"What are you, Purple Moon, the president of the Little Flower Alliance?" Barcroft asked while struggling to get up from the ground.

When I heard his question, I didn’t mean to stop. Instead, I walked towards him and said, "First..." I slammed into Bucklov’s throat. I stretched out my hand to block, but the action was not fast enough. In the end, I grabbed my neck and lifted it up. Although he grabbed my wrist and tried desperately to move that hand away, but that hand was like iron tongs. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake anything. He could only helplessly struggle to get it. Chance to breathe. Looking at Barklov who was struggling desperately, I didn't hold him like this all the time. Instead, I lifted him over the highest point and slammed it down on the ground. At the same time, I said: "My guild is called the Frost Rose League. It's not a little flower or grass." As my voice ended, Baklov had already been smashed into the ground with a bang, and was forced into the rock by me.

After smashing Barklov, I did not let go, but suddenly lifted it up again with force. It was just different from the arrogant expression before, now there was only confusion left on Baklov's face. The smash just now was not light, this guy is now in a semi-fainted state. But I didn’t intend to let him go, but continued to say: “Secondly, my guild is not something that a small insect like you can laugh at.” When I finished speaking, I suddenly threw it into the sky, and right hand Keep up forever. "Eternal-Divine Lightning." A red beam suddenly burst from the eternal tip, and instantly caught up with Baklov, who flew into the air first, and then continued to go straight up into the sky, and after the beam disappeared , In the originally clear sky, a large area of ​​thunder suddenly gathered, and then there was a click, and a thick heavenly thunder suddenly fell from the sky, instantly exploding Baklov, who had been bombarded by a beam of light, into the air. There were countless fragments, and each piece was ignited a raging fire, just like a large number of flaming meteors flying out toward all directions. Barklov, who had just been extremely arrogant, was so easily bombarded into flying ashes.

After defeating Baklov, the battlefield in front of the warehouse area was almost instantly quiet. I chose this Barklov as the target before, although he was too arrogant before, but the more important reason was because I needed an example to fight the morale of the remaining Russian Divine Race. Because Divine Race is born to look down on mortals, and our guild players themselves are a little worried about resisting Divine Race, so in terms of morale, our guild players have always been in a weak state. Now I just want to use Baklov to cheer up the players in our guild, by the way, to strike a blow at the arrogance of the Russian Divine Race.

My plan can be described as proceeding quite smoothly. As the strongest Divine Race in this area, Barklov was even flattened by my three straight strokes. This strength can definitely scare many people. , Especially for those Divine Race who are afraid of death. Since their usual strength is much stronger than that of an ordinary person, Divine Race is often more afraid of death than an ordinary person. Their confidence and bravery are often based on their strength. After knowing that they are not the opponent's opponent, Divine Race Race is actually the most feared race.

"Well, now, who else wants to try whether our Frost Rose League is a good bully?" I asked, looking at the Divine Race who were all stunned.

Although I was very unconvinced in my heart, those Divine Races still didn't answer any of them, because they were smart besides being afraid of death. They knew that whoever dared to take the initiative at such times would immediately become my key target, so no one dared to speak.

"No one dares to speak, do you?" I scanned the audience, and then said: "Very well, you guys are much smarter than Kaos and the guy just now, because neither of them Believe me, so now they have disappeared from in this world."

"What? The Lord Kaos is dead." Hearing what I said, the Russian Divine Race present was all taken aback. Following all kinds of doubts, all voices came out. "Impossible, it's understandable that you can kill Baklov, but how can the Lord Kaoss be something you can deal with?"

"I'm explaining the facts, not discussing something with you. I don't want to I believe you can disbelieve, but Kaos will not be resurrected just because you don’t believe it. If you want to know if what I’m telling is the truth, just resist, and I will send you to see your Lord God soon. "

Although most of Divine Race still don't believe my words, I am very satisfied with the effect of this remark, because I didn't intend to make them believe my words and stop fighting. What I need to achieve is nothing more than to lower the morale of this group of guys, and based on the current situation, my goal is pretty good. Although most Divine Races do not believe that Kaos is really dead, they will always be a little bit skeptical. It’s this little suspicion and disbelief that caused the battle strength of these Divine Races to drop drastically. At least many Divine Races that used to be fiercely rushed now show quite conservative tactics, which has achieved my goal. NS.

