical powers and were discovered by us. Therefore, even if they were left to the end, it is estimated that they would not have the courage to self-destruct, and it might even be possible. Depending on the situation, we might turn to us. But those two experts that have been hidden are different. It can be seen from the previous performance that these two are experts who often participate in battles. If they find that something cannot be done at the end, they are really likely to go to extremes to self-destruct, so keep these thirteen Divine Races in the middle. It's okay, but the two hiding in the distance must not stay.

After determining the target, my familiars are not hesitating. The first thing to do is Princess, who made a mistake at first. Because the previous mental shock failed to work, she felt quite embarrassed, so this time after she determined the target, she immediately concentrated all the spirit strength on one of the targets.

Targeted directed mental strikes and ranged mental impacts are not a matter of magnitude. The previous Divine Race only felt that his head was hit by something. However, although the pain did not cause him to lose consciousness or lose control of his body, but this time he felt that his head was about to burst open, and a terrifying consciousness directly projected his image on him. In his head. Knowing that this behavior is equivalent to squeezing two souls into one body. If the two souls can cooperate with each other, it is okay. If it is a hostile relationship, then there will only be one result-ping. The head of that Divine Race burst directly like a rotten watermelon under the mortal blow of all the spirit strengths of the Princess set, and everything in the head burst out.

The other Divine Race has no idea about the tragic death of his companion. The fog blocked the view, and Spirit Attack was not like magic. It had neither sound nor energy fluctuations, except for those who specialize in the spirit department, which simply couldn't feel it. However, even if it feels it is useless, because not only can he not help, he is not far from death. As the guy looked around nervously, he didn't notice that a faint shadow was gradually forming behind him.

Sha Yezi herself is a wraith. In this evil mist composed of various evil forces, she is completely integrated with the environment, so even if she is strong enough to enter Divine Race, she can’t Discovering her approach, and the price of negligence is life. As Sha Yezi's ghost touch hit the back of the guy's head, the shabby hair on that guy's whole body trembled, but before he could react, Sha Yezi had already completed the attack.

The two most dangerous Divine Races were ended instantly, and the remaining goals were much easier.

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