After solving the three invasions of Divine Race in front of the Central District gate, the three groups of members were assigned by me to go to other places and continue to help other group members. As for myself First, I flew to in midair to observe the form of the entire battlefield before choosing a place with the densest Russian Divine Race and flying over.

The area I arrived in was originally a special warehouse in the City of Commandments. Since it is called a special warehouse, the things stored in it are naturally not ordinary things. In fact, this warehouse is used to store commandment stones. As everyone knows, the ring of commandments is actually composed of two parts. One is the ring of commandments named after its shape. This thing is equivalent to a gun or an engine, and it cannot play any role when it exists alone. And the thing that can cooperate with the ring of commandment and make it work is the stone of commandment, and this thing is equivalent to the bullet in the gun or the gasoline needed by the engine, without it, the ring of commandment is nothing. Of course, the complete ring of precepts actually has a series of peripheral devices such as brackets, but compared with these two things, those are nothing more than insignificant things.

In order to ensure the absolute safety of the ring of commandments, our guild also used the management of the ring of commandments similar to the way of separating guns and bullets in the modern army, that is, the ring of commandment and the stone of commandment are not separated. put it together. Usually the ring of discipline is placed in the protection circle in the central area, while the stone of discipline is separately placed in this enhanced warehouse. When someone needs to use the ring of commandments, they first need to obtain the divine force brand of each Divine Race according to the normal procedures, and then use the brand to open the ring of commandments, and then our operators can choose the commandment stones to be used according to the needs of the other party. Generally speaking, performing a task does not require all the Discipline Stones to participate together. In fact, there are not many opportunities to call more than three Discipline Stones at the same time. Most tasks only need one or two Discipline Stones to work. After the operator selects the commandment stone, a special Transmission Passage will automatically transfer the commandment stone in the warehouse to the ring of commandment via a very thin pipe, and then our operator will put it into the ring of commandment Perform the operation again, and after using it, you need to send the Discipline Stone back again.

Russian Divine Race had obviously investigated this entire process in detail before, so they knew very well that the same important thing as the Ring of Commandment It is also one of their preferred targets for attack.

When I rushed to the Stone of Discipline Storage, no less than 200 members of the Russian Divine Race had gathered on the periphery, and our defense force was more than 3,000, which has exceeded ten. The ratio of five to one. However, despite the large number of advantages, our situation is not so good.

Just like the difference in strength between players and players, the strength of Divine Race and Divine Race are not exactly the same, and the strength gap between players is often not as large as the strength gap between Divine Race . On the surface, it seems that a Divine Race can be blocked with only ten players, and we have a 15 to 1 ratio that should be a steady win. However, the actual situation is that although most of the Divine Race can not stop the joint attack of more than a dozen people, there is the kind of Divine Race that can be surrounded by hundreds of people with the power of one person alone. A strong presence in and out at will. Originally, there are players who are as powerful as me. It is supposed to be able to level the strength, but the problem is that players with outstanding battle strength like me are not as common as Divine Race. Among the players, dozens of talents will have a relatively high-strength existence, and tens of thousands will have a perverted existence that makes an ordinary person feel strong. As for an existence like me that is strong enough to despise everything, it is the whole world. There are only a few. But Divine Race is different. Almost a dozen people in Divine Race have a very strong presence, and a few hundreds of people must have a strong and perverted presence. Don't underestimate this difference in proportions, this is the proportion that can turn the tide of the battle at the critical moment.

On the battlefield, if an existence is stronger, you can sacrifice more people to kill it, but if the existence’s strength is several orders of magnitude stronger, then it’s just as much for him. It's not a problem anymore. And once such people appear on the battlefield, the difference in numbers between the two sides will also lose its meaning. This is why our guild always wins more with less when fighting the European coalition forces. Because of my existence, the number of people is completely meaningless, so as long as our guilds are not too scarcely staffed, they can generally win the final victory.

Now in the square outside the special warehouse, the situation is the same. Our guild had a lot of defenders, but the problem was that the opponent had three experts who were strong enough to ignore the number of opponents. These three guys have not only contained a lot of our troops, but they are also continuously reducing our staff. As long as they are given enough time, the breakthrough defense will be sooner or later. Even if the three of them can't rush through and are consumed by them, other Divine Races will find opportunities to rush through sooner or later. However, those things only happened when I didn't show up. Since I'm here, then I will never let him happen.

