“Of course it’s not impossible to kill him. It’s just Kaos’s attribute. It’s estimated that it will take a long time. I’m just letting the Death God guard consume his strength first. That’s it. Don’t worry, Kaos’s impossible has always been suppressed like this. He just hasn’t recognized the form yet, and when he understands his situation, he naturally can’t help but use his big moves to guard Death God. Booming. By that time, the Death God guard will no longer work, but it is enough to consume his magic value. By the way, you hurry up and let them gather energy for the concussion gun, and you will need it later. "

The equipment that Kaos had been going to destroy before was actually the kind of concussion gun that the fake Kaos at first wanted to destroy, but the previous one was relatively large and belonged to Fixed, while this one is mobile. Of course, although the size is small, the formidable power has not been reduced much. Even if Kaos is undead by a bombardment, it is not a problem to let him suffer a dark loss.

The situation after that was almost the same as I thought. After entangled with the Death God guard for a few minutes, Kaos finally understood. If he entangled with the Death God guards like this, it would be useless even if he kept his magic power, because as long as he couldn't get out, he could only be consumed by these things, and if he wanted to get out, he had to use large skills. Although his current magical power is very precious, he still has to use it no matter how precious it is. Besides, he doesn't have the chance to use it in the future.

In these few minutes of stalemate, the Death God guards have buried Kaos in the crowd. On the battlefield, only a swelling pile of people could be seen, and Kaos could not be seen at all. However, just now, countless dazzling white lights shot out from the cracks in this pile of people. The Roshan that followed the Death God guards suddenly bulged up a little, and then all the nearby Death God guards suddenly shot up. All became ice sculpture. After only listening to the bang explosion, the Death God guards who had just been frozen into ice sculpture were all shaken into fragments and sprayed everywhere. After the ice cubes covered with minced meat fell to the ground, everyone finally saw Kaos in the field. I saw that there was almost no good place in the whole body of Kaos at this time, and there were traces of Death God guards grabbing and biting everywhere. You must know that although Death God guards are regular troops, they have a wolf's head after all. There is no reason why such a good resource should not be used. So after going back and forth, Kaos was bitten with tooth marks on his body, which made him extremely embarrassed. However, although the consumption was quite large, Kaos finally ran out of the encirclement. He had killed at least hundreds of Death God guards just now, and he should have completely cleaned up these things before he thought. However, just when he was too proud of me to say a few ruthless words, he saw a sudden flash of the surrounding ground, and there was another circle of Death God guards surrounding him in the center, and he was blown to pieces before. The corpse guarded by Death God also disappeared on the ground at that moment, all turned into black sand.

"It's okay, just kill you." I arrogantly said to Kaos: "These Death God guards I can have unlimited summon. I can recruit as many as you kill, and see if you have more magic power. , Or I have more time.”

Death God guards are certainly not infinite summon, but the problem is that Kaos doesn’t know this. Although Death God guards do not have particularly strong battle strength, as long as a few hundred are enough to seal Kaos for a period of time. He had to use the ultimatum just now if he wanted to get out of trouble, and even if he used it, he could only kill the hundreds of Death God guards that surrounded him every time. Based on my summon amount, he estimated that he would have to kill hundreds of times in a row to consume my summon quickly, and he could not stop during this period. If you give me time, I will be able to summon again after he finishes a round. Then it really becomes an infinite summon.

Although Kaos doesn't quite believe me, he still feels somewhat guilty in his heart. Of course, even if he knew it, he couldn't be submissive. "hmph, infinite summon? Your tone is quite big. Okay, now you call a batch and I will kill a batch. I will see how much you can call." Kaos is probably really furious. No matter if my summon's Death God guard rushed up right after the words were said, a polar ice ring spread out immediately, and all the Death God guards that appeared near him were lost in seconds. However, the characteristics of Death God guards are impossible to leave corpses. As the body was frozen, the group of Death God guards immediately turned into sand and disappeared on the ground, and as the group of Death God guards disappeared, I immediately made up another circle of Death God guards. Those who don’t understand the situation see the first batch of Death God guards turned into sand and immediately pop up the second batch. Visually, they will feel that a group of Death God guards are constantly resurrected, killed, killed, resurrected, and changed back and forth. People who can't afford it will definitely think that these Death God guards are simply unkillable.

Although Kaos is not the kind of person who can't bear it, he is also confused by the situation before him. With the appearance of a Death God guard from my new summon, he released another skill. As a result, the group of Death God guards just fell, and the next batch appeared immediately. After doing this for more than a dozen times, Kaos started to play drums in his heart. He at first guessed that I can only summon many Death God guards, but not infinite summon. This guess can be said to be basically correct. However, as the more Death God guards he killed, the less he felt, because although he guessed that I could summon a lot, he didn't expect so much. The dozen or so big moves have killed thousands of Death God guards just now, and his magic power has also gone down a lot, but I don't seem to be exhausted at all. According to this form, even if my summon Death God guards are not unlimited, the number is definitely not all he can kill. Kaos really started to worry when he thought of this. The single Death God guard Kaos is not worried, but he can't stand a lot of people! If unfortunately I can really summon Death God guards infinitely, what he has to consider is not how to obtain the Ring of Discipline, but how to run away before the magic power is exhausted.