While those Divine Races have not fully recovered, our guild players and NPCs immediately launched a fierce attack on those Divine Races. Although they still have not killed any Divine Race, the overall situation is improving. At least, our personnel, who had been in a state of retreat before, could barely suppress those Divine Races. Seeing that the situation had stabilized, I stopped waiting and rushed directly to the nearest battle group.

Due to my assistance, the balance between the two parties who were originally evenly matched was instantly broken. While I eliminated the Divine Races one by one, I also freed up more of my staff. As the proportion of our fighters gradually increased, the remaining Divine Race form became more and more critical, but even if they knew the situation was not good, they could no longer escape. Because a large number of Divine Races have been killed, there are more and more idlers on our side. Naturally, the remaining Divine Races are surrounded by the inner three layers and the outer three layers. Even if they can break away from the players who are in direct contact with them, It's just a change of group of opponents, and it is simply impossible to want to leave the encirclement completely.

I saw that there was basically no suspense in the battle on the warehouse side, and I left this area early. Anyway, the remaining Divine Races couldn't make any waves. After re-launching, I was planning to continue looking for the next target, but who knew it was suddenly notified by the military god.

"Purple Moon."

"What's the matter?"

"Are you looking for a suitable target for your shot?"

"Yes, do you have any suggestions?"

"Northwest, there is a very good target three thousand kilometers away."

When I heard the words of the military god, I was instinctive. I turned my body to face northwest, but then I realized something was wrong. "What are you talking about? Three thousand kilometers away?"

"Yes, our task squad is in trouble."


"Uh...in your words, you should have won the prize."

"What did you win?"

"The task force accidentally triggered a special The mission, I got a clue to the super treasure."

"Super treasure? What is it?"

"It is not certain for the time being, but it should be very big if nothing happens. A sum of money and equipment."

"Money?" My eyes flashed as soon as I heard the word. "How many are there?"

"Solo said they fell into the pile of money, how much do you say can there be?"

"The pile of money? Money that can make a large group of people fall into it There should be a lot of piles? By the way, did they have any trouble?"

"It is said that there are many high level Divine Races and monsters guarding the place. The task force squad suffered heavy casualties, including Solo. Now there are only seven people left."

"Give me the coordinates and I will be there soon." After summon jumped out of Asuka, I immediately let Asuka fly to the destination at the fastest speed. past. More than three thousand kilometers is not close at all, even at the speed of a bird, it still flew for nearly an hour before reaching the sky above the destination. "Is it here?" While letting the flying bird hover, I checked the information with the military god.

"If you see a large piece of semi-melted rock, it should be right here."

"Then I think I found it right." Now Asuka Below this place is a large burning forest. The flames have left the area where we are hovering and are spreading to the outside. Without firefighters, it is estimated that it is impossible for the fire to be extinguished naturally. The area where we hovered should be the first to catch fire, so when it was burning elsewhere, it turned out that because most of the combustibles were burned out in advance, only a few sporadic small flames were left. In the center of this scorched land, there is a large pit with a diameter of about 30 meters and a height of about one meter above the ground. A large amount of lava is gathering at the bottom of the pit, but it seems that it is about to solidify, and the surface of the lava is floating. A lot of black agglomerates, and bubbles are constantly turning up below.

"Do you know what this looks like?" I said to the military god in the communicator.

"Do you want to say meteorite impact? Yes, you guessed it, this is a crater. Just ten minutes ago, our dispatch squad accidentally encountered the process of the meteorite falling. And that meteorite made a big crater on the ground. Do you know what's under the crater?"


"No, but it's almost the same. "The military god explained: "There is a passage under the pit. Our people follow the passage into an extremely large underground maze, and finally find piles of diamond coins and various equipment and resources. It’s impossible to count at all."

"There are so many?"