Because the strength is significantly higher than that of the surrounding personnel, the three super-powerful Divine Races have not encountered any opponents that they find difficult to deal with before, only because of the cooperation of each other. Too close, coupled with a large number of people, and not afraid of death, so it has been unable to rush in.

The strongest high level Divine Race is now less than 30 meters away from the warehouse gate, and in front of him is a densely packed line of more than 300 players and NPCs. . However, contrary to the number of people, the one-person Divine Race is now walking leisurely, while the group of players and NPCs opposite him have grim expressions. Despite the large number of people, the strength of the guy in front of him is too strong, and these players simply don't know how to stop him. Multi-person joint attacks are useless for him and Ben. Not only is it difficult to hit, even if it hits occasionally, it does not cause any actual damage. Under such circumstances, even the brave people will feel nervous.

Bacroft played very happily today, especially seeing the horrified look of these mortals in front of him made him feel extremely happy. He usually doesn't like fighting against experts, he loves to bully the weak. But generally weak beings are self-aware, so it is difficult for him to find opportunities to ravage those weaker than him. But today he was satisfied, because these beings who were much weaker than him had to guard the back door. With such a drag, those people can't run at all, and even if they know they can't beat him, they will continue to fight him. How could such a situation make Bakroff unhappy?

Like a cat playing with its prey, Barklov deliberately walked towards the last line of defense at an extremely slow speed, watching the panic expressions of those people, it was a kind of enjoyment. However, just as Barklov was enjoying this feeling, a few untruthful guys suddenly rushed out of the crowd and launched an attack on Barklov.

Although Baklov likes to ravage the weak, but that is his psychological problem, and it does not mean that he is stupid. Seeing the long knife swung by the man in front, he didn't even look at it. He raised his hand and shook his sword into fragments in the sky, and then slammed it on without waiting for the guy to react. The elbow knocked the guy down. With one foot on the back of the guy who fell on the ground, Baklov waved his long sword with the other hand and shook all the people who rushed up after him. Then he looked at them proudly and said, "You are just like that. Ability? Didn’t I hear that the Frost Rose League is very strong? How can it be this level? It’s really not addictive!” Speaking of this, the player Bacrof suddenly stepped on his foot, then bowed his head and said to him : "Did you say so? You trash."

"Ah!" The player who was stepped on heard this and immediately struggled to stand up, but he didn't have time to support it. The opponent stepped on it again.

"Why? Do you want to resist? What a pity! Your strength is too weak, or your resistance should make me addicted." He said suddenly pointing to the other players in front. "You guys are going to join the trash too? Just let me get a good one at a time."

"You really want to be cool, don't you?" A sudden voice made the player who was planning to rush to go desperately It all stopped.

"President?" "Purple Moon president?" Seeing me appear, members greeted me one after another.

I didn’t say hello to Nodded, and then I said to the Divine Race in front of me: “Do you want to be cooler, don’t you? Let me play with you? I promise you will be cooler "

"You..." Bakroff wanted to say something, but I moved first. Barcroft only saw my silhouette flashed before he was in front of him, and then he leaned his shoulders forward and flew out with a ping sound. He even flew out with a ping sound, and even everyone was already flying. He hadn't done it yet. Know exactly what happened.

Behind Barcroft, several players are besieging a Divine Race with all their strength. Who knew that suddenly a silhouette flew in and collided with the Divine Race they were besieging and rolled away before stopping. . A few people were wondering there, and suddenly they saw me walking past them, so they all cheered.

The guy who was knocked over by Baklov was trying to get up while cursing, but before he could see Baklov’s face clearly, he kicked him angrily. Flew towards me. Looking at the suddenly flying body, I didn't mean to stop at all. With the right hand holding the eternal horizontal wave, the Divine Race was cut in two and fell to the ground before he understood what was going on. He hadn't figured out what was going on till he died.

"You are really brave to block the sword with your partner! I just don’t know who said it’s cool to play? Why? Are you scared? The game is not over yet, you are ready to accept me Is the game of death?"

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