When fighting, the most taboo is distraction and half-heartedness. Kaos is naturally unable to concentrate fully on guarding me and other players around me. Just after he released a big move to clear the Death God guard on the scene, he suddenly felt a powerful magic power gathering around him. Kaos is also considered to be quick to respond, and immediately after discovering that the situation is not right, there is a flash, but it is a pity that he did not flash fast enough. Just after he moved out of his position, he suddenly felt a force that had never been encountered before hitting him. Following a bang, the Battle Armor covering the entire right half of Kaos's body burst like a glass hit by a brick, and with that force, Kaos took him more than ten meters away. Only after hitting the energy barrier behind was blocked.

Kaos, who slid along the energy barrier to the ground, immediately supported him and climbed up, and as he stood up again, the other half of the armor that was still hung on his body immediately fell off. This half of the armor itself was not damaged, but because the other half of the armor was completely shattered, so this half of the armor could not be hung on the body independently before it fell. Within a few seconds, Kaos, who was still fully armed, looked at the pile of armor fragments on the ground in surprise. But even if he only shattered the armor, the result was enough to shock him. You must know that as the boss of Divine Race on one side, his things are absolutely not bad, but even such top-level equipment can't stop the opponent's blow. How much attack power does it take to do it?

After being shocked, Kaos immediately fixed his gaze on the direction of the attack. What he saw was the device he had always wanted to destroy. The thing was continuously steaming at this time, and a group of people next to it were pulling it back with great effort, apparently intending to temporarily withdraw from the battlefield. However, although from the current situation it is impossible to launch a second launch in a short period of time, Kaos's mood does not get better at all, because he has completely turned into a streaking.

When I saw that strange weapon before, Kaos threw his main weapon as a bait in order to get a hit, but was picked up by our player, and then he I have never had a chance to get it back. Later, although he replaced the long sword as a backup weapon, but because of the Death God guard, he doesn't know where it was kicked now. However, relying on the Battle Armor on his body, Kaos still has the ability to fight. After all, with the Divine Race system, even with his fists, he can kill. It's just that now his armor has been blasted away, and there is only a helmet and half of the handguards left on his body. There are only rags of clothes left in other places, and even the fabric is gone in some places. Let alone fighting with such an embarrassed appearance, I felt ashamed to stand there. Fortunately, Kaos's pants haven't rotted yet, otherwise he will become the first Divine Race to die of shame.

Seeing what Kaos looks like, I suddenly thought of a good idea. "Your Excellency Kaos, I respect you as a Divine Race with an identity. Now this looks really doesn't match your identity. I don’t think we can fight in a decent way?"

"hmph, what tricks do you want to play?" Although Kaos is not very familiar with me, he has heard of my character a little bit. Judging from what he knows about me, as long as the plan I put forward, it is mostly not good for him.

"Aiya, why don't you trust people so much?" I shook my head and said helplessly: "I think what you are doing now is as unsightly as beggar, so I want to apply. Open the duel space, and then we fight in it. Who knows that you don’t appreciate it. If you like to run naked in front of so many people, I don’t have any problem, but if anyone records this process and shows it to others, I can Don't worry about it. You don't want to be everyone's laughing stock, do you?"

Kaos was originally thinking about not being able to listen to me, but after listening to me, his mind changed again. It's like a beautiful lady who was stripped naked and thrown on the street, and then a strange long man suddenly opened the car door and told her to get in the car quickly. Although the woman's sensibility told her that she shouldn't get in a strange man's car, she would probably get there in the end. Even if the man would do to her later, that would be the next thing. The same is true of Kaos now. His reason is constantly warning him that he cannot believe my words, but his subjective consciousness is looking for various excuses to refute his reason, because it is indeed quite indecent to stand in front of so many people like this. As a Divine Race, even if you die, you have to die with dignity. It is more painful than death to be looked at by people like a monkey now. After some ideological struggle, Kaos was finally defeated by shame.

"Okay. Do you have the ability to open up a duel space?"