"Yes. But unfortunately, they ran into the Russian Divine Race high as soon as they discovered those things. The level members and many monsters attacked them together. As a result, they had to flee in a hurry. Now they seemed to be chased in the maze and lost their way, and the personnel also ran away. The group that can still keep in touch with me. There were only seven people including Solo, and they were able to confirm that six people were dead, and another 13 people whereabouts unknown."

I nodded and said: "That means they are all trapped now. Is it in the hole below this?"


"Okay, I understand, I will be responsible here."


After the military god cut off the communication, I put the bird away, spread my wings and slowly landed on the ground near the burning pit. After thinking about it for a while, I brought out Ivorite Summon. Whether as a Fire Essence spirit king or a construct creature, Ivorite’s fire resistance ability is outstanding.

"Go down and help me see if the passage is still there."

"Understand." After Ivorite's eyes flickered twice, he flew over the semi-condensed lava. Then it sank slowly. In fact, this kind of Semi-solidified lava is more dangerous than boiling lava. Imagine the viscosity of asphalt and its hardness after it dries, and you can roughly think of the state of the lava when it is about to dry. Semi-solidified asphalt will become extremely viscous, and it will be difficult to get rid of anything if it is touched, and lava will only be more exaggerated after it has solidified.

After Ivorite was completely sunk into the lava, I started to keep in touch with him through contact, so that not only could I know the news immediately, but also I could help in time when an accident happened. After sinking into the lava, Ivorite first went all the way down, and then found a meteorite that was slightly smaller than a volleyball and burned like a rotten potato at the bottom of the lava pit. Next to this meteorite is a not-so-open passage, but at this time it has been completely filled with lava, so simply can’t see where it leads, after all, lava is not water, and the light transmittance can be said to be almost No.

After determining the general direction of the passage, I did not let Inverrit continue to search for the passage, but cut off contact after telling him to return and turned to summon to find the trailblazer and Rose Vine. A place far away from the pit was dug in the direction of the extension of the passage. The lava is fluid only when the temperature is high. If it flows into a pipe, it will eventually block the route automatically due to partial cooling and condensation of the forward. However, the pressure in a normal volcanic channel is generally very high, so even if the lava freezes, it will be washed away again. Although the lava in the crater was not melted by the meteorite, the lava channel that the meteorite penetrated should also be a branch, so the exit was automatically blocked without too much lava gushing out. In this case, the lava flowing into the channel must have partially condensed and blocked the channel. As long as we leave the fault a little farther, we should be able to find the part that has not been invaded by lava.

The pioneers and rose vines are creatures that specialize in digging holes, and they are very good at digging holes. With my order, the two familiars immediately dug an oblique downward passage on the ground, but since the original passage below is relatively deep, it takes a while to dig there, and What we have confirmed before is the general direction of the passage, and no one can guarantee that it will not turn halfway. Therefore, it takes time and luck to dig there.

When the pioneers and rose vines were desperately digging there, Ivorite also crawled out of the lava pit. But compared to when he went in, there was something more in his hand.

"Why did you bring that meteorite back too?" I immediately recognized the thing in Ivorite's hand. This thing is the meteorite I saw with Inverite's eyes just now through spiritual contact. It's just that when I look at it with my own eyes, it feels that this thing is a little bigger than I imagined.

Ivorite dragged the meteorite with one hand, and on the other arm, a hair dryer blasted against the meteorite. After that, it seemed that something came to mind: "The master can let Can Shuangxue help to cool this down?"

"Yes, but why are you bringing this thing back?" I asked Summon as I pulled out Frostxue.

Shuangxue handed the burning red meteorite to Shuangxue. Shuangxue just lowered her head and blew up on it, and the meteorite instantly returned to its normal rocky state. Ivorite didn't explain until this time: "I just accidentally discovered that this meteorite has extremely high hardness and magic blocking effect. It should be a very good smelting material, so I got it back easily." /p>

"Oh? Let me see." Before the hole was dug, I took the meteorite and took a look. Although I don't do much now, there are two projects of blacksmith and appraisal master in my auxiliary profession. Even if I don't strike iron, it is not a problem to identify a material. An Appraisal Technique was thrown on it, but it turned out to be a failure. You know, my current recognition skills are at full level, which is the highest level. With my identification skills at this level, there is actually a probability of failure in identification. The level of this material is too high, isn't it?

