"Finally caught up!" With another loud bang, the rock wall that had turned the passage into a dead end suddenly burst outwards, flying gravel like shotguns. Generally, they smashed the hood and face at the Divine Race, forcing them to take action to block the debris. When they shot down all the rubble that hit them, they discovered that the original dead end had become a big passage, and a dragon was standing in the middle of the passage.

"hmph, what am I supposed to be? It turned out to be a dragon, so I dared to take action against Divine Race." Those Divine Races immediately became arrogant after seeing the situation in front of them clearly. Up. To the ordinary person, the dragon is a powerful and inviolable existence, but to the Divine Race, the dragon is just a more troublesome creature. As long as the number is small, don't worry about it. However, these Divine Races today are destined to be unlucky.

Although they are both Dragon Clan, Mira and Lucky are not the same. Although material dragons can't use magic, their bodies have absolute physical characteristics. Unless they encounter people like me who have the ability to cut laws, ordinary creatures should be careful when facing them.

After observing the environment in the passage, Mira immediately rushed out. Solo and the rest of our staff quickly fell on the spot, and then felt a gust of wind blowing over their heads. The Divine Race on the opposite side was approached by Mira before almost reacting.

"What a fast speed!" Although the impatient Divine Race was surprised, his hand movement was not slow at all. After he retreated and pulled away, he immediately raised his hand and shot it with a red glow. go out. But seeing the red glow coming, Mila didn't have any intention to dodge. Anyway, her big body didn't have much room for her to dodge in this narrow passage, so it's better not to dodge at all. I waved the dragon claw and slapped the red light with a loud explosion sound. Mila’s claws were blown back by the shock wave of the explosion, but when the flame dissipated, the Divine Race on the opposite side was surprised to find Mila. There was no damage to his paw at all.

"This time it's me, right?" Mira suddenly opened her mouth and it was an energy ray. The Divine Race on the opposite side found that it was too late to get out of the way completely, so she could only slightly deflect her body and let it go. The beam of light hit the ground directly, but the thing caused a violent explosion after hitting the ground. The shock wave instantly rushed him out, hitting the wall next to him and then rolled down.

The Divine Race who got up from the ground didn't have any Divine Race's reservedness. As soon as he looked up, he shouted from his group of companions: "What are you guys still standing there for? Why don't you go up soon?"

As if just waking up, the guys who were still in a daze finally reacted and rushed up together. The fastest guy rushed to Mila's side and immediately waved his weapon and tried to slash it over, but Mila reacted faster than him. When he went up, he slapped the guy sideways with a paw, and listened. With a bang, the guy was hit and plunged into the wall next to him. The Divine Race who was following the guy stopped in surprise and looked sideways at the companion who was still embedded in the wall, and then reacted and continued to rush up, but their hesitation gave Mira time. After the energy was gathered again, Mira directly blasted the group of guys with an energy ray. The two Divine Races that did not escape were immediately bombed out and severely injured, and the other three were lifted to the top of the cave by the shock wave. The upper fell again.

One of the eight Divine Races was hit hard when the passage was penetrated. One was injured and one was shot into the wall. The remaining five lost two battle strengths at once, and finally The three Divine Races fell from the top of the hole and quickly regrouped together, and then rushed up again.

"A group of idiots." After seeing the Divine Race rushing up, Mira did not choose to meet force with them, but suddenly stepped to the edge of the passage, and then saw a purple one. The beam of light instantly penetrated the Divine Race in the center of the passage, blasting all the parts above its waist into fragments. It was not over yet. After the beam disappeared, Mira suddenly jumped up again, stepping on the remaining two Divine Races into the rock with one claw one by one.

The guy opposite, who is more anxious, knows that he can’t stay here anymore. The dragon in front of him is definitely not an ordinary dragon. At least he thinks how he wants to fight with this dragon and he has a chance of winning. It's only 50-50, even more how, there is obviously a more ruthless existence behind the other party. In this case, if you continue to stay and die, it is not called bravery, it is an idiot.

After thinking about the situation, the impatient Divine Race jumped up from the ground, then turned and ran, but he stopped abruptly when he ran a few tens of meters. The guy looked down at his feet suspiciously, and then jumped twice. The originally hard rocky ground has turned into soft muscle tissue without knowing how to do it, and the nearby cave wall seems to be much thinner than it was in the past. However, what makes this Divine Race more nervous is not the nearby environmental changes, but the fishy smell floating in the air, which feels like the smell from the mouth of a carnivore, the unusual fishy smell.

"No, this is not a passage!" The Divine Race suddenly reacted after a long pause, but just as he was about to turn and escape, the rear passage suddenly closed like a gate. Get up, follow the surrounding walls and all squeeze towards him. Despite his desperate resistance, the slippery wall of the cave was exceptionally smooth and full of toughness, and sharp weapons could not cut such soft objects. Even though the whole sword can be inserted with one sword, it was actually stuck in because of the opponent's elasticity, and nothing was cut at all. If it’s just squeezing, it’s okay. After all, the armor of Divine Race is pretty good, but the key problem is that the surrounding cave walls are gradually pushing him toward the depths of the cave, and as he is gradually pushed forward, An ink-like black liquid began to appear around. Those seemingly ordinary liquids began to crazily corrode everything on his body after touching his body, not only his body, including armor and weapons, but even his divine force and soul. Corrupted, he couldn't even gather magic power to resist.

As those liquids increased, this hapless Divine Race was finally completely melted in the liquid, and then completely absorbed by the cave wall, as for those that could not be absorbed Useless waste will eventually be discharged through a long pipe and become something that any living thing can make-excrement.