"Of course." I drew out the Arena badge directly from my body. This thing was exploded from an enemy before, and its attribute is to provide various scales of duels or venues for competition. However, the function of this thing was relatively single at the beginning, and later as the number of uses increased, many new functions of it were gradually opened up. At present, this thing can support up to 10,000 duels, and the rules of the game can be set at will, but one thing to note is that if the opponent can actively agree to enter the duel space, it is up to you to make the rules. If the opponent is forced into the space, then the opponent must make the rules. In addition, if the opponent's strength is too much higher than yours, it may even fail to pull people. At that time, the badge will activate the mandatory mode, and eventually will pull the opponent into the duel space, but in this case not only the rules of the duel have to be set by the opponent, there will even be natural creatures that naturally help your opponent, so Said that if the opponent can be persuaded to take the initiative to enter the arena, that is the best. If you want to pull people forcibly, you must also find someone with a similar strength. Otherwise, if you get a punishment attribute, you will be causing trouble for yourself.

Kaos has no divine force now, so it should be not much stronger than me, but the duel space is calculated according to the opponent’s overall strength, so when pulling people, it will not consider whether the divine force is sealed or not. Only calculate the overall strength of the opponent. Calculating this way, wanting to force Rakaos into the duel space is basically a risk, so being able to say that he can actively enter the space is the best choice.

After I set Kaos as a duel participant, Kaos immediately heard a reminder. "Someone has submitted a duel application to you. May I ask if you accept it. Once you accept the application, you will be sent to a special duel space. The rules of the duel will be completely set by the opponent and you cannot leave until the duel is determined."

"What? He decides all the rules?" Kaos originally thought that duel was nothing, anyway, with his strength, simply don't worry about me. But now that I heard that all the rules are set by me, Lima stopped doing it. The rules are determined by others, so what a shit? What if the other party stipulates that you are not allowed to use weapons, fists, or spells? Do you bite with your teeth?

Originally, Kaos just couldn’t help shouting out because of his surprise. The voice didn’t expect to answer: “If you take the initiative to enter the arena, you are considered to accept the duel rules set by the opponent, but The rules must be bilateral. That is, if the other party makes a rule restricting you from using the right hand, he himself cannot use the right hand. All the rules in the field are in effect for both parties at the same time, and there is no favoritism. Are you sure you want to enter? "

"Enter." After listening to the explanation of the rules of the duel, Kaos didn't think much about it, and he directly agreed to it, because it is really embarrassing for him to stand there like this, plus the rules. As already said, all restrictions are bilateral and seem to be fair, so he directly agreed to it before thinking about it.

If I could know what Kaos thinks at this time, I would definitely despise him fiercely. Can't the rules of both sexes play ghosts? Is that too underestimate my ability to take advantage of the loopholes? At first I thought Kaos would ask me to make the rules first, and then enter the duel space after he finished reading it. He didn't expect he agreed directly. Fortunately, I was just struggling to figure out how to make a rule that looks fair but actually benefits me. Now it seems that there is no need to think about it, just use the unequal treaty to kill him.

According to the description of the duel space, all the regulations formulated here are effective for both parties at the same time, but can this guarantee absolute fairness? Obviously not. The duel badge itself is a piece of equipment. If it doesn't benefit its owner at all, who would want it? The seemingly fair rules are actually not fair at all, because the two parties to the duel are neither twin brothers nor clones. The same rules will have completely different effects on two completely different individuals. Make an analogy. If you put an eagle and a snake into the duel space for a duel, and make rules not to use wings, do you think the eagle is likely to win? If the rules are changed to no poison or entanglement on the enemy, do you think that snake has a chance of winning? In the same way, Kaos and I are simply two completely different individuals. I only need to block all the things he is good at, and then only open the battle method that I am good at. Then he simply don’t expect victory, even if it is possible. He couldn't even touch it.

After entering the duel space, Kaos first observed the surrounding environment and found that the situation here is very simple. There is a huge plain at the foot, and the surrounding area is so empty that no obstacles can be seen at all. Within the range of sight, there is an endless red land. For such an environment, Kaos is very satisfied. In his thoughts, the simpler the terrain, the less I can play ghosts, so this single environment is what he needs most.

After observing the surrounding environment, Kaos said to me who was standing opposite: "Well, you can make the rules quickly. I want to get the ring of discipline soon. "

"Okay, then you listen well now." I said badly with a smile: "First, divine force is not allowed in this duel."

Kaos When I heard this, I was going to say that I was stupid, because he thought his divine force was still sealed, but he found it wrong before he could say it, because he now clearly felt that his divine force could be used again. NS.

I knew what he was thinking when I saw his expression, so I said directly: "Is it strange why the divine force can be used again? The answer is actually very simple. Because this is a duel space, it's not Your God World is beyond the scope of your magic array, and your divine force will naturally recover."

After knowing the reason, Kaos didn’t show any dissatisfaction. Anyway, he did not show any dissatisfaction before. He didn't plan to use divine force to defeat me, so he didn't expect anything about it, and now he is blocked and he doesn't feel any loss.

"What is the next rule? Or do you only have this rule?"