After the appraisal failed, I didn't believe in evil and even threw a dozen Appraisal Techniques on it. Anyway, the identification skills didn't cost much mana. A dozen consecutive appraisals failed one after another, and it was not until the twentieth appraisal that I suddenly heard the sound of completion.

"haha, it was finally identified." I picked up the meteorite and looked at the attribute again. The main component of this meteorite is a special mineral called black stone. Its content is only about one ten thousandth of that of this meteorite. In other words, the black stone extracted from this meteorite, even if it is not lost at all, is estimated to be us. There is no way to see it directly with naked eye. However, although the content of this thing is extremely low, it is an excellent strengthening material that can increase the hardness of any Metal Attribute equipment, and the hardness is directly related to the defense value of the armor and the attack power of the weapon. Therefore, this metal is actually a very good smelting material. Of course, since it is an auxiliary material similar to an additive, the demand during smelting is not large. Even if it is only one ten thousandth of this meteorite, it is enough for several sets of spares.

We didn't come for this thing this time, so this thing can be said to be a surprise. After I collected the meteorite, both Rosevine and the Trailblazer also reported that the excavation was completed. After letting them move into the passage below, I followed in too.

When we entered the passage below, we discovered that this is not an artificial cave, because I couldn’t find any traces of artificial processing here, except for the uneven walls, and even the ground is deep and shallow. The look of a kick. If this is an artificial cave, it is understandable that it is not necessary to deal with the wall and ceiling in order to save trouble. Even the depth of the ground is not justified.

"This should be the old lava pipe." Ivorite said after scanning the surrounding environment: "The condensate on the ground is Fire Mountain Cliff. There must be a lot of lava from before. It flows here. But this place should have been submerged by an underground river for a while, and the smooth curves on the walls were washed out by water. There should be a lot of water flowing here for a long time."< /p>

I nodded and said: "Your analysis is correct, but it was a long time ago. It is not possible for the lava to completely cool down under the ground in one or two months, and there is The ground here is abnormally dry, and there is still a lot of dust on the surface. It should have been a long time since no water has flowed. On the contrary, a group of people should have passed by here recently."

"How do you know?" Ivory It is very curious where the reasoning comes from.

I didn't answer, but pointed at Ivorite's feet. Ivorite looked down suspiciously, and found that there was a corpse lying beneath him. Because Iverite moved in a suspended state, he never landed under normal circumstances, so he floated over the corpse without noticing it.

The corpse at Ivorite’s feet is not a humanoid creature. It is a creature with pale skin and no hair, the size of a domestic cat, and it looks quite disgusting. It has four limbs, a long tail, and webbed toes. It should be very good at swimming. The cause of this creature’s death was a cut on the waist. Judging from the wound, this was not caused by the claws of an animal. It is also possible for a wise creature to kill its prey but not eat it. If it is a normal animal, it will only kill. It will appear in self-defense and predatory behavior, and this little thing in front of you obviously does not make the other party need to defend itself. The predatory hypothesis is invalid because of the existence of the corpse, so I said that someone passed by here. And I can roughly guess that the reason why the other party killed this thing is most likely because this little thing is very ugly. Just as humans would kill a mouse when they see it, when they suddenly encounter such a thing in this underground passage, most intelligent creatures will kill it out of caution or cleanliness.

After inspecting the body of this creature, I took back all the familiars who were not well-suited to the cave environment, leaving only Ling, Xiaochun, Yeyue, Rose Vine, and Grandma , White waves and darts are outside. Ling is my most important demon, and the dark Goddess is also very adaptable in this dark environment. Although Xiaochun is Goddess of Light, it can play a lot in the dark environment. For example, it is good to be a mobile light when encountering an enemy and posing as a flash bomb. Because cave creatures are basically afraid of light, Xiaochun is estimated to be able to walk sideways here. As for Ye Yue, she stayed outside because of her snake tail. In such a rugged environment, her tail has at least several times more mobility than ours. In case something happens, she should react faster. As for Anna, even though she is a mermaid, it is good to act as a human sonar in such a confined environment. Needless to say, the last rose vines, white waves and darts are all dedicated to the crypt.