Actually, when the Divine Race and Mira were fighting, I had already let Fenglong take the black flame and sneak to the other end of the tunnel. After that, Hei Yan appeared in the passage and opened his big mouth so that it was close to the cave wall, so that when someone wanted to escape, he would only run into Hei Yan's mouth in the end. The impatient guy was swallowed because he ran into Hei Yan's mouth. You must know that Hei Yan is a creature that came out of the Sea of ​​Silence. That body is an extremely powerful thing, even Divine Race, as long as it enters his Don’t expect your stomach to come out alive. Like in Journey to the West, Sun Wukong made a noise in the belly of the iron fan Princess in the Heavenly Palace. Heiyan is simply not afraid, because Heiyan's digestive juice is actually like water. That's right, the digestive juice flowing in Hei Yan's belly is the Ruoshui that composes the sea of ​​silence. For any positive energy creature, that thing is super corrosive. Because the simply reaction between it and positive energy creatures is not a chemical reaction, but an energy reaction, even Divine Race cannot protect itself in it. If Divine Race falls into the sulfuric acid, he can also wrap himself up with divine force, so that the sulfuric acid cannot corrode the divine force, and Divine Race will be fine. However, divine force is a positive energy. Water can neutralize all positive energy. Therefore, even if Divine Race uses divine force to open the protective cover, it will be completely neutralized by the water in the end. It is useless at all except to extend the time of death.

After swallowing the last Divine Race that was still able to fight, I took the Black Flame back. Now his level has basically risen, and there is no need to eat so much Divine Race. The high level Divine Race is a very valuable thing, it would be too wasteful to feed Heiyan all.

After dragging the remaining severely injured and disabled Divine Races all together, I released Lilith. She was caught by the Russian Divine Race at the beginning, but it was just right for her to swallow these members of the Russian Divine Race.

"Are these for me to eat?" Lilith was immediately excited when she learned that I was going to eat these Divine Races for her.

I opened the attribute list and glanced at Lilith’s attributes first, and then nodded: "Yes, these are all for you. Don’t delay, eat them quickly." After I said this remark, Lilith’s loyalty in the list suddenly jumped up a lot. Obviously, feeding this trick can increase intimacy for most creatures.

After getting my permission, Lilith immediately walked to the nearest Divine Race. The other party had heard our conversation before, so he was so scared to death, but now he only had the last breath left. Even if he wanted to resist, he didn't have the strength to resist, so he could only watch Lilith clean her snowy white branch. The palm rested on his forehead.

Although I told Lilith to eat these guys, I couldn't help being sighed in relief after seeing Lilith eating. After all, whether it is Lilith or those Divine Race, they are completely human in appearance, especially Lilith, who looks like a sexy young girl. If she threw herself on the Divine Race like a normal animal and bite, the scene would definitely have a visual impact. Although my nerves won't come out yet, it will at least feel uncomfortable. Fortunately, Lilith didn't act like a beauty turned wild beast. She just put a tender white hand on the body of the Divine Race, and then saw that the Divine Race seemed to rot and suddenly swelled up, and there were a lot of sarcomas all over the body, just short. Within a few tens of seconds, it changed from a humanoid creature to a large irregular mass of meat. After completely turning into a meatball, the Divine Race began to dry out quickly, but instead of revealing the human form again, it was completely shrunk and injected into Lilith's body. In the end, there was no scum left. .

After devouring the last ball the size of a ping-pong ball on the upper finger, Lilith stood up contentedly, and at this time I also saw that our two attributes were happening. Variety.

Lilith actually belongs to a very special type. In terms of battle strength, her battle strength can definitely be counted down in my pet, even if it’s not a strong attack type like a dart. Chong, the battle strength is not much lower than hers, which shows how bad Lilith's battle strength is. However, although the battle strength is rotten enough, Lilith is a super powerful beloved, and the reason lies in her special attribute. Lilith can absorb the genes of the creatures she eats and strengthen the body of herself and her master in a targeted manner. The body of Divine Race is obviously perfect, so after Lilith swallowed that Divine Race, the physical attributes of me and her changed immediately, but Lilith raised the upper limit of magic power, but what I increased was Magic resistance.

Because it does not rely on the mouth to eat, Lilith does not need to consider gastrointestinal digestion in the process of eating. According to her, her digestive system is simply decoration. In fact, her body in this form is only shaped to cater to my taste. Her body should have no form, it's just a big mass of flesh. You can change into any form you want.

After swallowing all the Divine Race in one go, Lilith almost improved my strength and agility and other attributes, but it may be because the corpse who had eaten the Russian Divine Race before has been strengthened once. , So the effect is very low. I estimate that if we find some creatures that have not been eaten before and have a large genetic gap with ours, the enhancement range should be improved a lot.

After solving those Divine Races, I walked to Solo and the others. With Xiaochun's treatment, the seven-person squad has recovered from the injuries, and now the lively dragons and animated tigers are as if they had just set off.

"The military god didn’t tell me in detail before. What exactly did you encounter that made the team rush out?"

"I think we have entered The treasure house of the Russian Divine Race." Soro said: "When we accidentally discovered that place, the Russian Divine Race was moving things into it. I guess they probably did precautions in order to prevent the failure of the ring of commandment robbery. Measures to move all the wealth away from the stronghold and hide it in a place where no one will pay attention. In this way, even if the time comes, even if it is defeated, the Russian Divine Race will at least leave the opportunity to resist, and it will not be caught by us. "

"Then can you still find that place?" Compared to the previous question, this is what I care about most. If I can't find those things, this trip will be a waste of time. !

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