"Of course there is only one rule impossible." I said with a smile jokingly: "Second. In this duel, no spell or skill other than body refinement, Summoning Technique, Illusion Technique, Mental Magic, Dark Magic, Light Magic, and Law Power shall be used."

Just listened to the first rule. At the time, Kaos showed that he didn't care, but after listening to the second rule, he became angry. Because I am obviously bullying people. The limitation of speaking of which is both sides. I can't use the spells and skills he can't use, but the problem is that everyone knows that I am best at body refinement and Summoning Technique, and the remaining ones are my favorites. What they are good at. What makes Kaos unbearable is that, apart from the above skills and spells, he knows a little bit about Summoning Technique and body refinement, but he doesn't know any of the other skills. If he continues to play according to this rule, he can basically fight with me only by ordinary attacks. Isn't this clearly a bully?

After seeing Kaos's expression of eating flies after listening to the second rule, I proudly said the third rule. "Thirdly, in this duel, the two monsters will not be punished for death, and summon can be repeated without limit. The outcome of the duel is only based on the life and death of our two masters."

"No way." Before Kaos can bear that rule, but this one cannot be listened to. Summon unlimited summon? Is that okay? Who doesn't know that I am the most familiar person in the world? If the Familiar has unlimited summon, then am I invincible? Looking at Kaos in turn, he only had three demons in total, one of which was the big stupid bear, and the other two were not terrible creatures. Because Kaos’s own strength is too strong, his demon pets are all pets in the true sense. Keeping them is purely fun. Simply didn’t expect them to help fight the war, so at first didn’t find anything great. It is based on the criteria of Kaos’s likes and dislikes. Under such a screening method, even if Kaos would take care of a little battle strength issue, the selected creature would certainly not be much stronger. Besides, what if they are strong? My familiars are as many as double digits, and wanting to suppress the three familiars of Kaos is just like playing. when the time comes as long as a few of the familiars are responsible for watching Kaos’s three familiars, the remaining familiars can rely on Immortal Body to take turns with Kaos, and I just need to watch them by the side. , I'm not afraid that he won't be killed by playing.

For Kaos’s objection, I directly replied: “The objection is invalid. I have already said that if you voluntarily agree to come in, the rules will have to be set by me. Now it’s too late for you to regret it. Now give I listened well, there is a fourth rule."

"More Right. The fourth rule is that the magic power and health of both parties will not automatically recover during the entire duel process, but the familiars are not restricted."

"You...!" Kaos is now Completely collapsed. If life and mana are not restored automatically, they can only be restored by medicine or auxiliary spell. But the problem is that Kaos's familiar will not be a restorative support spell, and he himself can't use it because of the second rule before. So, the only thing left is the this method of taking medicine. The problem is that even if there are more medicines, there is a limit on the quantity. What should I do after the medicine is finished? In contrast, my situation is completely different. Many of my familiars will restore spells, especially Ling and Xiaochun. One light element is particularly good at returning blood, and the other dark element is particularly good at returning magic. The combination of the two is simply an infinite state of life and magic. Of course, the magical power of the familiar is also limited, but the problem is that I said before that the familiar can be resurrected indefinitely. when the time comes As long as my demon has no magic power, it will be automatically refilled after one suicide. Simply don't have to worry about Heart Demon when the power is used up. If Kaos can win in such a state of inequality, it will be the first miracle of the century.

Looking at Kaos who was out of breath, I said again: "Okay, okay, don’t be there for you. It’s not just a few small rules. Do you need such a big reaction? Okay, let’s listen to the last rule and let’s start the fight. You said that I made a lot of unequal treaties to frame you."

"I ......"

Kaos was about to speak when he was interrupted by me.

"Okay, don't talk, listen carefully. The last rule is that no medicine is allowed during the duel. How about? Simple? There are five rules in total, not many?"

Looking at me talking to himself as if he was a transparent person, Kaos almost vomited blood with anger. There are really not many five rules for general combat, but are my five general rules? Is this simply the collar stuck on his neck! The skills he was good at were all blocked, and the opponent had a large group of undead familiars. He was not allowed to take medicine and could not restore his life and magic. He could only watch himself being played to death by the opponent's familiars. Is this a duel? Is this simply playing with people!

"I'm not convinced, I don't admit this rule!" Kaos finally broke out completely, he yelled hysterically, but no one responded to him.

Just as Kaos was going crazy, in the sky also sounded a reminder of the duel space. "The dueling rules have been accepted. This space will automatically adjust the rules to become the basic basic rules. The duel will start after 30 seconds. Please prepare for both parties. Twenty-nine, twenty-eight, ... three, two, one, the duel begins."


The New Year is coming, and the storm is here to wish you all a happy new year. In addition, the update will remain normal during the Spring Festival, and I will not run around this year.

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