To be honest, finding a group of people in a huge underground maze is actually very difficult, especially when there is something else in the maze interfering with your search. But the only good thing is that Solo's seven-member team can still keep in touch with the military god, so it can communicate with me and confirm each other's location, so that it is much easier to get close to each other with goals. But for the remaining team members, I can't help it. When the time comes, they can only see their luck. If they can meet me, they are lucky. If they don't, they can only stand on their own feet.

Under the constant rest coordinates of the military god, the distance between me and the group led by Solo quickly got closer and closer, but when we finally got one more than a hundred meters When I was able to meet, I was stunned by the situation in front of me.

"What's the situation?" Seeing the huge stone wall in front of him, Solo and the others were all stupid on the spot.

On the other side of the stone wall, I was also stunned there. According to the coordinates, it was already close to this level, and it would be separated by a wall. This is why I say that it is troublesome to find people in the tunnel. Even if you know the coordinates, if you don't have a map, you will often end up in a situation where you are close at hand but separated by a wall or something.

"Chairman." The communicator Lisolo's voice seemed very anxious, only the last step was not able to meet, which was far more difficult than before.

"Don’t be nervous, it’s just a wall. You stand there and don’t move, I’ll just make a hole here and go through."

Because I didn’t expect This time, Solo seemed so nervous, and now he was stunned when he heard it. "Yeah! President, do you know how to make holes! I'm worried!"

"What do you mean I would make holes? I'm not a mouse."

"sorry, You said something wrong. President, don’t be angry, I...ah!"

"Hey...what's the matter?" The originally calm environment on the communicator followed Solo’s scream. It became a mess. Although the situation was not visible because the video mode was not turned on, the roar of the monster in the communicator and the shouts of the players mixed with the fighting sound already explained the situation well.

"Master, do you want to dig a hole?" Rose Vine asked directly after hearing the voice over there.

I stepped forward and knocked on the rock wall, and then said: "No, the rock formations here are too hard. People will die long ago when you dig it. Lucky, plague, crystal, Xiaosan, Xiaofeng, You use Longyan to heat the rock for me, Frost and Snow is responsible for cooling the rock quickly and making it brittle. Mira and the tank used your strongest attack to blow the rock away for me."

"Understand ."

Many people are powerful, and the speed at which the demons work together is a fast one. Four dragons, six heads and Xiaofeng take turns to attack. The powerful flames can instantly burn the rock layer more than one meter thick. At this time, the frost and snow will freeze the wall to cool down, and the change of cold and hot will instantly There will be a lot of cracks inside the rock, some of which can even extend to a depth of seven or eight meters inside the wall, while the outermost layer of more than one meter thick has completely burnt the rock directly exploded. After blowing up the one-meter-thick rock layer outside, a few dragons and Frost and Snow immediately moved to one side and began to gather magic power. Mira’s destruction beam and the tank’s magic crystal cannon followed closely on the rock that was already full of cracks. Above the wall. Hearing a bang, accompanied by scattered rocks flying around, a large hole with a diameter of seven or eight meters and a depth of more than ten meters was suddenly blasted out of the original rock wall. The formidable power of explosive skills in this kind of confined space seems to have been greatly improved, but the shock wave generated by that explosion is also terrible, just now my two ears can't hear anything.

Although the sound is a bit shocking, we are short of time and we dare not hesitate. As soon as the explosion ended, and even before the gravel fell to the ground, they rushed up again and started heating the wall. Then the frost and snow made it burst and become brittle, followed by the tank and Mira. The previous one was more than ten meters deep. The big hole immediately turned into a tunnel more than 30 meters deep.

"Very good, continue." Two attacks have dug more than 30 meters, at this speed four more times should be able to penetrate.

While I was desperately digging a hole on my side, Solo and the others, who were blocked on the other side of the wall, were in bad luck. Originally, they were chased by Divine Race in the burrow without being caught, but at the moment when they were about to meet with me, they were found by Divine Race, and they were also stuck in this dead end. . Now I am behind them, although there is a wall, but that also represents hope, so let alone they have no way to run, even if there is a way for them to run, it is estimated that they will not run. However, the question now is, Divine Race has arrived, but I don't know where it is. What if I don't catch up?

Seeing the members of the Russian Divine Race getting closer and closer, Solo commanded everyone to be careful while praying that I would be there soon.

"You rats, finally let us block it? This time I see where you are going." The Divine Race leader was obviously very depressed by the pursuit process, so I saw Solow couldn't help getting excited after they were stuck in a dead end.

Originally, Solo was still worried that the other party would kill him as soon as he came up. The guy didn't expect to tease them, which actually made Solo happy. If the other party wants to tease, let him tease. Anyway, after the president arrives, he can tease him back.

"hmph, it’s unlucky for us to be blocked by you. But you guys are too bad. Dignified Divine Race chased us for a few hours before we found us, and it still took our own It’s cheap to walk into a dead end. If it’s not for our luck and exhaustion, you don’t want to catch us."

"hahahaha..." The proud Divine Race said with a smile: "Just say, Just say it. Anyway, you are about to die, so how about giving you a verbal advantage?"

Solo immediately decided to take the call again when he heard the other person say this. At the beginning, he was selected by me because I liked his wit and sleekness. Now that he hears that Divine Race, he wants to continue to talk to him and buy me time, but who knows that the plan will not keep up with the changes. Just before that mouth, another Divine Race next to the Divine Race who was talking to him suddenly said, "What are you talking about with these mice? Let me just chop them off and go back to life." Although the guy was there. Speaking to the previous Divine Race, but his actions didn't mean to discuss at all. They were still talking about it, and they have already walked over here, and the Divine Race before the start of the Divine Race can't be opposed. He can't call people and say, "Hey, wait a minute. I'm going to tease these mice a bit. You can kill them after I have enough." It's okay to think like this in his heart, but it's a fool to say it. It's something that can be done, and this Divine Race obviously does not belong to the category of fools.

Although I can’t tell my true thoughts, it’s okay to vent it in another way. The Divine Race suddenly called the guy in front of him and said: "Wait, these guys caused me to be scolded by the boss, let me kill them."

The more impatient Divine Although Race is impatient but not reckless, it is more reasonable to hear the other party's reason, looking towards took a step back and made a please gesture. Seeing that the other party agreed, the Divine Race took the weapon and walked towards Solo and the others. Although you can no longer play the game of cats and mice, it is great to be able to kill these mice by yourself. Thinking of this, the Divine Race raised his sword and prepared to attack. However, just as he raised the sword, there was a sudden bang from the wall behind the opponent. Although the movement was not too big, it was clearly spread to everyone's ears.

The performance of both parties hearing this voice is have nothing common with each other. The players and NPCs in our guild are excited, while the Divine Race opposite is puzzled. Solo and the others were excited because they knew that the savior had arrived, while the Russian Divine Race had no idea what it was.

Although I don't know what the sound is, the guy holding the sword didn't intend to study it. After a short pause, he rushed forward. As soon as Solo saw the opponent rushing over, he hurried to hide behind him, while the two players behind him quickly bypassed him to block in front of him. The two swords collided with the guy's sword at the same time, but The result is not very good. The guy was only shaken back a few steps, but these two people were knocked into the air until they hit the wall before falling off.

After one move, the guy retreated the two of them without hesitation. He unfolded his figure and rushed in the crowd, and instantly knocked out all the seven including Solo. But I don't know if he still has the heart to play, so although all of the seven were injured, none of them died.

Probably I could see that the guy in front was not serious, and the impatient at the back couldn’t help but urged: "Okay, don’t play, hurry up!"

"No problem." Although he wasn't satisfied, the guy knew he couldn't play anymore, so he waved his weapon at Solo who was closest to him and chopped it down. However, just as his sword was raised above his head and was about to slash down, the wall in front of him suddenly turned red, and he listened to a loud explosion sound, and the wall burst out suddenly. Before this guy could react, another white light shot out from the big hole that popped out, hitting this guy's chest, and blasting the guy out in an instant.

"Finally caught up!"

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